Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 23: Girls could be crazy.

With the nest finally under control and the last of the abominations dismantled, Luyira and I contacted the city to report our success. The data recovered from the Dome City of Maryland was invaluable, and the efforts to salvage and restore the ancient technology were already underway. Frenia, along with Darwin and the other five survivors, headed towards the entrance of Hell’s Pit, clearing the way for the incoming recovery teams and securing the area.

As the group dispersed to their respective tasks, Luyira stayed close to me, her eyes gleaming with a playful yet urgent energy. She had been restraining herself for days, the adrenaline of battle and our constant proximity only fueling her desires. Her gaze locked onto a secluded section of the old city—a worn but still functional hotel, a relic from times when it had been used for more intimate encounters. Luyira saw her chance and took it.

With a sudden burst of speed, she shoved me towards the hidden entrance, her grip firm and insistent. I stumbled back, caught off guard but familiar with this routine.

“Luyira, what—?” I started, but she was already leading me inside, pressing me against the cool, aged walls of the hotel. The look in her eyes left no room for doubt; she was desperate, her need burning hotter than ever.

“It’s been days, Aido,” Luyira whispered, her voice thick with longing, her breaths ragged. “I can’t wait any longer. I need this… I need you.” Her rabbit ears twitched with anticipation, her normally composed demeanor cracking under the pressure of her own desires.

I knew that look all too well. Luyira was rarely patient, especially when it came to moments like this. I gave her a knowing smile, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from her face. “You always get what you want, don’t you?”

She grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes, her hands already exploring my chest. Destroyer, always the silent observer, recognized Luyira’s state immediately. Without hesitation, it withdrew, the armor peeling away from my body like liquid, retreating out of sight to give us the privacy we needed. It understood the importance of this moment, and it subtly adjusted the room’s amenities—dimming the lights, adjusting the temperature, and ensuring the bed was ready.

“Only because you love to spoil me,” Luyira purred, pressing herself against me. The room, once a forgotten relic, hummed back to life, the bed creaking as she pushed me onto it with playful force. She straddled me, her eyes dark with intent, her breaths shallow as she finally released the restraint she’d been holding for days.

She moved sensually, as if savoring every second. Her battle-worn clothes slipped off piece by piece, revealing her curves and the body I knew so well. Her perfect chest, just the right size to fill my hands, rose and fell with her excited breaths. Her expression was one of pure happiness, glowing as she reveled in my touch.

And I couldn’t wait any longer.

I pulled her down into a deep kiss, our bodies pressing together, the heat between us rising rapidly. Her tongue slid into my mouth, exploring me with a desperate urgency that sent shivers down my spine. My hands moved to strip her lower clothes, and she responded with a sensual twist of her hips, knowing exactly how much I enjoyed watching her move like that.

We broke apart, gasping for air, our eyes locked in a heated gaze. Luyira’s lips were glistening, her ears twitching eagerly, and her tail wagged like an excited puppy. She was ready for me, as always, every inch of her radiating anticipation.

With my heart racing, I flipped her onto her back, pinning her against the worn bedsheets. She squirmed beneath me, her face flushed, a low moan escaping her lips as I slid my hand up her thigh, fingers grazing the slick heat that awaited me.

“Luyira…” I murmured, knowing exactly what she needed. I pressed my hardness against her entrance, the tip already slick with precum, teasing her just enough to make her whimper.

Her eyes, filled with excitement and need, seemed to glow, the red of her irises shimmering with a faint golden light. She wrapped her legs around me, pulling me closer, her breath hot against my neck. I kissed her again, tongues entwining, the taste of her driving me wild.

I thrust into her in one fluid motion, a low groan escaping my lips as her tight, wet heat enveloped me. She cried out, her back arching as she clung to me, her nails digging into my shoulders. I moved inside her, our bodies moving as one, her soft cries spurring me on, each thrust deeper and more urgent than the last.

We were lost in each other, the world fading away until only the two of us existed in that moment. Luyira’s breath hitched, her body trembling as she neared her peak. I could feel my own release building, the tension coiling tighter with every movement.

As Luyira reached her climax, her entire body quivered, her inner walls clenching around me, pulling me deeper. I buried myself inside her, my release hitting like a tidal wave, pleasure surging through me in intense, crashing waves.

I collapsed against her, our bodies still connected, our heartbeats racing in unison. She held me close, her fingers tracing soft, absent-minded patterns on my skin, her breath warm and steady against my ear.

“That was amazing,” she whispered, her voice thick with satisfaction and contentment.

We stayed like that for a moment, wrapped in each other, savoring the brief respite from the chaos outside. Luyira’s playful antics, her unrestrained desire—it was a reminder that even amidst all the darkness and battles, there were still moments of pure, unadulterated joy. Moments that were just for us.

And as Destroyer silently rejoined us, slipping back into its place as my armor, I couldn’t help but smile, grateful for this crazy, beautiful connection we shared.

She moved like a mischievous girl, her eyes locked onto her favorite treat. I watched as Luyira’s lips parted, taking me into her mouth with that eager hunger she always had for me. She sucked me with practiced ease, her tongue swirling as her fingers played with my balls, her ears twitching with excitement. The heat of her mouth, the rhythm of her movements—she knew exactly how to make me lose myself in her.

I closed my eyes, savoring the electric sensation of her lips around me, her tongue teasing me in all the ways that drove me wild. I knew we had responsibilities, a mission still waiting to be completed, but in that moment, all I could think about was her. The world around us faded, leaving only the two of us tangled together, hearts racing, bodies moving in perfect sync. In the depths of Hell's Pit, amidst all the darkness, we found solace in each other.

Luyira shifted, her body gliding with sensual grace so I could reach her tail and pussy. She wanted me to fill her with everything I had, and she wasn’t shy about letting me know. Her moans grew louder as my tongue explored her, my fingers finding the spots that made her shiver. She loved it when I played with her tail, holding it firmly as I took her from behind—her secret fetish, one she never hid from me and always craved.

She glanced up at me, her eyes glazed with pleasure, her face flushed with arousal. "I love you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion and desire, a soft glow in her crimson eyes that always caught me off guard.

I smiled, feeling my heart swell with affection for this incredible woman. "I love you too," I whispered back, pulling her close, our bodies pressing together, heartbeats echoing in unison, a perfect rhythm that was ours alone.

As I reached my limit, she smiled, her lips never leaving me as she drank down every drop. She pulled away just enough to murmur, "At last, my breakfast. Yummy as always."

I chuckled, running a hand through her red hair. "I thought you didn’t need it anymore."

Luyira looked up, her smile warm and playful as she held my gaze. "I don’t need it, but I always want it. And besides," she added with a teasing glint in her eyes, "I want a baby too, just like Mary. So get ready to keep up, because now there are five mouths to feed."

There was no jealousy in her eyes, no hint of greed when she mentioned the others. She genuinely wanted me for herself, but she didn’t begrudge the other girls. To her, they were already family, and she embraced that wholeheartedly.

We stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other's embrace, the outside world and all its chaos momentarily forgotten. For now, we were content just to be, our love anchoring us amidst the whirlwind of our lives. Moments like these forged an unbreakable bond between us, moments where nothing else mattered, and everything else faded away.

Outside, the city buzzed with the urgency of recovery efforts. Frenia and the survivors reached the entrance of Hell’s Pit, where teams were already preparing to transport the recovered technology and resources back to the surface. As Frenia rejoined the group, she couldn’t help but notice Destroyer standing nearby, seemingly active but empty without Aido visibly inside it.

“Isn’t Aido usually inside?” Oscar asked, eyeing the empty armor with curiosity.

Frenia smirked, her senses keen enough to pick up faint echoes of Aido and Luyira’s activities from the nearby hotel. “Luyira must have found a way to keep him busy,” she said with a knowing chuckle. “That little bunny is always up to something.”

Jessi raised an eyebrow, still trying to process the past few hours. “So, where’s Aido now?”

Frenia laughed softly, waving off their concerns. “Oh, you know Luyira. She’s a playful one. Probably just… convincing him to relax a bit. Trust me, they’ve earned it.”

The survivors exchanged looks, not fully grasping the dynamic between Aido and Luyira but sensing there was more to their relationship than met the eye. For Frenia, it was a familiar scene—Luyira’s unique blend of raw power and unrestrained affection, a stark contrast to the disciplined demeanor typical of the Retter Messiah.

Milinia pointed to a vertical tunnel nearby. "This tunnel is almost straight up. We fell through here when we were fleeing the beasts. Our companions didn’t make it."

