Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 12.1: Sakura feelings.*

Sakura sighed softly, watching the figure in the distance. "My love, there she goes again... to be with my friend. Does that make me a bad person, Carlos?"

Carlos turned to her, his expression calm yet thoughtful. "Do you love me?"

Sakura nodded without hesitation. "Yes, I do. I truly do."

Carlos studied her for a moment, then spoke gently. "But you love her more than me, don’t you? And that feels wrong, doesn’t it?"

Sakura lowered her gaze, conflicted. "Yes... I have taken both of you into my heart."

Carlos gave a small, understanding smile. "If that’s how you feel..."

But Sakura shook her head, her eyes searching his. "No, I want to know what you really think."

Carlos paused, choosing his words carefully. "I used to think of it as something like polygamy, you know? But now that we’re together, I realize it’s more complicated than that. It's... different."

Sakura let out a breath, relieved by his honesty. "I understand."

Carlos reached for her hand, squeezing it gently. "You’re not bad, Sakura. You’re good. You just... love deeply. And that can leave you feeling conflicted."

Sakura smiled weakly. "I know she’s aware, and she’s not unhappy with it. I’ve loved her since the day we saw her in that classroom. Everyone was... exposed, in more ways than one. I was so nervous, but you were there, reassuring me. I couldn’t help but be drawn to her, but you stopped me—reminding me not to impose myself on others. That’s when I knew... I wanted you as my husband."

Carlos chuckled softly, remembering. "That day was... unforgettable. Everyone tried to follow her example, didn’t they? We were all inexperienced, and it showed. Only a few among us had any prior relationships, but even they were overwhelmed by everything."

Sakura gazed at him with affection. "And yet, I love you. My heart races when I’m near you. You’re in my thoughts constantly, and I always want to be with you. Do you love me?"

Carlos smiled warmly, the sincerity in his voice clear. "Yes, I do."

Sakura’s expression darkened with doubt. "Even if I’m... unfaithful?"

Carlos didn’t flinch. "Even if you stray, even if you betray me, even if you hurt me, I’ll still love you. It’s who I am. I’m committed to you, forever."

Tears welled up in Sakura’s eyes, and she whispered, "Thank you. I love you, Carlos."

He pulled her close, his voice soft in her ear. "I love you too, Sakura."

After a quiet moment between them, Sakura stepped back with a small smile. "Let’s go back to the dormitories."

In the Dormitory the thoughs of Sakura flew to the past, the memory of their first encounter still lingered in both their minds. It had been during one of the early lessons at the academy—a lesson that had left a lasting mark on them both. The academy had a strange way of introducing its students to the expectations of maintaining noble bloodlines, and this lesson in particular had focused on building bonds, both emotional and physical.

Teacher Graciela, a strict but knowing instructor, had led the lesson. The room had been filled with the nervous energy of 80 students, most of whom had yet to experience anything beyond innocent flirtation. Only a lucky nine had some prior experience in matters of love and intimacy. The rest were left grappling with the gravity of what was expected of them.

The pairs had been prearranged, but Teacher Graciela reminded them that nothing was set in stone. If anyone felt unhappy or dissatisfied with their pairing, adjustments could be made. This was only the beginning of their journey—a time for exploration, for learning who they were and what they wanted.

Teacher Graciela surveyed the classroom with a knowing smile, her gaze lingering on the girl with bunny ears and a tail.  "It’s clear that all of you have noticed Luyira, the third Retter Messiah of the empire, and her companion, the young Aido Serap. They are extraordinary beings, children of the Impenetrable Wall. But, dear students, do not feel overshadowed. Each of you is special in your own right. Follow the teachings in your heart, and you will find your path."

Her words, though firm, carried a tone of encouragement. Turning her attention to one of the students, Francisco, she continued.  "Now, Francisco, it seems your past experiences were with your mother, so we’ve paired you with someone new to all of this—Lizzie. She may be shy and timid, but I trust you will guide her along the way. Lizzie, my dear..."

Graciela beckoned Lizzie forward, her gentle smile putting the nervous girl at ease. "Francisco is your partner now. If you encounter any difficulties, do not hesitate to voice them. Together, I am confident you both will find your way."

