Evil Break

Chapter 27 - : A place of joy and harmony

“Grass, Brother Hu, this car is full of energy!”

In the parking space in front of the bar, a group of people were watching the new car that boss Hu had just arrived.

“Lao Hu, you can, the top of this car’s 6.8T seems to have more than five or six million, right?”

“You know a fart, that is the price of a bare car, which is only six million after landing!” Ming Zi immediately mocked Xu Qiang.

“Yes, there is no more than a few bucks to go down on the accelerator. I’m afraid when I think about it.” Hu Feng looked at this luxury car of his own and decided that it was no big deal.

“Look at Lao Tzu, don’t be scratched or touched.”

Explained a few words, Hu Feng turned back to the bar.

Hu Feng is now a little tangled, and the car is left behind.

A few days later was Hu Mingjing’s birthday. Originally, she had planned to send something to finish it, but the little girl had to take herself to her birthday party.

So this group of rich people is just a spare egg, and I have to go to the hotel for a birthday party.

Hu Feng agreed to Hu Mingjing, and he would follow him.

See his dad, see you. I ’m afraid of a wool, and I have n’t done anything to his daughter. You ’re unhappy. I ’m mixed with your daughter. I ’m still unhappy. You sell her like goods.

One more point, Hu Feng did not want Hu Mingjing to stay alone with that Xu Jiajie. With his leg hair, he knew that Hu Mingjing’s dad would definitely invite Xu Jiajie’s family to go that day.

Zila. . .

Suddenly appeared, interrupting Hu Feng’s cranky thoughts.

“What’s the matter? Hey, I said you changed a lot recently, is it because of my vitality?”

Hu Feng opened the female ghost’s scattered hair, looked at the still pale and cold face with two **** tears, and observed the lethal wound on her neck.

“I feel that the wound around my neck is shrinking too. You won’t change back to the human form slowly? Are you pretty before? Grass … What I’m talking about … The ghost doesn’t let go.”

Shook his head and laughed at himself, Hu Feng continued to walk to his room.

“Can’t you just wipe those two **** tears, seeing them all blameless, a little social morality is good.”

Walked while sighing boredly.

“Hey … money, money … If this building is mine, I will start the business long ago.”

The female ghost stood quietly, looked up at Hu Feng’s back, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Money? floor? wish?

This building. . . Not only are they shelters for these ghosts, but also their cages and tombs.

They were trapped in these walls by eternal life. Without Hu Feng, she would never be able to see the outside world again.

The female ghost has also seen ghosts that have been wandering upstairs. Although most of them repeat the scene before death day after day, there are also some who have been wandering for too long, so that they have become irrational. Like a crazy beast without any thought.

As if they were trapped in a glass box, they could not communicate with the outside world, nor could they do anything. Some were just eternal silence and silence.

But I am different now. . . You can have substantial contact with the outside world, and. . .

Looked down at the spot of blood on his skirt, then raised his head again.

The ghost seemed to have made a decision.

After returning to his room, Hu Feng didn’t see the female ghost again for a day, and he was too lazy to bother about it. Anyway, this little girl was haunted every day. Like a neuropath, she didn’t know what to do. Is the ghost so exciting? ?

But soon, Hu Feng will know what the ghost is doing.

At night, the bar slowly started to hustle and bustle, and the guests began to gather here one by one.

For many people, the place of imprisoned chain bars attracts them with an unparalleled magic.

Crystal. . . Cheap drinks. . . Cheap pheasant. . . Cheap drugs. . .

The desire for the seven deadly sins was vented here, and they were bound to death with an invisible chain.

You can checkout and leave at any time, but you can never really escape from here.

Deafening music sounded, Hu Feng was still leaning against the guardrail on the second floor, looking at the crowd below, chatting with Hu Mingjing on WeChat one after another.

Sent a small video of the lobby on the first floor and around him.

“Look for your sister’s lady, you look forward to me looking for a lady every day, right?”

“If you dare to find me, wipe your Ding Dingka {菜刀} {菜刀} {菜刀}”

“You have said this threat hundreds of times. Change one. Sister, my Tintin is currently on a long vacation.”

“Ah !!!” A scream from the building made Hu Feng raise his head, looked up strangely, and listened carefully for a while.

what’s the situation?

Where did the scream come from?

“I’m going to take a shower. I danced for a few hours today and I was exhausted, so tonight I will be a good boy who goes to bed early.”

Looked down at WeChat sent by Hu Mingjing, and then quickly replied, “Okay, go to bed early after washing, then good night, silly girl, remember to check the window and lock the door.”

Put away the phone, Hu Feng turned back to his room, always felt something was wrong.

Suddenly thought of the phone ringing, scared Hu Feng jumped.

This is not to blame Hu Feng for being timid. After all, it is not his phone that rang, but the telephone landline in the room rang.

The landline, which is too old to use at all, is not plugged in.

“Oh, lying trough, what kind of bird things can happen to me?”

Hu Feng mumbled to himself, the phone landline still kept ringing.

After hesitating for a while, Hu Feng picked up the microphone and put it in his ear.

“Hey? Where is the fairy?”

Zrazra. . . Bursts of electric current flooded the microphone.

Just wanted to hang up, and a voice came.

“Hu … wind … come up …”

In this steel jungle, everyone is actually a beast.

Six of the Ten Commandments, “Do not kill”.

Youshallnotkill …

Hu Feng was silent for a while, put down the microphone, turned and walked out of the room, and out of the bar.

The air outside the bar is full of pungent gasoline and carbon dioxide smell.

Came to the bar next door, on the other side of the building, here is a stairway leading to the third and above floors.

There is a turquoise iron door at the stairway, and various small advertisements are posted on the iron door.

Has one of the most conspicuous: “Harmony, Development, Integrity, Friendship, Legal System …” Some of the back is not clear.

The iron door was not locked as usual, and Hu Feng opened it as soon as he pushed it.

Spicy **** smell.

Came down the stairs to the third floor, the doors were open, and a **** breath came from inside.

Hu Feng’s eyes suddenly ignited a dark green flame, and his hands began to gather fireballs.

But there is no danger, only corpses, throat cut corpses, UU reading www.uukanshu.com The wound is constantly pouring blood.

Retreated, Hu Feng continued to walk up.

This is true on every floor, with the door wide open, the body slumped to the ground, and the throat was cut open.

Hu Feng exhaled deeply, forcing himself to calm down.

The seventh floor, top floor, where the landlord lives.

Hu Feng slowly walked in, and saw a shadow standing quietly in the living room, and several black shadows collapsed beside him.

The man heard the noise and then slowly turned around, the landlord of this building.

Holding a dripping fruit knife in his hand, staring at Hu Feng with a daze.

Two **** tears flowed from the landlord’s eye socket. He seemed to be aware of it, and raised his other hand to wipe it.

Hu Feng saw this action, a flash of thunder flashed in his heart, and instantly understood what.

“You did it all?”

“Money, Lou, wish.” The landlord made a hoarse voice.

It turns out. . . This is the real ghost.

A ghost created by myself.

A file bag descended from the sky and seemed to be created from the ceiling out of thin air.

Hu Feng opened and came up with a contract agreement.

Real estate transfer agreement, personal land transfer contract.

Another ghost appeared and wore it out of the ceiling.

He wore a black-framed glasses, dressed in a vintage suit, with a gentle look.

“Fortunately, you are the first living person who can keep me in contact with the outside world.”

The young man in suit eyes looked at Hu Feng and smiled.

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