Evil Break

Chapter 464 - : Catch and release

“For those who clearly discriminate against you, you can’t be soft, you should scold, and you should fight.”

Boss Hu, who stepped out of the security center in this district, gave an important speech. The young girl beside him nodded helplessly, pulling him away quickly.

Oh, there is nothing to elaborate about after the incident. Boss Hu beat people on the street. Boss Hu was reported by enthusiastic people. Boss Hu was brought into the bureau by the security soldiers who heard the news.

This time, the pan was fried, and the members and ambassadors of the Earth Union immediately contacted the Star Alliance Parliament to prepare for fishing.

No way, no fishing, the demons under Hu Feng’s group are now rioting, and the sharp ones are waiting for full horsepower to burn the entire Joint Fort space station into space garbage.

The huge fleet of the First Order also ignited one after another, without concealing their movements, surrounded by the repeaters of the highest order galaxy, ready to jump.

Hell also got together in the hell, and Stanley suddenly turned into the chairman of the devil’s personal rights protection organization, jumping up and down, saying that he wanted to find justice for the talented boss Hu.

The Star Alliance Council was already extremely nervous, and was very puzzled by the chaos at the juncture. What madness did the Fascist dictators of the First Order.

Then the newly arrived Earth official said so. . . Oh, I see, the security soldiers have captured their head Hu Da.

Are you sick? You said you have to provoke what Shaxing did!

Boss Hu is now the heart of all demons and First Order, who dares to move him, the two parties properly explode in an instant.

Then I took a look at the record, okay, I understood more details.

A sharp shop owner insulted the female Quillie who was accompanied by boss Hu. The reason was that the Quillie was curious, so he touched the display on the outside of the store a few times, and then boss Hu hit the others with a word. The beaten people have now been sent to the hospital for rescue.

It was Boss Hu who started first, and Boss Hu caused serious injuries. Finally, it was Boss Hu who took away the display from outside the store directly.

The real hammer can’t run away. Boss Hu’s crime is serious. He confessed all his actions in the bureau and had no intention of remorse.

and so. . . Let him go.

I read that the demon Hu Feng has a good corrective attitude and voluntarily cooperates with the investigation, and gives a warning. I hope that boss Hu will take this as a warning and do not commit it again in the future.

Then the demons and the first order ceased, and their boss was released by Starlink within an hour. The result was quite satisfactory.

Ok. . . Boss Hu, who was correct in his attitude, came out of the bureau cursingly and regained his freedom.

“Thank you, you shouldn’t be like this … Ah … I mean … you don’t have to … I’m used to it … I mean, thank you …”

Naomi rubbed his hands nervously, again annoyed that he was speechless when he was nervous.

“Okay, okay, it’s fine. I hate racial discrimination the most. You Quli people are also miserable. They are discriminated by the entire prosperous star district. Just like going across the street when you go out, these Star Alliance races are too bullying. “

“As long as we don’t regain the parent star, this situation will never improve …” Quill girl’s tone was a little low.

While walking and chatting, the two finally came to the apartment building where Masani lives.

The two of them came early early, otherwise boss Hu was locked into the bureau for an hour and was properly late.

Taking the elevator to the forty-eighth floor, a one-way walkway appeared in front of you. On one side were ten apartment doors, on the other side was a viewing glass wall, colorful neon lights, and the endless stream of shuttles fell in the eyes of Hu Feng. It is also a unique sight.

Massani’s home is at the end of the corridor, and the apartment at the end of the corridor is many times larger than the average apartment on the side of the corridor.

Dingdong. . .

Hu Feng pressed the doorbell of the apartment, and then looked at the Quill girl who seemed to be in a daze, and shook his head.

No matter how I look, I can’t be connected with her hidden identity of that cat’s eye. It is either a daze or a variety of clumsiness. When I encounter something, I start to be nervous and incoherent.

“What are you thinking? Dumbfounded like this …” Hu Feng patted her, and the Quill girl immediately shouted, as if she had been stabbed by a needle.

“Ah … no … I didn’t … no … I didn’t do anything … um … no …”

Naomi immediately shut down the software materials he was devoted to downloading and reading, and the inside of the protective mask became transparent again.

“The Ultimate Edition of the Nerve and Organ Stimulation System of Protective Clothing (proudly produced by the Quilly Civil Fleet)”. . .

“Encyclopedia of everything you need to know about humans, strange races”. . .

“Other Aspects of Humanity You Didn’t Know Except Warlike”. . .

“Horror variants: demons, legends come true!” “. . .

“Looking at Humans from the Mother Earth”. . .

“Encyclopedia of Human Courtship Ways”. . .

“How to make the Quilli strong.” . . Delete, the original download progress is 78%.

Paid movie “Little Age 6: The Age of Agriculture, the Love and Hate of Master Murakami Wang”. . .

The door of the apartment slid open to the side, and the sound of music immediately came out. Masani, wearing an ordinary Ashali-style home casual dress, smiled and nodded to Hu Feng and Naomi.

“The news that boss Hu was taken away by the security soldiers has spread throughout Lianhebao, and it came out so soon? Nice to meet you, Naomi.”

The Quill girl didn’t reply, and seemed to be in a daze again.

“It’s hilarious, how many players have you recruited?”

Pulling the dazed Naomi into the apartment, Hu Feng asked Masani.

“A dozen people, oh right, and there are two of your fellow human beings.” Masani pointed to the two middle-aged uncles in tunics standing in the living room.

Ok. . . One of them is an old acquaintance. The leader of the Japanese demon hunter group who originally led the team to the end of the ruins also secretly contacted him and conveyed the request for refuge before Yuzao.

This Konishi Koshiro used to be a spiritual master. Now he has implanted a spiritual amplification chip, and he has a part-time mental power.

At this time, Hu Feng felt the quivering girl Quill trembling, and seemed to be stimulated.

“Well ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Okay, there is another whine.

“What’s wrong?” Hu Feng looked at Naomi suspiciously.

“No … nothing … I’m not … I don’t … delete … no …”

Naomi shook his head violently, again incoherently nervously.

Completely delete the “Full Version of the Nerve and Organ Stimulation System of Protective Clothing (proudly produced by the Quilly Civil Fleet)” and the software is rated Samsung. . .

“I said that you’re so nervous that you won’t be able to speak. You really have to change it.”

Hu Feng didn’t ask much, shook his head helplessly, and motioned for the Quill girl to follow her to the apartment living room.

I do n’t know what moth this chick has been doing all day long. If I do n’t move, I will be nervous and nervous. How did this psychological quality become a well-known thief in the universe?


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