Lizzie blushed lightly as she stepped closer to her partner, the weight of the pairing not lost on her. "Nice to meet you. I am in your care."

Francisco smiled warmly, his voice soft yet assured. "Likewise, you’re... really cute and small."

The compliment brought an even deeper blush to Lizzie’s cheeks, though she smiled, clearly touched by his kind words.

Teacher Graciela moved on, pairing up other students with careful consideration. She turned her attention to Alison and Sebastian, assigning them to one another with the same confidence she had shown the others. "Alison, you’ll be helping Sebastian feel more at ease. Make sure he’s comfortable, alright?"

Sebastian responded with enthusiasm. "Nice to meet you! I’m really looking forward to spending time with you."

Alison smiled in return, her eyes bright with warmth. "Likewise, Sebastian."

The mood in the room was one of cautious optimism, as students began to meet their partners and find their footing. Finally, Carlos and Sakura were paired together, both with no prior experience.  "Carlos, Sakura, I know neither of you have much experience, but that’s alright. Lean on one another, and you’ll find your way."

Sakura nodded, her voice soft but determined. "Okay."

Carlos promised earnestly. "I’ll do my best."

Graciela continued pairing the students, her keen eye for compatibility guiding her through the room. She turned to Celine and Yerin, her intuition telling her that they would form a strong connection.

With a final nod of approval, she concluded her assignments, smiling at the class with a sense of satisfaction. "Excellent. We have a perfect balance of 40 males and 40 females in this group. Assigning roles will be a fascinating challenge, and you’ll soon discover the intricacies involved in this process. Now, some of you might wonder why we’ve chosen to conduct this in a group session rather than a more private setting."

There was a pause before Luyira, always the enthusiastic one, raised her hand and answered with a bright smile. "To build strong bonds!"

Graciela smiled at her, nodding approvingly. "Exactly, Luyira. That’s precisely the reason. The majority of these relationships are likely to endure, if not become permanent, so it’s crucial that you develop the ability to function as a cohesive unit."

She let her words sink in, watching as the students began to understand the deeper purpose behind the session. "In the interest of fostering collective strength, we typically form peer groups and, on occasion, rotate partners. However, the primary objective is to cultivate group cohesion. Partner changes may happen naturally, but they should never be forced. It’s also important to exercise caution and respect to avoid disrupting the intimate connections forming between individuals."

The room fell into a reflective silence as her words took root. The students understood that this wasn’t just an exercise in pairing off—it was the foundation for something deeper, something that would shape their lives and futures. The bonds they formed today could become their greatest strengths, and Graciela had faith that they would rise to the challenge.

Luyira's voice rose with a solemnity that belied her youthful features. "Behold, in this very moment, I decree that only Aido may lay a finger on me. He may be possessive, even unfaithful at times, but my heart belongs to him," she proclaimed, her gaze locked onto Aido's, a mixture of adoration and a hint of defiance in her eyes.

Sakura, ever the peacemaker, stepped forward with a gentle smile. "There's no need for such declarations. We're just a band of spirited youths, no room for discord," she said, her tone light but firm, as if to brush away any potential tension like cobwebs from a forgotten corner.

Luyira considered Sakura's words, a small nod acknowledging the truth in them. "Agreed. Yet, my affection for Aido runs deep. His joy is my joy," she admitted, her voice softening, betraying a vulnerability she rarely showed.

Aido, moved by Luyira's words, bowed his head in a rare display of humility. "My apologies for my selfishness," he murmured, his hand reaching for Luyira's, their fingers intertwining with a quiet snap.

Sakura watched as Aido playfully grabbed Luyira's ass, his fingers splayed just inches from her tail, a teasing gesture that elicited a laugh from Luyira. Sakura's smile was genuine, but it masked the fleeting shadow that passed over her face, a pang of envy, a touch of emptiness that momentarily gripped her heart. It was a longing she couldn't quite place, a yearning for something intangible, just out of reach.


"Aido and Luyira share a special bond that transcends words," Sakura mused aloud, her eyes reflecting a mixture of admiration and wistfulness.

With a mischievous spark in her eyes, Luyira leaned in close to whisper to Sakura. "You grasp my essence, let us be friends," she said, her voice a conspiratorial whisper that promised secrets and sisterhood.

