Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 24 - Enter this circle

Chapter 24: Enter this circle

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

There is a kind of girl whose smile makes you really think there is an angel in this world.

Vivi Young!

I murmur the name in my heart, and at the same time try to take a deep breath, keep my tone normal, and then slowly say: “Miss Young, I’m Chen Yang.”

She smiles and looks at me as if she has noticed my gaffes. But she doesn’t show any dissatisfaction. She even doesn’t keep her eyes on my face for a long time, just sweeps randomly and turns to Juan. Then I hear she says softly: “Is that him?”

Juan nods. He holds a cigar in his hand and waves to let me walk up to him, motion me to sit next to him. He pour me another glass of wine, and look at her: “Miss Young, Little 5 is the person I trust the most.”

“All right!” VIvi Young ponders a little and nods, “I accept your request. It’s your money anyway.” There seems to be a slight dissatisfaction in her tone.

Juan doesn’t speak. He taps his finger on the table a few times and says in a very serious tone, “Miss Young, I hope you understand. You and your family behind you may be powerful in the States, but everything here must be done according to my rules! I am the one who makes the rules of the game.” At this point, he slowly raises his head and looks at Vivi Young. “As you said, I pay, so I do have the right to decide, don’t I?”

Vivi Young’s eyes narrows. I notice that as this woman squints, there is the sharp glints in her eyes, as if full of inspiration and with a faint sharp edge.

I’ve never seen a woman with such a great force in her eyes, as if at this moment she is not a delicate beauty at all, but a master of life and death!

But it lasts only a few seconds, and then Vivi Young smiles a little bit on her face. She takes a deep look at me, and holds out her hand: “All right, Mr. Chen Yang, I hope we can cooperate happily.”

I look at the slender hand reaches out to me, a little puzzled at what to do. But then I reach out and hold her hand in my hand. I speak to her with a humble voice: “Thank you!”

I’ve noticed that Vivi Young seems to have a slight disdain to me, which is likely a despised attitude.

What makes me depressed is that such attitude is not due to her pride. It seems to be a completely instinctive reaction.

How to say, it is like an elephant looks down on ants. I don’t think anyone would accuse elephants of being proud.

Vivi Young’s posture has completely returned to normal, and she immediately opens her hand and smile, “Well, business is over, Mr. Yeh. I don’t think you’re going to be stingy and entertain me here? I also want to take a chance at the casino outside.”

Juan smiles. He presses a bell on the table. Jim and pushes the door open and comes in.

“Please take Miss Young out and give her some chips.”

Vivi Yang smiles and says, “Then I’ll get it myself. I heard this is the biggest casino in the south of your country. I’m afraid if I won too much, Mr. Yeh will be worried then.”

I noticed that the muscles in the corners of Juan’s eyes seems to be beating slightly. But his face looks the same and says lightly, “I hope you’ll have fun.”

When Vivi Young is walking out of the room, as soon as she passes me, she stays for a second. I notice that she takes a look at me, but her eyes are still indifferent.

When there are only two of us left in the room, Juan finally leans back in his chair and relaxes. He frowns slightly, takes out a small bottle of medicine from his jacket pocket, swallows two pills, and then hangs his head and rests for a while.

I am somewhat surprised. I look at the medicine bottle in his hand. The words on it are all in foreign languages. I can’t understand it at all.

“5,” Juan waves and let me sit closer to him: “Originally I still intend to hone you for another two years, but now it does not look good.” He seems to laugh. “I don’t have enough time.”

“Juan, your body?” I blurt.

Juan shook his head, and then he gasps for a moment. Suddenly he sit up straight, and then his eyes grow sharper. “Well, you can rest assured that I won’t fall so easily.” He stares at me. “5, I have something to tell you right now. When I say it, don’t interrupt me or ask questions. When I finish, If you have any questions, I will answer you. ”

“Yes.” I also sit straight.

“I believe you must be surprised to be here tonight. Everyone thinks that I am a rich man in this city. I own some nightnightclubs, restaurants, combined with tens of millions of assets. I have power in the local, and also have some relationship with higher level. To speak well, I am a hero on the side. To say hard to hear, I’m a local landlord.”

I listen still.

“But now I’m going to tell you something about me. The casino you see tonight and this hotel are all under my name. But they are not my private assets

I believe in your cleverness, you must be able to guess. To run a casino of such a large scale in this place needs how much energy to cover! I can tell you that the annual profit of this casino is absolutely astronomical. It’s a figure that ordinary people can’t even think about. However, although the money is managed and handled by me, it does not all belong to me. I can only make up less than 10 percent of it.

What I can tell you is that behind this casino, there are a lot of people or forces and organizations. The profits of this casino should be allocated to them. These behind people, some pay directly in the casino to take a certain share, some do not pay money. But because of their existence, can bring casino the safest umbrella. As long as these people are there, the casino can continue to survive.

Here, this casino, this hotel, is a lot of money that can’t be put on the table, gather together. It’s a channel for these organizations, forces, big people to make money! And me, Juan Yeh, the person in charge here, is just a representative be pushed to the front desk. It is my duty to represent the people behind me to run these industries and to distribute the profits each year. In other words, I am a shopkeeper, but not a real boss. Do you understand? ”

I nod my head and swallow my saliva. I am feeling my throat dry.

Juan’s face is grave: “I can’t tell you who are the organizations or forces behind, and In fact, I don’t even know myself very well. The only thing I know is that a lot of profits go through my hands every year, and the directions are striking!”

