Evil Break

Chapter 476 - : Promotional salary increase and border confrontation

Massani Commando immediately received a grand welcome from the Star Alliance Parliament after returning to Lianhebao. At the same time, they invited reporters from various official media to conduct an open commendation ceremony.

Power pioneer Massani was promoted and raised from the captain’s direct rocket speed to the colonel, and served as the handle of the newly opened reaper quick response department. As the most experienced talent against the collector, she will also submit A series of related reports, as well as the same kind that can sense the fluctuations of harvest education in the pioneers of abilities.

Boss Hu, the head coach of the 100,000 Reaper, continued to perform. There was nothing but waves of evil energy in his body. He was also awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the Star Alliance, and at the same time, an unauthorized captain was emptied in the Star Alliance. The 52nd ring zone, which was originally somewhat qualitative in nature, is now firmly established in the nature of Devil Street and Quiley Street.

Not long ago, the Starlink ’s data archive fire happened inexplicably. Coincidentally, it just happened to burn down all the information about the cat ’s eyes and the information currently available, and the progress of the tracing of this cosmic thief returned to liberation overnight. Before, we have to start again.

All other commandos were also added to the rank to divide the territory. . . Cough, anyway, it is a name on the Star Alliance.

For example, the two spiritual warriors such as Xuan Yi and Konishi Koshiro were awarded the honorary title of “Grandmaster” by the Star Alliance. In the future, if they want to teach apprentices, they will ensure that a large number of people will rush to register and become disciples of Grandmaster.

Orientals have a good face. For this honorary title, the two are naturally extremely satisfied. It seems that the spirit of the whole person has been sublimated in an instant, and the elegant manners are revealed everywhere between the behaviors.

Another example is Uzur. This Krogan and his illegal mercenary regiment also received official whitewashing, changing from Sanwu Black Nest to Sanyou International Corporation.

Uzur didn’t care about this, he was more concerned about the bonus that Starlink gave himself, and even more concerned about the latest price of the Port of Virtue villa apartment.

Anyway, the blood sac mercenary ’s nest is in the port of Virtue. You Star Alliance Assembly promises to admit that my legitimacy is arbitrary, anyway, we are not a serious mercenary.

Under the title of a legitimate mercenary group to work part-time interplanetary pirates, a lot of shame! How can I be mixed up in the circle of social people in the future!

After finishing various interviews and official documents and reports, the Massani Commando finally ushered in the holiday, and the time was returned to free control.

Everyone is a little bit bored with the space giant city of Lianhebao, which still has no atmosphere of war, so boss Hu volunteered to pay for all energy and fuel expenses for the flagship pioneer of Masani, and then all the commando members boarded the ship. Leave, go straight to the port of virtue.

The elite fleet cannot be mobilized at will when there is no mission. The flagship pioneer is regarded as one of the welfare of the war hero Masani. The Star Alliance Council allows her to freely control, provided that the expenses are self-care, do not want the official to give You are reimbursed.

This Ashali’s most advanced high-speed cruiser, the overall shape is very artistic, streamlined hull, there is no sharp and serious edges, very in line with the style of Ashali’s national soft sister, the color of the battleship is also mainly white, And with golden patterns as decoration, of course, these patterns are not only decoration, but also a generator to generate stand shields.

Ashali people are not worried about technical leaks. After all, Masani is a member of Ashali people and will not betray her race and country.

Secondly, there are countless anti-scanning and anti-detection measures on the military ’s battleships. If they are disassembled or repaired without permission, the Ashali military will immediately be alerted. Theft of military secrets is The felony of shooting.

While the Marsani Commando was on holiday, the war on the edge of the galaxy officially broke out.

Well, the specific fuse is still the pot of the Japanese demon hunter group, the old recipe, the familiar taste.

Everyone knows that after the Japanese demon hunter joined the Star Alliance with the Earth Union, it is easy for the sharp people to release their presumed suspicions. The character of a mouthful, need not say much, everyone on earth knows it.

Therefore, while the sharp main fleet drove to the Batarri’s edge galaxy and carried out military confrontation with it, the Yamato Dominion also sent a fleet, following the banner of military observation and learning.

Oh yes, in the parallel universe, the Japanese demon hunters claim to be Yamato Dominion.

The moment I saw Yamato’s shining debut, the commander of the Touhou Fleet had an unpleasant feeling.

Will it happen? It shouldn’t have happened?

. . . ?

The Yamato Fleet obeyed the command and was arranged to go to the flank to suppress the position of the main force fleet so as to continue the military confrontation with more confidence.

Hey, after all, they are all allies of Star Alliance after all. If you want to force them away, your face will not look good, so the sharp people have repeatedly told the Japanese to obey the command and deployment, and do n’t mess with me.

Yamato boys are naturally a “Hai! Ha!”, As much courtesy as you want.

Then. . . Then there is no more.

The sharp people bite their teeth and grudge against this group of Japanese people. They just want to grab their commander and slap in the face of his big plate.

Yeah, you’re right, the Yamato men’s stunned spirits are back on top.

And this time they are for the honor of the Star Alliance, you can’t say anything seriously, this is very helpless.

This was the situation at the time. . .

The fleet of sharp ships is completely in accordance with the interstellar basic law. . . Cough, completely in accordance with the principle of military confrontation, that is to maintain a state of restraint, and from time to time send a team of fighters to flaunt the military, the main battleship from time to time “military exercises” a few times, smashing several asteroids to show off muscle .

Batarui old irons also follow the interstellar basic law, just like the sharp old iron on the opposite side, just show off their muscles.

After all, people do n’t really think too much about it. That ’s how much money they have to fight. There are a large number of refugees waiting for resettlement. The Emperor Batari also has a new vacation palace waiting for funding to build ~ www .mtlnovel.com ~ So the meaning is over, otherwise the face won’t pass.

Otherwise, what do we do to declare war comprehensively is not to give you the time to prepare and respond intimately, so as to express our specific intentions and give you a detailed experience.

All in all, it seems that the tradition of declaring war on the earth is a bit different.

We do n’t really want to fight, just to frighten you, to admit a mistake and to apologize, our emperor also had an explanation to the people.

Unfortunately, it ’s going to rain, and Niang is going to marry. In this vast universe, many things ca n’t be satisfied, and Yamato men from Japan are this **** stick.

Yamato Men’s planes are relatively stunned, as are space fighters.

At that time, a Batari fighter was provoking happily on the flanks. Of course, Yamato men did not do it, for the sake of Star Alliance! For the Union of Earth! For Sakura Bushido!

So a group of “Thrill” fighters roared out, and the group surrounded the poor Battari fighter.

Batari fighter pilots have never seen such a stunned scene, saying that this is not in line with the basic law of opposition!

So he was a little nervous, and such a nervousness would naturally be a bad thing.

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