Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 5 - Innocent, which I don’t deserve it

Chapter 5: Innocent, which I don’t deserve it

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

Two waiters call a Taxi and hold me get in the car. When we arrive the hospital, after exam my head, doctor find that there isn’t splinters of glass had got into my head. He gives me a tetanus shot and lap my head with gauze. I am really a bit annoying with such a shit looking.

When I walk out the emergency room, I find a girl is standing beside the two waiters.

That girl has a slight body, long hair, a pretty face with light skincare. She wears the sweater and a blue jean which makes her long legs seems longer. In any angle of view, she is real pretty.

It’s Didi, the room-princess.

Although I get injured because of her just now. But it was not her mistake. I can’t blame her for no reason.

Didi comes to me in fear who looks a bit scare and shy. “Manager Chen, I’m so sorry! It’s all because of my fault!”

I shake my hand to her. “What are you doing here?”

“I… I come to thank you…If not you…”Her hair falls over and close half of her face. Her long eyes glistened with tears. Truly a beauty she is. No wonder that drunks wanted her only to play with them.

“It’s not your fault. You are working here and we need to protect you. Don’t ever call me Manager Chen. You may call me brother 5 like others.” She blushes who looks more beautiful. A thought comes to my mind suddenly that If she really want to be a girl in nightclub, she must be one of the top-tiers. She has a tall graceful form and a pretty face, especially her purity shy which may attract people very much.

“How are you feeling now?” Two waiters step forward.

“I’m OK! I’ll go home directly and will not go back to nightclub. You tell John to take good care of the nightclub when you go back”

One boy make up to me. “How about let me send you home?”

I kick him slightly and give him a tap with the toe of the shoe. “I’m not the little girl who need you send home. Just go back!”

Didi lips softly to me. “Just let me send you home, Please…”

I take a glance at her. Her face goes redder. She even dares not to look at me in my eyes.

“I… Brother 5, you are injured for me tonight. Just let me send you. Otherwise I feel the tug of my conscience.” She squeezes a corner of her sweater and looks flustered.

That boy wants to say something but he is kicked to be interrupted by another one. He is suddenly clicked. Strange smiles come from their face then.

I can guess what they are thinking of just by my toe. But I’m not going to speak anything useless.

I swing my hand to let them get off. Didi comes to me and hold my arm to go. I smell a delicate fragrance from her which not like perfume but of the soap.

How Long haven’t I seen such an innocent girl? I laugh at myself. The place I am working for is nothing to do with innocent. I’ve seen so many innocent girls become the little evil spirits. They start with red face while speaking, end with seduces man just by eye-lights finally.

I tease her. “Do you scare of me?”

“No, it’s not true!” She shakes her head, “Everyone says that you are very nice. You are willing to take care of us and help us to solve troubles. I heard that you are the best of the four chief managers in nightclub.”

Nice? I shake my head. There’s nothing with nice when you are doing such a job. I just started from the junior position and do know difficulties. So I play nice and take care of them in normal days.

A van stops in front of the door of the hospital as soon as we almost walk there. Some people jump out from the van and rush to the emergency room. I feel they are not good guys. One man bareheaded, another man fair-haired, and another two have tattoos on neck. They must be the rogues.

They are not my business. But when we are waiting for Taxi, I find that they are holding three men go out. It’s them, who were just beaten by me.

FXXX! What a coincidence! But it’s reasonable coz this hospital the nearest one to our nightclub. But such a coincidence is not good for me.

One of them seems already find me. It’s really no good.

In normal days, I’m in my best situation. I can fight with them without big problem. But I am just hurt and my head still pains. And there is only a girl beside me. It’s really too hard. I should have had the two boys stay.

“FXXX! Stop that man and that woman!” The one sees me is shouting.

I’m worry and catch Didi’s arm.


She sees too and face pales. We start running to escape them.

The others men have no idea at first. That man shouts, “They beat us!” These men hear and start running to us. Some of them are taking out something from the pockets.

I grab her and keep running. But I am just hurt and there is a girl beside. The speed is slower than them. They are getting closer and closer. I find a bicycle parks by the road. I take it on hand and throw to them. It stops them for a while. Then we keep running. It’s lucky that we find a Taxi parking. I open the door, push her in and jump into the car.

“Drive! Drive! Drive!”

Driver muddles, he has no idea what’s going on.

“Do you want them destroy your car? Drive!” I shout.

This word works, driver step on the gas. The car starts whizzing. After the noises disappear, we all released. I say a thank you to the driver and find I am falling on her thighs.

We just hurried into the car. She was half lying on seat and I am on her. My head almost reach her breast. Her face is getting redder, looking at me and can’t even say a word.

We feel the tension. Delicate fragrances are full of my nose. I feel a bit confuse. Her eyes are in fear and trembling, and maybe more of shy either. She bite the lips and speak softly.

“Brother 5, would..would you mind sit up?”

I dry coughs, sit up and avoid touch her body any more carefully.

I have to admit that I am not a so call good people. Working in the place like nightclub, I did have quite some relationships. But I do respect the innocent girls.

Maybe I have seen too many dirty things, so that I very much value such an innocent girl who is hardly to be seen.

I can see her eye lights are very clean. The real clean which is not fake or pretend.

“Didi, how long have you been to nightclub?” I chat with her.

“Brother 5, My name is Didi Yan. It’s my third day in nightclub.” She look at me, hesitate for a while and close to me. She turn the gauze to the right position. It was awry when we were escaping just now.

My head pains again when she is pulling the gauze. I trembling with such behavior. She drew her hands back as a sharp reflex.

“Did I hurt you?”

“It’s OK” I shake head.

I just remember that we haven’ t told the driver where to go. I hesitate for a while and ask.

“Where are you living? Send you back first!”

“No, send you first!” Her voice is low but I can hear the persistence.

I live in a small street at south of the city. The environment is not so good. The public security is bad. There are many rogues fight in midnight there. The only reason I live there is the low rental.

The room I am living is the 3rd floor of an old building. Before go upstairs, she grab me into a small superstore nearby and buy some antibiotic medicine for me. I just recall that I have forgotten to take the medicine in hospital.

Then she hold me to walk upstairs. I can feel she is trying her best and breath very hard. But she don’t want me find so try to control.

I don’t remember that how long time I haven’t been look after in such a careful way. Only years ago, when I was with my master, I used to have the same feeling.

A different feeling comes from the deep of my heart. I can’t help close to her. She doesn’t aware of it and still hold me walk upstairs one step by one step.

” Brother Little 5, why did you fight for me?”

I take a deep breath and speak slowly. “You are different with the girls. You are working for nightclub and I must do it!”

Silent for a while, I hear a soft voice.

“Brother Little 5, Thank you! I know you are a good man. I heard from them that if the other managers see the same situation likes this, they will just force me back.”

I’m silent.

“You are wrong. I am not a good man.”

Innocent, which I don’t deserve it.

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