Evil Samurai In Cultivation World

Chapter 128: The Deadly Mind

Randall immediately grabbed his leg, and with a grunt, he pulled him up in the air and slammed him down on the ground with tremendous force, resulting in a loud noise and the ground shaking violently.


Another guy got a strike on his chest, and Randall spit out blood before sending him flying backwards with a palm strike of his own! "You're persistent. I'll give you that," All of a sudden, Ian's voice echoed in his ears and Randall turned around in a hurry, but it was too late. 


A slicing sound was heard, and Randall saw his left arm fly up into the sky as he knelt on the ground, letting out a painful scream. "AHHHHH!"

The figure of Ian approached him as he screamed, and with a smile, he said, "I told you didn't I? That you'll regret it."

"You son of a b*tch!" Randall yelled out as he leapt up immediately and swung his right hand, and a powerful palm strike shot towards Ian.

"If you think that's gonna stop me..." Ian let off a short snort as he looked at the palm strike emitted by Randall with disdain in his eyes, and in an instant, he skipped backwards to create a short distance, which gave him enough time to counter with an attack of his own. "... Then you're simply an idiot!"


As soon as Ian finished speaking, a bolt of lightning burst out from Ian's hands and transformed into a large saber, and Ian swung it as hard as he could as Randall's palm strike swiftly approached him.


The two attacks collided with each other, resulting in a huge explosion that caused the two opponents to be pushed back due to the tremendous force of the impact.

Ian immediately regained his control after being pushed back just three steps, whereas Randall, due to him being weakened because of Ian's previous attack, was pushed back farther.


Ian pressed his foot down as hard as he could on the ground, which caused it to create a giant crater due to the enormous force. As he did so, his foot began glowing all of a sudden, and in an instant, he shot forward, leaving behind dust and debris where he was previously standing. As he moved, the saber in his hands began to shake violently, releasing sparks of lightning as he charged towards his target.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Randall, who had finally gotten a hold of himself after being pushed back so far, saw the fast approaching Ian, who was moving towards him with a devilish smile on his face, and immediately tried to counter the attack as he started to summon his own weapon, a spear.


However, before he could do so, one of the lackeys grabbed at his hand and clutched it as tight as he could, making Randall unable to defend against Ian's attack.

"You shameless bastards! Don't you have any honour?" Randall gritted his teeth in anger and he swung his hand forward with as much power as he could, pulling the lackey who was holding onto his arm with it, and let out a loud scream as he threw him at the fast approaching Ian.


Before the lackey could collide with him, Ian suddenly changed his posture and extended his right leg forward and lowered his upper body, causing the lackey to miss him by a few inches. The readjusted posture also increased the speed of his motion, and in an instant, he appeared right in front of Randall.

"Take this, you lowly servant!" Ian said as he swung his saber with as much power as he could possibly muster up, and the fast moving blade shot towards Randall in no time.

"Like hell I'd lose without a fight!" Randall screamed loudly and swung his spear forward in response to Ian's attack, and a golden glow began emitting from the tip of the spear, blinding everything surrounding the two of them with the bright light.


The instant Ian's powerful saber collided with Randall's spear, a loud and violent explosion was produced which sent shockwaves throughout the atmosphere, causing the lackeys who were watching the fight to be pushed back because of the impact.


As soon as the two attacks collided against each other, the spear had immediately flown out of Randall's hands, as if it had struck a mountain, and before he could even comprehend what had just happened, an explosive force landed on him and he was sent flying backwards!


Randall, who was flung into the air, had crashed onto the ground a few feet away, resulting in a loud 'thud' that shook the earth a little bit, and Ian immediately dashed towards the landing spot, only to find an unconscious Randall lying on the ground.

"Wow! Ian, you messed up his other hand as well!" The lackeys had caught up to Ian and were surprised to see what had happened to Randall. His remaining hand had been scorched by Ian's attack, and it had turned completely black like charcoal.

"F*cking idiot!" Ian stood above the unconscious Randall with a victorious grin across his face as he muttered to himself. "You called me pathetic, didn't you? Guess who's the pathetic one now, you piece of sh*t?"

The lackeys stood behind him without making a sound, and after Ian was done cursing the servant, he turned around to look at them and said, "You know where our precious junior brother lives, right? I'm sure that he has more servants and important material in his residence. Would you all be so kind and help me show our junior how to actually take care of one's abode?"

Surprised, the lackeys looked at each other for a few seconds to make sure what they heard was true, which just made Ian let out a snort of dissatisfaction. One of the lackeys raised their hands and asked, "Isn't this enough, Ian? I mean, we did beat up his servant. Do we really need to go even further?"

Ian narrowed his eyes at the person who spoke and glared at them as he opened his mouth to speak, "What? Don't tell me that you're getting cold feet after all of this?"

He then walked towards the person who spoke, and stood right in front of them and said, "Don't even think about backing out right now! The moment you step out of my team, I'll make sure that you regret it! And you know what happens to those who cross me, right?"

He said as he pointed at the unconscious Randall, and the lackey who spoke up quietly nodded his head. 

"Good! Now go on, and take care of our junior's residence!" Ian turned around as he spoke. "Do whatever you want with the servants. Kill them, injure them.. I don't care. But you mustn't let them go. Do what I ask you to do and you'll get paid very well. Understand?"

"Yes Ian!" The lackeys nodded their heads and they immediately leapt off, heading towards Claude's residence, and Ian tilted his head up to the sky with a devilish smile on his face as he muttered to himself yet again. "I'll make sure you pay for what you've done to me, Claude!"


Back in the mystical world.

Claude Rayforth stood in the middle of a snowy road, with no one in sight. He seemed cautious, looking both sides of the road to make sure there weren't any enemies, as he gripped his katana tightly.

'How long have I been standing here?' Claude thought to himself as the snow slowly began to fall. 

In the mystical realm, time flowed differently to the outside world, and it was much harder to understand the passage of time.

'Think hard, Claude. What happened a few minutes ago?' Claude massaged his forehead as he tried to remember the events that transpired just a few minutes ago, but to his dismay, he couldn't remember.

He didn't know how he got there, nor did he have a clue about how much time had passed. 

Step! Step!

All of a sudden, the sound of footsteps entered Claude's ears and his gaze turned serious. He placed his hand on his katana, gripping it even tighter than before, as he tried to figure out where the footstep was coming from.

Step! Step!

The footsteps began to get louder and louder, indicating that whoever it was, they were getting closer and closer to him. He tried to predict the direction of the footsteps, but for some reason, found it incredibly difficult to do so.

Step! Step!

Everytime he would turn to the side where he had thought the sound of the footsteps was coming from, the footsteps would immediately change sides, which made it harder for Claude to locate the person.

Step! Step!

As the footsteps were getting closer and closer, Claude couldn't help but grit his teeth due to frustration. The footsteps were closer than ever now, and he couldn't afford to make a mistake. Not right now.

Step! Step!

"I've got you now!" Claude swung his katana as soon as the first step was heard, and the sound of flesh being sliced was heard for a second, before a soft whisper entered into Claude's ear. "Sakuto…. why?!"


The lifeless figure fell onto the snow filled road in front of Claude, who stared at the body with a horrified expression on his face. 


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