Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 7 - A creative liar

Chapter 7: A creative liar

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

I can imagine the view of how this man went south by taking one thousand only. I know it very clear that he had fought everything so hard for all he had got now.

I knew Juan might raise me up as soon as he acknowledged me. But he just kept me practicing for two years. He said that a young talent needs lots of practices to know more things. He was training to have me grow up.

Since I am asked to take leave today, I just back to bedroom to sleep until afternoon and be woken up by the phone. It’s the agent of the real estate company.

I am looking for a new apartment. The place I am living is not so much good. U rent here just because of the cheap rental. But I am earning enough to find a better place to live now. The contract will be expired in next month, so I am looking for the new apartment now.

I have such idea around half a year ago. But this apartment had been paid the whole year rental. The host is not willing to give it back for sure so that I have to live here until the contract expires. Although my income is high enough to allow me move at anytime. But Juan told me that people can enjoy luxury but can’t waste.

He performs himself all the time. He is rich enough to eat anything good he wants. But I noticed that he finishes all the foods and never leave any rice.

I’m like a copycat of him somehow.

The agent tells me that there is an apartment is pretty much match my needs. I may go to take a look.

My requirements are simple. 1. Downtown. 2. Clean and quite surrounding. 3. Worthy living. I have enough money to afford it.

Agent tells me that there is an apartment matches my needs. It’s only 4 blocks to Golden Paradise, prepared all the furniture and household appliances and the environment is also good. The only issue is the rental will be a bit expansive.

I tell him that if the house match my requirements, the rental should be fine. But I need to check it myself.

He gives me an address and let me go check the apartment myself. He has arranged the appointment with the host.

Hang the phone, I suit up and ready to go. I have no any idea that my life is about be totally changed this time.

I arrived on 16:00 pm. A new building is my destination. I am a little bit confuse that this building for commercial using but I just want to rent an apartment. Because this building is just completed, it’s pretty empty now. I walk into the lobby and find there isn’t anyone.

What’s going on? I sigh. But since I have come, just go to take a look.

I walk into the elevator and push the number of 22. It’s the top level of this building.

The elevator is rising. I am feeling something unreal and it likes that something is going to happen. I am starting to guess that whether it is a trap?

“Ding Dong!” The number on the elevator shows I arrive the 22th floor. But I feel it’s still rising. I have waited for more than 10 seconds but the door is still closed.

I am feeling scared. There are really some terrible stories about the newly open buildings that rising elevators can go to the heaven etc.

After one minute at least, door opens finally. I step out as soon as possible. But I feel more confuses.

The quality of the elevator is not good! It’s my impression. What a shit brand it is.

Walk out from the elevator, it is a small room which is not like a big building. It’s only around 12 to 13 square meters. There is a small way to a big iron door.

It’s really weird. I hesitate for a while, then I walk to the iron door. There is a doorplate on that. “Floor 22”

I feel really strange. This place really doesn’t look a normal place. But I still open the door.

22 floor, is the rooftop.

It’s empty. Sunshine is good. Air is good. But it is nothing to do with apartment. I can’t help angry. “What FXXX! It’s just an empty roof only!”

When I am ready to turn back and have the agent beaten. I see a people.

Holy shit! Just in the corner of the rooftop. There is a very good reception table. A tall and thin man wears an old fashion suit just stands there. I notice that the glasses he wears is very thick. It’s really hardly to be seen nowadays. People like to wear the lighter resin ones.

He sees me and also feel a bit surprises. Then he says to me. “You are welcome! Is there anything I can do for you?”

I look around for several times and really don’t get why setup such a reception on the rooftop. Never heard of it.

But he is polite and smiles sincerely. I feel a bit lost and say something nonsense.

“I come to rent an apartment, do you have it?” I could have myself slapped after saying this. Here is the 22st floor. It’s the empty rooftop and obviously there isn’t any apartment.

When I just want to go back. That man calls. “We do have the rent business. Since you are coming, please wait for our service people.”

He point to the left. I look at the direction he is pointing and am really shocked. Damn it! It was empty just now. But there are one table and two single sofas appear from nowhere. And the types of furniture are all the modern types.

But…Damn! It should have had nothing there. Did I miss it just now? But I have practiced kongfu since very young. My eyesight is much better than normal people.

I walk to the table and sit with unbelievable shocks.

The tall and thin man takes a file and walks to me. He smiles politely. “Hi! My name is Joe Goh. I’m in charge of the business in our company.”

I glower at him with surprise. “Business? But are you the reception?”

He smiles happily. “There is no regulation forbidden me to do the both.”

I know. It’s the bogus company!

“I think I’d better go now.” I stand up.

“Your name is Mr. Yang Chen, right?”

I am shocked and alert. Is there someone set me up?

But when I see his eyes look at my chest, I know immediately. I’m wearing the suit for work. There’s a work badge shows.

Golden Paradise

Yang Chen

I’m really too nervous. Maybe still something wrong with my head due to the injury last night.

I relax. “Yes. I come for rent but I can’t find any apartment here.”

“Just take it easy. We do have apartment right here.” He smiles with confidence and hold his hand with mine. “Please take a seat, Mr. Chen.”

I think that since I am already here. Just take a look. I’m curious with such a company now.

I’ve been seen a lot of the people and things. But I’ve never seen such a company opens on a rooftop. It’s my very first time to see such a creative liar. I just pay sometime to take a lesson.

I sit down slowly.

I don’t hear that man whispers to himself.

“Damn, Let I got one finally.”

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