Frenia examined the tunnel, peering into the darkness where it disappeared far above. “If this tunnel reaches the entrance of the pit, it could be useful for bringing in more teams or hauling out the tech and primordial soup tanks. But if we try to blast our way through the dome’s ceiling, we could risk a collapse.”

She paused, considering the implications. “There’s a lot of ground and rubble over the dome. It looks like parts of the city have been buried over time, maybe from when they tried to blow up the nest. It’s likely the beasts caved in other tunnels trying to get out.”

Destroyer’s voice cut in, calm and practical. “I can climb this with minimal problems. The tunnels are decently constructed, even if they weren’t made by engineers. I can see perfectly in the dark and can craft a rope ladder for you to follow.”

Jessi glanced at the armor. “And what about Aido and Luyira?”

Destroyer responded with its usual straightforwardness. "They’re safe, and Luyira is fully capable of protecting him for now. But let’s be clear—if something happens, in the worst case, I will abandon you all to ensure his safety."

Frenia placed a reassuring hand on Jessi’s shoulder, smiling slightly. “Don’t worry, he’s not ill-intended. Aido’s always his priority.”

Inside the hotel room, Luyira and I took our time, savoring the rare moment of intimacy amidst the chaos. For us, this wasn’t just about physical closeness—it was about reaffirming the bond that kept us anchored, a brief escape from the relentless demands of our mission and the weight of my hidden past.

Destroyer, ever vigilant, stayed on standby, scanning the area to ensure that no interruptions would disturb us. It maintained communication with the city, providing updates and creating the illusion that I was still actively engaged with the team. It knew how much these moments meant, how necessary they were to keep our connection strong and our spirits intact.

This was our sanctuary, undisturbed by the outside world—a stolen moment of peace in a reality that seldom allowed it. As Frenia led the others outside the nest with the help of Destroyer, she glanced back with a knowing smile, aware that even amidst shadows and danger, Luyira and I had carved out a space for our own happiness, however fleeting it might be.

For now, that was enough. And how even in the middle of a battle, Luyira let her desires as a priority as she is able to achieve.

As Frenia and Destroyer continued their task of securing Hell’s Pit and safeguarding the survivors, they maintained communication with the city, updating them on the progress. The recovery efforts for the Dome City of Maryland were progressing smoothly. Leonidas had dispatched part of his team, which was originally safeguarding Star City, to recover the resources that Aido, Luyira, and Frenia had secured, though a few members remained with him. This left Star City somewhat vulnerable to threats greater than rank 1 and 2 beasts, but the potential gains were deemed worth the risk.

Meanwhile, Alidia, Mary, Ninaies, Rina, and their team reached their assigned nest and began their own operation, checking in and expressing relief that Aido’s mission had been a success.

Ninaies smiled as she received the update. “That’s our Aido. I feel more relaxed knowing he’s already completed his task.”

“Hubby is amazing, and Luyira too,” Rina added, grinning. “I wasn’t worried. Frenia would go ‘GRRR’ if anyone tried to hurt our family.”

Mary chuckled, glancing over at them. “Frenia is like my little sister. We all know that Retter Messiah are essentially siblings, so as long as she’s with them, I know they’ll be safe.”

“Meanwhile, we’re using half of our forces to bring down this nest,” Alidia noted, keeping a close watch on the area. “At least so far, things have been easy.”

Just then, Sakura, one of the scouts, called in over the comms. “Commander, we have something to report. We’ve made visual contact with the beasts, but there’s something else between them. You need to see this.”

The situation was turning out to be more complicated than expected. The nest was enormous, far larger than anticipated, and swarmed with creatures. But unlike the typical aggressive abominations, these beasts displayed no murderous instincts. It looked more like a plateau full of sheep than a nest of monsters—they were docile, some even lazy or playful, behaving like ordinary animals that stayed close to their birthplace, showing little interest in aggression.

What truly caught Alidia and her team off guard, however, was the presence of a diverse group of fantastic and mythical races forming a barrier around the nest’s entrance. Elves, centaurs, dragons, and other beings from myth had recently appeared and staked their claim on the area and its resources. The barriers they constructed were sophisticated, designed to withstand attacks but clearly not primitive in their setup. This presence raised numerous questions and complicated their mission, as these weren’t mindless monsters but intelligent beings with their own motives and agendas.

Alidia quickly assessed the situation. “Sakura, tell the rest of the team to set up a communication camp and send half of them back to the city. I want a quarter to head towards Aido’s nest; it’s not far from here.”

Sakura hesitated for a moment. “Commander, can I join the team going to Aido?”

Alidia sighed, shaking her head with a wry smile. “If I didn’t like you so much, I’d scold you for trying to find another way to be near Luyira again. Fine, but leave Francisco here—we’ll need his tank abilities. And make sure to report everything before moving.”

Carlos, one of the other scouts, grinned at Sakura. “You should thank your lucky stars. Most people don’t get away with as much as you do.”

Sakura smirked, nudging Carlos. “Says the guy who lets me be who I am most of the time.”

With Sakura’s departure, Alidia, accompanied by Mary, Ninaies, and Rina, approached the nest’s barrier, hoping to establish communication. The mythical beings remained cautious, their postures defensive, clearly unwilling to engage openly or negotiate. They were wary, positioning themselves to protect what they considered their territory.

Mary studied the creatures, her analytical mind at work. “This is going to be difficult. If they speak another language like the Lizardmen, communicating could be a challenge.”

Alidia stepped forward, using her experience in diplomacy to try and bridge the gap. “Greetings,” she called out, her voice calm and authoritative. “We come in peace and wish to understand your presence here. We mean no harm.”

The mythical beings exchanged wary glances but did not lower their guard. The tension in the air was palpable, a mix of magic and mistrust that thickened the atmosphere.

“We don’t want trouble,” Alidia continued, her tone steady and sincere. “Our goal is to secure the nest and ensure the safety of everyone involved.”

After a tense silence, a group of elves in sacred robes raised their hands, conjuring a glowing circle filled with intricate symbols. Light showered down from it, covering Alidia and her team, but they felt no discomfort or ill intent.

A towering centaur, with an imposing presence and a resonant voice, finally spoke. “This place is ours now. We have claimed it and the resources within. We do not seek conflict, but we will not allow anyone to take what was unclaimed when we found it.”

Rina, ever curious and unfiltered, blurted out, “Wow, he speaks English! And damn, how do you have a horse as your lower half? The horse demi-human tribes were wiped out. Are you a survivor?”

Ninaies nudged her, exasperated. “Rina, that’s rude. And besides, I don’t think they’re demi-humans.”

The centaur responded calmly, “Demi-humans? Yes, that’s a correct term for us. But we are not from here. We hail from Limia, the second planet of Babilon, and we are aware this is not Limia.”

Alidia’s eyes widened at the mention of another planet. “Limia? What’s a planet?” she asked, trying to piece together this new information. “This is Earth, and we’ve been at war with these beasts for decades. We weren’t aware of other planets, let alone beings like you. How are you able to speak English with us?”

The centaur gestured to the magical circle. “This is communication magic. As long as you are within the circle, meanings are understood beyond words. I see now that you do not have this magic, which explains why you did not cast it when approaching us.”

Rina stepped forward, her curiosity getting the better of her as she looked at the centaur. “Oh, that was cool, but why are you here? Are you a demi-human?”

The centaur, Ryhard, regarded her with a calm but discerning gaze. “I could ask the same of you. You are not fully human, are you a demi-human?”

Rina nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, I’m a Raccoon demi-human.”

Alidia quickly stepped in, wanting to steer the conversation back on track. “We respect your current possession of the nest, Ryhard, but our duty is to protect our people and ensure that these nests don’t pose a threat. Perhaps we can find a way to work together?”

Ryhard, standing tall and imposing, introduced himself with a nod. "I am Ryhard, Knight of Temeria and leader of this group of wanderers. We come from the same planet but not the same kingdoms—the Elder Dragons, the High Elves, the Kobold Warriors, the Nyantians, and the Harpies are all part of this group. We do not seek conflict, especially in foreign lands. We have noticed that this planet seems to lack mana; our abilities drain our vital energy instead, which is unsustainable for us.”

He paused, then continued, his tone serious. “So, I request that we tone down the use of magic for now. Let us convene a meeting in a few minutes with some of our representatives to discuss terms. In the meantime, please keep your forces from advancing.”

Alidia considered his words, her expression thoughtful but firm. “Understood, Ryhard. But be aware—if your people make any hostile moves, we will have no choice but to defend ourselves. Our world is already in danger, and our mission is to neutralize the threats from these nests.”

