Evil Break

Chapter 108 - : We are not the same, not the same, not 1 ....

“What’s wrong with the trough? Did you smash the place?”

“Don’t read it anymore, it will be withdrawn soon after the picture is taken, otherwise you won’t be able to walk away.”

Innocent guests gathered around the gate of the Arc de Triomphe, watching the black convoy lined up neatly in a small square in front of the gate.

The door opened, and more than 30 demon guards disguised as human brawns got out of the car and stood quietly in front of the convoy.

After getting out of the car violently, opened the rear door, and then our boss Hu Da appeared very pretentiously.

Looking at the scattered, the ladies who blended into the surrounding crowd, Hu Feng’s lips flickered.

The waiters at the entrance of the Arc de Triomphe nightclub and the big guys at the show were a little overwhelmed. This group of uninvited guests who seemed to be about to smash the scene. The boss must have learned the situation now, so it depends on what to do.

Hu Feng is too lazy to think so much. Anyway, he already greeted Mr. Li beforehand, so no matter how good the jealousy is, the harder the relationship between the upper and lower relations is, it is not a problem.

Now I want to see which one who is not afraid of death dared to come forward for him.

Especially after learning the truth, Mr. Li was furious.

Has a seven deadly sins hidden under his eyelids! This is simply unbearable!

And Hu Feng also added some oil and vinegar, and said that jealousy is engaged in soul trading in this film, which makes the Demon Hunter angry.

Rather than letting these seven deadly sins harm society, it is better to give Hu Feng, at least there is no soul trading on the site of Hu Feng.

and so. . . Go for it, kill him, we will give you the bottom!

“What are you stupidly standing to do, waiting for the New Year? When you rush in, whoever dares to stab you will do it for me!”

Was ordered by Hu Feng, and over thirty demon guards immediately acted.

The security guard at the door and the desire to stop the scene, but no matter how strong the ordinary human being is, it is not enough for the demon guard to fight back and forth. In less than a minute, he lay and hummed on the hammer.

“Hey! Be careful with me! It doesn’t matter if the person is killed, don’t break it inside! It will be mine after that!”

Hu Feng followed slowly in the back, and kept telling the group of demon guards under his hands, fearing that they would really evolve into a mess.

Came to the gate and glanced back. Apart from the crowd of melon-eating crowds, the police did not show up, as if they had a collective holiday tonight.

Hu Feng smiled at the sight, it seemed that they were all bright-eyed people, no fools.

At this time, the ringtone of the mobile phone rang, and I took it out to see it from Mr. Li.

“Hey, Mr. Li, your old man is not asleep yet? Why, there is a show tonight?”

“Don’t you kidding me, what’s wrong with you? Get it done quickly, otherwise it won’t affect you for a long time.”

“Relax, you can send someone in half an hour, remember to send a good talker.”

“Okay, I will let people pass by now. The team is led by a member of the Demon Hunting Club. Captain Xu has seen you and went to your bar several times to deliver prey.”

“Oh he, that’s okay, come on.” Hu Feng thought for a moment and recalled the demon hunter who had seen him several times.

“Also, what did your kid want to do recently, not honest?”

“Where is it! I am just expanding my business and preparing to engage in a chain brand industry. The young people are self-motivated. The elderly do not praise me.”

“Get out of here! In short, give me a little time, remember to tell me in advance.” Li Lao replied angrily.

To tell the truth, Hu Feng still has a good impression and respect for this old man, although his temper is a little bit bad, at least his heart is not bad.

I usually see him in the news as a serious look, it is estimated that he is used to being an official

Hung up the phone and listened to the noisy voice in the clubhouse. Hu Feng adjusted his suit and walked in.

There was a somewhat low gunshot sound above the hall. The excellent sound insulation effect of the clubhouse greatly attenuated the gunshot so that it would not spread outside.

Each demon guard carries an MP-40 submachine gun in his arms. The German goods brought out of these bunkers are of good quality. They are coated with lubricant and rust inhibitor and covered with super-dimensional oiled paper cloth. Makes no difference.

In the middle of the hall, the rage was grabbing a demon, and he was tortured with evil flames, making him burst into screams.

“Your men are too weak, my brother, now I understand a little bit why you haven’t intersected with us or hell. The garbage under your hands is me and I have no confidence.”

“You, and the greedy and lustful women, you betrayed the agreement where seven sins were born together, killed the arrogance, and now actively help Hu Feng to find me, you traitors, the fire of evil energy will burn Do your soul! “

Jealousy, this middle-aged uncle didn’t run, but he didn’t resist, so he stood in the hall and exasperated.

The group of demons under him were being surrounded by demons at the moment, and those who did not want to surrender were killed on the spot.

As for the ordinary audience, they were even more miserable. Those who were willing to surrender were beaten badly, and the tough guys were caught up and targeted.

The demon guards can obviously kill these ordinary people in an instant, but they just do n’t do it. The demon ’s tyrannical nature makes them prefer to torture their prey with slow killing methods.

“Tut tut, you’re jealous ah? You know that I come to you, and even not run, you say you do it is seeking death or be killed it, so you could not bear this industry? I think you are more fit to be greedy now.”

Hu Feng walked over, shot a chain of evil energy, and pulled an ordinary demon next to him. The latter screamed instantly, and the essence of the soul was swallowed continuously.

Jealously propped up his blessed body and belly, watching Hu Feng.

“Your pure demons are indeed very powerful, but you are only one of the high-level pure demons. Are you so confident to fight against **** and other special neutral demons at the same time? Take it away, I am very willing to be friends with you, all of my The industry can also be attached to your name and pay tribute to you on time. “

Hu Feng Wenyan smiled friendlyly ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ shook his finger.

“First of all, I just have confidence. I can repel **** once, and I can repel the second and third time. As for you neutral demon small groups … Ha ha, you think you are so special and so different. (Background BGM we are different, different …), but in my opinion, you are no different from ordinary demons. They are a group of selfish and cunning. Without deeds, you will never learn loyal garbage. “

“Second, I don’t need your property to be attached to me, nor do I need you to pay tribute to me, I want to belong to me completely.”

“So, there is no room for discussion?” Jealousy widened his eyes.

“I’m sorry, I never did.”

“So … you forced me!” Jealously shouted, and Hu Feng saw himself secretly alert, and it seemed that the devil was going to make a big move.

Jealously twisted his blessed body and started charging, he quickly trot towards Hu Feng.

Hu Feng’s hands turned into claws, and his eyes ignited a fierce evil flame, ready to give this enemy fatal. . . amount. . .


Jealous When he was about five meters away from Hu Feng, he knelt down sharply and slid to Hu Feng in front of him.

“I surrender! Don’t kill me! I am willing to accept all the soul contracts you put forward!”

Hu Feng didn’t say a word for a long time, he was deeply shocked by this fancy surrender.

This stepping horse seems to be a personal talent!

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