Evil Break

Chapter 122 - : That year Tantou and the German captain

“The destination of your company E shouldn’t be too far from here. If you walk over, you can arrive before dawn. With good luck, you can destroy several air defense positions along the way.”

Lieutenant Winters listened to the German officer and found that his brain was a bit insufficient.

Which person is this horse? ? Is there such a zeal to guide the enemy? Could it be that this is a senior spy lurking inside the German army?

But it doesn’t make sense. No matter how powerful a spy is, it’s impossible for the surrounding Germans to willingly betray their country and sell their lives for him.

Hu Feng seemed to see Lieutenant Winters’ doubts and smiled.

“Don’t think about my situation. This time I came here specifically to see the archetypal characters in history. It doesn’t mean anything else … Oh, it doesn’t matter if I don’t understand. In short, my Black Cross is lazy with you. Just enemies, and soon my troops will retreat from Normandy. “

“Well … so, should I say thank you?” Looking at the locations of the air defense positions marked on his map, Lieutenant Winters struggled for a while, and finally he uttered a word.

Tonight is really a hell, this strange group of black Germans, as if suddenly appeared.

And the dark green flames around it, how strange it looks.

“Wish you E company have a good time in Normandy, I think … we will meet again soon, see you later.” Hu Feng smiled again after thinking of the market garden operation and the tragic battle of the Baston protrusions , Waved his hand at random, instructing the soldiers to climb into the tank and begin to leave.

Watching the black tank gradually disappear into the night, the dark green evil flames around the village also quickly extinguished. Lieutenant Winters always felt that this was like a strange dream.

Isn’t there really a ghost I met?

Shook his head, greeted the parachutists with the same look around him, and quickly left the small village.


Naval artillery shells roared past, causing a sharp burst of air.

The five beaches in the Normandy area were simultaneously bombarded and bombarded by Allied warships in the early hours of June 6. A posture to blow up all the defensive bunker positions on the hillside highlands of the beach.

The sky is also not calm. A large number of Allied fighters and bombers attacked one wave after another, fighting fiercely with the poor air force of Germany.

Golden beach landing point.

Hu Feng stood at the top of the Tiger King tank, looking at the fleet slowly coming from the sea level in the distance, and vaguely could also see that the transport ships were continuously landing landing boats into the sea.

This is the largest landing operation in human history. It is divided into five theaters, and each theater is not a feint. The difference is only more or less military power.

Click! Click!

Took out his phone and took many photos in succession, Hu Feng exhaled deeply.

“All vigilance, preparations for combat readiness and evacuation, waiting for my order.”

Took out the intercom, Hu Feng gave orders to his division.

On the early morning of the 6th, “Operation Overlord”, the Normandy Landing officially began.

Countless landing crafts were covered with sea level, each carrying more than 20 Allied soldiers, approaching the beach.

“Adult, the latest intelligence news from the headquarters has determined that the Allied forces are not a feint, but a full-scale attack.” The radio reporter in the tank wore headphones, and after listening for a while, took off the headphones and pointed at Hu Feng report.

Hu Feng heard a sneer, “Tell me something I don’t know, such as the direction of the main attack.”

“According to preliminary investigation, the Allied forces landed on five beaches at the same time, the biggest main force … just at our Golden Beach.”

Hu Feng froze for a moment, then shook his head with a smile.

Stanley, a cunning old fox, seems to be king of **** not only by his individual strength, but also by his ingenious cunning.

He knew that his actions could not be concealed, so he deliberately leaked the wind to the heavens to let the angels agree that he was going to intervene and influence the Allies to change the main force to attack Omaha Beach.

If you really listen to Aletya ’s speculation, then you may be busy now.

Transferred the main force of the German army away from Omaha and moved to other beachhead positions. This is in response to Stanley’s arms. He was eager to have as few German troops as possible in Omaha.

So he did not make any interference at all, but encouraged the Allied forces to invest more troops in the main landing site, Golden Beach. If the angels were deceived, then there must be more German troops here than in the original history.

The larger the scale and the crueler the war, the greater the chance of Stanley and the more souls you can collect.

However, at the moment, apart from Hu Feng ’s forty-sixth division, the German troops stationed on the Golden Beach had only one artillery unit stationed in the coastal cities of Rivera and Amer, guarding four 155-caliber heavy artillery. .

Then. . . Come on, you don’t want the soul.

“Everyone is ready for the contact battle, check the bunker fire point, notify the artillery units, and let them bombard me at the beach until they run out of shells!”

A dozen huge magic crystals were also placed at the moment, hidden in the bunkers of the Golden Beach position.

The overwhelming landing craft is getting closer and closer. German soldiers with good vision can see the Allied soldiers with heavy machine guns at the rear of each landing craft.

“All prepared …”

The landing craft unit drove full horsepower and accelerated towards the beach. The distance was less than fifty meters.

“Open fire! Open fire! All heavy machine guns are fired and all fire freely! Mortars and heavy artillery begin to cover fire!”

It’s so good. . . .

MG-42 heavy machine gun’s unique firing sound rang on the beachhead highlands, and a blaze of fire struck the landing troops.

Boom! boom!

The 155 heavy artillery also began artillery bombardment. Several unlucky landing crafts were hit directly or sideways. The huge explosive force blasted them into countless pieces of iron skin and flesh, or they were lifted by a wave of a dozen meters ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Most of the landing craft successfully reached the shoal. The front hatch opened sharply, and the soldiers lowered their body and rushed out.

However, some landing craft just opened the hatch, the soldiers in the boat were shot by heavy machine guns, and all the wheat was shot and killed on the spot.

The soldiers who successfully turned from the side of the landing craft to the beach, they also had to shoot machine guns and mortar bombing, and they desperately charged deeper into the beach.

Golden Beach instantly became a Shura field, screams and explosions continued to the ears, and blood and amputated limbs became the main melody.

Hu Feng, who was standing on the Tiger King’s tank and holding a telescope, suddenly made a decision.

If you want to become famous in one battle and gather more power for your own power. . . Now is a good time to be famous.

The battle continued, and the surviving Allied soldiers had rushed to the barbed wire at the foot of the high ground, and were trying to destroy the barbed wire and move on.

The tank troops can’t get on now. The anti-tank piles everywhere on the beach will only make the tank a living target for enemy artillery attacks.

At this time, the Allied soldiers saw a scene that made them almost unbelievable.

A German officer wearing a black armored soldier uniform, holding a shield with an iron cross printed in one hand, holding an MP-40 submachine gun in the other, and wearing a bright red **** as a cloak behind him. The beach head highland line rushed down.

His skill is extremely agile, the artillery can’t even blow him.

All shots from the Allies were blocked by the shield, and then they were hit back by a burst of MP-40 shots.

Captain of Germany. . .

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