Ryhard nodded in understanding. “You will have your chance to destroy the nest, but please, do so after the meeting.”

The air between them remained tense, but a fragile truce had been reached for the moment. Frenia and Destroyer, listening in through the tablets and earpieces, were on standby, ready to intervene if the situation took a turn for the worse. Establishing communication with these mythical beings was clearly the key to avoiding unnecessary bloodshed, and both knew how critical it was to tread carefully.

“Hold your positions,” Alidia whispered to her team. “We’re not here to fight if we don’t have to. Let’s see if we can resolve this peacefully.”

Mary, Ninaies, and Rina nodded in agreement, keeping their weapons at the ready but lowered. The beasts in the vicinity, sensing the tense atmosphere, remained docile, their eyes reflecting a quiet uncertainty. The arrival of the mythical beings had completely shifted the dynamics of the mission, turning what should have been a straightforward assault on the nest into a delicate and precarious negotiation.

The team stayed alert, every muscle primed for action, aware that any sudden move could trigger an unintended conflict. Alidia, drawing on her experience and calm demeanor, continued to lead the dialogue, seeking a peaceful resolution. The goal was now not just to secure the nest but to navigate this unexpected encounter with a careful balance of caution and diplomacy.

For the moment, the future of the mission hung in a delicate balance, relying on the hope that diplomacy could achieve what force might only escalate into violence. As Frenia and Destroyer continued to monitor the exchange, they remained poised to support their teammates, prepared for any outcome that might arise, and ready to act decisively in the best interests of their team and their mission.

Alidia signaled to her group to remain steady, her voice soft but commanding. “We’ve got a chance here to avoid unnecessary conflict. Let’s make it count.” The group watched as the mythical beings began to gather, preparing for the meeting that would determine the next steps. For now, all eyes were on the tentative path of dialogue, a fragile thread that could either lead to understanding or unravel into chaos.

The air was thick with anticipation, every breath held in the balance between hope and uncertainty. And as the first representatives of the mythical races stepped forward, it became clear that whatever lay ahead would not only shape the outcome of this mission but possibly the future interactions between their worlds.

Time passed as both sides prepared for the upcoming meeting at the edges of the beasts' territory. Though the creatures had remained calm, neither side felt comfortable having a serious conversation in their immediate vicinity. As the teams readied themselves for negotiations, the rest of the forces arrived at the nest that Aido, Luyira, and Frenia had conquered. Now, they were heading towards Alidia and her group, with Sakura trailing behind, visibly annoyed at not having the chance to play around with Luyira, and her husband Carlos trying to keep her calm.

Meanwhile, the survivors from Maryland Dome guided the recovery team to secure a viable access point into the nest, prioritizing the extraction of the primordial soup—still the main objective due to its immense value. The technological resources appeared to be more advanced than anything they currently possessed, sparking discussions about the potential benefits. However, there was a shared sense of disappointment that there were no blueprints or information on how to construct androids. Destroyer had also placed restrictions on accessing the data about the demi-humans and had specifically asked the survivors not to mention it, keeping the sensitive information under tight control.

As both sides gathered for the meeting, representatives from each group approached the boundary set between the human forces and the mythical beings, ensuring they were a safe distance away from the beasts. The atmosphere was tense but hopeful, each side cautiously optimistic about the possibilities of negotiation.

The meeting proceeded as planned, with Alidia and her team engaging in discussions with the representatives of the mythical races. The elder dragons, high elves, kobold warriors, nyantians, and harpies each had a voice at the table, presenting their terms and requests. They proposed an exchange: in return for protection and knowledge about this world, they were willing to concede most of the resources within the nest. They offered three-quarters of the primordial soup tanks and allowed access to the production controls to halt the creation of more beasts.

However, they made it clear that they required exclusive access to the metals and energy sources within the nest. These resources were critical to their survival and development, as they had no other means of accessing them in this new environment. They expressed a genuine need for these materials, which they couldn’t find elsewhere on Earth.

Alidia listened carefully, weighing the implications of their requests. The offer to halt beast production and share the primordial soup was a significant gesture, one that could bolster their efforts against the nests across the world. The concession of metals and energy sources was reasonable, given that these beings had no other means of sustaining their technology.

The negotiations were intense but respectful, each side understanding the delicate balance needed to reach an agreement that benefited all parties. Alidia, Mary, Ninaies, and Rina each took turns speaking, offering insights and assurances, while also making it clear that their primary goal was the safety of their people and the stability of the region.

“We appreciate your cooperation and the concessions you’ve made,” Alidia said, addressing the gathered representatives. “Our aim is not only to secure these nests but also to ensure a peaceful coexistence. If we can provide protection and share our knowledge, we can find a way to live alongside one another.”

Ryhard nodded, acknowledging the proposal. “We seek no war. Our priority is survival in this new world, and we understand the need for cooperation. We will honor our agreements, and in return, we ask only for the respect of our needs. There are another topic we want to address too, something we hoping is not the case, you people owners of this world, has meet anything resembling humanoids of green skin, long noses, from small to big sizes, and chaotic behavior?”

Rina: "you mean goblins and orcs?"

Ryhard expression somber ligthly, "So our enemies are here too, wonder if we were caugh in some kind of rapture event, I heard of them in legends but it seem the most possible scenario."

Alidia: "So they are not with you? Lizard like humanoids?"

Ryhard: "The barbarians tribes? they are usually in the swamps zones, they are not particulary dangerous, but they are not considerated allies neither."

Mary: "So it seem they are connected."

Alidia: "Seem the exchange of information would go for both sides."

As the meeting concluded, a tentative agreement was reached. Both sides had made concessions, and the path forward, while still fraught with challenges, seemed more hopeful. The mythical beings would provide their knowledge and aid in securing the nests, while the human forces would respect their claims to certain resources.

As Aido, Luyira, and Frenia approached Alidia’s position, they could see the mix of relief and resolve on their faces. The tension of the standoff had eased, and the immediate danger seemed to have passed.

Sakura, still visibly annoyed at missing out on time with Luyira, walked alongside Carlos, who tried his best to lift her spirits. “Cheer up,” he said with a grin. “There’s always next time.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Sakura muttered, crossing her arms. “It’s not the same.”

Meanwhile, the recovery teams were already hard at work, preparing to extract the primordial soup and the advanced technologies they had found within the Dome City. Destroyer monitored the progress, keeping a watchful eye on both the operations and the sensitive information about the demi-humans, ensuring that nothing was accessed or disclosed without permission.

As the mythical representatives made their way back to their own people, Alidia turned to her team, her expression one of cautious optimism. “We’ve made progress today. Let’s keep moving forward, one step at a time.”

The teams remained vigilant, aware that while today’s meeting had gone well, the road ahead would be filled with further challenges. But for now, they had established a crucial bridge between worlds—one that, if maintained, could change the course of their fight against the nests and perhaps even the future of their world.

As Luyira was dragged away by Sakura, with Rina trailing behind, it was clear that Sakura was battling for Luyira’s attention. Rina found the whole situation amusing, teasing Sakura’s competitive nature. Carlos and Ninaies exchanged knowing looks, shaking their heads at the playful antics that seemed to follow them wherever they went. Meanwhile, Mary watched me with an intensity that sent a familiar chill down my spine.

Mary’s blue eyes scanned me with a knowing gaze, taking in every detail of my disheveled appearance. As she approached, her angelic white wings fluttered slightly, shifting gracefully in sync with her movements. Her expression was poised, but there was a heat simmering beneath the surface—a heat that I recognized all too well.

“You’ve been busy,” Mary said, her voice a smooth, teasing melody that contrasted with the intent look in her eyes. Her ocean-blue hair framed her face perfectly, flowing like waves with each step she took closer to me. She glanced over my shoulder, noting Destroyer’s absence, and her smile turned sly, knowing exactly what that meant.

Before I could respond, her eyes narrowed with playful mischief, and something in her seemed to shift. Her usual composed elegance gave way to something more urgent and demanding. “If Luyira had her turn, then so do I,” she stated, her voice edged with a mix of possessiveness and desire.

Without waiting for a response, she grabbed my hand and led me towards a nearby tent. Mary pushed me inside, her wings expanding slightly in her excitement, feathers brushing softly against my skin. The flap of the tent fell shut behind us, enclosing us in a cocoon of quiet anticipation. “Mary, are you—” I began, but she silenced me with a heated kiss, her body pressing against mine as her hands deftly worked to free me from my clothes, which were really Destroyer’s fabric that seamlessly shifted away to accommodate her touch.

