Evil Break

Chapter 466 - : Destroyer and Declaration of War

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One surprised the Star Alliance Council again. . . The news of hilariousness quickly spread throughout the bustling Star District.

The Revolutionary Mars galaxy was attacked by the collector asteroid battleship, and this young human race was finally targeted by the reaper and his younger brothers.

The battle situation at that time was extremely tragic. The Red Tide clone fighters drove their overwhelming five-pointed star fighting machine group, covering the Red Tide main fleet assault, trying to set fire at close range, and then destroying this single-handed evil. Star warship.

But contrary to expectations, their fighter community was defeated, and the collector asteroid warship immediately released the harvester’s iconic laser eye fighter, and the number was comparable to the red tide fighter.

Cosmic warfare is a silent firework show. You can see the destroyed fighter jets exploding into fireballs and debris, but you will never hear any sound.

The huge tide of fighters in the red tide is one in ten, and 30,000 or 40,000 revolutionary fighters are buried in the universe with their fighters.

The raging red tide main fleet carried forward the fearless spirit, whether it is a fearless-class battleship, cruiser or assault ship, it rushed towards the collector battleship at this moment, seizing the time that the sacrificed fighter group won for them.

Although the red tide is fanatical, their commander is not stupid. At the first glance at the warship transformed from the entire circular asteroid, he knew that he could never resist hard, and he was completely unequal.

You bombarded his extremely heavy stone appearance, he bombarded your armor, and the collector’s main gun was much more powerful than his own, so this is totally bullying, the method of fighting with the conventional fleet is to seek death road.

Therefore, we must seize the weakness of the asteroid warship’s large size and slow movement, and then carry out the post-rao action.

One point of gamification is that the heavy front armor on the opposite side can’t be worn, you must break its tracks to the side, and then go behind the buttocks to hit his weakness.

This sudden encounter ended with the red tide losing an entire main fleet. More than 100,000 fleet soldiers were buried in the universe with their warships.

After Rao’s behavior failed, without the cover of the fighter group, the entire fleet was completely exposed in front of the enemy’s fighters, and could be interspersed with various raids and flowers.

After two fearless class battleships directly hit the asteroid battleship head-on and then decisively detonated, the encounter ended.

The asteroid warship whose appearance is already extremely broken is actually not a broken bone. After emergency closure of all damaged areas, they attacked a resource planet closest to the battlefield and harvested all the intelligent creatures above.

In the end, this ship was full of big pits and gaps. There was a missing piece here and no big piece there. From a distance, it looked like a small round cake-shaped asteroid warship, passing through the hundreds of thousands of transformants it got. The repeater jumped away and his whereabouts were unknown.

Although the entire prosperous star area does not like the red tide and their ideological spread, it is undeniable that the red tide human race is extremely bloody.

The fanatical fighters dedicated themselves to faith, and could perform suicide missions without hesitation for victory, and finally ended the battle with a battleship blasting and detonating.

Heroism is sometimes easy for people to ignore the ideological conflict between the two. The battle of the red tide has been praised by many military enthusiasts and bricks of the Star Alliance, calling them fearless fighters against the collectors. This is an unexpected gain.

However, the red tide does not care about the various comments from the outside world, and they are now in a state of extreme anger.

“Revolutionary soldiers united and new enemies have appeared! They are slaughtering our people! Comrades of the Second Fleet have collectively sacrificed to protect the safety of the people! Death does not belong to the revolutionary class! We want to fight back! We want to win! Use the revolutionary iron fist to crush the shameless enemies named Collectors! “

On all planets of the Revolutionary Mars system, the voices of political commissars are extremely high-pitched and loud, they are giving speeches in major cities, and the people’s emotions are driven by the extreme fanaticism and anger.

“Red tide officially declared war on the reaper and collector! The people’s vengeful iron fist will defeat you! The people’s fleet will find your galaxy! The flames of revolution will burn you all!”

The prosperous star district that had just barely recovered, was once again stirred up by the red tide’s war declaration.

This is to put the Star Alliance on the fire shelf and roast, the refugees who poured into the space station of Lianhebao are also very excited, so in desperation, the Star Alliance Council also learned a kind of human declaration habits and characteristics, Officially declared a complete war on the harvesters and collectors.

Before humans joined, there was no tradition of declaring war among the various races of the Star Alliance. If they really wanted to fight, everyone would point to see who shot the first shot first and seize the advantage.

This is also normal. After all, cosmic warfare often requires a cross-galaxy transition. You declare war with the enemy in advance. The enemy is ready for defense. If your fleet makes another transition, is it not to find death?

Not to mention, after such a declaration of war, the Star Alliance also found a little advantage, that is, the excitement of the refugees has stabilized a lot, and they are extremely hated by the collectors. Now that the Star Alliance Council has made it clear that it will send an army to fight Collector, so everyone is naturally supported by both hands and feet, so there is not much trouble.

However, strictly speaking, the Star Alliance Parliament is also a hindsight. It seems that no one knows that you are working with the collectors now. The declaration of war is only to stabilize the internal public sentiment.

The people ’s thinking has always been one-sided. After the Star Alliance Parliament responded to their wishes, the refugees soon stopped caring about this, and continued to pressure the Parliament to let the members of their respective races find new ones. Safe and livable planet.

Compared with this matter, there are other more important things to consider for the various families of the Star Alliance. That is the red tide after the declaration of war. They want to step out of the revolutionary Mars galaxy. The reason is naturally to search for collectors and sacrifice comrades. revenge.

It is naturally unwilling to connect the top and bottom of the constellation. For this group of fanatics, they must not be allowed to continue to sprinkle the red tide fire to more galaxies. This is completely an unstable factor and a violent revolution.

Therefore, Star Alliance urgently convened a response meeting and asked the Earth Federation to restrain their dominion ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ to prohibit any excessive actions, especially to enter the territories of other races of Star Alliance without permission.

The Earth Commonwealth also has a headache. The Red Tide Dominion seems to be a disobedient child who has reached a period of rebellion. In many cases, he does not consider the overall interests of mankind.

But the only thing that is gratifying is that the red tide can at least listen to the constraints and obey the previously enacted minority-to-majority accession bill.

The Earth Commonwealth government immediately stated that it would restrain the restless red tide dominion. If they had to insist on sending troops, they could consider letting them enter those borderless lands in the edge galaxy to conduct a search for collectors and open up the current star by the way. Figure scale.

On this point, the Star Alliance Council is still under consideration. After all, they do not want Red Tide to take a step out of their old nest galaxy.

It seems that the bad news is always one after another in the chaotic period. The restlessness of the red tide has not been dealt with, and another news will follow.

Found another collector asteroid warship and predicted the trajectory of the transition: the horizon galaxy, the Pearl of the East colonized the planet.


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