Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

Chapter 269 Her Heart Is More Beautiful Than Her Face 1

269 Her Heart Is More Beautiful Than Her Face 1

The first week, he was just doing fine, occasionally joking around with his new office mates, hanging out with them after working hours. However, lately, the empress could tell that her brother wasn't himself again.

He was awfully silent, making her worried that something had happened without her knowing about it. Was it Zhang Wuying? She pondered. Did their oh-so-good 'mother' give Beixuan a hard time these days?

Tang Beixuan was awfully silent and unlike his first week, he started to come home with Tang Moyu to Peach Blossom Garden after working hours, not that the empress minded, but she hoped that her younger brother would share with her about what was bothering him.

If someone was giving him trouble, she'd try her best to help. Her heart couldn't resist feeling troubled, seeing him dejected like this.

"Tianyi, something happened to Beixuan, but he wouldn't tell me anything." She clung onto her boyfriend's arm as they looked towards her brother, who went to the gazebo to be alone. He'd been doing this for a few nights now. After dinner, he would go and remain seated there for hours before eventually returning to the main house to retire for the night.

"Do you want me to talk to him, man-to-man? Perhaps, he needs to talk to someone who could understand his predicament." Feng Tianyi offered to help. Of course, he'd also noticed the sudden change in the demeanor of his future brother-in-law and seeing Tang Moyu worrying over it had affected him.

"You will? Do you think he will listen to you?" The empress asked him with wide eyes, reminding Feng Tianyi of Little Star's eagerness whenever she wanted something to happen.

"It's the other way around, Moyu." The devil chuckled before quickly kissing her nose. "But I'll try to find out what's been bothering him these days." He cupped the side of her face before giving her a kiss on her lips. He then wheeled himself out of the guest house to follow Tang Beixuan to the gazebo.

Although it was already night time, there was still a hint of heat from the nightbreeze that passed them. Tang Beixuan was surprised and stood up from his seat when he saw Qin Jiran making his way towards him, joining him at the gazebo.

"May I join you here? It's a bit loud inside the house right now." Feng Tianyi said to Tang Beixuan.

The younger man nodded his head in agreement and returned to his previous spot. Feng Tianyi didn't say anything and just looked at Moyu's younger brother. From afar, they could hear Little Star's loud laughter from whatever movie she was watching with her twin brother back at the guest house.

Tang Beixuan raised his brows, letting out a low laugh before shaking his head.

"Big Bro, you're not married yet to my sister, but you are already whipped by her. It's really surprising that she'd manage to find herself a man that she could be with, considering how hard it would be for any man to stand next to her." He sighed and looked at the cloudless dark sky above them.

"How so?" The devil asked curiously. From what he heard from Li Meili and based on Tang Moyu's bio, the empress hadn't been in any previous relationship prior to meeting him. Being her first was something Feng Tianyi took pride of. He would make sure that he would be her first and only. No other men could follow after him.

"Well, for one she's quite an intimidating person, isn't she? I understand why men would be worried about dating someone like her. And also, let's not start about her achievements and her skills as a businesswoman. I suppose some men don't like their women casting shadows over them."

The devil hummed and rubbed his chin as he gave it a thought. But Tang Moyu never made him feel inferior whenever they were together.

In fact, Feng Tianyi would have totally forgotten about him being the devil and her, being the empress when she was with him. They were just like any other couple out there, enjoying each other's company, murmuring sweet nothings, albeit it was him doing it most of the time.

"I see." He nodded, "Moyu isn't someone people could easily win anyway. It hadn't been easy for me to convince her that I want her and need her in my boring, pitiful life." He laughed at that.

That pique Tang Beixuan's attention. His sister had been mum about how she and Qin Jiran started seeing each other and wouldn't disclose any details, not that he'd expected her to do so.

"Ah, so Mr. Qin, did you fall in love with my sister at first sight?" He asked out of curiosity. If his sister wasn't willing to give him the answers he wanted to know, then he would be satisfied hearing it from Qin Jiran's mouth.

"No, I didn't." The devil admitted. He wasn't such a shallow person who would be easily enamored by looks alone. He needed more than that.

"You didn't?" Tang Beixuan was surprised with his answer. Any other men would be infatuated with his sister upon seeing her face. What sets Qin Jiran apart from others?

Feng Tianyi shook his head.

True, the first time he met her, he admitted that her cold beauty had stunned him on the spot, making him forget the words he intended to say before seeing her. With her looks alone, he had no doubt that Tang Moyu was one of the most beautiful women he encountered in his life, but his curiosity about her got the best of him.

"There's no doubt that your sister is truly a great beauty, but I didn't fall in love with her for that reason."

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