Destroyer, sensing Mary’s intent, discreetly melded with the surroundings, fading from sight to grant us privacy while keeping watch. As we are inside the tent, the hum of communication equipment filled the air, masking the sounds of what was about to unfold within its walls.

“You think you can just have fun with Luyira and not with me?” she whispered against my lips, her tone carrying that refined elegance that had earned her the title of “The Saint” for millennia, but now laced with a raw, unapologetic need. “I’ve waited long enough, Aido. And I’m not the patient type.”

I met her intensity with my own, pulling her closer as I deepened the kiss. Her wings wrapped around us, their soft feathers creating a shield from the outside world. “Patience was never your strong suit,” I murmured, smirking against her lips.

Mary laughed softly, the sound like a melody. “Not when it comes to you,” she replied, her hands exploring my body with a confidence that sent a shiver down my spine. She guided me to the ground, pinning me beneath her as her blue eyes glinted with excitement.

Her fingers moved skillfully, her touch demanding yet gentle, and I could feel the restraint she usually carried slipping away. “I’ve wanted this,” Mary breathed, her wings folding neatly as she positioned herself over me. She moved with the elegance of someone who had lived lifetimes, but the fire in her eyes was purely hers—raw and unfiltered.

She didn’t waste any time, lowering herself onto me with a slow, deliberate motion that made me gasp. Her pace was both graceful and intense, every movement calculated to draw out the pleasure she craved. I gripped her hips, feeling the soft brush of her feathers as her tail fluttered in sync with each thrust, the rhythm she set both mesmerizing and overwhelming. Her moans are barely melt into the sounds of the machines, her blue hair cascading down her back, framing her angelic face in a halo of color.

It was intoxicating, and I could feel myself losing control as I surrendered to her whims, letting her lead us to a place beyond the mundane world of reality.

Mary’s expression shifted, the composed façade of the saintly Retter Messiah melting away to reveal a woman lost in her own desire. Her breath hitched as she moved faster, her wings twitching slightly, expanding and contracting in response to the sensations flooding her. She let out a soft, melodic moan, a sound that only made me want her more.

“You’re not leaving this tent until I’ve had my fill,” Mary whispered, her voice shaky with pleasure but laced with determination. Her nails dug into my shoulders as she rode me, her normally pristine appearance now beautifully disheveled as she surrendered to the moment.

I met her rhythm, matching her intensity as I thrust up into her, each motion drawing us closer to the edge. “You’re incredible,” I managed to say, my hands trailing along her soft feathers, feeling the warmth radiating from her body.

Mary’s eyes sparkled with satisfaction, her grip tightening as she reached her peak. “And you’re mine,” she replied, her voice dripping with both possession and affection as she came, her wings fluttering with each wave of her release.

As she climaxed, her movements became frantic, her grip on me unyielding as if she never wanted to let go. The pressure within me built to an almost unbearable level until I too was sent over the edge, the intensity of our shared release washing over us like a tidal wave.

For a moment, we lay entangled, her wings draped around us like a protective blanket, both of us catching our breath. Mary rested her forehead against mine, her breaths slowing as she recovered from the high. “I needed that,” she murmured, her voice still tinged with the lingering heat of the moment.

I smiled, brushing a feather from her cheek, and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “Glad I could help.”

Mary smirked, her playful demeanor returning as she adjusted herself, her wings folding neatly behind her. “Just remember, Aido—this isn’t over. The others will want their turn too.”

I laughed softly, shaking my head as I adjusted Destroyer back around me, the fabric of the armor seamlessly reforming around my body. “Girls really could be crazy,” I said with a grin.

Mary leaned in, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before slipping out of the tent, her wings fluttering as she rejoined the group with a satisfied smile. I stepped out behind her, already spotting the familiar faces of Luyira, Rina, Sakura, Ninaies, and Carlos—all of them eyeing me with a knowing look that said Mary was right.

As I approached the group with a sheepish expression, trying to rejoin after my brief encounter with Mary, I noticed the unfolding drama. Sakura had taken Luyira’s hand, her expression determined. “Our turn,” she declared, trying to pull Luyira along. But Luyira didn’t budge, standing her ground with a calm smile. Sakura pulled harder, but Luyira was immovable.

Rina burst into laughter, her amusement echoing through the area. Ninaies just shook her head, a fond smile tugging at her lips, while Mary and Carlos exchanged a few words in low tones. Whatever Mary said to him had Carlos chuckling, his eyes bright with curiosity.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Sakura insisted, her grip tightening.

Luyira smirked, her voice soft but firm. “These things are for Aido only.”

Sakura pouted, her frustration clear. “But the womanizer has five girls—why can’t you have him and me?”

Luyira’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “Hehe, I can share, but he cannot, and I’m only happy when he is.”

Sakura stomped her foot, her voice rising in a dramatic protest. “No fair!”

“That’s love,” Rina teased, still giggling at Sakura’s expense.

“I hate you all!” Sakura huffed, crossing her arms with a huff.

Ninaies nodded, her tone thoughtful. “It is unfair, but that’s how love works. I agree with Luyira. I can share him, but I won’t lie with anyone else who isn’t him.”

“Boo! Oppression! Free sexual life!” Sakura exclaimed, throwing her hands up theatrically.

Carlos, watching the scene unfold, just smiled. “Well, at least she’s back to her usual self.”

“She’s funny,” Rina said, nudging Carlos. “You’re okay with it, huh? That’s love too. You’re a good husband, like my hubby.”

Mary leaned in close to Carlos, her eyes warm. “I’m lucky to have him too.”

Luyira turned to me with a bright smile, her eyes full of affection. “I love him. Aido, let’s have babies.”

Sakura covered her ears dramatically. “Not in front of me!”

Alidia, ever the voice of reason, finally intervened. “Alright, as entertaining as this is—and I see two of you have already eaten—we need to get serious and enter the nest. Destroyer is our best bet for handling the technology and shutting down the beast production, so everyone, let’s focus up. You’ll get your chance later. I can be the last one, wink wink.”

With Alidia’s command, the mood shifted back to the mission at hand. Ryhard, accompanied by some of his group’s fighters—except the dragons, whose size made them unsuitable for the cramped tunnels—joined us as we entered the nest. The first few meters had been converted into makeshift living spaces by the mythical creatures, with minimal separation between areas for privacy. The tunnels were narrow, barely allowing enough space for individual sections, each nook serving as a reminder of the hastily established homes of these wanderers.

As we moved deeper, the nest opened into a large, cavernous area that seemed to be carved straight out of the earth. The entrance was enormous, towering high enough to allow passage for even the largest of the rank 2 beasts. As we stepped further inside, we saw more beasts, lounging lazily, some dozing off while others simply stared blankly into space. They didn’t eat, didn’t seek water—they just existed, listless and idle.

Ryhard walked beside me, his expression contemplative as he observed the beasts. “We’ve seen a few of these creatures die,” he said, his voice low. “They decompose within minutes, but the others don’t react at all. They just continue in their apathy, which caused me a great deal of anxiety when we first arrived. I expected them to attack at any moment.”

He paused, his eyes scanning the lethargic beasts. “One of the reasons we want to keep the primordial soup is because it restores our strength. It allows us to use our magical techniques, like the communication magic. Without mana, these spells consume our vital energy. We grow fatigued and hungry faster, and it’s a dangerous imbalance.”

Cirdan, the elf who had been walking silently nearby, nodded in agreement. “I still don’t fully understand how I can perform magic without mana. It works, but I can feel it draining my life force. It’s not like using the energy we’re familiar with—there’s something off about it, like it’s straining against the nature of this world.”

Alidia listened carefully, her eyes thoughtful. “We understand the concept of mana, but it’s clear that whatever magic you’re using here operates differently than what we know.”

As we moved deeper into the nest, we encountered a massive entrance, towering and wide enough for even the largest beasts to pass through. It was likely that beyond this point, we would encounter more formidable rank 2 beasts.

Ryhard gestured toward the entrance. “We haven’t seen those doors open since we arrived, but whatever lies beyond is likely guarded by even stronger creatures.”

I felt a strange sense of anticipation as I gazed at the looming entrance. There was something about this nest that intrigued me, a pull I couldn’t quite explain. The beasts, the primordial soup, the presence of these mythical beings—it all felt like pieces of a puzzle that were slowly starting to come together.

For now, though, our mission was clear. We had to figure out what lay beyond the entrance, shut down the production of these beasts, and secure the resources that could be pivotal in the ongoing struggle. Whatever awaited us, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this nest held secrets worth uncovering.

