Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 13.5: The dream of a Tribe.*

Leonidas pondered, he wanted to know what he was, how he had come to be in this strange land, why his appearance differed so greatly from the humans he encountered, and more importantly, where his family was.

-Leonidas: Don't you find it intriguing that they have allowed us to stay on the outskirts of their city, even though our numbers are reasonable?

-Ninaies: Perhaps humans aren't as terrible as we thought, at least not this particular group. It's quite peculiar, I could have sworn Gustavo despised us. It seems he was simply concerned for his people.

-Rina: I can empathize with his worries, which may explain his earlier rudeness. However, his recent change in behavior towards us caught me by surprise.

-Ninaies: How are the others reacting to all of this?

-Leonidas: Everyone appears content; Chimara is busy organizing the placement of our tents and setting boundaries. We have a meeting scheduled with Gustavo later this morning. If all goes smoothly, the other tribes may be able to join us.

-Rina: I've noticed that most onlookers observe us with curiosity, while only a handful exhibit hostility. Some even seem pleased by our presence.

-Leonidas: Speaking with Gustavo made me realize his preconceived notions about our kind. Yet, I understand his perspective. If we had not intervened that night, this opportunity we have now might never have materialized. I am grateful that things unfolded as they did.

-Ninaies: I share your sentiment, it's a relief that things have worked out in our favor.

-Rina: Indeed, it's quite a positive turn of events.

-Ninaies: I suppose I should express my gratitude towards him for his actions.

-Leonidas: There's no obligation to do so. Despite the challenges we face, progress is being made, and everyone seems content. I have a feeling Gustavo has his own motivations for his change of heart.

-Ninaies: I guess I should show appreciation for what he's done.

-Leonidas: There's no need, despite the circumstances, things are improving, and everyone is happy. I suspect he has a couple of reasons for his change of stance.

-Rina: I had a similar inkling. His demeanor towards me was quite different, as if driven by lust and jealousy, not affection, when he persistently insulted me.

-Leonidas: It's not love, but a blend of desire and envy. I can read the type, the one who thinks he's too superior to be associated with someone like you.

-Rina: True, but I won't let his opinions sway me.

-Leonidas: That's right, he's simply foolish in that regard.

-Ninaies: At least he has demonstrated wisdom in regard to his people.

Leonidas gazed into the distance.

-Leonidas: The wall lies about four days' journey from here by horse or truck, far from the arid lands where the Titanic beasts roam. Yet, we tread cautiously, for we are still in their domain. The tribes sought refuge here, hoping to stake a claim on these lands for ourselves. Alas, the relentless attacks forced us into a nomadic existence. It was the humans, with their sheer numbers and abundant resources, who managed to seize territories and obliterate nests, erecting the formidable fortress city of the Star of Judah not far from here - perhaps the most significant bastion in the north.

Ninaies marveled.

-Ninaies: Impressive indeed.

-Rina: It must have been a grueling task.

-Leonidas: There was a time when we tried to reach the Star City for salvation. At that time, we encountered a silent city where they ignored us. At least they did not attack us. We settled in a camp for a few days, but then beasts attacked us. We found ourselves caught between the beasts and attacks from humans, so we had to flee to the arid zones again.

Leonidas revealed. Ninaies nodded knowingly.

-Ninaies: While humans are not inherently malevolent, they have demonstrated tendencies towards selfishness, primarily prioritizing their own interests. Fortunately, instances of them posing a threat to our species are infrequent.

As Leonidas gazed upon the young girl, he marveled at how she lovingly enveloped her adoptive parents in her tender embrace, treating them as if they were her own flesh and blood. She was a precious soul, too special to be left to fend for herself. As the esteemed leader of the tribe, it was his solemn responsibility to ensure the well-being of all its members. "My dear girl," he though inside him, "you may not share our lineage, but your heart is pure and your spirit strong. If fate should offer you a brighter future among the humans, I would have no choice but to support it wholeheartedly, even if it were to invite the ire of Rina and Chimara."

Leonidas continued. Ninaies agreed pensively.

-Leonidas: Fortunately, the protection of Gustavo now shields us, offering assistance in our fight against the creatures, as we always dreamed in my young.

-Rina: What a remarkable turn of events!

As they strolled through the outskirts of the city, passing verdant farm fields and contented livestock, it seemed a glimpse of paradise for those grappling with survival each day.

-Ninaies: There's an abundance here for such a small settlement; it almost seems too good to be true.

Rina observed.

-Rina: They'll easily sustain all the tribes.

-Leonidas: Indeed, most of the provisions stockpiled here are not solely for this city; much will likely be dispatched to the Star city.

