Evil Break

Chapter 553 - : Announcement and Rage

The current situation is somewhat complicated and confusing.

The stagnation of holy power, this hidden civilization inherited to the ancient relics of the ancients, appeared blatantly, they have the highest authority of quantum repeaters, so they accurately grasp the distribution location of each ethnic civilization in the Star Zone, after all, if you just jump, then Will be recorded by the repeater.

The Star Alliance is in a situation of serious information inequality. The stagnation holy right knows its position, but it is not clear where the stagnation holy right is in the prosperous star area.

Speaking of the two special announcements issued by the stagnation of the holy right to the Virtue and Ashali officials, this instantly made the two parties the focus of attention.

The stagnation of the holy power used a high emperor’s attitude towards its subjects, rebuked the unauthorized movement and harboring the Promise of the Virtue, and asked Virtue to immediately return it to its original location, which is the center of the black hole galaxy, In this way, the stagnation of the holy right will be regarded as unknowing and innocent, and will no longer be a matter of concern.

For the Ashali people, the tone of the stagnation of the holy power is not so harsh, just that they are very interested in some of the Ashali scientists, such as those who have just finished the gene repair project, so they ordered the Ashali people to He packed it on board and sent it to the designated coordinates, and the stagnant holy right would pick them up.

As the name implies: Preserving ethnic wisdom and inheriting the flames of civilization.

If the prosperous star zone fails to defeat the stellar devourer, then the stagnation of the holy power will launch all the samples of the members of its races saved outside the prosperous star zone and enter the wandering state of space until it finds a suitable livable planet. Once again ignite the fire of civilization.

The potential races in the prosperous star district cannot be extinct, and everyone is responsible for fighting the reaper, so the stagnation of holy power will help you.

As for other races, the common slogan used by the stagnant holy right is nothing more than asking them to select a group of civilized inheritors to send to the stagnant holy right for fire preservation, and there is no requirement to send the community of scientists.

The Krogans who are fighting a full civil war are more miserable. They have not even received a notice of the stagnation of holy power. It seems that the stagnation of holy power believes that this race has been completely saved, and there is no potential, so they are classified as fertile. The ranks of third-rate races like Zharen are left to their own lives.

I have to say that the Star Alliance is still quite bloody, or the cries of free cooking make the various families of the Star Alliance fry.

Who are you riding on? Which onion did you step on! Suddenly, the opening is high, the tone of the low-level indigenous civilization is treated, and what kind of civilization fire is required to be sent to us in the past, we really want to inherit the civilization fire, we will not do it ourselves!

The Sudden Federation responded first, and sternly rejected the request to stagnate the holy power, and turned to request the stagnation to send an ambassador to come to the fort and formally contact the Star Alliance Parliament.

All in all, it ’s just one sentence: give the Lao Tzu a good attitude and talk!

The Ashali Federation followed, and this group of arrogant little girls naturally couldn’t stand the birdiness.

The old ladies are the arrogant daughters of heaven, and all of them are born with spiritual talents. Do you tell us? Also, we will give you all the scientists who have participated in the research of gene repair projects? Get out of here!

The Sierra Core Technology Community responded silently, without saying a word, as if it had not received any news, and continued to engage in their various scientific research projects.

The Earth Commonwealth is also a bird without a bird. Several of the more irritable dominions (specifically red tide and first order) have been prepared for war, and they have placed the stagnation of holy power directly on the position of an imaginary enemy. , Waiting for the stagnation of the holy power to become angry, the dog jumped the wall.

Krogans. . . Okay, the Krogans are furious, and they scold the stagnation of holy power to look down on people.

You self-righteous old dogs! All other races have been given notice, why ignore us! Look down on people too! Let ’s not say whether we will accept it or not, let ’s say whether you can do it or not. This is a matter of attitude.

The rest of the second-class races, such as the big jellyfish Hana and the Tuyuan fat Waller, they followed the big stream and followed the decision of the Star Alliance Parliament. Since the Parliament unifiedly rejected the request to stagnate the holy power, then follow suit. That’s it.

As for the boss Hu who enjoys life in the port of Virtue. . . Well, boss Hu is really angry and angry.

The fact that he was hiding the Promise of the Promise was revealed by the stagnation of the holy power. Although the Star Alliance Council has long been familiar with Boss Hu ’s character and is too lazy to care about him, Boss always feels that he ca n’t hold his face.

Fuck your grandma with a spicy chicken drumstick. . . This time I am very embarrassed, and in order to make money with harmony, I said that I would have to open up the Promise of the Promise of God, and I have a share.

The Quilly Federation, which was dragged into the water together, is also angry and embarrassed. The secret little action of himself and Boss Hu is now completely exposed. The two swallowed alone and turned into a canteen. Too.

Oh, as for you asking us to return the Wuji machine?

Ha ha da, just think about it, let alone return it, we still need to find the second one, we still drag it away!

Therefore, boss Hu also issued a public notice in Virtue Port, willing to disclose the Promise magic machine to the Star Alliance Council. Everyone sent engineers to study together, and strive to crack the ban on super space transition as soon as possible.

At the same time, the Dyson ball project that encased the Promise God machine was also announced to be suspended. Anyway, it could not be concealed, and it also made a fart.

In this regard, the stagnation of the holy right was extremely dissatisfied. They subsequently sent a newsletter stating that Virtue and Port will pay a severe price for this, and that Virtue and Port will be defined as traitors and instability factors that affect the cause of resistance to the enemy. It also lowered the importance of this race of humanity by several grades.

Faced with the three qualities of stagnant holy power, boss Hu almost wanted to scold the mother, and the Earth Commonwealth also wanted to scold the mother, with a black question mark on her face.

Downgrade your mmp! Traitor you mmp! Cost you mmp!

The “tragic” encounters of human beings in the Star Alliance Parliament cannot help but laugh. The stagnant holy right really regards itself as the leader of the prosperous star district, and it will be demoted to others as if they care about it. .

Boss Hu is busy inspecting the remnants of the port of Virtue at this moment. In case this group of remnants is closer to the stagnation of holy power, it must be a group of time bombs that must be cleaned up.

However, the remnants of Virtue Harbor did not disappoint boss Hu. They said that they did not want to have any involvement with the compatriots who stagnated in the holy right. Although the two are the same family, the relationship between the two has long been at the time of the demise of the ancestral civilization. It’s already broken.

You stagnant holy power is living well in the secret galaxy, we are nestled beneath the ruins of the city as sad groundhogs, you have abandoned us, then you are no longer our compatriots.

So this group of ancestors who lost their ancestral heritage chose to become one and joined the Star Alliance Council, becoming an independent second-rate race. The Star Alliance Council said it would find a livable galaxy for them and let them land there. Rooting ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Develop your own new civilization and develop the steel technology civilization with Xinglian characteristics.

Boss Hu has no opinion. Anyway, this group of remnants are only free tenants in the port of Virtue. They are willing to pack and leave, so naturally it is the best.

Now boss Hu is thinking about his identity.

The current pressure in the Star Zone is too great. There were biochemical harvesters approaching before, and there was stagnation of holy power pressure, and their own steel harvesters threatened to initiate harvesting, which will inevitably affect morale.

and so. . . Should I gradually clarify my identity? The Ashali and Quiri are the perfect breakthrough points.

If your own steel reaper stands on the side of the Star Zone, then the situation will surely get much better.

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