Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 9 - Bureaucracy kills people

Chapter 9: Bureaucracy kills people

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

He laughs happily when seeing my speechless expression. He speaks a bit faster.

“Many people believe there are lucks. For example, a gambler with good luck can win a lot of money in one night, but he might lose every penny in the other night when he has lost his luck. Luckiness makes the differences!”

I’m still not getting his points. But inside my heart, I’m feeling It is likely, perhaps, maybe, probably a little reasonable.

But I remind myself again that he is a liar. When you meet a liar, what you need to do is watch out your wallet.

He continues. “So, what the luckiness is exactly? It’s invisible and untouchable. What is it made of? Actually, so called luck is kind of very special electric wave which is a type of the brain wave human being are able to receive. It exists in air, it does exist in this world, but rarely. Let’s say, um, let’s make an example to let you understand easier.”

He comes across the table, drapes a hand on my shoulder, point at me with another hand.

“Your head likes a radio. So called lucky, is the hidden FM signal. But each person’s brain development is different. If someone developed more, he could have received more lucks and he would be luckier. But if someone less developed, he receives less and his luck will be a little bit bad.”

It is really a new theory fleshing my mind!

I ask:” You mean brain development. One person develops more of his brain should be very smart. But smart is different with the luckiness. There are people not so much smart but they are very lucky.”

He replies me with white eyes: “Brain development equates IQ? Have you read too many science fictions? I’m just making an example that if our brains like the radios, the stronger ones equates have bigger power capacity than others. It’s nothing to do with IQ! ”

“OK!” I change a position and take out a box of cigarette. I light one for myself and give him one. “So, as your theory, what kind of the material luckiness is?”

He doesn’t reply instantly, just takes the cigarette, and speaks a very quick thank you to me. Then he takes out a nice lighter to light the cigarette, takes a long sip. A pleased look is shown on his face. Then he says.

“I don’t know!”

“You don’t know?” I jump up again.

He looks at me with pity. “My brother, I’m just a salesman, OK? I’m not the R&D people. What I need to know is some basic theory. Just like if you go to the pharmacy, the sales may tell you which medicine is for which illness treatment. But if you ask about how it’s made and the research progress, no one knows that. To be a salesman, all I need to know is the basic things. The R&D is confidential, how can I get know about it? ”

I’m a bit upset because he is looking at me as I’m an idiot.

He takes another sip, clears his throat and goes on talking. The mild smiles are shown on his face again.

“OK, let me introduce the product.” He takes the little shinning thing up.

It’s a ring, but looks the kind of very cheap type.

Why? Because of the workmanship of the ring do not exquisite. He tells me that it’s made by silver, but I feel it’s just the silver-plate iron ring.

“Please attention! This is the newest product of our company. It’s environmental, safe and no any radiation. The major function of it is enlarging the brain wave power. When you wear the ring, it enhance your capability of receive the good lucks. Just imagine that you are going to be a luckier, a life winner! Good luck is always around you everyday and makes your life always full of the happiness and fortune.” He incites me with storms of slaver.

“Just imagine that if you buy one ring, you may just change your life! Do you want to make a fortune? Have you fallen love with a beautiful girl secretly? Are you longing for promotion? Don’t hesitate! Just buy it! All your beautiful dreams will come true!”

He stares at me with excited and expected expression.

I watch his performance with ease. While his passion is climbing to the top, I take a sip of the cigarette and ask him. “Have you the business license?”


“Have you the operation certification?”


“Have you the product quality inspection certification?”

“…No!” He is begins sweating.

“Good!” I smile, “So it’s an unqualified product, isn’t it?”

Playing tricky with brother Little 5? Too young to naïve!

“Eh… About this product, technically, it can’t be admitted by major academics & research institutions within a short time.” His face looks like to be crushed by the door.

“So…” I laugh. “You mean you product is in experiment stage. It hasn’t the certifications to be sold to the market yet, has it?”

He sighs, give me a gesture. I give him a cigarette again. He lights it and sigh again. “Brother, let me tell you the truth. I’m depressed too! I was assigned to develop new market. But the product arrange to me is the lowest level. I don’t want to open the office on the roof too. But I have no idea due to lack of funds. Our products also have many different levels. Higher product level has higher membership level. I’ve been here for a whole day and you are the only prospect. You think I don’t want to open the office down there? Because of I tried to sell our products to a guy when I had just come couple days ago. The ass hole said that we are the cheater. He called the police to catch me so that I have to hide here now. ”

He is speaking with angry and wrong feeling. It sounds really touching and sincerely.

“Tell you the truth that our product is really working. But it just no one believes. This kind of new product is beyond human knowing.” He speaks with wrong mood. “But you just think. Several hundred years ago, is there anyone believes people can fly to the sky? Is there anyone believes that we may fly to the out space? Is there anyone believes the things like TV and mobile phone? FXXX!”


I’m getting interested. I still won’t believe his words. I just feel he is a great and creative liar.

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