Peasants cast curious glances their way, particularly drawn to Leonidas, who garnered admiring looks from women enamored by his robust and chiseled physique even beneath his modest attire. The young women, too, garnered attention - Ninaies and Rina both possessed captivating figures, yet many eyes fixated on Rina's ample bosom, an undeniable spectacle.

-Rina: I love my body, but at times, it can be a hassle.

-Ninaies: Your bosom is quite ample, even the demi-humans can’t compare to your size.

-Rina: I am thankful for my assets; they are not a burden but a source of joy for me.

-Ninaies: Not only are they large, but they are also exquisite and velvety – the perfect size and shape.

-Rina: I appreciate your admiration; not everyone sees them the way you do, but I embrace myself fully.

-Leonidas: Though I haven't been blessed with children of my own, you two are like my own daughters. How is your family, Rina?

-Rina: My family is content; my older siblings are adjusting well to our new way of life.

-Ninaies: I miss mine.

-Rina: It's unfortunate that your family isn't here with you.

-Ninaies: Perhaps if the beast attacks cease, they might consider coming.

-Leonidas: I believe they would be proud of the brave and kind-hearted women you've both become. If circumstances allow, we will search for your boy.

-Rina: If peace prevails and the attacks cease, this place could become a true sanctuary for us.

-Ninaies: Indeed, a tranquil refuge.

-Leonidas: The only concern may be the human men who may take an interest in both of you, despite your commitments. However, I believe the men here are understanding.

-Rina: You won't leave us, will you?

-Leonidas: Never. I will defend you with my life; it is my duty to ensure your safety.

-Ninaies: Thank you, Chief.

-Leonidas: The beauty of this place is that here, the ladies lead the way.

-Rina: Maybe, just maybe, with the right person, this could be where I find my place, and have my children.

-Ninaies: Look, Chief, she's not completely averse to the idea of falling for someone.

-Leonidas: We'll discuss it further, and if you're certain, we'll start the search for a suitable partner.

-Rina: Thank you, Chief.

-Leonidas: You've truly come a long way.

Their nerves creeping up on them, the trio traversed the bustling streets and drew closer to Gustavo's Mansion, guarded by 30 skilled Hunters, boasting a mix of C and a few B rank hunters.


-Angelice: Welcome, we have been notified of your arrival.

She remarked, her voice soft yet tinged with apprehension, and a hint of tension.

The environment, though not hostile, is rather tense as hunters are accustomed to pursuing demi-humans who pilfer their food and resources. Nevertheless, they abide by the principles of "Do good without discrimination" and the belief that the strong have a duty to protect, educate, and empower the weak so they may in turn safeguard others. This mindset enables them to engage in negotiations with demi-humans with a more open outlook, reserving severe punishment only for personal transgressions.

-Angelice: Mr. Gustavo is expecting you in his office; please follow me.

-Leonidas: Thank you for accommodating us.

They proceeded to the mansion under the guidance of the hunter. The woman leading them possesses a striking beauty that exudes a mature allure. Her slender and modest figure sets her apart from Nina and Rina. Her eyes are blue with a hint of red, her skin soft and as pale as snow, and her black hair is straight and short. She carries herself with elegance and poise, displaying a refined demeanor that stands in stark contrast to the youthful energy and boundless vitality exuded by Nina and Rina

-Ninaies: They don't seem hostile at all.

-Leonidas: Agreed, and our own conduct hasn't been exemplary either.

-Rina: Nevertheless, we have come too far to turn back now, and we must persevere.

-Leonidas: Indeed, it would be futile to keep evading indefinitely.

-Ninaies: We are fortunate that Gustavo is just and impartial.

-Leonidas: Absolutely, I am confident that other tribes will also agree to the treaty; all we need to do is persuade them.

-Angelice: Please enter, Mr. Gustavo is waiting for you.


Gustavo engaged in a deep conversation with another seasoned hunter, the air around them filled with anticipation and camaraderie.

- Gustavo: Welcome, my friend. Please, have a seat—your presence is invaluable and we shall not waste a moment of it.

-Leonidas: Grateful for the warm reception.

Leonidas spoke candidly.

-Leonidas: The city walls are a novelty for us, unlike the open spaces we are accustomed to. But we are open to this change.

- Gustavo: With a genuine concern for their well-being, Are you and the ladies finding comfort in our accommodations?

- Ninaies: Expressing gratitude, Your hospitality is impeccable, and we feel at ease here.

- Gustavo: No need for thanks, my friends. We stand as allies, and my objective is not to separate families. You are free to continue living as you have or opt for a more rustic dwelling, as per your preference.

