Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

Chapter 273 Run Fast My Little Rabbit 3

273 Run Fast My Little Rabbit 3

"Moyu, even though I am like this. I'm still a man." She heard him murmur against her neck, refusing to meet her gaze. "Kissing you, holding you like this… I would be lying if I said I wasn't affected by you." He continued.

When he lifted his head and looked at her face, Tang Moyu could see that his eyes were dark and she couldn't break her gaze away from him. She felt like she was under a spell. A spell so magnetic that she couldn't break her eyes away from him even if she wanted to.

"So Moyu, you better go back. I cannot promise I would be able to stop myself if you keep teasing me like this." His laugh sounded like he was holding back, enduring a kind of pain that only she can provide relief.

Dear Lord, the empress didn't know how many times she'd tested his patience by being with him, sleeping peacefully next to him while he was struggling not to hold her, touch her as she slept.

He knew that he shouldn't and his pride wouldn't allow him to force the empress into doing something she didn't want. Even when every cell on his body wanted to be with her, needing to assure himself that she was his and she loved him, he knew that he had to set some boundaries for the two of them.

"Go back, darling." He gave her a reassuring smile. "It's for your own good, Moyu." He added, kissing her forehead gently. It was getting hard to stop his urges when it comes to her. It only made him feel bad and guilty that he was harboring such thoughts about her.

Feng Tianyi didn't want her to think that he was some kind of pervert, but the mere touch on her smooth skin, catching a whiff of her familiar scent and holding her in his arms was too much for the devil, who had been celibate for over five years now.

He had never thought that there would come a day when he would find himself aching for a woman despite his condition. Of course, he loved the empress's heart, but he would also be a hypocrite if he said that he didn't take pride in the fact that his woman was one of the most beautiful women in Shenzhen. However, Tang Moyu would always be number one in his heart, if he had one.

Tang Moyu slid off his lap carefully, not daring to look down or to meet his intense gaze for fear of triggering her whole body to heat up. What kind of feeling was this? The empress felt confused. Why was her body refusing to peel itself away from him, as if she was itching for him to touch her more?

Was she craving for physical intimacy? Tang Moyu couldn't believe it. She, who had never known the feeling of being loved or cared for, was actually reacting to Feng Tianyi's desire?

For someone who had never dated anyone before, despite being engaged to Feng Tianhua, Tang Moyu was still new in the field of relationship and intimacy. She also had no idea how to please a man. Those details that Li Meili and Gu Yuyao occasionally talked about whenever they were under the influence of alcohol were beyond her.

And this was the first time she had allowed someone to be close to her as Feng Tianyi had. A man on top of that. She cleared her throat and coughed in her hand awkwardly. This kind of attraction to him baffled the empress.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow then. Call me if anything happens." Tang Moyu tried to speak casually, though she failed miserably, considering how red her face was tonight. Perhaps Feng Tianyi was right, she'd better go and sort these unknown thoughts and feelings that were new to her.

She didn't wait for Feng Tianyi's response and immediately left him on the porch, taking the path leading back to the main house like what he suggested to her, fully aware of his gaze being fixed on her retreating figure.

Tang Moyu didn't dare to look back, afraid of what she would see if she looked at him right then.

The big bad wolf let the innocent little bunny run away this time. He could only stare from afar as she ran back to the safety of her house, waited until she was nowhere in sight.

'Ah, run fast my little rabbit Moyu. Next time… no, there would be no next time, my darling.'

Feng Tianyi sighed. This was best for the meantime. He didn't want to lie to her about what he felt for her, ever. It was better to lay it out in the open then keep her guessing. Hadn't he promised to her that he would never lie to her or purposely conceal anything from her no matter how bad it was?

So he had to tell her… his desire, his longing… but he needed to take it slow so she won't fear him. Feng Tianyi didn't want her to fear him, so he had to be careful.

But alas, his control kept being tested when she was in his arms. Had he scared her tonight? Feng Tianyi hoped he didn't. He wouldn't want all of his efforts to be in vain if Tang Moyu decided that it wasn't worth the trouble being with him.

With a sigh, the devil returned to the guest house, leaving the tea cold, outside on the porch. It was unfortunate that he had to chase Tang Moyu away tonight, but Feng Tianyi didn't trust himself right now.

Another cold shower for him tonight then. The devil laughed at his own foolishness.

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