And as we stood at the precipice of the unknown, I couldn’t help but feel a strange affinity for this place and its creatures—a connection that I would soon understand went far deeper than just the surface.

As we moved deeper into the nest, the looming entrance stood before us, its massive doors hinting at the unknown that lay beyond. Destroyer, ever vigilant, connected with a terminal near the entrance, his interface flickering to life as he began to access the nest’s systems. While we waited, Ryhard shared his observations about the primordial soup, believing that the quantity they had seen was all there was—just enough to feed the production chambers that churned out the beasts we’d passed by earlier.

The doors creaked open, revealing a vast, cavernous space beyond. The sight before us was staggering: at least twenty production chambers, each towering ten meters high, stood before us. However, they were all empty, their production halted. The enormity of the chambers suggested a capacity far greater than what we had seen, and as we ventured further into the heart of the command center, the true scale of the nest’s operations became apparent.

Massive tanks filled with primordial soup stretched out in rows, each one brimming with the substance. The sheer volume of it far exceeded even the reserves found in Hell’s Pit. The readings displayed on Destroyer’s interface showed a level of overproduction that explained the overwhelming number of beasts we had encountered so far. It was as if the entire operation had been ramped up to an unsustainable degree, churning out creature after creature without any apparent purpose or control.

Destroyer’s voice cut through the stillness, his tone edged with curiosity and a hint of concern. “There’s no AI overseeing this operation. The system is running on a half-finished algorithm. It’s incomplete—there are no instructions for what to do with the beasts once they’re produced.”

Alidia frowned, her eyes scanning the endless rows of tanks and dormant chambers. “So that’s why the beasts are so apathetic. They’re being created, but they have no orders, no direction. It’s like someone started this process in a rush and then abandoned it halfway.”

Ryhard stepped forward, his expression a mix of awe and confusion. “I thought the primordial soup we had was all there was. But this… it’s far beyond what we could have imagined. Why would anyone create so much and then just leave it?”

Destroyer continued to scan the systems, digging deeper into the command center’s database. “This place is like a half-built machine, left running without a purpose. The algorithm’s framework is here, but it’s unfinished—like someone intended to complete it but never did. It’s almost as if they simply forgot about it.”

The massive storage tanks hummed quietly, filled to capacity with the glowing essence of the primordial soup. The readings showed that production had never truly been scaled down; instead, it had spiraled out of control, creating an endless supply of beasts that had no directive other than to exist. It was a surreal sight, the halls filled with resources and machinery all set in motion but with no end goal in sight.

Cirdan, the elf accompanying us, watched the unfolding scene with a furrowed brow. “We’ve been using this soup to sustain ourselves, thinking it was all that was left. But now I see this… it’s more than just a resource. It’s like an endless wellspring that’s been left unchecked.”

Ryhard nodded, his gaze fixed on the towering tanks. “This much soup is a blessing, but also a curse if it’s not managed. We can survive, use our abilities, and keep our strength up, but if left uncontrolled, it just creates more beasts with no purpose.”

Alidia moved closer to the control panels, examining the interface with a keen eye. “It’s like they started building something massive and then just walked away. The beasts aren’t hostile because they were never programmed to be—they’re just byproducts of a system with no final directive.”

I couldn’t shake the strange sense of connection I felt to this place. The incomplete systems, the mindless beasts, the overabundance of primordial soup—it all felt oddly familiar, as if I was witnessing the remnants of something grand and chaotic that had been abandoned. It reminded me of the tangled mess of an unfinished thought or a forgotten dream, left to drift without purpose.

Destroyer’s voice broke through my thoughts, steady and analytical. “I can shut down the production entirely and stabilize the system. It’s running on old code, looping endlessly without guidance. But it’s going to take time to untangle this mess.”

Alidia nodded, her expression resolute. “Do what you can, Destroyer. We need to secure this nest and figure out what’s behind this unfinished algorithm. If someone started this, they might still be out there—or there might be others like this.”

As Destroyer got to work, I stood there, taking in the vastness of the command center and the quiet hum of the machines. There was a haunting beauty to the scene, a silent testament to what could have been a powerful force if it hadn’t been left incomplete. The beasts, the soup, the machinery—they were all pieces of a puzzle that spoke of ambition and abandonment.

Whatever lay beyond the massive doors and the heart of this nest, I knew we were just beginning to scratch the surface of its secrets. And as I looked at the vast expanse before me, I couldn’t help but feel that, like the beasts, we were all just trying to find our purpose in the chaos left behind.

The interior of the nest was stark, industrial—a cold, functional space devoid of any signs of civilization. No remnants of its creators, no additional data, just rows and rows of empty production chambers. The servers and network infrastructure were a mess, poorly established and incomplete, leaving no trace of who had started this operation or why they had abandoned it. Yet, even with the lack of answers, the immense reward lay before us: the vast quantities of primordial soup and the countless chambers made of valuable metals, ranging from gold and platinum to other unknown, advanced alloys. Despite the wealth of resources, we remained mindful of our arrangement with Ryhard and his group, aiming to negotiate a fair share that would benefit both sides.

While Destroyer delved deeper into stabilizing the system, I took a moment to rest near one of the massive chambers. The rhythmic hum of machinery and the soft glow of the primordial soup tanks created an oddly soothing backdrop as I closed my eyes, trying to gather my thoughts.

Just as I began to drift, I felt a sudden tug, hands slipping around my waist from behind, pulling me back into a shadowy alcove between the towering chambers. I turned, finding myself face-to-face with Rina, her mischievous grin and sparkling eyes leaving no doubt about her intentions.

“Rina,” I started, but she placed a finger on my lips, silencing me with a playful smirk.

“Shhh, Aido,” she whispered, her voice low and husky. “You’ve already been claimed twice today. It’s my turn now.” Her tone was commanding, filled with a fiery impatience that I recognized all too well.

Rina was a raccoon demi-human, and she embodied the wild, untamed spirit of her kind. Her voluptuous figure was impossible to ignore—her large breasts and curvaceous hips drew attention wherever she went. Her reddish-brown raccoon ears twitched in excitement, and her fluffy tail, tipped with a reddish hue, swayed with anticipation. Her mask-like markings framed her face, giving her an exotic and alluring appearance that was hard to resist.

She pressed me against the cold, metal wall of the chamber, her body hot and insistent against mine. “Just a quick one,” she purred, her hands deftly working at my clothes, which once again shifted as Destroyer melded into the background, granting us a fleeting privacy. “The noise and shadows will cover us. No one will notice.”

Rina didn’t wait for my response. She was already tugging at my belt, her movements eager and unrestrained. She had the kind of wild energy that was both exhilarating and overwhelming—a force of nature driven by her instincts and desires. She pulled me closer, her breath hot against my neck as her hands explored every inch of my body, her touch sending jolts of electricity through me.

“I’ve been waiting,” she murmured, her lips grazing my ear. “Watching you with the others, wanting my turn. Don’t make me wait any longer, Aido.”

Her urgency was infectious, and before I knew it, I was kissing her deeply, our bodies pressed together as the hum of the machines masked our movements. She moaned softly into my mouth, her hands guiding me as she moved against me with a fervor that left me breathless.

Rina’s raccoon tail flicked behind her, brushing against my legs as she wrapped one around my waist, pulling me deeper into the alcove. Her clothes were quickly discarded, revealing her luscious curves and the perfect softness of her skin. I couldn’t help but run my hands along her sides, feeling the warmth radiate from her body.

She pushed me back against the wall, straddling me with a fierce, unbridled passion. “I want you, Aido,” she growled, her voice thick with need as she aligned herself over me. “Right now.”

There was no room for hesitation. I grabbed her hips, pulling her down onto me with a force that elicited a sharp gasp from her lips. She rode me with an intensity that was almost primal, her movements wild and uninhibited. The noise from the machines around us provided the perfect cover, their steady clattering and the occasional hiss of steam blending with our muffled sounds of pleasure.

Rina’s pace quickened, her breaths coming in short, heated bursts as she threw her head back, her tail brushing against my legs in a rhythm that matched her frantic movements. Her raccoon ears twitched with every thrust, her face flushed and eyes half-lidded in pleasure.

“You feel so good,” she gasped, her nails digging into my shoulders as she clung to me. Her grip was possessive, her hips moving faster as she chased her release with a desperation that only heightened my own arousal.

I matched her pace, my hands sliding up to cup her ample breasts, feeling the soft weight of them as she moaned, pressing her body closer. Her skin was hot, slick with a thin sheen of sweat as she moved against me, the friction driving us both closer to the edge.

