Evil Break

Chapter 126 - : Battle of Baston and Night Talk

Swish. . .

boom! boom!

“Bombardment! Bombardment! Find cover!”

The soldiers yelled, while lowering their bodies and running desperately, they jumped in when they encountered a foxhole that had been dug in advance, shrinking their bodies and praying that the abominable shelling had stopped earlier.

This is the position of the 101st Airborne Division E Company. They are the second group of defense troops to reach the Baston area.

It is freezing cold here, goose feathers and heavy snow fall with the roaring north wind, a large number of trees are cut off by the waist, and those corpses half-buried in the snow that will be found from time to time add to the desolation of this white world Cruel breath.

The first garrison troops have been evacuated. Their looks are miserable. Everyone is wounded. The difference is only light and heavy.

Lieutenant Winters has now been promoted to battalion commander. Although he no longer commands the E company, his feelings for E company are still very deep. Even his battalion headquarters is located not far from the E company position.

When he was in contact with the first batch of evacuation troops, he had learned that the ghostly black German armored force was now on the opposite position.

“Black Tiger King … that tank is the devil … don’t provoke it!”

“The German captain is here … that group of British and Canadian guys who came to support temporarily suffered heavy casualties …”

Speaking of the German captain, now the entire European battlefield is called a no one knows no one knows.

The German captain hated the Soviets the most. He took his black devil troops and slammed them on the Eastern Front. The Soviets who died in their hands added up from civilians to soldiers. , And they never leave captives, even if you surrender, it will be properly shot and ended.

On this point, the Allied soldiers regarded it as a joke after dinner, and they did not wait for the Soviets, just to deal with the enemy of Germany, they had to join forces.

Then there was a paper order, and the German captain, with his Black Cross, ran back to the Western Front to play with the Allies.

In the Baston region, the German captain of the Thousand Swordsmen brought a group of German soldiers who also wore black armored uniforms and black skull masks on their faces, and ran out of their positions every three minutes, holding his hand in one hand Breaking the shield, holding the MP-40 submachine gun in the other hand as if you never need to change the magazine. Seeing where there are many people, you rush to wherever you go, and then there is a sudden process.

The thing that annoys allied soldiers the most is that the German captain on this dog day is full of fun. If you say you come, you can come and kill some people. We will endure. After all, you can’t beat you.

but! but!

What are you trying to do with a pile of marquee lights on your shield?

Originally, the Black Cross shield seemed to have a serious atmosphere, but after adding a circle of colorful flashing colorful marquee lights, the overall style was simply abrupt.

In short, you can experience it for yourself. When you shrink into the foxhole you dug hard and look at the beautiful and silent night sky, and miss your hometown, suddenly a colorful marquee lights up on the dark side of the opposite side, and then accompanies With bursts of German shouting and shooting sounds, this Shaxing came to his position and walked around in a circle, leaving behind a corpse, and finally patting his **** back home, you can’t take him.

Then during the day, there were bombardments from time to time, followed by tank assault. The German captain drove his black tiger king, with five or six tiger tanks of the same black, and ran to your home for a lap, here Knocking you out of a simple bunker, where you burned a battlefield hospital, is annoyingly explosive.

So, when the first garrisons who experienced all this were evacuated, they were all extremely excited, and by the way, the troops who came up with the follow-up came to tell about the suffering they suffered.

Battalion Winters now knows the details of the German captain. These intelligence materials were dug up by the Allied Intelligence Service shortly after the official landing in Normandy.

“Heinrich von Arden, the ruined Prussian aristocrat in the Ardennes forest, the only member of the family, and a descendant of the yellow breed adopted by the family members.”

So strictly speaking, Arden Forest is the family captain of the German captain?

It is not surprising that he will come back to participate in this battle.

Subsequent developments have indeed further confirmed the speculation of Commander Winters: This German captain seems to have a different kindness and favor for the 101st Airborne Division, especially the E company.

The position of the 101st Airborne Division responsible for the station, usually only ordinary Germans shelled or launched a tentative attack on them, and the German captain’s Black Cross division seemed to have no interest in them, and would not take care of them at all.

Of course, it is only limited to them.

Whenever the night came, the soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division would always see a colorful marquee flashing in front of the positions of the friendly forces next door, and then there were bursts of gunshots and howling crying.

Not to mention during the day, the soldiers of the E company wrapped their army coats and stood tremblingly on the high ground, watching the black tiger king ’s tank clusters rushing around the friendly positions, the devil-like ones The tank is so fast that it ca n’t even catch up with trucks or even jeep at full speed.

“You said why didn’t the German captain come to attack us?”

“I heard that Commander Winters met the German captain when he was in Normandy. There was no conflict and the conversation was very pleasant.”

“German still has something good?”

“God knows…”

All in all, the 101th Airborne Division ate melons and watched the show all the way. By the way, the regular German army died and the German captain took his unusual special German army and continued to attack other Allied forces.

At night, on the turret of the Tiger King’s tank, Hu Feng threw a bottle of vodka from Stanley’s old Maozi.

“From the time we signed the contract to the present, the number of souls collected is very considerable. After returning to our time, I will take a time to go to **** and give you your part.”

Stanley smiled at Hu Feng and nodded, poured a vodka, and immediately vomited.

“Crude manufacturing, the Soviets never knew what high quality was.”

Hu Feng Wenyan also smiled.

“Speaking of this, you haven’t even attacked the 101th Airborne Division. You have missed such a good batch of souls.”

“Don’t you have a network in Hell? Have you seen HBO’s” Brothers “?” Hu Feng glanced at Stanley with contempt.

“I can’t see that you are still an American drama fan ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I like to watch our British TV series more than the Yankees.”

“Look at your British philosophy-based TV series?”

Stanley was not annoyed by the news. The Brits were a little bit better. They not only like to satire others, but also like to satire themselves. For Hu Feng’s satire, the King of Hell just shrugged.

“Trust me, English gentlemen still make up the majority compared to English gays.”

“Yes, yes … Although we are well-known enemies, chatting with you is better than chatting with the angels. Most of the hairy birds just want to purify Lao Tzu all day long, oh … And you. “

Stanley laughed a few times.

“So this is the advantage of our demons. We know how to adapt. Sometimes the enemy is not necessarily the enemy, but can also become an ally.”

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