I change my posture unconsciously.

“5, I have always liked you. Four years ago, I appreciated you very much and take you as my own person. You are smart, but never exposed. I said that I like smart people. You are smart with no publicity, is even more valuable. It’s hard for young people to have such mentality. I put you in the nightclub to practice. I’m satisfied. You have known how to do things properly. Now, you see, my two nightnightclubs out there, the restaurants in the city, the taxi company, are just the small businesses, in other words, a disguise of my identity. My real business is here, and I can also tell you that places like this, not only in this city, but also in other places in the south, there are two or three of the same type, half of which are in my name. They generate huge profits every year!”

“Every country has power and nobility. There are something that can’t see the light. We call its the dark forces. This kind of dark things, they are existing in the officialdom, they are existing in the shopping malls, they are existing in any industry! About this place, the sources of fund are very complicated.

“Say in one the simple terms to let you understand that all my profits here. It’s black money. I am not a gangster, but any criminal gang is absolutely impossible to achieve such a large scale. Because no criminal gang organization can find so many huge organizations or forces, so many big people behind to support! I don’t want to let you get in touch with these things so quickly.”

Juan rubs his temple, and suddenly I notice that his face is a little pale and there is something weak in his eyes.

“5, I really regard you as my own person, even my little brother or nephew. I have no family members, no wife and children. I sometimes hesitate to pull you in this circle. Maybe it’s really good for you to stay in the nightnightclub and make a little money and find a place to sit under the sun and spend your life in peace.”

I feel something in my throat as if it is blocked, and my body trembles irresistibly, shouting hoarsely, “Juan…”

I know Juan is kind to me and always look at me differently, but I never thought he look at me in that way.

Thinking about it, he often asked me to accompany him to drink tea and have dinner, or accompany him to boxing fitness, and occasionally patted me on the shoulder, as if I were his younger brother.

Juan waves to let me not to speak, then he looks solemn and slowly says, “5, there’s something I need to decide tonight. Now I give you a choice, you may decide to join me in this circle or not. I can tell you plainly that if you enter this circle, you may get fortunes, money, positions beyond your imagination! You can get everything an ordinary person dreams of. But on the other side, you can’t get rid of these things all your life. You will never walk out of this dark circle, even if you want to go out, unless… You die!”

Juan takes a deep breath: “5, remember what I often told you? Everything in the world has a price. How much you get from, how much you have to pay! ”

With these words, he looks at me deeply. There is some expectation in his eyes. Looking at him, I feel a little excited.

I may not understand so much else. I only remember one thing!

Five years ago, because I helped a good brother to beat someone into serious injuries, I not only sold my house my parents left to compensate, but also owed a lot of money from others. I was still in the Juan night nightclub at that time, I served dishes and earned hundreds every month to survive myself. In this way, I even have no money to eat sometimes because I have to pay debts.

And the most ridiculous thing is that that good brother ran away from then afterwards.

I only remember one day when I was so hungry that I stole a snack from the kitchen and was caught in a compartment.

Later I learned that the snack was prepared for Juan.

At that time, Juan did not do anything to me, but simply asked me why I was stealing.

He looked at me for a moment and asked me a question: “Your brother ran away. Do you regret helping him out?”

I did not know where the courage came from. I just looked up at him and said: “There is no regret medicine in the world! At that time, I didn’t know he would treat me like this, but I still thought he was my brother! As long as he is my brother, I will help him out. ”

Juan was silent for a while, then he said to me: “You are with me from today. You will be my person, and I will cover you.”

Without Juan, there would be no today’s me!

“Juan, my life is yours, I said it five years ago. Without you, I might be serving plates and still sleeping in the slums!” I slowly say, “I won’t frown if you want me to do anything. In my heart, you are my elder brother! ”

Juan has no expression on his face, just a faint sadness in his eyes, and then he sighs, “Ok, 5, I know you will choose that. Your temper is just like mine. In those days, someone brought me into this circle. Today, I bring you into this circle. Everything is fate! ”

He shakes his head, then taps his finger on the table, coughs, and says: “Now there’s one thing you must know. The woman here just now, her name is Vivi Young. She is from United States. The family behind her, is one of the backstage owners of the Las Vegas casinos. I have a business to do with them. Simply say, I make so many profits here every year, but it is black money and they can’t be put under the light. In United States, gambling is legal! So, our business is to transfer this huge profits to the casino and laundering it out!” After a pause, he says slowly, “Of course I’m in charge of this, but I need someone I can trust to assistance. Only person I can trust are you and Jim.”

My heart is thumping!

Just then, suddenly a small telephone at Juan’s desk is ringing. He frowns, presses a button, and from the phone comes Yumi’s calm and elegant voice: “Juan, Miss Young has just picked up some chips, and now there are some things need to report to you.”

“What?” He asks a short question.

Yumi remains silent for two seconds and says: “The two guys she brings are both masters. They have rolled up two million dollars in two VIP lounges in less than ten minutes, and it seems that there is no intention to stop.”

Juan gives a sneer and says lightly, “Follow my order, just let her win as much as she wants!”

After that, he turns off the phone and looks at me: “It seems that Miss Young is not satisfied with me just now. Now, this is probably a deliberate gesture of her dissatisfaction. Hum. 5, this woman is very proud, she does not think much of us, and we cooperate with things that her family means, she seems to be against. Now, you have to work hard, let’s play a good show for them to watch!”

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