-Leonidas: Our customs align in cherishing family bonds. We share a similar pattern of relationships and procreation, just like the humans do.

Delving deeper into their cultural exchange, Gustavo enlightened them.

-Gustavo: Love, in its truest form, knows no bounds. Polygamy is not taboo in our teachings, provided it stems from genuine affection and honesty.

Joining the conversation, Gustavo's life partner, Angelice, reminisced.

-Angelice: I've been by Gustavo's side since childhood, growing together in love and respect.

Posing a thoughtful question, Leonidas inquired.

-Leonidas: Does the power you wield stem from your marital bond?

Humbly acknowledging his partner's influence, Gustavo nodded.

-Gustavo: Indeed, Angelice holds a high-ranking position, garnering more obedience from the hunters. But we are not alone in this- other families, like the esteemed Saint Mary clan, share similar dynamics.

Offering a proposition laced with mutual benefit, Gustavo proposed.

-Gustavo: Beyond our alliance, let's delve into trade relations. We can provide materials for your city's construction and ensure a steady supply of food.

-Leonidas: What shall be expected of us in return for your generous provisions?

-Gustavo: We seek your aid in guarding against beastly threats, offering our training expertise in times of need. Together, we shall thrive in harmony.

Leonidas: Welcoming the collaborative spirit, Leonidas echoed.

-Leonidas: A fair arrangement indeed. But what of the other tribes, how shall they fit into this alliance?

-Gustavo: Currently, this agreement is temporary. It is up to you whether you decide to continue with it. If the other tribes accept it, they will be offered the same terms.

Confident in his offer, Gustavo body express it, Leonidas looked at Ninaies and Rina who look at each other in the eyes and then at Leonidas.

-Leonidas: I understand. We will need to deliberate on this matter and provide you with a response. However, we do not see any reason to decline.

-Gustavo: Very well. You may go now. I trust you find the accommodations satisfactory. Should you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Rest assured, your people are safe.

-Leonidas: I believe your intentions are sincere.

-Gustavo: I extend an invitation for you to dine at my residence tonight. It will be an informal gathering.

-Leonidas: I will attend with my wife and daughter. Thank you for the invitation.

-Gustavo: I am pleased to hear that. Are both of them your children?

-Leonidas: Yes, Nina is like a young cub, taking after her mother in beauty. Rina is also dear to me. They have always been close since childhood.

-Gustavo: They are both lovely. So, Rina is her name.

Rina, momentarily taken aback, is affected by the sensitivity of demi-humans' ears, as human whispers can be easily heard, she was surprised by the interest in her, but the fact that Gustavo saw her as a woman made her worry a little.


-Gustavo: She appears to be somewhat reserved.

-Leonidas: Indeed, Rina, are you feeling well?

-Rina: Yes, Chief, I am fine.

Rina may seem like an airhead, but she is far from stupid; in fact, she is very intelligent. She understands the importance of not showing disgust at the thoughts Gustavo has. She has experienced many men mistreating her before trying to court her, which is why she often rejects them. However, this does not mean she doesn't have feelings for men. When she sees the adoring look on Nina's face as she talks about her childhood love, she longs to feel the same way. Despite trying to hide her emotions, Nina and Leonidas can immediately sense her true feelings, whereas Gustavo and Angelice remain oblivious to them.

-Leonidas: Please do not worry. If you require anything, do not hesitate to speak up.

-Rina: Thank you, Chief.

-Gustavo: You have a remarkable family. Should you wish, you are welcome to stay here with them. However, I understand your obligations to the tribe, and it would be prudent to discuss this matter with them.

-Leonidas: That will be our primary focus. We will deliberate on the best course of action for the tribe.

-Gustavo: I look forward to seeing you tonight. Angelice will escort you outside.

-Angelice: Please follow me.

Gustavo reflects on his own actions. Although they are aimed at benefiting the population and creating a better future for himself, his family, and his people, he also acknowledges that he is foolishly drawn to Rina. Despite being a demi-human, she is more humanlike than most, and he tries to convince himself that his feelings are pure. However, the truth is that her shapely curves and ample breasts evoke desire and lust in him, as they do in many men.

Upon returning to the camp, Leonidas, Rina, and Nina meet with Chimara and the rest of the group, the camp is busy with persons moving from a side to other, they are setting the tents and organizing the resources, water is not a problem, the town has a river passing beside it, and is as clear as crystal.

-Leonidas: The situation looks promising. If we agree to the treaty, it could be an opportunity to establish our city. Success with this endeavor may encourage other tribes to join us.

-Nina: Chief, that sounds like a great plan! How do you propose we convince the others?

