Evil Break

Chapter 468 - : 3-way melee and special assault

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The elite fleet had just leaped to the Pearl of the Orient galaxy, and was attacked by a transparent brain. Eight transparent tentacles emitted eight white laser beams at the end, but they were blocked by the battleship’s stand shield.

“Don’t fight for battle, accelerate immediately and join the garrison!”

The flagship that was hit was shaken violently, and Massani grabbed the guardrail in front of him and quickly followed up the order. The collector didn’t seem to care about this fleet that entered suddenly. The overwhelming laser eyeball fighter continued to die with the transparent brain group. The laser main gun on the front of the asteroid swept the large brain warships.

After successfully contacting the garrison fleet, Masani immediately asked about the situation on the planet.

“We are resisting the ground collectors, but they currently have no follow-up reinforcements. After the group of jellyfish-like ghosts appeared, the collector’s warship took off to fight them!”

The commander of the garrison fleet is a sharp man with three scars on his face, which should be caused by stray bullets or wreckage of the spacecraft.

“Has Starlink given a reply?”

“The parliament is urgently investigating this strange race. The reinforcements are already on the way. It seems that you Ashali are going to play this time. The ship of Destiny is coming …”

The sharp commander hadn’t finished speaking yet, and a sudden burst of energy interrupted him.

Quantum repeaters are flashing blue light very intense, and then. . .

A super-giant elliptical battleship appeared suddenly. The elliptical hull erected a curved bridge extending backwards in four directions of up, down, left and right, like a cross.

Hundreds of main battleships are closely followed by the Destiny Transcendence. The style of the Ashali battleship is uniform, there are not many corners, and the overall feeling is more round and elegant.

There is a large oval jet on the front of the Destiny Transcendental. It stands to reason that this thing should be at the rear of the battleship, but this first super battleship cannot be used with common sense, and that is not the jet. It’s the main gun, a big caliber of madness.

The dazzling light flashed in the main gun with the same injection port, and the entire charging speed was unreasonable. After a few seconds, it was a super large-caliber laser beam. . . Oh wrong, it should be said that the laser torrent sprayed out and hit the target of the T-shaped battleship.

The transparent brains around immediately gathered like giant worker bees, forming a huge transparent shield.

Then they were instantly vaporized, and the laser torrent continued to attack the T-shaped warship that was retreating.

It was a silent explosion, the strip below the T-shape was directly broken, and then gasified, and the entire battleship instantly became a shape.

A burst of spiritual roar that came out of nowhere, but was extremely clear, appeared in the mind of every creature. It was an unintended alien language, but from the tone of tone, it seemed extremely angry.

Everyone also saw the biological appearance of speaking, and formed in the spirit naturally.

It was a gorilla wearing a black and red military uniform, sitting on the high seat of the captain’s room, with a transparent brain on his head. Eight transparent tentacles were completely connected to the gorilla’s head and fell into the brain. It seems to be a state of complete symbiosis.

The captain of the gorilla is furious, and the transparent brain on his head is also furious. The originally transparent brain becomes scarlet, and the nerves are rapidly contracting and relaxing.

All brain battleships on the battlefield have also changed color at the moment, exuding scarlet mist, regardless of speed or attack power, they have instantly turned several times.

The fleet of Destiny Transcendence immediately greeted it and launched a close-range firefight with this group of scarlet brain battleships.

Although the collector is also attacking this group of brain battleships, the asteroid battleship is also slowly leaving the battlefield and descending towards the surface of the planet. It seems to be to meet the ground collector and take away the harvested transformants.

Massani’s Pioneer cruiser broke away from the elite fleet, and under the cover of the fleet and the garrison fleet, screamed toward the asteroid warship.

“Just set my locked position! Make a gap! Very good!”

Massani watched the asteroid battleship successfully popped out of a passage into the interior, and knocked **** the captain’s console.

“The rest of the fleet immediately landed, sweep the ground collectors, don’t let them retreat!” Then, Massani turned and strode down, took out the heavy submachine pistol pinned to his waist, watching the ready assault Squad.

“Our mission is only one. Install a small nuclear bomb inside the Collector’s warship, blow up its energy core, and let this evil warship disappear forever!”

The Pioneer cruiser successfully landed on the surface of the asteroid battleship, close to the location of the channel that was blown out.

The hatch opened, and a team of more than two dozen commandos in combat armor jumped down. The foot armor opened artificial gravity, making them firmly step on the surface of the asteroid in the universe.

“Welcome the enemy!” Masani’s voice came through the communication equipment, and a group of enlightened troops was pouring out of the passage not far away.

The number of corpses puppets transformed by humans is the largest. This group of cannon fodder rushed to the fore, full of blue lines and pipes, and a large twisted mouth, rushing towards the commando.

Behind them are assaulters transformed by a group of sharp people. They are well equipped and hold an energy submachine gun.

“Damn the reaper! I’m going to kill you all!” Masani yelled excitedly.

Because she saw the transformed fellow Ashley, the transformed state made Massani almost spit blood furiously.

After the harvest and transformation of other races, at least they still maintain a large number of features before, and the overall shape has not changed much.

And the Ashali people are born with powerful mental power, so they are transformed into a very distorted screaming banshee, the body is elongated a lot, floating in the low air, the original four ends are gathered together The rounded tentacle hair is now extremely sharp and slender, and it spreads out to the outside.

Their bodies were also filled with lines and pipes, their original smooth and **** skin became rumpled, and two extremely sagging * were also connected with two lines flowing blue light.

The unnaturally elongated mouth issued a scream from the soul, even in the silent universe, which was extremely clear and harsh.

Boss Hu secretly tweeted a few words. To be honest, he did not expect that the group of harvesters under his command would play so well. A good soft girl was transformed into this bird-like pattern, which was a waste. . .

“Ahaha, rush! Clogan Express is coming!”

Uzur, holding his heavy shotgun, shattered the five or six human corpses directly in front of him, and then rushed towards the enemy formation.

The two psychic warriors turned on their laser swords and performed the play of the laser sword blocking the bullets for the commandos behind them. At the same time, they began to move forward quickly, and the commando followed closely behind them.

Boss Hu shrugged and glanced at the Quiley girl who is manufacturing mechanical eye robots in batches. It seems that Cat Eye is not ready to fight by his own hands ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The enemy instantly burned it into a cosmic dust.

Naomi nodded his thanks to Hu Feng, then got up, pulled out a heavy pistol, and directed a dozen eyeball robots to move forward.

“Follow me, next time you can change a more powerful gun, this small pistol …”


Before finishing the talk, the Quillie girl shot at a corpse who rushed over. The power was so great that it directly blasted the upper body of the corpse puppet.

“forget it…”

Naomi giggled a few words.

“You always forget that our Quillians are proficient in mechanical construction, and it is certainly not a problem to transform a pistol.”

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