Evil Break

Chapter 100 - : Inverted Fight and 2 Battle Secrets

In the mountain forest, a rumbling sounded, frightened countless birds.

Hu Feng’s hands turned into evil energy claws, and the dark green evil energy flames continuously flowed on the claws. A small earth bag in front of him was fragmenting and breaking, and the broken soil was slowly lifted into the sky. .

“The head of the mother egg is sick! Build a warehouse bunker in this old forest of the deep mountain, run such a back and forth, the battle has been fought for hundreds of years!”

“What are you doing?” While digging the earth to do the coolie, glanced at Aletya sitting on a stump next to it.

“Play a game called Xiaoxiaole.”

Hu Feng heard a painful egg.

This angel chick learns quite fast, and it only took a long time to know to download the software that interests him.

Aletya put down her phone and looked at Hu Feng.

“Recently, you have to be careful. Many of my people still hold great hostility towards you. Although I tried to persuade, it didn’t have much effect.”

Hu Feng again controlled a pile of broken soil to drift to the side, and shrugged when he heard the words.

“It’s always rigid, and there is no way. After all, you still spoke for me? Thank you, old girl, but you still don’t do this, lest your angels think you are depraved, even Will maintain a demon, then your reputation will be destroyed. “

Aletya shook her head, “mainly my fellow two archangels, they are the first angels born like me, and the doctrine of Holy Light Naru is all about them, plus they do n’t understand You, so I understand their hostility. “

“Yeah, I can’t possibly go to heaven to sell myself, so you still speak less for me. In case there are angels to kill me, don’t stop, let them come, in short, before you take power. , It ’s no good confronting most mainstream groups. “

“I’m just confused, why my people are willing to suppress their thoughts all the time, and there is no doubt. Before I knew you, I had been eager to think about some issues independently.” Aletya sighed heavily.

Hu Feng heard the words and laughed a few times, and continued to dig the soil.

“No way, who made you a war machine born unnaturally. If I were Holy Light Naru, I wouldn’t want to see a group of disobedient robots with self-will and ideas under my hands, so you This is always a minority. “

Aletya looked a little low, “So we are a group of robots that should not have thought.”

Hu Feng took a big breath and looked at the girl angel who was in a low mood.

“Your rigid people are not like you and Uriel, even if you are a created unnatural creature, but as long as you have your own ideas and doubts, then you are not a war machine, you are You, yourself, have nothing to do with the group of Naru, at most they provide you with a job, I have never regarded you as a machine. “

“So now that you have such an opportunity, then take good care of it and follow your own ideas. Whatever other responsibilities and mission creeds are deemed to be your own job, you have seen human beings have a job. Have you lost yourself, even dedicated to it? “

Aletya tilted her head for a moment, then nodded, feeling much better.

“What you said makes sense, according to this line of thinking, I feel much better, thank you.”

“It’s good to turn around, don’t put too much pressure on yourself all day.” Hu Feng nodded in satisfaction, Aletya is a trustworthy friend, and she doesn’t want to see her self-denial and depression.

“Oh, lying trough, finally revealed, I thought it was the wrong place.”

The hidden bunker buried deep in the ground finally revealed the sun, and a wide road paved with iron plates was exposed under the dirt.

The heavy iron gate is engraved with a fascist eagle, which stands on the pattern of a cross flag.

Aletya came over and observed the iron gate in front of him for a while.

Hu Fenggang wanted to use evil energy to break the door violently, and the girl angel walked over, her hands shining with golden light.

There was a harsh sound of friction, Hu Feng’s eyes widened, watching the fierce girl slowly breaking open the thick iron door in front of him.

“Lying trough, what did you grow up eating, so much energy?”

A girl in her early 1s, 5s and 6s broke the heavy iron gate up to 5 or 6 meters with brute force, which was a bit of a fantasy.

“Don’t forget that my body is a war machine a few hundred meters high.” Aletya said with a smile, Hu Feng shook his head helplessly.

Entered the bunker through the iron gate. It was dark and black, and the ordinary people could not see anything at all.

However, neither of them is an ordinary person, and it is clear by using energy vision.

Hu Feng soon discovered the closed switch. Generally, such military bunkers have their own large generators.

Pulled down the electric gate forcibly, bursts of zira sounded, and after a few seconds most of the unbroken industrial lights on the wall radiated again, and the bunker began to brighten

“I think … the German alchemist on that dog’s day must not know the situation inside. This is a warehouse bunker? Let’s go shit!”

Hu Feng looked at the wide, dust-covered hall in front of him. At the end of the hall, there were five steel tunnels enough to pass heavy trucks and tanks. Above them were five long, four-meter long four-meter flags, but now they are fading. .

Thinking about the large iron gate of the bunker more than ten meters and the wide iron walkway in front of the door, Hu Feng was even more sure that it was not a **** warehouse bunker at all.

“There will not be all kinds of black technology of the head of state or a group of Nazi zombies, right? Gee …” Hu Feng said jokingly to the girl angel around him.

“Are you still worried about whether you have your tank here?” Aletya smiled, and she was not as serious when she was with Hu Feng.

“You said that I just wanted to take a tank back, why did it become a downside fight.”

The two passed through the hallway and walked toward the depths of the bunker.

There are many large iron gates on both sides of the extremely wide road, which looks like a warehouse.

Opened a few doors and looked at it, which indeed stored various military materials. In a warehouse, Hu Feng also found two Tiger King tanks.

Okay, the Tiger tank was not found. There are two Tiger King tanks, but Hu Feng was not happy, but full of doubts.

Looking at this posture, the head of state then brought in a whole army of materials and equipment. What was it for?

Driven by curiosity, Hu Feng did not stop there. He took a Tiger King tank home to eat. He now wanted to see what was deeper.

Came to the end of the aisle. There was a huge large sliding door, which was tightly closed at the moment, and there was a small iron door next to it. It was known that it was for people to enter and exit.

Opened the iron door, and the two entered a semi-circular room, which seemed to be a command room, various old-style radar computer consoles, and piles of files scattered on it.

The front of the command room is all made of transparent glass windows ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ came to the window and looked at it, let alone Hu Feng, even Aletya was surprised.

This command room is built on a cliff, below which is a large platform like an underground space.

There was a military building on the underground platform, and the watchtower with electricity and the high-power searchlight were extremely conspicuous at the moment.

A large iron railroad parked a steel monster, Hu Feng recognized it immediately, that was a train gun.

There are also four small rails next to the large rails. There is an armored train parked above each. Various searchlights and turrets are available.

In front of the platform is a downward slope, where it is dark, and the railroad tracks extend into the depths.

The reason was found.

At that time, a German army was fully armed, trying to explore the depth of the platform down, and the scale, the secret of the action, no one knew at all, it was also marked as an ordinary warehouse bunker.

What did you find below? So much so that the Germans spent so much time on Zhouzhang that they pulled a whole army of equipment and supplies.

“Sofortevakuieren! Geschlossenebunker …”

At this time, an unknown machine at the console, Zrazra, sounded German for a while. Hu Feng and Aletya immediately looked at it, which should be a radio-like instrument.

Hu Feng frowned, he could not understand.

But Alettoya seemed to understand, and his expression was a bit strange.

“They suddenly closed the bunker.”

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