Evil Break

Chapter 493 - : Legitimate defense and saliva overflow

Higher civilizations bring lower civilizations, sometimes not only the growth of seedlings, but also the death and destruction of the shadow.

So backwards will not only be beaten, but may also become slaves that are inferior to pigs and dogs.

Civilized civilizations in the civilized world are only relatively fair. When your own position is far inferior to them, don’t expect them to give you what is called civilization.

Lingge I planet, Yu Guo.

This land has now become a slaughterhouse full of war. The advent of the gods has transformed this great power on the eastern continent into a paradise for chaos and terror.

The army of the gods stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds and landed in the steel sky palace on a small floating aerial implement. The gods did not love the world, they only wanted the land under the world.

Under the covert operation of the major consortium chaebols, the joint development and progress bill proposed by the Star Alliance was regarded as a dead letter, and no one took it seriously.

This is not surprising, how expensive it is to train a backward indigenous servant army! Not to mention cultivating a servant race, not to mention burning money, there is also the possibility of rebelling against the suzerain. The Serralians and Krogans are a **** example.

By comparison, it’s still stupid. The mass-produced combat robots are reliable. Although they always need the command of the organic soldiers, there will be no revolution or uprising mobs.

Then the massacre began, and the organism was taking advantage of the loophole, and the ability to find loopholes was a must.

“We belong to proper defense. According to the Personal Safety and Self-Defense Law promulgated by the Star Alliance, we have the right to take the initiative to counterattack when the barbaric indigenous people have hostility or attack intentions!”

The accompanying lawyers quickly flicked the personal holographic computer screen, showing the laws and regulations of a civilized world.

No problem! It is the attack intention expressed by this group of spirit song natives first, we are just self-defense!

“Look! A group of soldiers with a sharp **** and a fierce expression are rushing towards us! Shoot yourself!”

It’s so good. . .

A dozen of Lingge farmers who were fleeing backward were shot one after another, fell to the ground and twitched to death.

One village after another, or small towns, turned into flaming ruins under similar self-defense reasons, and was quickly shoveled down and converted into a colonial steel building.

This situation is quite similar to that of the great nautical period on the earth, and the repeat of the history of the massacre of Indians by Western colonists on the American continent was found.

They claim to be citizens of a civilized world, and to claim to be the messengers of justice to spread the gospel of God, but all they have to do is use their advanced guns to “purify” the indigenous people who are not willing to accept the oppression of the aggressors.

Of course, there is nothing right or wrong in itself, right or wrong. After all, the jungle law of nature affects every organism all the time and allows them to form blood feuds.

Male Lingge people were shot, beautiful women were shot after being insulted, and they were even left as playthings when they met unofficial organizations.

Lingge people were extremely resentful, and they also started various guerrilla and revenge operations.

Well-trained army and mercenaries, after all, they couldn’t take care of everyone at all times, so the Star Alliance colonists also suffered casualties.

Regardless of the armed personnel, the vast majority of the colonists were unarmed ordinary people. Before their own homes in the urban areas, they originally lived in their respective colonial galaxies and did ordinary work on weekdays. They were the office workers. Collectively.

When the first colonial town was looted and destroyed, the bodies of more than a thousand colonizers were hung on bamboo poles, and the heads were piled together, even including minor children.

Okay, the blood and vendetta between the two parties has ended, and all the reasons are no longer important, only pure hatred and killing.

What is common development to help progress? It’s stinky shit! Lao Tzu will exterminate you!

Yu Guo became the first country on the Eastern mainland to die, but on the Western mainland, the same thing is happening.

A cruiser of a mercenary regiment entered the atmosphere, and a carpet bombardment hit the capital city of Yu State. All the residents in the city were turned into a gray dust.

This extinct attack immediately landed on the front cover of the major news media in the prosperous star district, and set off an internal war of words.

The radicals naturally applauded and praised the large consortium that attacked this mercenary group. Their stock value rose by several percentage points overnight.

Moderates and the Virgin Mary naturally blamed this brutal atrocities, and called it a barbarian butcher in the new era.

Well, they insisted on working hand in hand with Aboriginal Lingge. The conflicts that are happening now are communicable misunderstandings. Star Alliance can’t carry out such genocide so radically.

The Star Alliance Council is also very helpless. They would like to say “This is not done by our people, our bill is also peaceful, it is the big consortia that are not obedient, okay!”, But unfortunately, the so-called In a cooking society, you can only spray parliament, politicians, and government. In other respects, you dare not speak.

Everyone is a working class. How dare you provoke those big consortia? The next day you have to be unemployed and can’t even eat food.

Therefore, the Star Alliance Council, who was lying and shot, had to publish a public press conference again, stating that he would restrain and restrain the uncivilized and brutal behavior in the colonization process.

The Commonwealth of the Earth also participated in this battle of public opinion, except that the views of the various autonomous dominances are different.

The Chinese Dominion expressed regret and concern, and called on everyone to exercise restraint and reason, adhere to the three basic principles of peaceful colonization, friendly expansion, and common development, and work hard to build peace. . . Shut up and change channels.

The angels in heaven also expressed regret, they did not have so many concerns, and they caught the consortiums of the big consortiums for a while, criticized their shameless behavior of bullying the weak and backward indigenous, and then angered them to misinterpret the laws and justice. constraint.

The demons of Hell jumped up and down. Stanley praised the consortium that ordered the extinction bombing. This consortium belonging to the Illuminati immediately surrendered to the Li and invited the company of Hell to conduct various business cooperations ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and negotiations Hiring demon bodyguards and interrogators for their own high-level figures, they can do all kinds of magical things to the demonic energy of the demons. This group of black-hearted businessmen has always been extremely interested, especially when they are flagrantly put up by boss Hu. After snatching the sponsorship of the Massani Commando.

As for boss Hu himself, he and his two self-rule leaders were very quiet. There was no nonsense about this matter. The unusual quietness made people wonder if they were pouring bad water again.

The Quillians, who entered the honeymoon period with boss Hu, did not miss this great opportunity. Their wandering fleet immediately opened their mouths and ridiculed the brutal behavior of the Star Alliance colonial fleet. They also missed what they did when they discovered the solar system and the earth. , And put some gold on his face.

However, there is nothing wrong with it. The character of the Queri people is inherently gentle, and there is not much desire for war and expansion. So after discovering the earth, he took the way of silent departure and kept concealing that he did not report it to Star Alliance. parliament.

Because of this, it is now generally believed in the prosperous Star District that Hu Feng is protecting the Quillis, largely because of the good deeds of the Quileys.

For this, boss Hu, who is plotting the evil plan, said that it is not bad that you misunderstood. By the way, put a positive label on the face of the gratitude.

At this moment he is dispatching soldiers, preparing to land on the Lingge planet in full, and get a piece of soup.

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