Sakura's heart raced with understanding, her eyes widening as she realized that she and Aido were destined for more than mere simplicity—they were chosen, bound by a fate yet to unfold. "Indeed, let us walk this path together as lifelong friends!" she exclaimed, her hand reaching out to grasp Luyira's in a pledge of solidarity.

Carlos, who had been quietly observing from the sidelines, noticed the intensity of Sakura's gaze as she looked upon Luyira. He recognized a familiar longing in her eyes, one that reminded him of his own hidden desires. It was reminiscent of his mother's love for his father, a love that had shaped his understanding of affection and sacrifice. Though he hadn't spoken of it, Carlos felt fortunate to be alongside Sakura, the girl he had always yearned for in silence, as if fate had orchestrated their bond with an invisible hand.

"Alright, you may proceed now," Teacher Graciela announced, her voice cutting through the thickening air of anticipation. She expected the guys to take their time, for even the experienced ones undressed slowly, savoring the moments before getting intimate. Little did she know that her simple command would result in a swift response from two of them. Luyira effortlessly shed her clothes in seconds, her movements fluid and unashamed, with Aido not far behind. The others watched in surprise, their conversations faltering as this unexpected scenario played out before them. Sakura and Carlos, standing nearby, were particularly taken aback as the larger girl kissed her brother passionately, her legs glistening with desire, her body an open book of carnal knowledge. Aido, smaller in size but no less eager, was equally enthralled as he consumed her with fervor, his impressive member catching the attention of onlookers, a silent testament to his arousal.

Sakura felt the heat from her body rise, a flush that crept up her neck and painted her cheeks a deep crimson. She was not lusting for Carlos, nor for Aido, but for the girl in front of her—Luyira. Her perfect body, the way she moved with such unapologetic confidence, it ignited something within Sakura, a desire to be like her, to be her. But she couldn't; Luyira was with Aido, and Sakura was with Carlos. She looked at him, seeing the nervousness etched on his face, the way his hands fidgeted at his sides. He was no stranger to the sight of a woman's naked form, but Sakura knew he was still a virgin, his experience as limited as her own. He was just like her, a simple girl from a simple family, leading a simple life.

Luyira, catching the wide-eyed wonder of the onlookers, raised her voice with a teasing lilt. "You guys have a lot to learn. Watch and learn!" she called out, her laughter echoing through the glade like the chime of delicate bells.

"Yeah, I think so," Sakura replied, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes never leaving Luyira's form.

"Ah, your taste is exquisite as always, let me savor the sweetness of your tongue that fills me with joy," Luyira moaned, her words a sultry invitation that hung in the air, a tantalizing promise of pleasure.

"No, I desire yours in return, and these breasts are mine to cherish and mine alone," Aido growled, his hands cupping Luyira's ample curves with a possessiveness that left no room for doubt. Their passion was a raw, untamed thing, a spectacle that held their audience captive, each spectator drawn into the intimate act unfolding before them.

The classroom, once a place of rigid chairs and silent anticipation, now pulsed with the raw energy of bodies in motion. The dance unfolding before their eyes was a symphony of sensuality, a bold declaration that textbooks and chalkboards were no match for the primal urges that now held sway.

Francisco, his heart pounding in rhythm with the thrumming energy that filled the room, felt a sudden urgency to connect, to transcend the barriers that had kept him tethered to propriety. He moved toward Lizzie, her shy demeanor a stark contrast to the boldness of their surroundings. Despite the vulnerability of his own exposed form, he approached her with a reverence that belied the chaos around them.

With the softest of touches, he bestowed kisses upon her forehead, his words a gentle whisper that painted her cheeks with a becoming blush. "Your body is a masterpiece, and I yearn to see you in your most natural state," he murmured, his voice a tender caress.

Lizzie, her eyes downcast, replied with a voice barely above a whisper, "Please don't look, I'm feeling a bit exposed."

Francisco, sensing her hesitation, reassured her with a soft smile. "Fear not, we'll move at your pace. Let me guide you through this dance of discovery."

With a tentative nod, she allowed him to undress her, each piece of clothing falling away to reveal her slender form. As her final garment slipped to the floor, Francisco's gaze lingered on her, drinking in the sight of her beauty. "You are exquisite," he praised, his words eliciting a shy smile from Lizzie.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice stronger now, "I'm starting to feel more at ease."

