Evil Break

Chapter 422 - : Mass Production Angel and New Human

The Angel’s United Dock is also very lively at the moment. Since Narumua shared the angel manufacturing technology, the number of angels in the Orthodox Paradise and the new heaven on the ground has been growing rapidly.

As a mass-produced kin, their war machine body shape is exactly the same. All men are hundreds of meters tall and white, with two to eight pairs of sharp steel wings suspended behind their backs, and a golden saint suspended behind their shoulders. The ring of light has no facial features on the head, only two rune lines flowing with the Holy Light. After the intersection in the center, a cross shape is formed. Two to eight steel arms are equipped with various types of energy weapons at the end. The feet are like Transformers are just as thick and heavy.

The overall structure of women is much slimmer, and they are more inclined to the type. The arms at the end of the arms have more sharp swords of holy light energy. Their faces are covered with a steel mask, and the feminine features are fixed at a minimum. The expressionless expression looks like a golden mask on the face of ancient Egyptian mummies.

Then the new angels changed into human form and joined their respective camps.

As for the non-mass production angels of the older generation, all were promoted, and the worst was to lead a small-scale army.

Their ontological forms are varied, they are different, and each has their own strengths. Unlike the mass production angels, the ability is balanced, and balance means that there is no bright spot.

For example, Aletya, her body is a white female sculpture, the upper part of her face is covered by a steel mask with a golden cross carved on the surface.

Her four pairs of wings are not completely steel, but with plump white feathers, and a long sword with golden runes on her hands. Without moving, it is completely the same as the solemn sculpture.

Their warships have a peculiar shape. They are completely a huge disc, covered with a hemispherical energy shield of holy light, and inside are various solemn golden towers and various house buildings, which together form a floating holy saint. Everbright Castle.

The central tower also has the function of an attacking main gun, which can condense a large-caliber disciplinary energy ray and purify any evil targets.

Orthodox paradise and free new paradise are both this way. The orthodox school of Apocalypse puritanism naturally continues the style of Naru ’s crystal fortress battleship. The huge chassis is supported by a hill-like golden light crystal, and the inside is cut out. Empty, as space for battleships.

The angels don’t wear any combat armor. They are still in a black suit, and the priests are in white robe. There is a fearless spirit that I am not afraid of bullets.

Oh, they did n’t like that after entering the battle. A group of angels in black suits fluttered in the universe, and the scene was so strange that it exploded.

The golden armor of the Holy Light will replace the black suit, and the wings will also appear, like a messenger of justice.

Humans and **** demons are much more normal. The warships are well-formed, removing all the sharp styles and elements, and replacing them with human squares, or two long oblong ship shapes with sharp ends.

The only difference is that the battleship of Hell Demon has a dark green evil energy style, while humans are full of science and technology.

Boss Hu walked around in this way, and there was no big problem. The only thing that sighed was that various human organizations are recruiting or cultivating paladins and priests.

Seeing that paladins and priests can also use the Holy Light, although not as powerful as angels, it is at least a qualitative improvement.

Paladins are natural commando leaders, and priests are excellent military doctors. The more such talents, the better.

So the new product of the Earth Commonwealth played its role for the first time. According to federal law, each independent state is obliged to help other states.

The angels were also happy to see the will of the Holy Light spread to more groups and larger areas, so the two hit it off immediately, and the various demon hunting organizations immediately sent a large number of people to their respective angel camps to receive talents. Testing, those with the ability to perceive the Holy Light will be left for training,

The Celestial Hunting Society and the British literati organizations naturally tend to orthodox heaven. After all, the name expresses this meaning, orthodox and serious.

The Yankees swarmed to the new paradise of freedom. Everyone is a free-spirited independent, and they have more common languages.

Tianqi Jingjiao is relatively cold. People only recruit their own apprentices who are willing to join the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Light Priest Team. Others are free.

Oh, another kind of new human being is also emerging, that is, implanting military mental amplification chips to obtain the ability to substantiate mental power and become the core elite in combat troops.

Although it is far from the level of Youying sister, it is at least a large amount, and you can slowly train and explore on your own.

Boss Hu ca n’t be so noble, so he shares the home-grown Amplifier Chip, but only takes out the chip implanted in the prosperous Star District Mass Production Pioneer chip. It seems that this is already the most advanced model.

It has to be said that human beings are a very creative miracle race, and what they are best at is the miraculous realization of the impossible.

The chips that were originally used to make elite soldiers of power pioneers were actually played by humans.

Hu Feng is very painful about this, he said that this is not the Jedi Knight!

A small group of humans who have received spiritual gains have groped their own way, and created a very primitive set of mental power usage, not just like the various races in the prosperous star district, which traditionally formed spiritual power into a defensive protection. Shield, or condensed into a singular point shot.

They lost their firearms, played a laser sword, and used their greatly enhanced mental power to perceive and cooperate, so that they could easily use the laser sword to block the bullets or energy attacks.

The majority of this group of people are Eastern ethnics. They combined and improved the martial arts of the dynasty and the Japanese swordsmanship to form this set of relatively original laser swordsmanship, which is paired with physical spirit offensive and defensive means. A terrible individual combat effectiveness.

Then this group of spiritual warriors became grand masters. They put on their robes and wore a laser sword that was turned off in their waists. How did they look like Jedi Knights?

Humans say that your group of aliens are all scum, and the power pioneer is a fart! Keeping the original functions provided by the chip will not be innovative and flexible.

Look at us, can you recognize this trick?

So these great masters floated ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Eastern people, love face, immediately put themselves on the name of various masters, in order to eliminate violence Anliang as their responsibility, formed a neutral organization, determined to teach more Many younger generations.

A number of derivative variants have also emerged in this batch of Grand Masters, and that is the monk.

These monks don’t use laser swords, they are more direct. They use laser gloves and finger tigers, fist to flesh, fist to burn you, and with the help of laser, one punch goes down and burns, daily wear steel cough Cough, breaking down the steel plate is not a problem at all.

For the way of war, human creativity is endless, after all, this is the biggest way of progress.

Soon, they will be ready, and then set off an endless battle for their colonial cause.

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