Evil Break

Chapter 498 - : Civilization and Gene Bomb Again

This extremely lively colonial war continued, and all parties fought out, especially the “gods” of the Star Alliance, at this moment all began to increase their investment, a posture to exterminate the spirited people who dare to resist.

In this atmosphere, even the news of adding another dominion to the Earth Commonwealth did not set off much waves. The headlines of the media of all parties were still being screened by the Lingge colonial war.

The “Qin” Dominion officially joined the Earth Commonwealth and became a new force for humanity.

Mankind now not only refers to human beings, but has become a broad term. All creatures that come out of the Earth in the solar system are classified as human beings, and they are directly labeled as the consortium of the earth.

The system of the Qin people is the dictatorship of the feudal emperor. The entire top ruling class is the old local monstrosity of the dynasty. From the middle down, all are the ministers of the Lingge people in Qin.

Zulong gathered a large population in the surrounding area of ​​Qinchuan in 800 kilometers, and then packed and evacuated the entire Qin State. The whole country moved people away and settled in their own sites around the solar system.

Regarding the large-scale evacuation of the Qin people, the colonists from all sides expressed their support on both hands and feet.

It’s so good, the one who has the trouble of fishing is finally gone, and the vacant Qinchuan area can properly establish multiple colonial cities.

This is different treatment of different identities. For the Lingge natives, the colonists turned into slaughterers, holding up the extinct butcher knife, and did not take them as human beings.

When dealing with a member of the prosperous star district, the colonists are naturally another face, and their behavior is called a civilization.

“This is the kindness of the civilized world. They enlightened the group of barbaric aborigines, enlightened them, and brought them to start a new life. This is a civilized move.”

Ok. . . It may be that the Qin people’s small-scale fleet and the first-order large-scale fleet made them think so.

According to the order of President Hu Da, the First Order’s “Suppressor” fleet came to the Lingge Galaxy and merged the Qin Kingdom Fleet staying over 800 miles of Qinchuan, allowing Zulong to relocate the country without any worries.

Mother! This fleet of French Sith racist dictatorships, all riding horses are fearless class battleships, and Head Hu Da perfectly inherited the idea of ​​”big is good, big is justice, and the bigger the stronger”, The fleets of the First Order are all heavy-loaded fleets, and extremely look down on the light fleet that fights guerrilla warfare and flexible tactics.

Looking at the steel guns and cannons that are extremely depressive, the colonists of all sides naturally became civilized. The Star Alliance Law, which was originally regarded as waste paper, has once again become the golden rule.

The “Qin” dominion will begin their search for a new home, but unlike the Quiri, they have support from their mother star and allies.

The solar system has no other natural livable planets besides the earth, so according to the proposal of boss Hu, the Qin people will go to the curtain of the galaxy in the constellation of Wuxian next door, where there are one or two natural livable planets.

Although the Wandering Fleet of the Quillis is entrenched there, they cannot colonize those livable planets because they have no immunity, so these planets are strictly landless.

It’s okay. Your Quaili’s territory is the curtain constellation of Perseus. The curtain constellation of Wuxian is just a place of escape after your hometown is fully occupied by Gas AI.

After the Qin people settle down, they will fully integrate with the Earth Commonwealth, receive modern education, and let the next generation out of that foolish and backward thinking.

They are a special and lucky group. As for other Lingge people who still remain on the Lingge planet, their destiny is either to become a vassal servant of the vassal race or to be killed by the colonial army.

After Zulong took the Qin people to evacuate the country, another heavy news from the border galaxy spread throughout the prosperous star zone, and even overshadowed this fierce colonial war for a time.

The “Vasaran Thoughts” who are fighting with the Asari fleet in the horizon galaxy, this group of ultra-high IQ, gorillas with transparent brain AI on their heads have made a terrific event.

They sent an elite squad similar to the Massani Commando, bypassed the main battlefield of the Horizon Galaxy, penetrated into the prosperous star zone, and landed on a highly developed livable planet.

This planet is the home planet of the Sinians. The Sinians have always been a vassal race of the Ashalians, providing a large number of servants for the Ashali Sect Master. The Ashalians are also very satisfied with the loyalty of the Sinians. They have implemented a large number of preferential and free policies. The Sinians also enjoy formal citizenship on the Ashali planet, and the two parties are considered to be close and harmonious servants.

Then, the gorillas of “Vasaran’s Thought” detonated a special bomb here.

Gene bomb, this kind of biological weapon that has no obvious lethality, but has great damage to the genes of the organism, is simply a weapon for cutting off the dead.

The gene bomb of “Vasaran’s Thought” is not the same as the gene bomb that boss Hu is secretly developing. Boss Hu is developing a bomb that can distort and tamper with the gene chain and cause permanent changes to the organism and its descendants The gene bomb of “Vasaran’s Thought” is not so high-tech, it is simply rude.

No need to twist and tamper with your genes, all you need is destruction, all you need is to succumb to your grandchildren.

After the gene bomb was detonated, it followed the air and spread throughout the planet under the flow of the wind, and this time it will really be a calf.

The Sinian gene chain is broken, the original ability to reproduce offspring is lost, and the hormones that are nowhere to be placed make them grumpy and irritable, and their behaviors start to become irrational.

This is the act of genocide. The Sinians had few colonial stars, the largest one was the satellite next to the parent star, which was artificially transformed into a semi-livable planet, and there were fewer than five permanent residents. One hundred thousand, plus the Sinians who often live on the Ashali planet, and then the old people who have no ability to reproduce, so if you count it down, there are only about 400,000 or 400,000 Sinians who can reproduce.

The frying pan in the prosperous star district, especially the Ashali people, was almost violent.

A good loyal vassal race ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Before returning to liberation overnight, at least a dozen generations of people have to work hard to restore their vitality.

Brutality! This is genocide brutality! The gorillas on that dog day must pay the price!

The “Fate of Destiny” fleet increased its offensive against “Vasaran’s Thoughts”, desperately advancing towards the Quantum Repeater in the Horizon Galaxy, as long as it captured this, then where did this group of gorillas come from Not difficult to find.

The entire prosperous star district is also highly nervous. Even in the inner galaxy, various races have also strengthened their defensive strength.

After all, no one wants to get another gene bomb with a broken son.

“Lying trough, that group of gorillas can do it, biological weapons are playing very sloppy, just give others a chance …”

Lingge Planet, boss Hu in the palace of Guo Kingdom received the news and was a little shocked.

The deep gene bomb that I developed through the harvester technology reserve is still in the preliminary test stage. The gorillas have finished products directly. Although it is only the simplest genetic chain destruction, it also proves that “Vasaland ’s The development of “thinking” biotechnology.

No, you have to kill the gorillas and reap them.

Thinking of this, Boss Hu started the murderous heart of the genocide.

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