Rina’s moans grew louder, her tail twitching erratically as she neared her climax. She bit down on her lip, her brows knitting together in concentration as she pushed herself harder, her breaths ragged and her movements frantic.

“Don’t stop,” she pleaded, her voice breaking as she leaned forward, her lips brushing against mine in a brief, heated kiss. “I’m so close, Aido.”

With one final thrust, Rina’s body tensed, her back arching as she came, a cry of pure ecstasy escaping her lips. The intensity of her release sent me over the edge as well, my own climax crashing through me in a wave of pleasure that left us both trembling.

We stayed like that for a moment, catching our breaths, her body still pressed against mine. She nuzzled into my neck, her breath warm against my skin as she whispered, “That’s exactly what I needed.”

I smiled, running a hand through her hair, feeling the softness of her raccoon ears as she purred contentedly. “Glad I could oblige.”

Rina pulled back slightly, her eyes twinkling with satisfaction. “Next time, though,” she teased, her fingers tracing patterns on my chest, “we’ll take our time.”

As Rina and I tried to slip away from behind the production chamber, we froze when we noticed a figure standing with her back to us, blocking the path. It was Ninaies, her posture calm but knowing, as if she had been expecting us. Her eyes met mine, and then she glanced at Rina with a smirk.

It quickly became clear that not only had Ninaies noticed our little tryst, but the other girls had as well. Somehow, they had all conspired to cover our tracks, ensuring that no one else in the group caught on. I spotted Mary a little further down the corridor, casually chatting with some of the mythical beings while keeping a discreet watch. Even Destroyer was in on it, amplifying the noise from the surrounding machines, the rhythmic clatter and hum growing louder to mask any suspicious sounds. It was a strange sight in the middle of such an important mission—important negotiations with people who had lost their homes, and yet here we were, indulging in our own distractions.

But oddly enough, none of them seemed to mind. In fact, it felt like a natural part of the rhythm of our group. Perhaps it was the bond we all shared, something unspoken but deeply understood among us.

Ninaies stepped forward, her expression playful. “I hope you enjoyed your fun, Rina,” she teased, her voice light but with a hint of mischief. “But my turn is next. I’ve already picked out the perfect time for it—on the way back to the city.”

Rina raised an eyebrow, her tail flicking with amusement. “Oh yeah? You’ve got this all planned out, huh?”

Ninaies grinned, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint. “I have. We’ll be in the transport trucks, and I’ve already chosen which one we’ll use. And Rina,” she added with a sly smile, “you’ll be driving. Consider it your punishment for jumping the line.”

Rina laughed, shaking her head. “Well, if that’s my punishment, I’ll take it. But don’t think I won’t make your ride a little bumpy.”

I chuckled, feeling the lighthearted energy of the group wash over me. It was like an unspoken understanding had settled among us—a shared knowledge that, despite the seriousness of our mission, these moments of connection were just as vital to keeping us all grounded.

Meanwhile, Alidia, Mary, and Frenia continued their negotiations with Ryhard and his group. They were deep in conversation, discussing the logistics of maintaining the nest as Ryhard’s new home. The mythical beings, having lost their native world, were eager to establish a foothold here, and they saw the potential in the nest’s resources. Alidia, ever the diplomat, ensured that the terms of their arrangement were clear and mutually beneficial. Ryhard and his group would safeguard the nest, maintaining it as their new sanctuary, while we would be allowed access to key resources like the primordial soup and some of the advanced metals for our use.

Mary took the lead, her composed and graceful demeanor lending an air of authority to the discussions. “We understand your need for a stable home,” she said, her wings subtly shifting with each word, a reminder of her own angelic presence. “We’ll ensure that the nest remains a secure place for you, and in turn, we’ll take only what’s necessary for our operations.”

Frenia, standing beside her, nodded in agreement. “We’ve all lost something. Working together is the best way forward.”

Ryhard, with a solemn nod, extended his hand. “Agreed. This nest will be our new home, and we’ll defend it fiercely. But we welcome your help and cooperation. We’re all trying to carve out something in this new land. My people used to serve a kingdom of great majesty, and we understand the concept of Drifters. It’s possible this is some kind of reverse summoning or a summoning done on purpose.”

The term struck a chord deep within me. “Summoning?” I echoed, the word sending a strange shiver through my mind. “That word… it shakes something inside me, like a forgotten memory, something… nostalgic.”

Ryhard studied me, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. “By your reaction, I suppose it’s another concept not present in this world. Is teleporting possible here?”

I shook my head slightly. “We know of both concepts, teleporting and summoning, but they’re more like fantasies to us. They exist in stories, not reality.”

Ryhard nodded, understanding the weight of my words. “In my world, teleporting is forbidden magic, and it’s almost impossible to find anyone capable of it besides the Great Mages of Arckania. But it’s fundamentally the same as summoning. The royalty of Temaria can summon warriors from the past, the future, or even from other planets. I don’t know all the details, but occasionally, the summoning goes awry, teleporting more than one person or sending them to unintended locations, making them Drifters. Many of them don’t survive long enough to be found.” He glanced around the nest, his gaze lingering on the primordial soup. “If not for finding this place, that might have been our fate. This liquid was a lifesaver.”

Alidia, who had been listening intently, furrowed her brow. “So, if teleportation is involved, that could explain why new beings are appearing here. But who would be doing it, and why?”

Ryhard looked contemplative, his eyes scanning our group. “Do you have any gods or protector deities that you pray to, who might be responsible?”

I gestured towards Mary, Luyira, and Frenia. “You’re looking at them.”

Ryhard’s eyes widened, his expression one of shock and sudden reverence. “Seriously? For Cemina’s sake, forgive our rudeness!”

I shook my head, smiling slightly. “It’s alright. They’re considered goddesses by many, but the truth is they aren’t omnipotent beings. They’re advanced, powerful, yes, but not the infallible deities you might imagine. At least, that’s what I believe. Still, most people in this world would see them as divine.”

As the conversation unfolded, a sense of harmony settled over the negotiations. The chaotic energy of the nest, the unpredictable presence of the beasts, and the strangeness of our current circumstances all seemed to fade into the background. Despite the different worlds we hailed from, the uncertainty of our futures, and the strange twists of fate that had brought us together, there was a shared purpose that united us.

The mythical beings of Ryhard’s group had lost their homes, their purpose, and found themselves adrift in a world that was foreign and strange. We, too, had been fighting against the unknown, battling forces beyond our comprehension. Yet, in this place, amidst the machinery of a forgotten factory, there was a glimmer of hope—a mutual understanding that transcended the barriers of language, culture, and even species.

I couldn’t help but feel a quiet satisfaction as the negotiations continued. This was more than a simple alliance; it was the beginning of something larger, a new chapter in a story that none of us had fully understood yet. And as we stood together, on the cusp of this fragile but hopeful partnership, I knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, we would face them not as strangers, but as allies bound by a common goal.

We had all been drawn here by forces beyond our control—whether by fate, magic, or something else entirely. But now, standing together, it felt like we were exactly where we needed to be

Ninaies leaned in close, her voice low and teasing. “Get ready, Aido. You’ve got a busy ride back to the city. And don’t worry,” she added with a wink, “I’ll make sure it’s just as fun as Rina’s.”

I smirked, feeling a strange mix of anticipation and amusement at how the day was unfolding. It seemed that no matter the mission, no matter the stakes, the girls always found a way to keep things interesting.

As I rejoined the main group, I caught Alidia’s eye, and she gave me a knowing smile, her expression a blend of exasperation and amusement. “You’ve got quite the team, Aido,” she said, her voice dry but warm. “Let’s keep the rest of this mission on track, shall we?”

I nodded, feeling the weight of her words but also the unspoken understanding beneath them. We all had our roles to play, and somehow, amidst the tension and the challenges, we were finding our way together.

Ryhard’s voice carried through the cavern as he addressed his people, solidifying the terms of our cooperation. “We have a new home now,” he said, his tone resolute. “And with our new allies, we will protect it.”

As we prepared to leave, I couldn’t help but glance back at the sprawling nest, the massive tanks of primordial soup, the dormant machines, and the beasts that lay quietly within. There was still much to be done, still many mysteries to uncover, but for now, we had made progress.

And with the promise of Ninaies’ plan for the journey back, I knew that the adventure was far from over. Whatever came next, we would face it together, with all the chaos, connection, and camaraderie that made our group so unique.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the makeshift camp was nearly dismantled, the last rays of daylight casting long shadows over the nest. The improvised communications station had been moved to a secure position above the entrance, watched vigilantly by the dragons who stood guard. Most of the team was wrapping up their tasks, preparing to head back to the city. The atmosphere was a mix of tiredness and quiet satisfaction—another mission accomplished, another step forward.

