Evil Lust World Travel System

Chapter 19: Kotonoha Feeling Guilty!


Kotonoha soaked in the warm, steamy water, feeling a deep comfort envelop her entire body. Occasionally, a low, ambiguous moan escaped her lips, a sound of pure, unfiltered relaxation.

She had been a well-fed eldest daughter since she was a child. Her family, while not as wealthy as the top families, did have two servants to handle various household chores.

However, today, she unexpectedly took on tasks typically assigned to servants.

For Kotonoha, it was both embarrassing and exhausting.

The memory of washing Master Busujima's feet just moments ago filled her with a mix of nervousness and anxiety.

So now that she was finally alone and free from her tasks, her entire body felt relaxed and at ease.

Of course, unbeknownst to her, this sense of relaxation was partly due to the medicinal bath she was soaking in, a concoction designed to accelerate blood circulation. Enzo had added some "special ingredients" to enhance its effects.

"What kind of person is Master Busujima?"

Kotonoha murmured to herself as she soaked in the bathtub.

Master Busujima, the greatest kendo master in Japan.

Earlier, he had demonstrated his Sword Qi right before her eyes, which caused her admiration for him to soar to new heights.

Most women admired strength—it was almost instinctual. Especially for a girl like Kotonoha with a deep love for kendo, encountering a master swordsman like Master Busujima was like a fanatic meeting her idol.

She had almost no resistance to his charm.

Kotonoha even thought that if her first impression of him hadn't been so awkward, she might have fallen in love with the master, despite him being much older than her father.

However, just as that thought crossed her mind—

"Wait~ what am I thinking about?!"

Suddenly, Kotonoha woke up from her trance-like state and quickly patted her cheeks.

These sexual stimulants were premium products obtained through Master Busujima's personal connections. As a world-renowned master of swordsmanship, Master Busujima had close ties with several directors at Takeda Pharmaceutical.

So, securing something as potent as the top-of-the-line sexual stimulant, also known as the love potion, was just a matter of words.

Kotonoha quickly stood up from the bathtub, but as she did, the breeze against her naked body caused her to shiver and her legs to feel weak.


A strange murmur escaped Kotonoha's lips. After more than an hour in the medicinal bath, the drugs gradually began to penetrate her skin, increasing her sensitivity to three times its usual level.

According to the description, the Love Potion added to Kotonoha's medicinal bath was designed to gradually make a woman's body more sensitive and receptive.

After use, it can significantly heighten a woman's sexual desire without affecting her sanity.

It was a concoction typically used by wealthy older men on women they have sex with. After all, a man's desires are straightforward. He takes immense pleasure in seeing a woman lost in ecstasy beneath his crotch.

When he fucks a woman, he wants her to admire him and praise him for being bold and invincible.

The last thing he wants is to work on her for a long time and then hear a disheartening result.

"Was that it?"

Such a remark would be enough to make nine out of 10 most confident men feel impotent.

Here is where this drug was used.

Moreover, besides the immediate pleasure, there were also long-term benefits to this special love potion. 

However, since the drug was still experimental, even the directors at Takeda Pharmaceutical couldn't fully explain its capabilities.

Nevertheless, Enzo could tell it was good stuff.

Especially when he saw Kotonoha squatting on the ground, clutching her breasts.

Such a sight made him laugh sincerely.

Because her sexual sensitivity had tripled, when Kotonoha was about to wipe her body, the towel stimulated her nipples, causing her to cry out uncontrollably.

Caught in a whirlwind of confusion and heightened arousal, Kotonoha had no idea why her body was reacting this way.

Fortunately for her, after squatting for over ten minutes, she was finally able to stand up as the water drops on her body dried completely.

It was because, by that point, the potion had completely absorbed into her skin, and her sensitivity had begun to normalize.

"That was strange... Why did it feel so intense just now?"

Kotonoha muttered to herself, frowning as she slipped into her pajamas.

She gently raised her hand, lifted her breasts, and kneaded them gently.


A faint pleasure came from the breasts, and Kotonoha immediately let out a comfortable moan from her nose.

But after just ten seconds, she regained her composure and moved her hands away from her breasts.

"It feels normal. Then what was that weird feeling earlier?"

To be honest, at that moment, Kotonoha really thought that she had been drugged!

Don't blame the little girl for overthinking it. In this modern age, it's not unusual for girls to be wary.

From the age of thirteen, they began carrying condoms in their schoolbags, and by the time they reached the upper grades, they had taken detailed courses on menstruation. So despite being virgins, Kotonoha and Saeko possessed sexual knowledge that could rival those otakus who consumed porn daily.

That was why, when Kotonoha discovered that her body was abnormal just now, she immediately thought of a lot of strange things.

For example, aphrodisiacs, drugs, and so on.

In Japan, even young girls were aware of such dangers, thanks to the omnipresent cautionary tales.

But her body's normal reaction after she kneaded her breasts now made Kotonoha feel like she was overthinking it.

If she were really drugged, according to what those books said, she should be burning with desire by now.

However, since nothing of the sort happened, the girl suddenly felt ashamed of her thoughts.

"What happened to me today?"

Kotonoha wondered.

Master Busujima had simply ordered her to let her massage his feet, and she immediately assumed he was trying to do something evil. Now, after taking a bath, her wild imagination had gotten the better of her, leading her to think Master had drugged her!

'Could it be that, in my mind, the master is just such a villain?'

"No, I can't question Master!"

She quickly patted her cheek to calm down, and then Kotonoha walked to the bed and got ready to sleep.

Seeing that Kotonoha was not suspicious, Enzo instantly relaxed.

Given Kotonoha's character, even if she did become suspicious, it wouldn't be a big deal, but where was the fun in that?

For a sexy and beautiful mature woman like Manami, it was naturally most appropriate to be straightforward and overpower her directly.

But for exquisite playthings like Kotonoha and Saeko, subtlety was the key to the game.

After a busy day, Kotonoha fell into a deep sleep with a guilty heart towards Master Busujima, completely unaware of what awaited her.

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