Evil Break

Chapter 462 - : Special Trends and Falling Leaves

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“How about, human movies are not bad … right …” Walking out of the cinema together with the Quillie girl, boss Hu asked a little bit emboldened.

This is not to blame Hu Feng, after all, the movie I watched just now is really. . .

After joining Star Alliance, humans began to turn over the boxes and find out if they have any culture to export.

Do n’t think about Hollywood ’s special effects blockbuster. The sharp people completely crushed more than a dozen streets of humans in this respect. People need technology and technology, and big scenes and big scenes. It is not a problem to use warships to shoot.

Therefore, war films and special effects blockbusters have always been monopolized by the sharp people, very similar to the United States on earth.

The demon hunters in European and American countries gave up and gave up the movie output. The Tianchao demon hunters stood up and said that they had resisted this burden.

Do you know Guo Jingming? Did you know when you were young? Let these of you alien mountain guns take a good look at how they are torn on our earth.

So the Little Era series was released on the Lianhebao Space Station, and there were endless stream of alien customers, which made Hu Feng ask, what evil do you have on your horse?

Suddenly, the man was very moved, the Clogan man was busy asking where to find such a human sister, and the Serrari man was busy analyzing the mentally ill-intentioned plots in the movie.

Ok. . . In short, at the box office, all families of Star Alliance are accustomed to the mainstream war fantasy special effects movies. Suddenly, they watched such a small movie with a retro screening method and no epic plot.

No way, you can let the sharp people shoot love movies, they will not be able to shoot in their lifetime, at most it is to engage in personal heroism, let the sharp women in the film like tenderness.

Then they fell further, because the Japanese demon hunting team also became powerful, and they brought the terrible oriental demon: the second element.

This group of Japanese people pulled a big killer from the earth of the main world, and after the share of Boss Hu, they provided smart chips with friendship, so. . .

The artificially retarded “Love Sauce” was officially launched at the Lianhebao Space Station.

Then it’s about to die, and a batch of alien friends have fallen into the foul language of “Love Sauce” and joined the ranks of dead fat houses.

“Flower q! Flower q! Flower ~~~ q!”

The out-of-speech English that was artificially handicapped scolded a cool alien friend, took out his bank card decisively, and then took home an artificially handicapped central core.

Starlink does not currently prohibit the existence of intelligent ai, but everyone is hostile, vigilant and opposed to artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence disability is an exception, and various alien races are curious about how the Japanese made this stuff.

what? Are you afraid that love sauce will be intelligent uprising? This possibility is not expected. . .

After accessing the user’s personal holographic computer, this virtual cute girl scolds people except playing games all day long, and looks like a female waste house with no ambition.

Boss Hu originally wanted to get home, but then he thought about the cruel and jealous super ai Veronica in his family. . . Well, for the safety of the life of the artificially mentally disabled, don’t toss about it. It is estimated that Veronica will kill her immediately in the shame of this ai.

Anyway, boss Hu is unable to understand the attraction of the secondary element. Looking at the secondary element fans being produced in batches in the Lianhebao space station, he can only shake his head and feel that this demon from Dongying is terrible.

It is estimated that not long before, the cartoon exhibition and various money-burning shops will appear in general.

The popularity of artificially mentally retarded people is surging rapidly, even surpassing some second- and third-line stars, which makes the Japanese demon hunting team make money and make a cool.

“It looks good. The environment of the earth is so good. It is very similar to our parent star Lenoch, but unfortunately we can’t see it anymore.”

Sitting in a human-owned western restaurant next door to the movie theater, the Quill girl still ordered only a soup, and then prepared a straw.

No one has seen how the Quillians eat, because they can only open the protective mask in a completely sterile environment, so you can’t observe it besides, after all, you carry a lot of germs yourself.

The common cold virus that humans do n’t take seriously is a terrible cancer for the Quillians. If they are not treated quickly, their immuneless bodies will stop all organic reactions within a few hours. Commonly known as Gaba, he died.

So let alone the apocalypse plague on the ruined earth, if the plague knight is put into the Quiri society, then it is properly a world-destroying demon.

“I’ve always been curious, can you never produce antibodies anymore?” Hu Feng looked at the Quillie girl who used a straw to drink creamy mushroom soup.

The girl immediately shook her head, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh orfey, the spaceship in the spaceship made us not sick, but it also harmed us … so unless we can return to the parent star Lenoch Use the time and sacrifice of one or two generations to slowly regenerate the body’s most basic antibodies, otherwise this status quo cannot be changed. “

“Oh, to put it bluntly, I still have to go back to my home star.” Hu Feng shook his head. He didn’t know what to say about this wandering race driven by his own ai.

Especially for the new generation of young Quillies born in the aseptic environment of the spaceship, they have to live on protective clothing that covers their entire body in their lives.

Therefore, after they discovered the solar system and the earth, they did not carry out any colonial operations. To be precise, they cannot colonize any planet now.

The loss of the parent star is like rootless duckweed, and the organism’s body is extremely magical. It is not an exaggeration to call it a miracle, but this miracle is also very fragile.

Therefore, the Quillians must return to their parent star, to the place where their race was born, and then start again like Phoenix Pan Ni.

Take off protective clothing ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Use your body to bear everything that ancestors suffered in the past: sickness, pain, death, sacrifice.

However, the mother star will not kill her children. In this process, the Quillis will regain basic antibodies, slowly give up protective clothing, and integrate into the planet like their ancestors.

After doing all this, they can fly out of the parent star without relying on protective clothing, just like other races, to meet all the challenges brought about by other colonial planets.

But aside from the intelligent ai that squeezes the farts of the Quileys, it is said that this entire process will take at least a few generations of time. The evolution and change of the organism are not overnight, just like the synthetic body. The patch is fine.

So now the Quillians, strictly speaking, are anti-natural creatures, a race to be eliminated and extinct, but technology has pulled them back.

Jinwo Yinwo is not as good as his doghouse, Hu Feng thought of a ruin and apocalypse plagued the earth.

At least the human roots are still there, and the family is still there.


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