Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 2 - Days in nightclub (1)

Chapter 2: Days in nightclub (1)

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

If you may encounter an adventure which is you may get everything you dream about just by shake your hands. Will you be interested?

But we must know it clearly that anything has its own price with no exception.

I’m woken by the alarm. I turn over the body and sit up on the bed of the restroom.

It’s 17:00 now.

I turn on the light and light a cigarette. After a deep breath, the irritating smoke goes through my lung which makes me totally awake.

I jump to the ground and practice dozens of push-ups. I can hear that my bones are ringing. After that, I clean myself up, dress the black suit which is hung on the door. I hard knead my face to make the muscle there a bit relax. Then I step out of the restroom.

My name is Chen Yang, 23 years old and I am living in this medium city in south.

The place I am working for is the famous nightclub names “Golden Paradise”. I think you do know what kind of place “nightclub” is. “Golden Paradise” is one of the top tiers of the industry because the girls there are pretty, young and passionate enough.

My title is chief manager, which sounds pretty senior but the actual works are not. Chat and drink with the guests and look after the nightclub. These are my major works.

There isn’t anyone in the corridor when I stepped out from the restroom. No sooner some waiters and waitresses come and start cleaning works. I own a restroom just because I am the chief manager. Next my room, it’s the girl’s rest room. But it’s pretty empty now because it’s only 5 o’clock now and most of them haven’t come yet.

A well-dressed woman steps out from that restroom. I glance at her and find she is Mary. She is a senior mummy of the nightclub. She was pretty popular in the nightclubs in the city when she was young. Within the time past, she is no longer popular any more. So she became a mummy. By using the lasting resources, she did recruited pretty some good girls.

She’s doing pretty well so far. Once needed, she may call in dozens of girls come. But if there is any pity, it must be that she never get an opportunity to have a Top-tier Girl on hand.

A so called Top-tier Girl is never easy. She need to not only pretty, but also smart, and do know how to active the atmosphere, does know how to make guests happy, does know the timing of tease or stillness. Top-tier girls are kind of pretty evil spirits who can fascinate man out of mind.

Girls who just know hurry to guests at first, only green and inexperienced man likes. Senior players who have seen the lions have their own tastes.

“Brother 5…” Mary got a shine in her eyes and wriggled her thin waist when she saw me. She stepped near me and hung her body which wore the black tight uniform on my arm. She whispered to my ear with a saccharine smile. “Please do take care of us tonight. John arranged my team to the last yesterday so that my girls couldn’t have enough business.”

After saying that, she rubbed my arm by using her ample bosom.

I giggled and slapped on her ass, pinched her at the same time. “Are you playing with me again? It’s impossible that John would neglect you. I saw your girls got the most of the business last night. Yours Lily even went out for after party with Boss Mark, am I right?”

Mary gave me the glad eye and laughed sweeter. “However, you must well arrange for me.” Her savory smelled body closer to my arm again.

Many people take it for granted that nightclubs recruit there girls. But the truth is not. This kind of nightclub only sells the beverages & wines and the boxes & VIP rooms. The girls only follow their mummy to get business every night.

Usually, every nightclub stations some mummies to help raise business. Mummy recruits girls to provide services to guests. They don’t get paid from the nightclub. What make them living are the tips from the guests.

Meanwhile, if mummy or girl has long-term relationship customers. She may get expense commission by helping box/VIP room reservation.

In general, a girl in a box can earn hundreds in our nightclub per night. Meanwhile, her guests might consume around tens of thousands. If there are some big customers on hands, the commission will be pretty round sum.

Mummy like Mary, although there is not Top-tier Girl on hand. But she has pretty wide connections outside and do have some big clients. Each client pays hundreds of thousands here. Her commission account really got a good number every month.

But frankly speaking, she does need to suck me off. Because as the rule of the nightclub. If there is any new big client comes, it will be managers like me to welcome them into the box or VIP room. Then I have the right to decide whom come to provide service.

So that mummies and girls here all pretty ingratiate themselves with managers. They want more business from us. There are some girls even willing to sleep with the manager to get more client approach opportunities. For example, John almost has fucked at least half of the girls in our nightclub as far as I know.

About myself, you know, touch pitch, and you will be defiled. But I am never too much or bully the girls. Barely hit or abuse them either. So that most of them pretty like me.

Mary was still obsequious smiling to me. I involuntarily let go of her soft waist. Impressive soft!

She is permanently waving and her skin so delicate white like wax. There isn’t any spare tire on her waist. Especially, she wears the tight suit uniform, cradling a small hand-bag (for tips storage). Do have the feeling of uniform temptation. Indeed a truly beauty she is!

I sighed secretly. Mary has no Top-tier Girl just because herself is. If she wants, although she isn’t the most beautiful, but she is smart enough to know guests and make them happy. No wonder she was so popular at past time.

“Brother 5, it’s still early. May I make a massage for you?” Mary ogled me with her waterish eyes. I know she was playing with me because it was almost time for work. I slapped on her ass with smile. “No more kidding. I will have some guests come tonight. I will call you once they arrive. But do remember ask you girls well-dressed up. These guests are pretty tough.”

Mary was laughing and kissed my face. Then she wriggled her thin hips and back to the rest room to make up.

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