Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

Chapter 320 - Song Fengyan and Luo Qingqing (2)

Chapter 320 - Song Fengyan and Luo Qingqing (2)

The car stopped in front of the mansion and the attendants came to open the backseat door for Feng Tianyi and Tang Moyu.

"Welcome back, Young Master." An old butler greeted the devil once he stepped out of the car. Feng Tianyi extended a hand to help Tang Moyu.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu. Where are the twins?" He asked the old man without looking at him.

"They are with your mother at the moment."

Feng Tianyi nodded and led Tang Moyu inside, not daring to release her hand from his. The attendants looked at each other in surprise, but no words came out to their lips. Feng Tianyi had never been seen bringing a woman with him to meet his mother and they hadn't expected to see Tang Moyu coming with him today.

They were greeted by everyone whom they met as they made their way inside the mansion, intending to find their little buns together. Tang Moyu only gave them a nod, not knowing how to introduce herself without being presumptuous.

"Baobao? Little Star? We're here! Look who came with me!" Feng Tianyi called out once they reached the sitting room where Song Huifen was casually seated, watching the twins playing with another round of toys she had instructed to be prepared earlier.

Tang Moyu's eye twitch. Wasn't this too much? Lady Song had been spoiling her little buns rotten. This wasn't the first time that the older woman showered Xiao Bao and Little Star gifts out of nowhere.

Once in a while, Lady Song would send something to Peach Blossom Garden for the twins, coming from the places she'd been as she traveled around the country. Tang Moyu had never met a person who was willing to pamper her children, aside from her and Li Meili, to this extent.

Xiao Bao and Little Star lifted their heads at the same time when they heard their Daddy Ji's voice. He'd been missing since yesterday and they had no idea where he went.

"Daddy!" Little Feiyu ran toward his Daddy Ji with excitement, his eyes suddenly widening when he saw his mother standing behind their daddy. "Mommy, you're here!"

"Hey, Baby." Tang Moyu released Feng Tianyi's hand in favor of lifting her son from the ground. "Did you miss me?"

Little Feiyu nodded his head incessantly. Tang Moyu then felt her daughter's hand tugging her skirt to get her attention.

"Mommy! Mommy! Little Star misses you too!"

Ah, she used to be able to lift the twins at the same time, holding them in each of her arms, but it was getting hard for her to do so these days. Her twins were growing too fast and they were getting heavier compared to the first time they came to Shenzhen.

Seeing her conflicted expression, Feng Tianyi had chosen to hold the little girl's hand so she wouldn't feel ignored by them.

Song Huifen came towards them, kissing Tang Moyu's cheek before regarding her own son.

"I see that you're back. You left without informing us where you were going. If I hadn't asked Fengyan, I wouldn't have known that you followed Moyu to Hangzhou."

Her voice wasn't very approving, in Tang Moyu's opinion, and she didn't like one bit that Feng Tianyi left Beijing on his own without informing anyone where he was going. She didn't want to become a reason why Feng Tianyi would start an argument with his mother.

"Mother, you look well." Feng Tianyi ignored his mother's comments and pretended he didn't hear anything, which earned a dejected sigh from Song Huifen.

His mother was as beautiful as ever. Song Huifen was known for her tall stature as well as her poise, full of grace. Her clothing, although not designer's clothes, were custom made according to her preference and style.

For the next hour, Tang Moyu had a small discussion with Song Huifen about the children's education and what her plans were for them in the future. She couldn't understand why the older woman was asking, but she still answered Lady Song's questions with honesty, although she skipped the part about the twins having a rare blood type, which they had to be more careful than people normally would be.

Meanwhile, Song Huifen noticed that her son and the empress's relationship looked better than the last time she saw them together. She silently wondered if Tang Moyu knew what she was really getting herself into by dating her stupid son.

It was only when Lady Song's assistant came and informed her about an important call waiting for her did their conversation end. Song Huifen excused herself and left the little family in the sitting room, allowing the twins to continue playing while they waited for dinner to be ready.

"So you really know Luo Qingqing on a personal level." Tang Moyu commented next to Feng Tianyi as they joined the little buns in the sitting room, watching yet another cartoon movie both of them had seen for the umpteenth time.

She wondered if her twins had managed to memorize the lines for the amount of time they'd seen the same movie, over and over again. A little more and Tang Moyu was sure she would be able to name all of the characters in this movie.

"Not really." Feng Tianyi replied. "I know about her and Fengyan, but we aren't really acquainted with each other."

"Huh? So Miss Luo and Song Fengyan… an ex-girlfriend?" She asked curiously. It never occurred to her that Song Fengyan and Luo Qingqing were acquainted with each other.

"Nope. Friends with benefits maybe, but I'm not so sure," Feng Tianyi said. He had never tried to pry into his cousin's affairs, but as far as he knew, Song Fengyan had only been with one woman, and that woman was Luo Qingqing.

Before his accident, he knew that Song Fengyan had been seeing Luo Qingqing. However, something happened three years ago, the two had a fallout and Feng Tianyi never asked his cousin for the reason. A year later, he heard that Luo Qingqing had debuted as an actress.

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