Evil Break

Chapter 417 - : Will to die and old memories

Aletya looked serious, staring at the death knight in front of him with vigilance.

“Evil death knight, you must …”

“Which … Do you have beer? Let’s drink beer.”

Hu Feng immediately interrupted the declaration of justice of the angel girl Aletya.

The death knight ignored Aletya, smiled, pointed to Hu Feng, and then snapped his fingers. Three bottles of beer without any trademark appeared on the coffee table.

“I got it from the wine cellar of the farm next door. Their private craft brew tastes pretty good. I am very satisfied with these ordinary human wine making methods.”

“Oh, do you also like to drink craft wine? Have you ever drunk in the monastery cellar, the kind of small-scale brew, that taste, 啧啧 啧 …” Boss Hu immediately found a common topic.

Then there was a crunching sound from the wooden ceiling.

“Don’t plan to dig holes! You **** stupid groundhog! I didn’t raise your white plump to make you destroy my house!”

The death knight immediately raised his head and shouted, then looked at Hu Feng again.

“The annoying little things in the Americas are as annoying as squirrels, but I just want to keep them as pets.”

Hu Feng laughed a few times, poured a beer in his hand, and nodded.

“Your death knight is a bit incompetent. I thought you lived in either a chaotic grave or a haunted house.”

“Ha!” Death immediately waved his hand violently, and the whole person exudes an old and beautiful native style that has not been seen in the country.

“After you have lived like me for so long, you will find that what responsibilities and missions are stinky shit! Besides, no matter how I move, mortals are ultimately dead, so are angels and demons, so What’s the difference! Old, don’t want to move! “

Hu Feng froze for a long moment, and opened his mouth several times, he just didn’t know what to say.

“That … Can I think that you have been passively idle?”

“Yeah, that’s what it looks like. There are so many deaths and deaths in the world every day. Life itself is extremely fragile. Why should I go by myself?” The death knight has a magnificent face, as if he is very striving for his negative strike Feel proud.

“Don’t you want to launch the apocalypse ceremony?”

“Why should I launch the apocalypse ceremony?”

“Why don’t you want to?”

“I just don’t want it! Old, don’t want to move, is it weird? Are all of you young people watching movies watching stupid?”

Aletya’s face is unbelievable, it seems to have been greatly shocked.

Why didn’t this evil villain play cards according to common sense?

Boss Hu also had a pain in his face, and found himself seeming to be preconceived.

The death knight in the end of the parallel ruins was controlled by another person, and under his command, he launched the apocalyptic ceremony that swept the world, but this does not represent his personal wishes.

In addition to the behavior of the other three apocalypse knights in the face of the villain, the subconscious mind also substituted the death knight into the same role.

Yeah, the beauty of people living here, from time to time can also make a guest appearance on the next king, and poke around the neighbor’s wife.

Why did he destroy the world and spread death? Who stipulated that he has the ability to bring death, then he must do it? I was put on by inertial thinking.

“That … that’s it. I came here this time to devour the last apocalyptic ability. You should also know that I have devoured your other three brothers?”

“I know, I pay attention to news and current affairs every day. By the way, you did a good job with Leviathan. I don’t want to see the group of cheap and dirty beasts near my home … I also bought A bunch of pay TV stations, HBO’s brothers are even good, and the German captain mentioned in it is you? Cross the time, um, your angel lover helped you? “The death knight raised his head and poured a beer in his hand.

Hu Feng nodded slowly, “Yes, what do you say, are we going to fight?”

“Do you want to die?”

“Yes, I want to die, put together four apocalyptic abilities, and become the only apocalypse.” Hu Feng nodded immediately.

“Really want? Not afraid of any consequences?”

“Not afraid.”

“Okay, then I will give it to you.”

“That’s a pity, I don’t want to fight you … what?” Hu Feng said halfway and reacted.

What did he say? What are you talking about?

“What do you hear is the same as what I hear?” Hu Feng asked Aletoa looking at him.

“Same, he said okay, he is willing to give you the ability to die.” Aletya confirmed it calmly.

“Why? I feel like I asked a lot of why today.” Hu Feng stared at the death knight with wide eyes.

“Because this is a burden, a burden.” The death knight now put on a serious face, and his eyes were extremely cold in the deep eye sockets.

“You know, I was death from the beginning of my birth. This world has given me this mission. In the words of the young people now, I was the invincible protagonist at that time. The other three brothers respected me and their strength was far inferior. I.”

Hu Feng nodded, did not speak, and continued to wait for the following.

“At the time, I was young and full of ambition, traveling around the world and harvesting the lives of mortals. I still remember that it was the spring and autumn period of the dynasty. The war knight gave the crown to many people. The endless war is there. A piece of land broke out. When the mortal named Bai Qi killed 300,000 captives, I saw everything with my own eyes, and then harvested the lives of 300,000 mortals. “

“I still remember the dark and foolish Middle Ages in Europe, where the plague knight ’s plague and black death swept through the earth, and there were no living people, and those stupid mortals used bloodletting methods to try to cure this disease, the only result It’s a lot of dead people under my sickle. “

“Then I feel tired, it’s boring, isn’t it? I’m tired of witnessing all kinds of death all the time, maybe I was keen on this at first, but as mortal said, once you are old, Once those past events can only be used to remember occasionally ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ has no meaning and interest for the present self. “

Hu Feng continued to be silent for a long time, he had some idea of ​​the death knight.

Has no loved ones, no lovers, only himself. He has traveled alone for thousands of years. Every day he just wields a sickle and reaps a batch of living people.

“So, I don’t think you can ignore the rules of the world right now and just spend a small life here just like this.”

“I found some loopholes and methods, but this is not a long-term strategy. I still have to execute the will of death. Maybe you are different. I have not seen the ability of my other three brothers continue to spread. You will control the apocalypse. It ’s good, how do you circumvent the rules of the world? Wait, do n’t tell me … I do n’t want to know, I do n’t care or do n’t care. ”

Hu Feng Wenyan shook his head and smiled. For this death knight, he was also convinced.

Maybe when he lives to his age, it will change like this, discovering the true meaning of living, and discovering some small meanings of survival.

Death comprehends life, which should not be too ironic.

“So you are willing to let me devour it to an eternal sleep?” Boss Hu is very curious about letting death die. Can death also die?

“Who said I must die? Superficial little young.”

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