Leading her to the bed with a gentle hand, Francisco watched as Lizzie lowered herself onto the soft sheets, her movements graceful despite her lingering nervousness. He joined her, his lips tracing a path of warmth down her body, each kiss a soothing promise, each word of encouragement a testament to his steadfast patience.

Their dance was a delicate ballet, a slow unfurling of trust and desire. Francisco led with a touch as light as a feather, his every move designed to coax Lizzie from her shell, to liberate her spirit from the confines of her uncertainty. With each passing moment, her reservations melted away, replaced by a burgeoning sense of freedom that mirrored the wild abandon that surrounded them.

In stark contrast to the fervent displays of Luyira and Aido, Francisco's tranquil presence in the classroom was a haven of calm, a sanctuary amidst the storm of passion. His serene demeanor inspired a similar sense of peace in Carlos, who began to shed his own layers with a newfound sense of tranquility.

Sakura, entranced by the unfolding drama, found herself compelled to join in the ritual of shedding inhibitions. Her movements were fluid, as if she were under the spell of an unseen enchantment, her clothes falling away to reveal the soft curves of her body.

Luyira, lost in her own world of pleasure, called out to Aido with a playful admonishment. "Oh, my darling tail, remember we are not alone in our revelry."

Aido, consumed by the fire that Luyira's very presence stoked within him, responded with a passion that left no room for doubt. "It is your allure that fuels this inferno inside me," he growled, his hands exploring her with a hunger that bordered on frenzy.

His touch was electric, sending waves of pleasure coursing through Luyira's body. Each nibble on her breasts, each teasing caress, drew from her a symphony of moans that filled the room with the music of her ecstasy. Aido's fingers danced over her, tracing the contours of her desire, delving into her core with a precision that left her writhing in helpless abandon.

"You're so wet, your need for me is clear. Do you truly crave me?" Aido's voice was a low rumble, his words a prelude to the crescendo that was yet to come.

"Yes, my love, I ache for you. I need you to fill me, to claim me as yours," Luyira moaned, her body arching towards him, a silent plea for the union she so desperately sought.

Aido's response was a promise, whispered against her skin. "My sole desire is to elevate you to the pinnacle of pleasure. Let me savor you, let me make your body sing with delight."

As this erotic tableau unfolded, Carlos approached Sakura, his hand extended in a silent invitation. Yet Sakura seemed ensnared by the spectacle before her, her gaze riveted to Luyira's face, flushed with the throes of passion. Sakura's own desire, stoked by the sight of Luyira's unbridled ecstasy, was a palpable force, a yearning that resonated within her core.

She watched, entranced, as Luyira's fingers threaded through Aido's hair, holding him close as her body moved in a sinuous dance of pleasure. The sight of their union, the sounds of their shared rapture, ignited a fire within Sakura, a longing to experience the same profound connection.

With a soft sigh, Sakura took a step forward, her eyes dark with desire. She imagined herself tasting the sweetness of Luyira's lips, feeling the warmth of her breath, sharing in the forbidden fruits that lay within reach. The thought of it sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine, a silent prayer that she, too, might join in the dance of ecstasy that beckoned to her, a siren call that she could no longer resist.

As Lizzie's shyness dissipated into the ether, a transformation began to ripple through the classroom like a stone cast into a still pond. The once timid students, emboldened by the sight of Lizzie's metamorphosis, started to emulate the boldness of Aido and Luyira. The atmosphere shifted around these two as they remained suspended in a frozen moment, Carlos fixated on Sakura, Sakura fixated on the pair, and the others caught up in a whirlwind of their own interactions. Some stumble with a newfound courage, their movements awkward yet endearing, while others rush ahead, making blatant mistakes born of inexperience. Yet, amidst it all, there is an undeniable undercurrent of desire that electrifies the air, a palpable hunger for connection and understanding that charges the room with an almost tangible energy.

Lizzie, her eyes alight with a fire that had been kindled within her, could hardly contain her excitement. "I'm so excited, I can't wait," she breathed, her words a soft melody that filled the space around her.

Francisco, drawn to her like a moth to a flame, responded with a warmth that matched her own. "Me too, you are beautiful," he said, his voice a low rumble that seemed to resonate with the very core of her being.