-Chimara: Convincing them will prove to be challenging.


-Leonidas: There is but one path to venture down, and it beckons us to try. Perhaps we shall not have to face the creatures alone anymore.

-Ninaies: That would indeed be an optimal outcome.

-Chimara: It sounds promising, but I question its safety.

-Leonidas: We have naught to lose in this endeavor.

-Ninaies: Let us consult with the others, and then follow the lead of the chief and his family.

-Leonidas: We have been extended an invitation for a dinner engagement with their leader and his spouse; be prepared to depart come evening. Any issues while we are away?

-Chimara: Nothing significant, but the males are in a fervor that is unsettling the females. It appears Nina was wise in her observations; when they catch sight of human women, they attempt to court them from afar, much to the ladies' amusement.

-Leonidas: They should exercise caution; we know not if there are unfriendly men present.

-Chimara: Quite so, patience may be required until the males learn the proper etiquette. Thankfully, the guards have been amicable and assist us.

-Ninaies: A positive development, perhaps our task won't be as challenging as anticipated.

-Chimara: Agreed, though the males remain quite restless.

-Ninaies: I shall endeavor to calm their spirits.

-Leonidas: A wise decision, lest they find trouble.

-Rina: Always the boys, their minds reside in their lower extremities.

-Leonidas: Their antics do seem to amuse you.

-Nina: They're so clueless, trying to impress human girls.

-Chimara: The young males have not yet learned the value of respect and humility.

-Ninaies: Ah, but that is part of their allure, or so the ladies seem to think.

-Chimara: A hearty laugh, my dear. They are not the only ones; some of our females have also caught the eye of the guards. Though nobles may be weaker than us, they possess a charm that draws our women, especially the young ones who have yet to find a mate.

-Leonidas: Let us pray this does not lead to complications; we have faced enough strife.

-Ninaies: Fear not, I shall ensure they conduct themselves appropriately.

-Leonidas: Grateful am I. May this plan bring success.

Under Ninaies' watchful eye, the tribe members manage to contain their excitement, and though a hint of tension lingers, the overall mood remains bearable.

As night falls, Leonidas, Chimara, Nina, Rina, Brayan, and a few fellow demi-humans make their way to Gustavo's lavish residence, embarking on an evening that holds both promise and uncertainty.

Gustavo warmly welcomed Leonidas and his daughters with an air of hospitality.

-Gustavo: Welcome to you and your cute and pretty daughters.

-Leonidas: One of them is my daughter Nina, the other is Rina, who is like a daughter to me as her parents are currently at the camp.

-Gustavo: I am pleased to meet you; I hope we can assist them.

-Ninaies: Thank you, my pleasure.

Nina couldn't help but notice Gustavo's eyes, brimming with warmth and hospitality. But she couldn't shake the feeling that they were not filled with desire or yearning for her; instead, they seemed fixed on another, more alluring bosom. She could sense that Rina had also caught this fleeting but unmistakable shift in his gaze towards her.

-Leonidas: It may not be straightforward, but the proposal you have extended is quite appealing, and the tribe is likely to accept it.

-Gustavo: That is excellent to hear, and we would be delighted to have them.

-Leonidas: I did not make the decision; they are free to choose for themselves. If they see it as beneficial, we will not object.

-Gustavo: Do you, as the patriarch, endorse this decision?

-Leonidas: Absolutely, it is a prudent choice and will enhance their safety.

-Gustavo: Very well, let us now discuss the business at hand.

The conversation is interrupted by approaching footsteps.

-Gustavo: Here is my wife, Angelice, my daughters Mana and Maria, and my sons Mark and Matthew.

-Angelice: Chief Leonidas and your family, welcome. It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Your wife is truly stunning. I noticed that Nina may not resemble you, but she definitely has inherited her mother's beauty.

-Leonidas: Thank you very much, she is a wonderful woman, as beautiful as she is strong.

-Angelice: I am aware of her skills, having witnessed them in your camp.

-Leonidas: The pleasure is ours; your family is truly beautiful.

- Angelice: And yours is delightful; both girls are quite lovely.

-Ninaies: We are flattered.

-Angelice: My daughters and sons are currently unattached if you would like to make their acquaintance.

-Leonidas: Of course, I would be happy to introduce them. This is my daughter Nina and Rina, her close friend.

-Gustavo: We have much in common; my daughters are twins and also single. Mana is the gentle one, while Maria is a skilled hunter like myself.

-Ninaies: It's a pleasure to meet you.

-Mark: Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Mark, the youngest son.

-Matthew: Hi, I am the middle child. Sometimes, it seems like they forget I exist.

