Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 27 - Vivi Young’s secret

Chapter 27: Vivi Young’s secret

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

I’ve never been in a sports car like this. I don’t know how much its worth, but it must be very, very expensive.

Sitting in the co-pilot’s position, I feel a little constrained. Sports car’s space is not big, with my height, the space makes me feel a little depression. The car’s texture is metal structure. It’s too luxury to let me dare touch.

Probably because of self-esteem, I don’t show any embarrassment on my face. I just look at her coldly and draw a long, thin cigarette from the box.

“Fire?” I glance at her and spit out a word ambiguously.

Whith a hum, she throws me a lighter. I light a fire, but I couldn’t prevent her from stepping on the accelerator. The sports car makes a roar and then running forward like a monster suddenly awakening.

The sudden intense sense of weightlessness causes me to stumble violently against the windshield in front of me and then crash back into my seat. The cigarette in my mouth falls on my clothes. When I pick it up, I find a hole in my trousers.

Fuck! My clothes! It is Juan just gave me tonight and it’s very expensive!

I stare at her, but this woman does not pay attention to me, just concentrate on driving. The superior performance of the sports car like a whirlwind running out. I only see the buildings and trees on both sides of the whistle back and forth. I see the speed number on the dashboard, the woman is racing up to 140 yards.

I quickly pull out the safe belt to tie myself. She has already been driving the car on the highway.

The car is going all the way to the east suburb of the hill highway.

In the eastern suburbs of the city I live, there is a hill. The hill is not high and the elevation is two or three hundred meters. But it is seven or eight miles long. Such small hills are very common in southern area.

This hill is well afforested, and there is an ancient temple hundreds of years old, in addition to the tomb of one or two historical celebrities built here.

To tell the truth, if it is simply measured from the perspective of scenic spots, this place is nothing special. The scenery is just the same. But this hill has another reputation in this city.

This is a good place for men and women to have affairs.

Many people with cars like to drive up the hill, find a quiet fork in the road, or park next to a grove, then turn the lights off, put the car’s seat level, and have sex in the car.

It is said that some people like such taste. It feels so exciting, kind of dissolving into nature and romantic.

Oh, yes, another name is “field fight”.

So we here, if men are talking to each other, they ask each other vaguely: “Did you go up to the hill last night?” It means: “Did you have sex last night?”

It’s almost kind of greeting.

While my minds are wandering, I see the car cut through the fork into the winding hill highway all the way, my eyes drifting toward Vivi Young involuntarily.

What does the woman want to do? Does she want me…with her?

She doesn’t look like one of those women. Well, it’s hard to say. This woman is from the United States. Isn’t it a very open country? If she asks for me, will I say yes? We’re all in the car already. Besides, her appearance is also extremely beautiful, I seem to suffer no loss.

Just when my mind is still in the masturbation, suddenly the car is violent shocking and stops.

I sober up, and I strike my middle finger to myself. What was I thinking? Is it still the evil fire burning from the twins?

But I do not regret coming out.

I am not a good person. I know this myself. I am not the guy do not like have sex with women.

I like beautiful women, and I like to make love with them. It wasn’t to show my kindness or anything that I left two wonderful beautiful twins girls untouched.

The point is: The two girls were crying in pitifully. In that case, could I still do anything to them? If you were me, when you were about have sex with a crying woman who looked very sad, and there was another girl crying and looking at you with desperate eyes too…

How could you go on with it?

Vivi Young presses a button, the windows on both sides slowly open. She looks at me, and then snapping her fingers, stretching out two fingers.

“What?” I am stunned.

“Cigarette!” She spits out a short word.

I just remember that she has given the cigarette box to me. I take it out and return it to her. She first lights a cigarette for herself, takes a leisurely breath, then turns to look at me, spews a column of cigarette in her small mouth and sprays on my face.

I’m a little unhappy, and fan with my hand and coldly say: “Miss Young, don’t you know this is very impolite?”

“I am very curious about you, Mr. Chen Yang.” She suddenly smiles.

Her smile is very strange, first the corners of her mouth slightly upward, and then follows by the corners of her eyes. Her eyebrows a little upward, very elegant look. But her eyes are twinkling, which let me look at her with a bit unfathomable.

“What do I let you be curious about?”

“This is a big deal.” She takes a smoke and slowly puffs outm, then goes on saying, “I have made a deep investigation of Juan Yeh before I came here… You don’t have to be upset. It’s a normal procedure. We can’t do business with someone without knowing him.”

I nod to show my understanding.

This is probably the same like the first thing a thief to do is investigating the place before he steals.

“We almost know all the people around Juan Yeh. His most trusted people is Jim, but Jim’s identity is only a bodyguard, is his side of the hands, but there is no other ability.” Young smiles and says, “This business is very big, your side is not only need him to stay here to co-ordinate, but also to communicate with the boss behind. So he can’t leave. I have always wondered who he will send to cooperate with me. Because of this business, someone needs to go to Las Vegas with me. After all, such a large amount of money, he can’t rest assured that the money just be given to me to take away, certainly he will send a person to follow me to supervise.”

She smiles and says: “This money will used to open a new casino in Las Vegas. The stake in the casino will be shared by both of us. Anyway, your side should send someone here to join the management. Today, Juan introduced you to me. I am so surprised. Because I don’t have any information about you.”

I’m silent.

Of course there’s no my information for sure.

Who am I? A manager works in a nightnightclub, although Golden Place can rank first in our city, but in the eyes of Vivi Young, it is almost nothing.

Apart from Juan is appreciating me and I’ve been treating well for years. I don’t have anything to be noticed at all.

Thinking of this, I say: “Is it Juan’s intention to send me to America to be the manager of the casino?” I say with a bitter smile, “but I don’t understand these… I haven’t even been to university.”

She suddenly laughs, and her smile is a bit of a mockery.

“University? Mr. Chen Yang, don’t be kidding. Although I am in a foreign country, I did learn what kind of situation is in your Universities. To many universities and students, University life equals Internet, playing games, truancy, reading novels, falling in love, cheating… There is everything there, but hard to find some really hard studying there. It can be said that after people enter the society in the future. When they start working for make living, all the skills needed are later learned in society, rarely studied in universities!

Young continues, “If this business goes well, our casino will be opened in half a year, and this period wil be enough for Juan to train you to be a qualified successor. I think that’s what he meant to bring you here tonight. Although the casino here is not very formal compares with United States, but if you have been working here for a few months, you can learn quite a lot… But this is not the important matter. The important thing is: Who are you? What is your relationship with Juan Yeh? Why does he trust you so much? Why he ask you to do such an important business?”

I am about to open my mouth when she shakes her hands. She says faintly: “Actually, I don’t need to ask you. I’ve already reported it back tonight. In one day at most, all your information will be on my desk. From the records of your kindergarten when you were a kid, how many points did you get on a test in elementary school, to whom did you learn to write Love letter, or the first time you went to bed with a woman… Everything, as long as I want to know, can be found!”

I hum. Although I feel a little upset, but I know she is telling the truth.

After thinking, I say: “Why are you bringing me here for? What are these words for?”

“I said, I’m curious about you.” She smiles calmly, her smile is with a mysterious smell. She whispers suddenly, “Chen Yang… I even thought, would you be the illegitimate child of Juan Yeh?”

When I turn my eyes, I can’t help exclaiming: “You are the bastard!”

Just blurting out, I immediately think: “Shit, I’m wrong!”

What kind of identity is this woman? It must have been a great offence to her!

But I see her just raises eyebrows, and slowly says in a cool but complicated tone, “Yes! So?”

Such a strong killing feel!

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