Evil Break

Chapter 118 - : Armored conflict and soul trading

“Let the assault guns and tank destroyers fire! Fire them! The tank ignites and the silence is lifted, and the infantry follow the tank!”

On the battlefield outside the woods, a surviving German armored division was relying on temporarily excavated positions to defend in situ, but the Soviet troops seemed to never kill, and wave after wave came from all directions.

The triumphant scale has long been tilted towards the Soviet army. One million Soviet soldiers have begun a full counterattack at this moment. When they meet the retreating German troops on the road, they will rush up and wipe them out.

In front of the position, T-34 tank wreckage was everywhere, but all Soviet tank drivers seemed to drink too much vodka, and drove their tanks crazy towards the German position.

The tank collided with the bayonet, so the rough tactics could only be figured out by Lao Maozi.

At this time, there was a heavy sound of gunfire in the forest, and the veterans of the two sides immediately heard the sound of 88 guns.

A cannonball dragging a dark green flame whistled and struck a frontal T-34-85 tank.

The strange shell penetrated the frontal armor without pressure, and even after a burst of explosion inside the tank, the turret of the T-34 was blown up like a toy by four or five meters, and then fell heavily on the ground .

The beheaded T-34 body sprayed a dark green evil flame, and the tank crew inside had no time to escape.

But this was just the beginning. The trees in the forest began to fall. The tank IV and the leopard tank rushed out quickly. The Soviet armored forces were chaotic for a while, but immediately regrouped, slowed the offensive and tried to block. .

However, the scene that made them dizzy appeared. A dozen behemoths slowly drove out of the forest, and the turret began to rotate, aiming at their respective prey.

“Tiger! Tiger!”

The Soviet tank driver’s radio instantly shouted loudly and began to reverse the car.

I rushed too far, and there was no artillery support, let alone heavy tanks to press the battlefield. With these T-34s and infantry, I rushed and clamored with the Tiger tank.

Before the Tiger tank fired, the sound of firing bursts in the forest.

No. III assault gun and Ferdinand tank destroyer opened fire, as well as those drag-type anti-tank guns.

The Soviet tank regiment suffered huge losses immediately. More than a dozen T-34s were directly destroyed and a raging fire was ignited. More than 20 vehicles were lying on their nests instantly.

The German army was at the forefront of a black tiger tank without any camouflage painting. This steel behemoth ran out at this moment so that the two soldiers could not believe the speed of their eyes.

The black tiger king drove through the remaining German positions at a very fast speed. Before the soldiers cheered, the tiger king had already moved out of the position and rushed towards the Soviet army.

The seemingly heavy turret turned fast, and the main gun of the uninterrupted fire was even faster, as if the loader of this tank was a lightning superman.


The black tiger king directly hit a reversing T-34, the front armor of the latter was instantly slammed into the crash, crumpled like a twist.

Then. . . Like a monster, the Black Tiger did not stop at all, but increased horsepower and directly pressed up the body of the T-34.

There was a harsh rubbing sound from the battlefield, and the T-34 tank with its already scared and silly members of the tank car group was crushed into a whole piece of flesh and skin.

Then the giant beast also came to a drift tail, adjusted its direction, and continued to rush towards the next target.

The German army was also stunned for a long time, and finally reacted.


The remaining German soldiers jumped out of the position and followed the sudden appearance of the friendly armored forces to start a counterattack.

Has no tactics and no tactics. The black tiger king of the division has defeated the morale of this Soviet armored unit, so the German soldiers just need to charge hard.

Hu Feng now stretched out half of his body and attached it to the top of the turret to watch the defeating Soviet armored troops. There was a great pleasure in his heart.

Laozi does n’t matter whether you are a Soviet or an Allied force, or what order the German high-level gave you. In short, it ’s 怼, and the German remnants are collected along the way.

Pulled out a walkie-talkie connected to the wire from inside the turret, and Hu Feng shouted.

“Attack! Attack! Kill them all! No prisoners!”

As soon as he thought of the soul essence of so many Soviet troops, Hu Feng was excited.

Thanks to Stanley for giving Lao Tzu such a good opportunity to praise your eighteen generations!

The artillery was subdued, the battlefield was in disarray, the corpses and tank debris were scattered everywhere, the flame burned dullly on the steel debris, and a thick smoke came out.

Hu Feng wore a black armored officer uniform, behind which was a thick black cloak, with a **** cap, and a forty-sixth “black cross” division logo was pinned in the center of the cap.

It was a pure black iron cross with a round frame engraved in the center, and a Hu character was written in Chinese in the frame.

“How about casualties?”

Came to the temporary battlefield hospital, Hu Feng looked at the **** ground in front of the soldiers and moaned painfully on the wooden bed, frowned and asked a medical soldier.

“Report to the sir, the casualties of our division are very small, but the loss of this friendly army is extremely heavy. A large number of wounded soldiers are not optimistic because of the lack of drugs and weather.”

“We have sufficient supplies and supply them in unlimited quantities.”

The ordered medical soldiers saluted a military salute, turned and ran back to the wounded.

Hu Feng is naturally not stingy, after all, he is trying to gather the remnants, and now the Eastern Front is in a state of erosion. Many German remnants cannot get in touch with the German side, so this is the best time to strengthen himself ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The soldiers of this armored regiment, almost all of which were broken up, now seemed to have come to heaven.

The original lack of materials, lack of warm clothing, lack of ammunition, lack of fuel, all kinds of bruises, now all disappeared.

This suddenly emerged the forty-sixth “Black Cross” division, it seems that the local tyrants have broken through the sky, and there is a sufficient batch of various military supplies. It feels like a big dog.

But what shocked the soldiers the most was still behind, because this noble-status commander Heinrich von Arden, he was not even an ordinary person!

Under the eyes of all eyes, the division commander came to a soldier who was seriously injured and was dying, and asked him if he would like to be reborn and defeat death.

Everyone knows that the soldier is about to live soon, the arteries have been penetrated, and it is strange to be able to live!

“As long as you sell your soul to me, you will get a new life and a powerful and incredible mysterious ancient power. This is the biggest secret of our Ardennes family.”

“Sir, are you Satan from hell?”

Hu Feng Wenyan smiled and patted the dying soldier’s shoulder.

“For a person who can save you, am I an angel or a demon, what is the difference? You are my soldiers, as long as you offer loyalty, I will fight you into an undead army.”

“I … I agree, my soul is yours, sir.”

The soldier did not want to die, he wanted to live. In his hometown, he also had a girl who loved himself waiting for his return.

“Very well, then, the deal is concluded, my latest subordinate.”

Hu Feng smiled with satisfaction.

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