-Gustavo: You know that is not true.

-Mark: I am the favorite.

-Maria: It's obvious.

-Mana: Don't be so mean.

Leonidas expressed his sympathies, acknowledging the kindness and reliability of Gustavo's family.

-Leonidas: I am sorry to learn about your family's situation, but it appears they are kind and reliable. Are they single? Is there a specific reason for this? They seem to have passed their first spring.

-Gustavo: The four are being held reserved for potential partners within the academy. They are old enough to join soon and hopefully, they will meet someone there and start their own families. Ideally, they will be assigned to this city, but there is a chance they may remain here and not be recognized as Hunters.

-Angelice: It would be unfortunate if they do not pursue a Hunter's path, but they could find companionship as the wives of a Hunter.

-Ninaies: It sounds like a viable option.

-Leonidas: You have raised them well, and I am confident they will find suitable partners.

- Ninaies: That would be ideal.

-Angelice: Please take a seat, dinner is ready.

The family, Leonidas, and his group are led to a large table where the meal is served.

-Gustavo: Before we begin our meal, I would like to share an announcement.

-Ninaies: An announcement?

-Leonidas: Please proceed, what is it?

-Gustavo: As part of the alliance agreement, if your tribe accepts, you will relocate to our city. However, as a precaution, an alternative arrangement has been prepared in case of unforeseen circumstances, allowing you to return to the camp. If the alliance proves successful, you can establish yourselves in the city.

-Leonidas: That is a prudent decision, indeed.

-Ninaies: We appreciate your foresight.

-Gustavo: It is a mutually beneficial arrangement, and it is in our best interest to mitigate any risks.

-Ninaies: Yet, you have offered us a place in the city.

-Leonidas: That would have been a gesture of trust, but we prioritize the safety of our people.

-Gustavo: We are committed to making this alliance work and will make every effort to ensure its success.

-Leonidas: That is good to hear.

-Gustavo: We understand the concerns your people may have. We are prepared to provide additional support if necessary.

-Ninaies: That is most appreciated.

- Chimara: The beef is very tender and delicious.

- Angelice: Chimara, you seem quite enthusiastic about the beef, while the rest of us are more reserved. Let's all enjoy this meal together

As always, Brayan, the fearless heartthrob, strives to captivate the attention of more girls. He boldly decides to court the twins in full view of everyone, while Angelice engages in conversation with Chimara and Leonidas.

Meanwhile, Gustavo approaches Rina with unmistakable intentions, as Nina loyally stands by her side.

-Gustavo: So, you must be Rina?”

-Rina: Yes, that's me.

-Gustavo: What a lovely name you have. I assume you share a similar experience with the young lady beside you; she shared her tale with me.

-Ninaies: It was the chief himself who disclosed it.

-Rina: Yes, indeed…

-Gustavo: Fear not, my dear. The chief won't mind; I've already clarified the customs, and it's permissible for men to have multiple wives.

-Nina: It's a tad perplexing to comprehend.

-Gustavo: This tradition was brought forth by the aristocracy; they embrace polygamy without hesitation as a sign of sophistication.

Rina finds herself torn, knowing that Gustavo could be a vital link to establishing favorable relations with the city dwellers, benefiting the entire tribe, including her own family. On one hand, her distrust of men clouded her judgment, recalling almost unsettling encounters in the past.

-Gustavo: Are you feeling at ease, would you like to take a rest?

-Rina: I'm fine, thank you for your concern.

-Gustavo: Not a word more.

Rina Does not hate Gustavo, but he bold and direct approach, that works with most normal girls, only made her feel an unwanted pression, clinging to Nina, Gustavo noticed this, and even he is dishearted, he recognize inside him, he was rude to her in their first encounter.

-Leonidas: If you'll excuse us, my wife and I shall take our leave; it's growing late.

-Gustavo: No worries, my attendants will escort you.

-Leonidas: Thank you.

-Ninaies: We appreciate the hospitality.

-Gustavo: Please return at your earliest convenience.

-Leonidas: Farewell.

-Gustavo: Until we meet again, Chief Leonidas.

-Ninaies: This evening was delightful, thank you.

-Gustavo: The pleasure was all mine. Please, do return soon.

After Leonidas and his group departed, Angelice intercepted her husband.

-Angelice: The girl is quite remarkable, but it appears she is not interested. Perhaps you should consider introducing her to one of your sons.

-Gustavo: Are you not jealous?