With a tenderness that belied the intensity of the moment, Francisco delicately lifted Lizzie's legs, unveiling her most sacred essence to the curious onlookers. Lizzie's piercing cry filled the room as she crossed the threshold, a transformative moment that seemed to ignite a newfound spark within her, a beacon of light that illuminated the room and inspired those who bore witness.

As Carlos observed the unfolding scene of passion and chaos around them, he felt a surge of emotion towards Sakura. The atmosphere was charged with exhilaration, as others delved deeper into intimacy, their actions a dance of discovery and desire. Amidst the whirlwind of movement and desire, Carlos reached out to Sakura, his touch like a gentle caress against her skin. Whispering words of reassurance, he pulled her close, their bodies entwined in a dance of their own creation. "Stay with me," he murmured, his voice a soothing melody in Sakura's ears. In that moment, all outside distractions faded away, leaving only the two of them in a world of their own making. Sakura's heart raced as she felt a sense of liberation wash over her, her soul unburdened by doubt. Overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, she dared to voice the question that lingered on her lips, "Do you desire me? Do you love me?" With a certainty that transcended time and space, Carlos's response echoed in the air, "Here and now, beyond our time." In their shared embrace, they found solace and connection, a love that defied all boundaries.

As Sakura was enveloped in Carlos's arms, tears began to fall from her eyes. She had never before experienced a love so tender for a man, nor had she felt the intense passion she harbored for Luyira. This new revelation opened up a world of emotions for her, making her understand the purpose of the lessons she had been through. They had always been so focused on tasks that could potentially lead to their downfall with the slightest mistake, leaving little room for thoughts of love, romance, and intimacy. In that moment, Sakura felt a surge of happiness as she realized she wanted Carlos to be her husband.

Sakura whispered softly, her voice barely above a breath, "Be gentle with me, and let me embrace my wild side." Carlos gazed at her, his eyes reflecting the depth of his affection. He was her secret admirer from next door, cherishing the moments of her uninhibited spirit that he witnessed from his balcony. The first time he heard her voice, he knew she had captured his heart. Now holding her in his arms, he vowed to never let her go. "Embrace your uniqueness," he whispered back, his words a promise that hung in the air between them. "I will always be your sanctuary, your safe haven to return to."

Carlos embraced her tightly, refusing to release her as he initiated a slow, seductive kiss. Sakura found herself lost in his touch, attempting to disregard the world around them. Yet, her heart felt the warmth between them. His gentle kisses were not enough to satisfy her longing, prompting her to take charge. Leaning in, she initiated a more fervent kiss, daring to explore with her tongue for the first time. Eager to fulfill his desires, she wrapped her legs around him as they embraced, their faces reflecting the mutual cravings they harbored. In that moment, she embraced her role as the leader of this dance of bodies and pleasure.

In the heat of the moment, Sakura, who often grappled with her insecurities about her small breasts and petite frame, found herself free from such worries. She was intoxicated by the feeling of being desired, of being cherished by Carlos. Her usual shyness evaporated, replaced by an urgent need to be with him, to savor the intensity of their connection. She was fully present, yet a part of her mind remained focused on her ultimate goal. She needed to conceive, to create a life from this union. Though her thoughts were momentarily clouded by the overwhelming sensations, she remembered that Carlos, while not as physically imposing as some, was no less a man. With newfound confidence, she took him in her hand, stroking him firmly as she kissed him with the wild abandon of a woman consumed by desire.

Carlos whispered to Sakura, "My dearest Sakura, I am here to fulfill your every desire and bring you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams." Sakura eagerly responded, "Oh yes, Carlos, show me what you have in store for me." Without breaking their embrace, they moved to the bed, their bodies entwined like the most intimate of dances. Carlos, inspired by the legendary passion of Aido and Luyira, worshipped Sakura's body with his touch. His lips and fingers explored every inch of her, tracing the delicate contours of her skin and coaxing waves of ecstasy from her. Sakura's moans were muffled by the soft sheets, her pleasure too immense to contain. In that sanctuary of passion, the rest of the world ceased to exist as Carlos orchestrated a symphony of bliss from Sakura's every gasp and sigh. And in that moment, Carlos was certain of his role in her life—he was the maestro of her purest pleasure.

