Evil Break

Chapter 39 - : Hunter and imprisonment

The entire birthday banquet, let alone mention the kind of strong atmosphere of commercial business nature, just talking about the different moods of everyone, has already made this banquet a bit sloppy.

Hu Mingjing ’s father ’s business friends, after halfway through the banquet, gave gifts of money or valuable birthday gifts, and after successful conversations and greetings with the targets they wanted to reach, they continued one after another. Continue to leave.

But Hu Mingjing was still very happy. After dealing with the old friends of her father, she left the middle table and ran to the next table to sit with her school friends, chatting non-stop.

The gossip of a woman will never end, and the flame crystal necklace Hu Feng gave her has naturally become the focus of discussion among this group of little girls. From time to time, there is no giggling giggles, and then he turned his head and used each A strange look looked at Hu Feng.

However, Hu Feng had some doubts at this moment, and the strange feeling of uncomfortable bursts was like the maggots of the bones, lingering, and there seemed to be some natural enemies nearby.

But after a few laps with the spirit, they found nothing.

“Hey, Hu Feng, come here!” At this time, Hu Mingjing’s shout interrupted his thoughts, shook his head, and smiled and nodded with Hu Mingjing’s father, then got up and walked over.

“what happened?”

“Well, I want to announce a very important thing to you.” Hu Mingjing replied with a smile, and the girls around him began to laugh.

“That is, I am very satisfied with the gift you gave me today, so … I will allow you to chase me in the future, and if you behave well, I can’t be considered as a girlfriend, hee …”

“Oh, together, together, together …” Hu Mingjing’s friends started to coax.

Hu Feng smiled, “Yes, yes, thank you for giving me this precious opportunity, I will be good …”

“Hey hey, but warn you in advance, now you can chase me, so you are not allowed to contact that Xiao Chen again, or I and you will never end!”

Hu Feng’s face suddenly fell, not because he was angry when he heard Hu Mingjing’s words, but he finally caught the flash of breath, who was secretly observing his existence.

“What’s the matter with you? Angry? Little Barbara, eating the bowl and thinking about the pot … Okay, then … Then allow you to be friends.” Hu Mingjing saw Hu Feng’s sudden change of face , Misunderstood something, continued pursing his lips in discontent.

“No, I’ll tell you later, I’ll go out first, I’m urinating.” Hu Feng waved his hand, then turned around and walked quickly outside the banquet hall.

“Smelly rogue, are you shy, hee …” Hu Mingjing shouted behind.

Hu Feng hurried to the outside of the hotel. At this moment, it was completely dark. Except for the lights in the main building and side building of the hotel, the parking lot and other places were dark. It seemed that the street lights were broken.

“Ying Li, are you there? Be alert, there may be enemies.” Hu Feng whispered, then felt a cold air blowing from the back of her neck, and the female ghost said she heard it.

There is only one breath like that of natural enemies, but what makes Hu Feng strange is that the observations he senses to him are not just one, but two or three.

When I came to the parking lot, I just wandered around to check carefully, but suddenly a person came out in front of him, he looked at himself quietly, then waved, and then turned back to the gap between the two cars in front. Among the parking spaces.

Hu Feng narrowed his eyes. This man was one of them who secretly observed himself just now, but he didn’t have the same breath as the natural enemy.

Walked over quickly, and soon Hu Feng saw two men standing in the gap. When they saw Hu Feng coming, they smiled unclearly.

But soon Hu Feng knew why, because he was surrounded by four air walls in an instant, holding him firmly in place.

At the foot is a pattern of six-pointed stars sprayed out with red paint, and a circle is set outside the six-pointed stars.

“It really is a demon, you evil dog mongrels, do you think you can wantonly harm this world? Today I will send you back to his hometown of hell!”

Hu Feng quickly calmed down. He found that although he was temporarily imprisoned, this power was not very strong, and he only needed a little time to break apart from the inside.

But these two people seem to know what others don’t know? demon? Yourself?

“I don’t know what you two are talking about, what devil? Are you stupid watching movies and reading novels?”

The two men sniffed a few words, “Well, then you come out of this circle now, and you come out we promise to apologize to you.”

Hu Feng was silent for a while, then his eyes suddenly ignited the dark green flames, and the two men were even more startled when they saw it.

“Brother, this demon … Doesn’t it seem to be the ordinary demon you encountered before? Is it the rumored high-end?”

Hu Feng raised his hands at this time, indicating that he was not hostile.

“Two people, in order to show sincerity, I took the initiative to let you see what I am now, and I do n’t have any malice, and I do n’t want to harm the world. I just want to know how much you know about demons. I also changed suddenly some time ago. of.”

“Haha, shit! Do you think we will believe you? Except that you demons will lie, you won’t say anything else! Did they change some time ago? You hybrids occupy the human body, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is still Pretend innocent here? “

Hu Feng sighed, and then his right hand was turned into a claw that burned evil flames, and he waved violently towards the ground circle.

Although immediately encountered a strong resistance, Hu Feng also violently exerted force, successfully cut a corner of the six-pointed star, the imprisonment disappeared in an instant, leaving only a failed six-pointed star formation burning with evil flames.

After doing this, watching two shocked men immediately make a defensive stance, and after each took out a long machete engraved with various ghost symbols, Hu Feng raised his hands again.

“Two buddies, I really do n’t know what ’s going on, I ’m not occupied or possessed, I ’m still myself … I ’m not malicious, I just want to know what ’s going on, want me How can you be sure that you will believe it? “

The two seem to be brothers. The man called the brother stared at Hu Feng for a while, and seemed to be judging Hu Feng’s credibility.

“Brother, this demon seems really strange … I feel like he is really not occupied by possession.”

Watching the flames in Hu Feng’s eyes extinguish again, the elder brother sighed and motioned for the younger brother to put away the machete together.

“We have been hunting demons for so many years and haven’t seen you like this. Are you really a human not long ago?”

Hu Feng took out the cigarette case, took out two cigarettes and threw them to the two brothers.

“It’s a good person, do you know what’s going on? I started to change a few months ago.”

Leaned against the body next to him, and Hu Feng looked at the two brothers suspiciously.

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