Evil Break

Chapter 501 - : Artificial miracle and the relationship between the two parties

The celestial constellation of the constellation of Andromeda, the Quille Wandering Fleet, the flagship of the “Navigator” parliament.

Pioneer successfully docked with this super-giant spaceship, and the entrance and exit channels were successfully installed. However, before entering the Pilot, any organisms will be sterilized in this channel in an all-round way to achieve a sterile state.

In front of the Pilot, the light cruiser of the Ashali is like a small ant. To be honest, Hu Feng believes that the super giant spaceship of the Quiri can no longer be called a spaceship. It is directly called the mobile space station. More appropriate.

The first half of the Navigator is a long-shaped hull, with square edges and squares. The practicality of the standard is greater than the aesthetics. Although the Quillians are as enthusiastic as artistic creations as the Ashali, they are more artistic than It is more important to live alive.

The second half of the is a super giant steel ring, which is a miracle of the mechanical engineering of the Quilli: artificial rail ring.

In the orbit ring, a steel sphere is suspended, like a miniature artificial planet. The city of the Quilli rises on the surface of the artificial planet, forming a moving steel jungle in the universe.

The artificial planet slowly rotates under the gravity of the orbital ring, and is towed by the first half of the spacecraft to sail.

The interior of the artificial planet is also empty, used to provide various basic urban services, or various entertainment facilities.

Navigator has the largest planet area, and the number of Queli civilians living here is also the largest. To some extent, this spaceship is the seat of the Queri government, and it is also the most prosperous “urban area.”

Such man-made planetary spaceships together form a civilian fleet. From the scale, it is roughly estimated that the entire civilian fleet is no less than one hundred such giant starships.

Man-made steel miracle, if this is playing a series of civilization games, it is estimated that the Quillians have already won a spectacle victory. . .

“It’s spectacular, but it’s a pity that we don’t want this kind of spectacular, if we can return to our homes, we will be happy to ruin it all.”

Naomi’s voice was obviously sad, and Hu Feng could understand this mentality.

No root duckweed-like wandering fleet, no matter how miraculous it looks, no matter how huge the scale, but the core flaws will always exist.

The war potential is low, without any strategic depth, the overall combat capability of the fleet is far inferior to that of the real main combat fleet.

Take all the people to fight together. This kind of war is a state of decisive battle. The psychological pressure can be imagined.

In order to alleviate the pressure of the wandering fleet, the Quillians can only let the young people leave and perform the so-called cloud-traveling ritual, in order to prove their adulthood and prove their usefulness for race.

Bringing back valuable and helpful technology for the Wandering Fleet, in order to enhance the overall strength of the Wandering Fleet, can also be regarded as a two-for-one evaluation measure.

Of course, there are a lot of Quillians who traveled outside like this, probably because of the spacecraft accident, or because of ethnic conflicts, or accidents in high-risk work, but there is no way for the continuation of the entire race. Individuals have to pay for it.

After disinfecting the docking channel, the group of Pioneer finally entered the inner area of ​​the pilot.

This is a star port in a spaceship. Through the observation window on the wall of the hall, you can see that the next door on both sides is also a block in and out of the hall, used to dock the spaceship.

“Welcome to the Quiley Civilian Fleet, the human governor Hu Feng, welcome back, Ambassador Naomi Zola, also welcome you, the hero of the Star Alliance Masani Commando, you blow up the collector asteroid battleship We deeply admire the deeds. “

Masani heard that her face suddenly looked a lot better. Now the most annoying Ashali power elite is their “fate of destiny” squadron. They and the commando team desperately went deep into the enemy and experienced a variety of The thrilling battle finally succeeded in blowing up the collector warship. As a result, Cheng Biaojin was killed halfway and some credit and honor were robbed.

The Ashali people do not have the kind of indisputable, low-key Oriental philosophy tradition, and the honor they have earned should be their own, a medal that is worthy of pride and display, and now it is good, every time it is mentioned, it must be added A fateful fleet is really annoying!

Now it is the Quillians who have insisted on the truth, and there is no mention of the Destiny Fleet. This makes Massani suddenly feel that the Quillians are still pretty good.

Followed by the Quilli soldiers who had come to meet him, he mounted a large shuttle and entered the second half of the Pilot’s artificial planet area, and then stopped in front of a steel building that was obviously a government building.

Although the other members of the Marsani Commando came to travel, but in the face of Boss Hu, the Quillians still arranged a high-standard reception, allowing them to live in the official embassy, ​​and a diplomatic ambassador level.

Oh, even traveling, it is regarded as a kind of treatment. Quillians have never opened their wandering fleet to the outside world. The external contacts on weekdays are all conducted through the trade fleet, so currently only Massani assault The team of alien tourists.

It can also be understood that after all, it is you who have been discriminated for decades for a long time, and the mentality will also become autistic or inferior in some ways, and they are unwilling to have too much contact with the outside world, or they lack confidence. heart.

And the members of the Massani Commando, including the Ashali, the sharp, the human and the Krogans, these are the mainstream races in the prosperous star district.

So for this group of alien races who came to travel within the Wandering Fleet, the Quillians were very serious, and they were afraid that they would look down on themselves.

As for boss Hu, a human demon who has a strong affection for the Quiley people, Quiley officials have paid more attention to it.

Even if the special talent of Cat ’s Eye is retired and mixed with Hu Feng, the Navigator Council is extremely willing to do this. After all, the personal relationship is done well, and it can also affect the formal relationship. Who makes boss Hu a dictator, he Means the first order and the official meaning of the Virtue and Virtue Autonomy.

In case of boss sperm getting on. . . Cough, if the boss Hu and Naomi have a relationship between men and women, then the two parties will be more closely connected, and the Quillians have also harvested a strong and stable ally.

So Naomi has now been promoted, from the original civilian, to the current permanent ambassador to the port of Virtue, with a clear identity.

“Massani they all went out to take pictures?”

In the spacious living room, Hu Feng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows to admire the city view and looked over the cigarettes and dark beer on the small coffee table. The group of Quilly people were really attentive and prepared these human specialties for themselves in advance.

“Leave things down and go out ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ They are very curious about our Quilli spaceship city.”

Naomi sat down and looked at the information on the holographic screen in front of her. That was all the relevant information and points for bilateral talks tomorrow.

Even within the Wandering Fleet, the Quillians still have to wear protective clothing and protective masks. After all, it is difficult to achieve the true sterility of the entire spaceship city, so in order to prevent accidents, it is still good to continue to wrap tightly.

Of course, when inside the fleet, the Quillians switched to lighter and thinner types of protective clothing, which were more biased towards aesthetics and styling. The culture of protective clothing has long been fully integrated into the Quiley civilization, which makes the Quiry people who are keen on art. Designed various styles and types of protective clothing.

Looked at the Quill girl sitting on the sofa, her pure white tight protective clothing was just embroidered with dark golden patterns, and at the same time, her body was extremely clear and the protective mask on her head A lot thinner, you can vaguely see the beautiful facial features.

Boss Hu said that this is also a kind of exotic uniform temptation. . .

It’s a pity that nothing can be done unless his little brother and his vomit are also absolutely sterile.

Killed people alive. . . Quill is not an adjective here.

No immunity is terrible. . .

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