As Sakura's gaze drifted to the other bed, she was privy to an enchanting tableau. Her imagination conjured the image of Luyira, her ethereal beauty a captivating sight as she moved atop Aido. Luyira's grace was that of a dancer, her tail swaying playfully, her cries of passion filling the air with a sultry melody. The sounds stirred something primal within Sakura, fueling her own desire to reach the zenith of passion, to experience the rapture that had consumed her in her visions.

With a sudden surge of boldness, Sakura grasped Carlos's head and guided him towards the bed. She climbed atop him, her eyes alight with determination and desire. Without hesitation, she took his manhood in her hand and positioned it at her entrance. Her sex was slick with anticipation, a mysterious mist seeming to emanate from her arousal. With a decisive motion, she impaled herself upon him, a sharp pang of pain echoing through her body—a sensation that was mirrored in Carlos's wide-eyed reaction. But Sakura did not retreat. Instead, she began to move, establishing a rhythm that Carlos quickly adapted to. Their hips moved in perfect harmony, mirroring the passionate scene before them, their voices joining the symphony of desire that filled the room.

Graciela's eyes danced with a mix of wonder and a hint of envy as she took in the unfolding tableau of ardor and connection. Was it mere lust that painted such vivid desire across the faces of those entwined in passion, or was it the deeper bonds of love that held them in such thrall? This was no mere voyeuristic indulgence; it was a revelation, a testament to the unbridled joy of human connection. Even Lizzie's usually reserved pet seemed to be swept up in the fervor, its plaintive cries echoing the primal urgency of the room. The stirring within Graciela was undeniable, a call to action that beckoned her to summon her own lover and immerse herself in the communal celebration of sensuality. But for now, she remained a silent guardian, her gaze a protective shroud over the unfolding dramas.

Aido's fingers danced over Luyira's skin, each touch a note in a symphony of exploration, his senses attuned solely to the landscape of her body. The world around him had faded into a distant hum, the crescendo of moans that filled the room unheard by his ears. He was an explorer in an uncharted realm, lost in the thrill of his own world of discovery.

Luyira, on the other hand, found her attention fracturing, drawn away from the intoxicating touch of her lover. The sounds of pleasure that permeated the air were a siren song to her insatiable curiosity. Turning her head, she sought the source of these alluring sounds and her gaze fell upon Sakura. The young woman was a vision of abandon, her body moving with a grace and fervor that was mesmerizing. As their eyes met, a silent communication passed between them; Luyira understood now that Sakura was not just an observer, but an admirer of her actions, her pleasure, her very essence.

In that shared glance, the dynamic shifted. Sakura's eyes, alight with a fiery intent, signaled her readiness to step into a new role. She became the instigator, the leader, the giver of pleasure. It was a transformation that resonated within Luyira, awakening a dormant hunger. She yearned not only to experience the heights of ecstasy but to be the one to craft such pleasure for another, to be the architect of someone else's rapture.

Yet, as Luyira surrendered to the waves of her own pleasure, as her body arched and trembled under Aido's skilled ministrations, she found herself teetering on the edge of a precipice. There was an undeniable allure in the act of giving oneself over to sensation, in the exquisite act of surrender. It was a siren call that even the most steadfast could not resist, and in that moment, Luyira yielded to the current of bliss that swept through her, her cries joining the chorus that filled the room.

Sakura's mind was a whirlwind of lust and longing, her body moving in perfect synchrony with Carlos's as if guided by an unseen conductor. The air was thick with the scent of passion, a heady perfume that seemed to fuel the fervor of their union. The room pulsed with the rhythm of entwined bodies and the crescendo of voices raised in ecstasy, a testament to the unspoken desires that bound them all.

As Sakura's gaze fell upon Luyira and Aido, she felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her. The raw intensity of their passion was mesmerizing, a dance of desire that held her captive. Their eyes met, and in that suspended moment, the world seemed to fall away, leaving only the two of them connected by an invisible thread of longing. A sweet, knowing smile passed between them, igniting a fire within Sakura that threatened to consume her. Her body tightened around Carlos, anticipation building to a fever pitch as the unspoken promise of their connection lingered in the air. Then, without warning, Carlos's control shattered, his release triggering a cascade of pleasure that rippled through Sakura. In that moment of pure, unadulterated bliss, the barriers between them dissolved, and their souls entwined as completely as their bodies.