-Angelice: We are older now, and uncertain about what the future may hold. In terms of physical satisfaction, I am content. As for love, you are not lacking either. I can overlook it, but I sense that the young lady desires something more. Our children, still dreaming of an encounter in the capital, are the reason Mark and Matthews have not engaged with the other hunters and maids, and the twins continue to reject their childhood friends. Our family has fulfilled its purpose. Only be aware of people feelings before acting.

As the group exits the residence, Leonidas, his family, and the other demi-humans traverse the bustling streets of the city back to their camp, with a retinue that includes a selection of individuals and the vigilant tribe guardians, including the captain of the guard.

-Captain: We are relieved to see your safe return. Your absence had us concerned.

-Leonidas: Do not fret, all went well.

-Ninaies: The residents of the city appear friendly and have offered their assistance to us.

-Captain: Is that so?

-Ninaies: They have graciously offered to construct a new settlement for us.

-Captain: That is indeed wonderful news.

-Leonidas: I will elaborate further later. For now, please inform the others that I will assemble everyone for a discussion.

Leonidas and Chimara depart with their children and companions, while the captain notifies the guard and briefs the rest of the demi-humans about the forthcoming meeting. All are informed, and they gather around the bonfire.

-Captain: They are prepared, chief.

-Leonidas: Excellent.

Leonidas approaches the center and addresses the gathering, with warriors and children in attendance.

-Leonidas: As the captain may have informed you, the meeting with the city dwellers was successful, and they have agreed to form an alliance with us.

-Chimara: We are aware of the developments, but we would like to hear the details from you.

-Leonidas: There are significant reasons, as well as some personal ones, for their willingness to welcome us. The primary reason being the rising beast attacks that make them seek our strength. In a gesture of goodwill, their leader shared the number of hunters at their disposal, which nearly matches our own. Currently, they have 126 hunters of rank C and B, whereas we only have 29 combat-ready individuals, with the rest being females tending to offspring. Should other tribes join forces with us, we could amass 600 fighters and potentially 2000 non-combatants. This might unsettle the humans, but on the other hand, our strategic advantage lies in a secret I wish to reveal.

-Chimara: And what might that secret be?

-Leonidas: Their plan involves eradicating the northern nests and recapturing that territory to locate the nests of titanic beasts. They are amassing provisions to sustain a large hunter army for this purpose.

-Chimara: How long is this campaign anticipated to last?

-Leonidas: I did not ascertain the duration at the moment, but I intend to gather more information on this matter.

-Ninaies: If they are focused on finding the nests, does that imply they will cease pursuing us?

-Leonidas: Historically, they have not done so, which could potentially involve us in their campaign as they seek our unique abilities to locate the nests.

-Chimara: What advantages could this alliance offer?

-Leonidas: They could seek our heightened sensory capabilities, such as smell, hearing, and vision.

-Ninaies: What actions are expected from us?

-Leonidas: Initially, we would be tasked with locating and subsequently destroying the nests.

-Chimara: What is the current plan of action?

-Leonidas: For the time being, we will maintain our routine while endeavoring to establish communication with the city.

-Chimara: Do you trust their intentions?

-Leonidas: It appears so, and they have extended the offer of a secure refuge.

-Chimara: Will they provide aid to us?

-Leonidas: While uncertain, it is worth exploring the possibility.

-Chimara: It does pose a potential risk.

-Leonidas: Every endeavor carries risks, but the potential benefits can outweigh them.

-Chimara: What about the personal reason you mentioned?

-Leonidas: There is indeed a personal aspect to this matter, which I believe resonates with many.

-Ninaies: What might that reason be?

-Leonidas: I am aware of the interactions between our kin and some of the human women, as well as the reciprocal interest from the females in our males.

-Ninaies: What are you suggesting, father?

-Leonidas: Should you desire, there may be opportunities for companionship, but do not anticipate commitments beyond the physical aspect, at least for now.

-Ninaies: Father, I have reservations about this approach. What if pregnancies arise?

-Leonidas: The women will have autonomy in their choices, and the males will share responsibilities accordingly.

-Chimara: It remains a precarious situation, coercion must be avoided.

-Leonidas: We shall deliberate further on this matter later. Let us remain optimistic for now.

-Ninaies: With your permission, I will excuse myself to freshen up.

-Chimara: Of course, take your time and rest well.

Nina returns home with Rina, both reflecting on the evolving romantic dynamics within the tribe since their settlement, though they are cautious about any untoward advances.

