Evil Break

Chapter 448 - : Return and the reunion after the century

“Orthodox Paradise thank you for your assistance, and you, Aletya.”

Back to Hu Feng’s private top floor, Purifier Rasha nodded to the two in front of her.

After mixing with humans for so long, Rasha has also learned to work around.

There is no absolute black and white in the world, more gray in the middle.

Now the gray group is willing to assist the will of justice, so there is no need to be against them.

Ok. . . On the other hand, the orthodox paradise cannot purify Hu Feng and Aletya, so instead of tearing his face, he would not sit down and be embarrassed. . . Cough, sincere cooperation.

“Remember to call me again when there is such a good thing for purification next time, and go for a refreshing one. The feeling of killing the enemy with Italian artillery is cool. Your entertainment in heaven is not bad.” Boss Hu found that he liked it a little. It feels like killing others under the banner of justice.

Lao Tzu is justice, and today you will be destroyed by the Holy Light. Can you?

Want to talk and explain? To shut up! You evil and filthy chaos! If you do n’t listen, do n’t listen, Wang Ba chanting!

Ok. . . Being a messenger of the Holy Light is simply beautiful.

“You can take the initiative to embrace the will of the Holy Light, which makes me very happy. I will come back to inform you when I meet special goals.”

Laxia nodded in satisfaction, and was very satisfied with Hu ’s thinking of “Being wholehearted, eager for light and justice”. It seems that not only this demon is affecting Aletya, but Aletya is also at the same time. Affect him.

In exchange for an archangel in exchange for a pure demon plus the assistance of the apocalypse, this transaction is worthwhile.

Well, this is the social thought of Lasha after the human society has been mixed for a long time.

“Okay, I still have something to do now. I wo n’t leave you for dinner. Aletya, you go back to the Virtue Space Station first, take care of the angels under your hands, and make more people, I will give You find a colony. “

Watching the two archangels teleport away, Hu Feng looked at the retro flintlock pistol still in his hand and walked towards the elevator.


The elevator doors opened, and the lobby of the Seven Virtue Hotel appeared in front of us.

The ghosts here are about one-third less. They made a decision. After saying goodbye to their companions, they embarked on the road of reincarnation, put down the memories of this life, and started a new life.

The rest of the ghosts have the bottom of their hearts, and their mentality has stabilized a lot. Anyway, they can go to samsara at any time, so do n’t worry too much.

The time is in the afternoon, there are no people in the lobby, only three or two ordinary residents, scattered in the upper deck, chatting and drinking tea.

The Duke of Vampires was still sitting in her old position, on the soft card seat leaning against the guardrail. A tea pot and snacks were placed on the coffee table in front of her, leisurely spending her afternoon tea time.

Going down the stairs to the upper level, slowly walking behind the Duke of Vampire, I didn’t know what to say for a while.


The Duchess gently lowered the cup in her hand, still wearing the tilted hat with white feathers on her head.

“Actually, the world is not so different after more than 150 years, but life is indeed more convenient, oh … there are also nasty angels and demons, but this is not the first time I have seen demons Now. “

Hu Feng sat across from the Duchess and placed the vintage pistol on the coffee table.

“It’s considered to be the original owner.”

The Duchess looked at the pistol on the coffee table, and nostalgic expression appeared in the eyes not covered by the hat.

“It’s finally here.” Then, the Duchess picked up the pistol and looked at it. Her eyes stopped on the wooden barrel, and the handwriting she engraved more than a hundred years ago was still there.

“It seems that I have spoken, I don’t need you to help me look at the future world, I have read enough.”

“Why didn’t you tell me early in the morning?” Hu Feng asked.

The Duchess raised her head upon hearing the words and looked at Hu Feng.

“What’s the point? If the time is not up, even if I tell you, you won’t believe it, but then again, what happened to the **** of time?”

“We were bombarded into slag, dead ball, just after you suddenly disappeared.”

The Duchess gave a long grunt and nodded in satisfaction.

“That’s good, I paid so much.”

Hu Feng shook his head, “Now you can talk about, how can you become like this, the vampire who took you away?”

“Ah … Speaking of this, I really hated it for a century. To make a long story short, he took me away and transformed me. I am no longer a demon hunter, but a hunted prey.”

“Huh?” Hu Feng motioned to her to continue.

“The following story is very boring. He transformed me and wanted me to be his lover. We fought a fight, and then he wanted to control me with the power of the first support. I also resisted, but I also There is no other place to go, so I worked with him for more than a century and started a life-and-death battle with the former demon hunter. “

“Can you resist the first embrace?” Hu Feng was curious.

The Duchess shrugged and took a sip from the teacup.

“Vampires are not as mysterious as you think. Many records are just conjectures made by human beings. The first embrace is just a kind of mental oppression. My will is firmer, so I resisted it. Thanks to my converter In a way, he made me stronger. “

“Then I got tired of it, and every conflict with the demon hunt made me feel very disgusted, so I killed it and thought of the address you told me, so I came in advance.”

Hu Feng sighed, “Well, I’m still worried. I couldn’t find your trail at that time.”

“Speaking of which, please do me a favor, and now I won’t charge for anything like before,” the Duchess said with a smile.

“Ah … I had to make money before, you say it, guarantee free service, no charge.” Boss Hu touched his chin a little embarrassedly.

“Help me kill my transformant. Although I hate the demon hunter, I hate him even more. This is my last wish as a demon hunter.”

Although the demon hunter is a descendant of the demon hunter, there is a big difference between the two, so it is not a concept.

Now the demon hunter is almost extinct ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Most of them have followed the development of the times and changed their careers, becoming a demon hunter.

The evil silver sword has also been replaced by a magic hunting knife and a magic hunting gun, and the action is more organized.

Hu Feng nodded, “Yes, you can lead the way, people are still in London?”

“Still, he likes to live a luxurious life, and he likes to transform a rich lady, who is a lover, and has a good deal of money … Oh yes, I almost forgot.”

With that said, the Duchess stood up, stepped over to Hu Feng, leaned down and kissed at the same side of the face.

“Well … nothing changed, but this time I can smell your blood.”

“Please … it’s just been less than a day for me, okay …” Hu Feng said helplessly.

The Duchess chuckled a few words.

“But it has been a century for me.”


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