Sakura, in the aftermath of her first intimate encounter, felt the weight of her exertions. It had been an intense and prolonged experience, outlasting the average duration of such passionate endeavors. While some in the room were beginning to wind down, their bodies sated and spent, others continued to demonstrate their fervor with unflagging dedication. Lizzie, once the epitome of modesty, now showed remarkable endurance, her focus solely on pleasing her partner with a diligence that belied her usually reserved nature. Francisco watched her with a mixture of awe and concern, his brow furrowed with a hint of worry. Meanwhile, Sakura's attention was drawn to Aido and Luyira, who had transitioned to a primal doggystyle position, their bodies moving in a dance of intimacy and raw need. Despite her attraction to the idea of joining them, Sakura held back, her body not yet ready to match the pace of her racing heart and eager imagination.

In the quiet that followed, Sakura turned to Carlos, her voice soft yet steady. "By your side feels like home, Carlos. Would you like to start dating officially from now on?" Carlos's response was immediate, his voice imbued with a sense of destiny fulfilled. "You are my destined partner, Sakura." Their commitment to each other, solidified in that moment, seemed to be blessed by the stars themselves, a serendipitous alignment that Graciela had foreseen.

Graciela, ever the observer, couldn't help but comment on their youthful vigor. "You two are insatiable! I wish my husband and I had half your passion." Luyira, with a playful glint in her eye, chimed in with a bold declaration. "Eh! but teacher, this is the second one. I want at least my third. See, my pussy would not let him go." Aido, caught in the throes of Luyira's insatiable appetite, could only manage a plea for caution. "Luy, you are really pushing me inside. Be careful." Graciela, her eyes wide with astonishment, marveled at their stamina. "Goodness gracious, you are not mere mortals but creatures consumed by desire!" Unfazed, Luyira issued a challenge to Aido. "Ready yourself, Aido, for I am about to go turbo. We shall pick up where we left off at home later." Aido's response was a mixture of trepidation and excitement. "Hold on, Luy, I got a strange sensation last time. Please handle me with care this time. Ohhhh!!"

Despite the toll the evening had taken on her, Sakura felt an inexplicable pull towards Luyira, who was busily tidying up after pushing Aido to his limits. Luyira, perplexed by Sakura's approach, saw her as a fragile creature in need of tender care. Carlos, drained from their earlier exertions, could only watch as this new dynamic unfolded before him, their evening of passion taking yet another unexpected turn.

Carlos, too exhausted to intervene, could only watch as the unusual encounter between the two unfolded before him.

Sakura, in a breathless voice, couldn’t help but exclaim, "Oh my goodness, they feel like fluffy marshmallows... so soft, yet perfectly firm!"

Luyira giggled, clearly amused. "Do you admire my charms? Aido certainly does, and I take great pride in them! Come on, little one, let’s bond properly."

Without hesitation, Sakura clung to Luyira, her emotions overwhelming her. "Mommy, I need your guidance, now and forever."

Luyira’s playful expression softened, and she patted Sakura gently. "Of course, my dear. You can always count on mommy."

From the sidelines, Aido chuckled, still catching his breath. "By the way, they’re both still a bit sticky, so a shower might be a good idea."

Luyira burst into laughter, the sound like a melody. "Yes, let’s freshen up together, sweet Sakura. We can clean up and get dressed together."

Sakura’s eyes sparkled with joy. "Yes, let’s do that!"

Luyira extended her hand with a mischievous smile. "Luyira Serap, pleased to make your proper acquaintance."

Meanwhile, in another corner of the room, Allison whispered urgently to Teacher Graciela, her voice laced with concern. "Teacher, it seems we’ve lost Francisco. Lizzie exhausted him with too many demands, and now... he’s unresponsive."

Lizzie, flustered and apologetic, stuttered out, "I’m so sorry! I don’t know what happened!"

Graciela, watching the unfolding chaos with a faint smile, shook her head. "Well, I suppose this turned out better than expected," she said dryly, her amusement clear as she observed the tangled emotions and connections forming around her.