The following day, Nina and Rina ventured into the forest for a hunting expedition accompanied by a group of skilled hunters. Deep within the forest, they encountered a group of 16 formidable beasts, comprising a bear and 15 wolves, leading to a fierce battle. Among the demi-human hunters, Nina displayed exceptional prowess with her remarkable speed, agility, and dual short swords. She strategically maneuvered in the shadows, swiftly dispatching the beasts with her precise strikes. Rina, on the other hand, showcased her strength by using a large crossbow to unleash a barrage of arrows, taking down multiple opponents. The remaining hunters provided support by tackling beasts attempting to overwhelm Nina in close combat with the bear. The bear proved to be a formidable adversary, using its sheer size and strength to defend itself. Despite its physical advantage, Nina's cunning tactics enabled her to outmaneuver the bear, inflicting a fatal blow to its belly.

Rina skillfully fended off the bear's aggressive advances with her arrows and knives, ensuring her beloved friend remained unharmed. As the bear nearly toppled over Nina, her quick reflexes and the timely assistance of some skilled hunters helped her narrowly escape a potentially disastrous outcome. While the other beasts put up a fierce resistance, the hunters adeptly avoided getting entangled in a dangerous predicament. The true menace lay in the decaying bear, whose threat was now slowly fading away.

Sustaining minor injuries from the bear's claws, Nina decided to retreat to camp for recuperation, while Rina and the rest of the hunters, who were also fatigued, followed suit. Unbeknownst to them, the beasts had a treacherous plan of their own. While one group engaged the hunters in combat, another group maliciously headed towards the town, posing a new threat to the unsuspecting residents

-Hunter: It appears that the city is under threat.

-Ninaies: Let's hurry back and alert them.

-Rina: However, it's early and most people are out in the fields, and the children are not in school.

-Hunter: There are still individuals located on the outskirts of the city.

-Ninaies: In that case, we should notify the chief. Let us proceed

Nina and the other hunters swiftly make their way towards the city, with Rina following behind. As they reach the outskirts, they are intercepted by a group of guards.

-Guard: What is the cause of such urgency, young lady?

-Ninaies: A pack of mutant wolves is approaching, we must warn everyone immediately.

The mutant wolves emerge, prompting a battle at the city's edge. Other demi-humans join the fight along with the informed hunters. Meanwhile, the guards take notice and prepare a response.

-Guard: It appears the city is under attack.

-Captain: What of the others?

-Guard: They are still patrolling the other areas.

-Captain: Notify them at once.

-Guard: Right away.

-Ninaies: It appears the humans are aware of the danger.

-Guard: Indeed, I'll notify the chief and the others.

-Ninaies: Understood, please be careful.

The battle rages on, with the guards joining the fray as the demi-humans fight off the wolves. Several wolves manages to break through the defenses, making its way to the city, but is promptly dispatched by the vigilant tribe guardians.

In the face of an insurmountable enemy force, the Hunters and Demi-Humans stood united, defying the odds. Normally, casualties would be high, and innocent lives would be at risk. However, through a combined effort and increased numbers, the damage has been minimized. The overwhelming numbers now seem more manageable, with the ferocity of the beasts no longer as intimidating when allies have each other's backs. With precision and coordination, the Demi-Humans tackle the larger factions of the enemy, while the Hunters focus on swiftly eliminating the numerous smaller threats. Nina and Rina lead the defense at the city entrance, the sounds of battle a mere few meters away, a reminder of the imminent danger. The cunning beasts conspicuously avoid attacking the Demi-Human side, a strategic move not lost on the vigilant defenders.

-Reptile demi-human: It is concerning that they consistently resort to suicide bombing tactics, endangering civilians and potentially even young ones. I strongly hate them by this.

-Rina: These creatures are truly despicable.

The epic clash culminates in the triumph of the two factions. Amid the echoes of camaraderie, Humans and Demi-humans embrace, basking in the euphoria of a hard-fought victory. They rejoice in unison, celebrating their valiant efforts and the unity that brought them together

-Ninaies: We must stay vigilant as there may be more threats lurking. These beasts may be unpredictable and cunning, aiming to inflict maximum harm on the town. Despite their attempts to divide and distract us, we were fortunate that their plan did not succeed as intended. We must maintain a state of alertness and inform the city and other groups.

-Rina: We will remain on high alert. I commend the outstanding teamwork displayed by both demi-humans and humans, who have worked together seamlessly for a long time.

-Captain: I believe this unity stems from our shared value of teamwork. I am impressed by the prowess of the demi-humans and am relieved that they are on our side in this instance.

-Rina: It is gratifying to see that we are finally earning respect, even from members of a different tribe. Pet me if you love me!

-Ninaies: That is heartening, Rina. I acknowledge your strength and will offer my support as well. Here, come you deserve your pats.

Rina hurries towards Nina, still preoccupied with her wounds. However, for a fleeting moment, both of them behave like typical teenagers, momentarily forgetting about the danger and simply relishing each other's company.