The girls had already piled into one of the vehicles, with Sakura taking full advantage of the moment to cling to Luyira, refusing to let go. She knew what was coming next, and the thought of it seemed to thrill her as she nestled closer to Luyira, her eyes sparkling with mischievous anticipation.

Meanwhile, Rina, Ninaies, and I headed towards a separate truck, one filled with a few haphazardly arranged bundles that served as makeshift bedding. As we climbed in, Ninaies flashed me a warm, knowing smile, her multicolored hair catching the fading light in a cascade of golden blonde and soft pink hues. Her green eyes held a softness that was unique to her—a blend of calm, nurturing, and an undercurrent of restrained excitement. She was the most grounded among the group, second only to Alidia in maturity, and often more level-headed than Mary despite her divine aura.

Ninaies settled onto the makeshift bed, her presence serene yet charged with the promise of what was to come. Her body was a perfect balance of sensuality; her curves were less pronounced than Rina's but no less captivating, her natural beauty often drawing comparisons to Mary’s angelic allure. She reached out, gently pulling me down beside her, her touch soft and inviting. Rina slipped in on my other side, her mischievous grin already spreading as she claimed her spot, her raccoon tail flicking playfully.

Ninaies ran her fingers through my hair, her touch sending a warm, comforting sensation down my spine. “I’ve been looking forward to this, Aido,” she whispered, her voice gentle but laced with an underlying heat. “You’ve been so busy with the others… I think it’s time you had some quieter company.”

I smiled, meeting her gaze as I leaned in closer. “I’m glad you’re here,” I said, my voice low, brushing my lips against hers. Ninaies kissed me back with a tender urgency, her breath mingling with mine as her hands roamed over my body, each touch careful yet charged with intent.

She was affectionate and gentle, her movements filled with the kind of care that made everything else fade away. As we settled into a rhythm, she guided my hands to her, her breath hitching slightly at the contact. Unlike Rina’s fiery passion, Ninaies moved with a softness that was intoxicating in its own way—a slow burn that built steadily until it threatened to consume us both.

Rina, not one to be left out, slipped her hand along my back, her fingers tracing light patterns that sent shivers through me. She watched us with playful curiosity, her raccoon eyes glittering as she shifted closer, her presence adding a spark to the tender moment between Ninaies and me.

Ninaies paused, her eyes meeting mine with a look that was both gentle and fierce. “Let’s take our time,” she murmured, her tone a soothing contrast to the urgency that had driven our previous encounters. “I want to savor this.”

I nodded, drawn into the calm intensity of her gaze. She was usually the composed one, but I could see the flicker of desire in her eyes, that hidden switch just waiting to be flipped. She was affectionate and kind, but once her desire ignited, there was a depth of passion that matched any of the others.

Rina leaned in, her lips brushing against my ear. “Don’t worry, Aido. I’ll make sure we keep this ride steady,” she whispered with a cheeky grin. “But you know Ninaies—once she’s in the mood, there’s no stopping her.”

Ninaies chuckled softly, a blush dusting her cheeks as she glanced at Rina. “You’re one to talk,” she teased, her hands sliding down my chest. “But maybe this time, I’ll let you play nice.”

As we settled into the improvised bed, the truck started to move, the gentle jostling adding to the sensation of closeness. Ninaies pulled me into a deeper kiss, her body pressing against mine as she lost herself in the moment. Her touches were delicate but deliberate, each caress sending a wave of warmth through me. Rina watched, her eyes half-lidded with a mix of anticipation and amusement, her tail flicking lazily as she observed.

The truck's movement provided a rhythm that matched our own, the bumps and turns guiding us into a natural flow. Ninaies’ kisses grew hungrier, her hands more insistent as she urged me closer, her soft moans vibrating against my lips. She was patient, but there was a fire beneath her calm exterior that slowly unfurled, her control slipping as she let herself fully embrace the connection between us.

Rina joined in, her hands sliding over both of us, her touches playful yet firm. “You two are so sweet,” she murmured, her voice husky. “But don’t forget, we’re still in this together.”

Ninaies laughed softly, pulling back just enough to catch her breath, her eyes glazed with pleasure. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, but remember this is my share of cake, you got yours” she said, her smile warm as she looked between Rina and me. “I’m not done with him just yet.”

She guided me down, her movements slow and deliberate, savoring every second as she brought us together. Her eyes fluttered closed, her expression one of pure contentment as she finally let go, her switch fully flipped as she gave in to her desires. Rina, ever the instigator, kept us grounded, her presence a playful reminder of the shared bond that tied us all together.

We moved in sync, our bodies finding a perfect harmony as the truck continued its journey back to the city. The outside world faded away, replaced by the gentle rise and fall of our breaths, the shared warmth of our embrace, and the quiet hum of the engine beneath us.

For now, there was no urgency, no pressing mission—just the three of us, lost in the moment, connected in a way that transcended words. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world in twilight, we continued our journey together, the promise of more to come guiding us forward.

As the truck rumbled along, the world outside blurred into irrelevance. Inside, the atmosphere was charged with a different kind of energy. Rina stayed close, her hands and presence guiding us as I focused on Ninaies. She was already lost in the moment, her breaths coming in shallow pants, her eyes half-closed as she leaned into me.

Ninaies straddled me in the cowgirl position, her legs wrapped around my waist, and her soft, multicolored hair cascading down her shoulders as she moved. The soft hues of her golden blonde and pink strands swayed with each of her movements, catching the dim light from the setting sun outside. Her green eyes were locked onto mine, her expression a mix of affection and burning desire as she began to move, slowly at first, savoring the sensation.

Rina, ever the mischievous raccoon, stayed close, her hands supporting Ninaies’ hips, helping her find the perfect rhythm. "You’ve got this, Ninaies," Rina whispered, her voice a playful tease. "Just let go."

Ninaies smiled, her cheeks flushed as she settled into a steady pace, her movements becoming more fluid and confident. She rocked her hips, grinding against me with a slow, deliberate motion that sent jolts of pleasure through both of us. I held onto her thighs, guiding her with gentle squeezes, matching her rhythm as she rode me, her body a perfect fit against mine.

“God, Aido,” she gasped, her voice trembling with each rise and fall. Her breasts bounced slightly with her movements, and I couldn’t resist running my hands up her sides, feeling the soft curve of her waist as she pressed herself closer. Her pace quickened, her need growing as she leaned forward, her lips finding mine in a heated kiss that left us both breathless.

Rina’s hands roamed freely, touching both of us, her playful energy adding a spark to the already electric moment. She leaned in, her breath hot against Ninaies’ ear. “You’re doing amazing,” she murmured, her fingers tracing patterns along Ninaies’ back. “But let’s switch things up a bit.”

With Rina’s guidance, Ninaies shifted, her feet finding the floor of the truck as she steadied herself. She reached up, grabbing onto one of the metal bars of the truck’s structure for support. Her body arched as she leaned forward, her back curving in a way that pushed her hips back, offering herself up to me in a new angle.

I stepped in behind her, my hands gripping her waist as I entered her again, this time with a fierce, steady thrust that made her moan loudly. Ninaies clung to the bar, her grip tight as she let herself be taken, her body moving in perfect time with mine.

Rina stood beside us, her raccoon tail swaying with excitement as she kept her hands on Ninaies’ hips, helping to keep her balanced as I continued to drive into her. The truck’s gentle swaying and the hum of the engine provided a rhythm, Destroyer’s expert driving ensuring that nothing disturbed our moment.

“Don’t stop,” Ninaies pleaded, her voice breathless and edged with desperation. She tightened her grip on the bar, her body moving with a wild, almost frantic energy as I pounded into her. Each thrust sent her rocking forward, her breasts swaying with the force of our movements. Rina’s hands stayed steady, supporting Ninaies and adding to the shared intimacy of the moment.

I increased my pace, my movements becoming faster and harder, pushing Ninaies closer to the edge with every thrust. Her moans grew louder, her head falling back as she gave herself completely to the pleasure. She was normally so composed, so gentle, but now she was lost in the raw, primal need that drove her movements.

Rina watched with a hungry look, her hands never leaving Ninaies as she helped us maintain our rhythm. “You’ve got this,” she encouraged, her voice low and sultry. “Let him take you.”

Ninaies’ breath hitched, her eyes squeezing shut as she braced herself against the bar. “Yes… yes!” she cried out, her body shuddering as she finally reached her climax. Her grip tightened, her knuckles white against the bar as her entire body convulsed in pleasure. The sight of her losing control, the sound of her cries, sent me over the edge as well.

