Evil Break

Chapter 92 - : Identity and Leap

Hu Feng’s emotions have not been very high these days, and the identity of the Doomsday singer is like a stone pressed into his heart, extremely heavy.

If that is indeed a parallel world, if the doomsday singer was a familiar person around him during his lifetime, a familiar woman. . .

Hu Feng looked up at the female ghost floating above his living room, listening to the humming sound that was extremely comfortable and relaxing in her mouth.

Chen Xiaopin? Hu Mingjing? Or Ying Li?

Zila. . . The snowflakes on the TV screen suddenly appeared in the entire living room.

Then the female ghost disappeared, and Hu Feng rose suddenly.

This is exactly the same scene as the last time you traveled the world! But he didn’t know how to catch this ride.

A few minutes later, there was another sound of Zrazra, accompanied by the snowflakes emerging from the room, and the female ghost appeared again.

There was a corpse in her hand. I do n’t know if it was a human or a demon. Anyway, there is only an empty shell left.

Hu Feng rubbed his brows helplessly, “You have learned to hunt across the world, right, don’t tell me that you still regard this other side as the second old nest.”


The body was dropped on the floor by the female ghost, and the female ghost who was full and satiated did not talk, and continued to wander around the room.

Then. . .

“Giggle ha ha ha ha.” With a burst of laughter from the female ghost, the furniture in the living room floated violently. The female ghost quickly turned around and looked around, seemingly searching for hidden enemies.

“I already told you! This is not the world on your side! There are no enemies here! Don’t damage the furniture anymore! You pay me!”

Dragged the body to the wall channel, opened the valve and dropped it down the channel, Hu Feng turned his head and roared at the female ghost.

The female ghost floated in front of Hu Feng suddenly, paused for a moment, and then slowly sank back to the lower spirit corridor.

“Look at your dementia … and Hu Mingjing’s little girl …”

Hu Feng said to himself, then froze.

Hu Mingjing? Is it really another her?

This idea is lingering after it appears in my mind, how should I be sure?

A flash of white lightning flashed in the dark sky, and sporadic gunshots were heard from time to time in this ruined city of ruins.

It’s so good. . .

Four brawny men in shabby trench coats shot down and climbed up the stairs.

“Rune bullets are running out, save your time, otherwise you will definitely not be able to go back to the refuge.”

There were roars and laughter under the stairs. A large group of men and women in tattered clothes were following, and some people also released dark green fireballs and fire columns from time to time, wantonly destroying the ruins that were originally ruins.

“Mom has too many demons! If you go on like this, you can’t kill …”

At this time the roar of the propeller and the sound of the clear steel runner came, and the four men in windbreakers were stunned, and their faces changed suddenly.

“Look for cover! It’s an airborne Gatlin!”

A troop-carrying helicopter hovered over the front of the building, and a heavily armed soldier in a black combat uniform manipulated Gatlin extremely strong, and began to shoot at the position of the shaky stairs in front of the swaying silhouette .

These rains of bullets do not seem to be ordinary bullets. When the devil accidentally hits, his wound will flash its light like a leakage.

If you hit the vital part directly, then the demon will flash light all over her body and die directly.

“Grass is a lunatic who revives the Demon Hunter Army! It is estimated that they also got the news.”

Hiding behind a wide rubble, four of the leading men in trench coats said to the three players.

“It is estimated that they will send someone in soon, and move on, must be ahead of them!”

The four of them advanced slowly behind the bunker, and soon the machine gun shot stopped, and the brawny men in windbreakers immediately accelerated.

A team of armored vehicles crashed into the debris on the street, and the group surrounded the ruined building. More than 20 heavily armed soldiers jumped out of the armored vehicle with submachine guns, rushed into the building, and then with the remaining demons A fierce encounter was launched.

In the top area, gravel bricks and tiles piled up in a circle, and the empty space in the center of the ruin was empty. On the other side of the ruin was the rusty elevator that Hu Feng appeared at the time.

The captain did not hesitate, immediately took out a worn-out mobile phone, began to take photos and record videos, and the other team member was contacting someone.

“Report that no doomsday singer was found, most likely went to the new world.”

“Impossible, the Doomsinger has been at the decisive battle point for four or five years, and has never left, unless … hurry up and search the surroundings immediately, we are not sure if she will come back again, but She really left, it proves that she has found a contact in the new world! “

“Discovery of residual cells!”

“Sample immediately! Return immediately! The people of the Revival Demon Hunting Club are coming soon.” A female voice in the intercom eagerly gave the latest order.

The captain came to the ruin where Hu Feng once avoided, took out a syringe-shaped instrument, and successfully obtained a trace of cell residue with the cooperation of the scanner.

Zila. . .

The space around began to show snowflake-like ripples, the four people’s faces changed greatly, and their eyes were full of fear.

“Quick withdrawal! The monster is coming back soon! She still regards this as her territory!”

Four people took out their hook shots and fired them towards the roof on the other side, quickly fixed the ropes, and the four escaped by taxiing away from this absolutely restricted area.

Just after the four had just left, a group of heavily armed soldiers rushed up ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ reported that no anomalies were found, and the Doomsday singer has disappeared, requesting the next life. . . Life. . . “

Zrazra. . . .

“La La … La La … La La …”

“Giggle ha ha ha ha …”

“Retreat! Retreat! Found the doomsday songwriter! Retreat immediately …”

Zila. . . The entire space was filled with snowflake-like ripples, and the twenty or so soldiers only felt that their visions and visions changed suddenly.

A dark corridor appeared in front of me, behind him was a solid wall.

The darkness at the other end of the corridor seemed to creep, and the soldiers held their submachine guns nervously and turned on the searchlight above their heads.

A woman wearing a scarlet dress and **** eyes stood in the darkness of the corridor, staring coldly at the soldier’s side, but she seemed to have no intention of attacking. It disappeared without a sound.

“Giggle ha ha ha ha …”

Before the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, deeper fear immediately struck.

Gone small, came big, really beeped the dog!

The doomsday singer, who is more than two meters tall, roared out of the darkness. A white cloth strip and waist-length black hair danced in the wind, revealing the pale face and dark eyes behind her hair. The writhing water snake generally flew towards the soldiers.

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The sound of the submachine gun firing was endless, but it was all in vain and useless work.

Several seconds later, there was a scream of sorrow in the corridor.

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