-Ninaies: What a pleasant moment, even with the beasts around us.

-Rina: I love you, Nina.

-Ninaies: I love you too, Rina. Let us continue to cooperate with others, but always remember that we are in a time of war and must be prepared for any challenges to protect our loved ones.

-Rina: I understand the gravity of the situation, but I cannot help but feel elated. I owe this sense of security to our chief and his wise decisions. It almost feels like a dream, given his consistently sound judgment.

-Ninaies: Indeed, it does seem like a dream come true.

As the battle culminates with the defeat of the remaining wolves, the immediate threat is eradicated.With the threat now neutralized, the demi-humans gather up to discuss the next course of action.

-Hunter: What do you think we should do next?

-Ninaies: I am relieved we arrived in time. They have sensed our presence and are intent on attacking us. It would have been disastrous if they had bypassed us to target the civilians.

-Rina: How terrifying! Imagine if we had sustained serious injuries

She mused, eyeing the minor wounds that adorned Ninaies' form like battle scars.

-Rina: You're marked, but your beauty remains untouched.

-Ninaies: Thankfully, these wounds will fade in time, and I will return to my silky self soon enough.

Rina, ever caring, reached out with a gesture of comfort.

-Rina: Come, let me embrace you and soothe your hurts.

As the dust settled and victory was claimed, the city guard spoke grimly. "The attacks from these mutant wolves are growing bolder and more frequent. It serves as a stark warning. If we do not eradicate them now, they will persist until we are all but memories in their relentless pursuit."

-Ninaies: What course of action do you intend to take, sir?

-Guard: I regret that I cannot disclose our plans, but rest assured we are working on it.

-Ninaies: Very well, best of luck.

-Guard: Your assistance has been invaluable, we are grateful.

-Ninaies: Please take care, we are relying on you.

-Guard: Fear not, we will handle the beasts. For now, allow me to escort you back home.

-Ninaies: Thank you, I appreciate it.

The guard guides the demi-humans back to their camp, expressing gratitude, as they prepare for what lies ahead.

-Leonidas: Has the city provided assistance?

-Ninaies: Yes, the operation went smoothly.

-Leonidas: So you returned unharmed?

-Ninaies: There are no casualties. Only a few light wounds

-Leonidas: Excellent, please rest, I do not see any wounds.

-Ninaies: Thank you, my heal factor still kicking as used to.

-Leonidas: Dont be overconfident my child, mistakes do not .

Nina and Rina, while walking in the forest, hear commotion from the city. They rush to investigate and discover that the humans have intensified their training and increased their numbers in preparation for potential conflict, which is promising news.

-Ninaies: It appears they are preparing for a significant event.

-Rina: Indeed, it seems more like they are readying for battle.

-Ninaies: Battle?

-Rina: That is my assessment.

-Ninaies: Let us consult with the chief for more information.

-Rina: Agreed. Upon arriving in the city, they learn that the humans have bolstered their forces.

The guard reveals that the humans are planning an attack on the beasts.

-Guard: It seems you are unaware, but we have received communication from the authorities. The redeemer, the impenetrable wall, and the goddess in red alongside the warrior will reach our defenses in a month, joining our ranks soon.


Rina leaped with a startle akin to a frightened feline as the sound of the guard's footsteps echoed behind them. They had been absorbed in their surroundings, lost in their routines but lacking their usual sharpness, feeling a false sense of security within the human territory rather than in opposition to it.

-Guard: Indeed, it is sensitive information, but as our allies, we trust you.

-Ninaies: When is the anticipated conflict?

-Guard: Approximately within a month.

-Ninaies: In that case, we wish you success and a favorable outcome.

-Guard: Your support is appreciated.

-Rina: Take care, you sneaking cat.

-Guard: Thank you. Hahaha.

Following this exchange, the demi-humans return to their camp to relay the news to Leonidas and the others.

-Ninaies: It seems an impending attack is imminent.

-Leonidas: What?

-Ninaies: Allegedly, the government plans to invade the beast territory.

-Leonidas: I see.

-Chimara: Can they be certain of this?

-Ninaies: According to the guard. Seem some tried to hide, but others are too talkative, they become to happy, some forget we were enemies only some time ago, o more like antagonist.

-Chimara: How can we lend our support to help the humans in need?

-Leonidas: Let us hold onto our optimism and strive towards achieving our dreams. When the moment arrives, Gustavo will approach us and ask for our favor.The pace at which events are unfolding is overwhelming, after enduring decades of hunger and displacement. It feels like a dream I have always harbored, yet I am fearful of waking from it.


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