Evil Break

Chapter 484 - : Servant and the so-called secret technique

The central tower of Virtue and Port, the private top floor of Boss Hu, is dark in the living room at this moment, and only one large holographic screen is shining brightly, displaying a large string of information and video materials.

“Lingue 1 planet, Lingge galaxy, planet, intelligent race as primate mammals, social form as feudal dictatorship, was rated as a low-level civilization in the cold weapon era of the planet by the Star Alliance, originally classified as a non-interference protected area, At present, because hundreds of millions of refugees need to be placed in internal galaxies, they are changed to force colonial goals. “

“There is no unified ethnic name for the local wisdom race, and the name of the heterogeneous group inside the Earth Commonwealth.”

Speaking of which, Hu Feng swiped at the holographic screen in front of him, and a high-resolution picture of aliens appeared.

There is not much difference between aliens and humans. The only difference is that there is a pair of horns on their foreheads that stick to the top of the head and extend toward the back of the head, like a horn that is forcibly broken into a flat state.

The male horns are longer and thicker (without any subtext, you old filthy masters!), Decorated with various iron rings or patterns.

Women’s horns are naturally quite small, and some are similar to the delicate horns of the succubus in demons, which are also decorated with various feminine ornaments.

“So … I decided to plug it in secret. I have already notified Heaven and Hell, and they will also act, so this time we are considered a three-way game. The specific game rules are still in accordance with the ruins. The old rules on earth come. “

In the living room, the core figures of the seven deadly sins, the Witch Destroyer Club and a vote of demonic forces gathered to listen to boss Hu explain the plan.

“Boss, what is the specific purpose?” Rage raised his hand and asked.

The demons of the Seven Deadly Sins came to Virtue Harbor not long ago. After the demon’s high adaptability broke the table, after a short exploration and a sense of strangeness, the Seven Deadly Sins quickly integrated into the new society of the Virtuous Harbor space station.

They are now not much different from when they were on Earth. Those alien races also have various desires and negative emotions in their hearts.

The sage, a cherished species, is probably not found in this parallel universe.

In the face of a broader stage, the Seven Deadly Sins are naturally full of energy, especially the lascivious woman who looks at the Ashali girls who come and go like a hungry wolf staring at the delicious little sheep, and hope to catch it now. A batch of happy training.

“The specific purpose is, of course, to expand our biological gene reserves. If the situation permits, we will cultivate a local indigenous force, pull out seedlings, and cultivate into a servant army.”

Hu Feng had already had an idea about this idea. After all, the first-rate races such as the Sharp, the Ashali, and the Salarui all have their own servant affiliated races, all of which are hardened by the method of pulling seedlings. It spread out, forcibly brought into the universe, and performed various dirty work for them, even a ground assault team like cannon fodder.

The Serrari people were rather unlucky. They chose the Krogans and thought that this born strong and irritable race would be an excellent servant army.

Their ideas are correct, but only in the first half.

The strong and irritable Krogans showed up and showed great interest in powerful weapons that had never been seen before.

Then they were armed, and then they fought for the Salarui people for decades, and then they began to hate the Salarui people’s fingers, and then they rebelled against the uprising.

Tens of thousands of Salarion Warlords were shot on the spot, and Krogan’s army quickly took control of their home star, as well as a large number of Star Harbors and warships in Star Harbor.

Then they became independent, and then the violent Sierralars said nothing on the spot, and several large equivalents of strategic-level nuclear bombs came to the colonial planet occupied by the Krogans and their home planet.

So this beam was put on the shelf, and the Krogans still hate the behavior of the Salaris.

Oh, as the mother star turned into a ruin after the nuclear war, it was their own civil war to die. At that time, the Salarui people just exploded their capital and various important capital cities, and did not completely destroy the planetary environment. The nuclear bomb is not the type that can generate large amounts of long-term radiation.

The Krogans themselves are different. Their nuclear bombs are all crudely fabricated. The radiation equivalent is simply a spiral flying explosion, destroying one piece at a time.

Finally, everyone accepted the independence of the Krogans and accepted them as an official race of the Star Alliance.

The Serrari people have always had an attitude of not wanting to talk about this history. For the Krogan people, they can only be said to have looked away from the past. I did not expect that this group of grumpy guys really dared to die with them. in the end.

Therefore, it is risky to choose a vassal race and support servants, depending on the face.

There are several vassal races of the sharp and the Ashali people, and it is not a problem now. As long as you Salarui people are unlucky, they will finally support one and finally fall down with you.

The young human race of the Star Alliance now wants to build a vassal race to support the scene. After all, humans have always claimed to be the first-class race in the prosperous star district. Although there are not so many backgrounds and colonial galaxies, what should be Yes, now there is a desperate younger brother.

Starlink ’s rating of humans has always been above second-class, first-class and below. This is mainly due to the fact that the first encounter with the hard-to-resist Star Alliance fleet and the angel demon belong to humanity.

Therefore, human beings are eager to continue to develop and step forward. After all, others do n’t know, but they know that their own technology is pulled by boss Hu, which is a faulty leap, so they want to spread their culture and Civilization is even more difficult.

However, fortunately, the accumulated cultural heritage is not bad until the exhibition of human beings, and it is still possible to achieve a cultural output.

Now that the Lingge 1 planet is completely lifted, the refugees are about to force a large number of mandatory colonies, which is an excellent opportunity.

As a god, who can’t!

It’s just that Starlink is for those hundreds of millions of refugees ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ There is no alternative but to play a world-destroying evil spirit and bring a wave of destruction to the low-level civilization.

But there are not so many scruples on the earth consortium.

Besides, why only refugees can pass, what are we going to do!

No more. . . Then it can only come to Yin.

Damn. . . Then in despair, they used the ancient secrets left by their ancestors to summon the legendary angels and demons. What can we do, we are also desperate.

Therefore, the rules are dead, people are alive, there will always be a way!

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