Later that night, back in the shared dormitory, Sakura lay beside Carlos, her memories swirling in her mind. As they held each other close, the moments they had shared with Luyira replayed in her thoughts, leaving her with a mix of emotions.

As they lay together, Sakura spoke softly, her voice filled with quiet contemplation. "Could my longing for Luyira be the reason we haven’t started a family?"

Carlos, ever patient and understanding, smiled gently. "That shouldn’t be a concern, love. Even I find myself drawn to others—like Saint Mary, Alidia, and even some of the royals. But that doesn’t affect how I feel about you. I love you just as you are."

Sakura, touched by his words, nestled closer to him. "Thank you, my love. I’m sorry for bringing up others during our private moments."

Carlos chuckled warmly, his arms tightening around her. "It’s only natural. We share everything, and honesty is the foundation of a strong love."

Sakura, always quick to tease, smirked. "So, you even ogled Aido’s mother, huh? You’ve always had a thing for the petite ones, haven’t you? I’m living proof of that!"

Carlos laughed heartily, shaking his head. "You make it sound so scandalous!"

Sakura, confident and playful, gazed up at him with a knowing smile. "There’s no need to hold back anymore. I’m confident enough to know that your heart belongs to me, and mine to you."

Carlos smiled, nodding in agreement, his heart swelling with love for her.

But Sakura wasn’t done. Her thoughts returned to Luyira, a small sigh escaping her lips. "My heart is full of love for both you and Luyira, but I know that in her eyes, I’m just a friend—or maybe a cherished little sister."

Carlos’s gaze softened. "Indeed, it seems Luyira’s heart belongs to Aido. And now, with Saint Mary in the picture, we’re all left a bit surprised. Despite her inner conflicts, Luyira understands that Aido’s happiness is tied to her own."

A mischievous glint appeared in Sakura’s eyes as she spoke, half-serious, half-playful. "Maybe I should try to seduce Aido, and find myself in Luyira’s arms. Aido is quite handsome, after all. That would give me three lovers!"

Carlos feigned mock horror. "Oh no, I can’t let you do that!"

Sakura giggled, enjoying the moment. "Well, if another maiden catches your eye, I’ll grant you permission to love her too!"

Sakura teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Carlos raised an eyebrow, slightly puzzled. "Out of guilt?"

She shook her head, her smile growing wider, her gaze filled with affection. "Out of love."

Her words hung in the air, and Carlos couldn’t help but chuckle softly, shaking his head in response. "Impossible. My heart already belongs to a wild and adventurous girl who loves just as fiercely in return."

His voice was warm, laced with admiration for the girl he loved, and he pulled her closer. In the quiet that followed, Carlos's mind wandered to a distant memory.

He recalled a time when he had observed a young girl playing all alone in the vast gardens of a large mansion. She had been laughing, completely lost in her world, interacting with imaginary friends. Her parents, often absent, had left her to fill the silence of the empty house with her own creativity.

It had struck Carlos deeply, as he saw a part of himself in that little girl. They both knew the loneliness that came from being surrounded by grandeur but lacking true connection. Yet, despite their shared circumstances, she had managed to find joy in her own way, while Carlos had always struggled to fully immerse himself in such simple pleasures.

He remembered watching her from the window, smiling at her carefree playfulness. But the girl never saw him. She had been too absorbed in her imaginary world, unaware of his presence, and he had simply watched in quiet reflection.

Returning to the present, Carlos looked into Sakura’s eyes, his voice softer now. "That little girl… she reminded me of you. Full of life, even when you’re alone, creating joy wherever you are."

Sakura, intrigued, tilted her head, her fingers tracing circles on his chest. "Is that why you fell in love with me?"

Carlos smiled warmly. "Maybe. I saw in you the same spark—that wild imagination, that ability to fill any space with laughter and love. It drew me in."

Sakura's smile softened, the playful edge fading as the warmth between them grew.

Sakura: "I’m glad you saw me."

Carlos: "How could I not? You’re impossible to miss."

Their laughter intertwined with the quiet night air, and for a moment, the weight of the world seemed lighter. Carlos and Sakura understood each other in ways that went beyond words, and even as they teased and played, there was a deep undercurrent of affection that bound them together.


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