I pulled her hips back against me, holding her tight as I came, the intensity of the moment drawing every last ounce of pleasure from both of us. We stayed like that for a moment, locked together, the truck’s movement slowing as Destroyer guided us smoothly along the path back to the city.

Ninaies slowly released the bar, her body trembling slightly as she leaned back into my arms, her breaths coming in soft, ragged gasps. “That… was perfect,” she whispered, her voice tinged with exhaustion but filled with contentment.

Rina smiled, her hands still gently caressing Ninaies’ sides. “You were perfect,” she said softly, leaning in to kiss Ninaies on the cheek. “And you too, Aido. You always know how to make it special.”

I smiled, pulling both girls close, feeling the warmth of their bodies against mine as we settled into a comfortable silence. The truck continued its journey, the rhythmic hum of the engine lulling us into a sense of peace and satisfaction. We stayed like that, enjoying the quiet connection between us, a perfect ending to a day filled with challenges and triumphs.

As the city’s lights began to appear in the distance, I knew that our mission was far from over. But for now, in this fleeting moment, we had found a slice of solace—a reminder of why we fought so hard, and the bonds that kept us moving forward together, no matter the obstacles ahead.

After a long day of negotiations, travel, and reunions, we finally arrived back at the residence, exhausted but satisfied with the progress made. Dinner was a quiet affair, everyone savoring the brief reprieve before we’d have to dive back into the complexities of our ongoing mission. The dining room’s warm light cast soft shadows, adding a sense of calm that was much needed after the chaos of the day. Alidia, as always, moved gracefully, her presence commanding but never overbearing. She had been a pillar of support throughout everything, her composed nature keeping the group grounded even in the most stressful moments.

When dinner concluded, everyone dispersed to their respective rooms, ready to rest and recharge. I headed to my own quarters, expecting to collapse into bed. But as I opened the door, I found Alidia already there, standing by the window. The soft moonlight filtered through the curtains, illuminating her petite figure dressed in a delicate babydoll that clung to her curves.

Her appearance was both alluring and comforting, her mature form emphasized by the sheer fabric that did little to hide her soft, ample breasts and the subtle curves of her hips. Her long, green hair, styled into her signature drill curls, framed her face, and her deep purple eyes held a look of quiet determination.

“Alidia,” I said, my voice a mix of surprise and warmth. “You didn’t have to wait up.”

Alidia smiled softly, her eyes never leaving mine. “I’ve been patient all day,” she said, her tone gentle but firm. “It’s my turn now.”

Her words were simple, but the intent behind them was unmistakable. In our society, the bonds between partners were complex, and while the dynamic between us was unique, it was something we navigated with care. Alidia had always been a guiding force in my life. But here, in the privacy of our home, she sought something more—a connection that transcended the conventional boundaries.

I closed the door behind me, the quiet click of the latch echoing in the room. Alidia walked towards me, her movements fluid and unhurried, her gaze warm and inviting. She reached out, her fingers lightly brushing against my chest as she tilted her head to meet my eyes. “You’ve been working so hard, Aido,” she murmured, her voice laced with affection. “Let me take care of you tonight.”

Her touch was gentle, her fingers trailing down my arm as she guided me towards the bed. There was no urgency, no rush—just a quiet understanding between us. Alidia’s presence was soothing, her nurturing energy calming my frayed nerves as she leaned in, her lips brushing lightly against mine in a tender kiss.

We moved together with a natural ease, the familiarity of our connection guiding us as Alidia pulled me down onto the bed. Her hands moved with practiced grace, slipping under my clothes as she undressed me with a slow, deliberate care. I let her take the lead, her calm, nurturing energy filling the room as she set the pace.

Alidia straddled my lap, her small frame fitting perfectly against me as she pressed her chest to mine. Her breath was warm against my neck, her lips trailing soft kisses along my skin. She moved with a slow, rhythmic grace, her hips rocking gently as she took me in, her body molding to mine with a perfect fit. There was a quiet intensity in her movements, a steady, unhurried passion that made every touch, every kiss, feel deeply meaningful.

She leaned back slightly, her purple eyes meeting mine as she smiled, her expression filled with a quiet joy. “I’ve been waiting for this,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “To just be close to you, without all the noise.”

I reached up, running my hands through her soft green curls, feeling the silky texture of her hair as I pulled her closer. “I’m glad you’re here,” I replied, my voice barely a whisper. “You’ve always been there for me.”

Alidia’s smile widened, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink as she began to move more purposefully. She rode me with a slow, deliberate rhythm, her movements controlled but not restrained. Her body moved in a graceful dance, every motion deliberate and measured, her breath hitching softly with each rise and fall.

She was different from the others—calmer, more composed—but her intensity was no less potent. Alidia’s focus was entirely on the connection we shared, her hands gripping my shoulders as she guided our rhythm. There was a profound sense of unity in our movements, a shared intimacy that transcended the physical act. Her eyes stayed locked on mine, her gaze unwavering as she continued, her lips parting in quiet gasps that filled the room with a soft, rhythmic sound.

As the pace increased, Alidia’s control began to waver, her breaths coming faster as she let herself be consumed by the pleasure building between us. She leaned forward, her forehead resting against mine as her fingers dug into my shoulders, her moans soft but full of need.

I rolled us over, my hands sliding to her hips as I took a more active role, moving against her with steady, powerful thrusts. Alidia’s grip tightened, her eyes closing as she surrendered to the sensation, her body arching beneath me. She clung to me, her breaths shallow and her voice breaking with each thrust as she let herself go completely.

“Aido,” she gasped, her voice edged with a mix of relief and desire. “Don’t stop… please.”

I moved faster, driven by her words and the soft, pleading look in her eyes. Her body shuddered beneath me, her breaths quickening as she neared her peak. I could feel her muscles tense, her entire being focused on the release that was just within reach.

With a final thrust, Alidia cried out, her body shaking as she climaxed, her voice filled with a pure, unrestrained joy that sent a surge of warmth through me. I followed moments later, the intensity of our shared release washing over us in waves as we clung to each other, our hearts pounding in unison.

We stayed like that for a while, our breaths mingling as we lay tangled together on the bed. Alidia’s fingers traced light patterns on my chest, her touch soft and comforting as she settled against me. There was no rush to move, no need to break the moment. For now, this quiet closeness was all that mattered.

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with a deep, abiding love. “Thank you, Aido,” she whispered, her voice tender. “For always being there.”

I smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to Alidia's forehead. “Always.”

Before I could fully settle back into the comfort of the moment, Luyira’s excited voice broke through the tranquility. “Okie, it’s finished! Move away from the wall!”

I looked up just in time to see Luyira’s appendages—extensions of her Retter Messiah powers—working like a team of tiny construction workers. They moved with precision, dismantling the wall that separated my room from the one next door, and seamlessly merging them into a single, larger space. An improvised bed big enough for everyone started to form as the pieces fell into place.

Behind Luyira, the other girls stood in their pajamas, smiling playfully. It was clear they had planned this, orchestrating a surprise so we could all rest together. It was their way of celebrating, of closing the day on a note of unity and comfort.

“Hehehe, I call the right side!” Luyira declared triumphantly, throwing herself onto the newly expanded bed. “Mom can have the left side for today!”

Mary stepped forward, her expression both amused and affectionate. “I want to sleep hugging him too. Maybe I can have a leg?”

Rina laughed, shaking her head. “No, no, he’ll kick! That’s dangerous; he almost broke my ribs last time.”

Ninaies chuckled, "Maybe your ample chest can just bounce him back."

"Hey," Rina said with a playful pout. "It is actually possible! Weird knowledge expanded."

Luyira grinned. "It's okay, Rina! You can have the middle spot tonight.""

Alidia, trying to reason with the girls, suggested, “I guess at least we’re all going to sleep together. Maybe we can just use him as a pillow, all of us.”

Ninaies, always thoughtful and calm, nodded with a smile. “It’s not a bad idea. Maybe even restrain him a little and turn him into a pillow for everyone.”

They giggled among themselves as they started to gently remove my clothes, playfully taking turns. I knew there was no escaping this; it was going to be a long night of cuddling. As much as it seemed overwhelming, I couldn’t deny the warmth I felt from their closeness, the sense of peace that settled over me. I’d have to thank them tomorrow for their support. If not for them, I might have crumbled under the weight of everything.

The next morning, the atmosphere in the command hall of the Guild was charged with a renewed sense of purpose. The hall was filled with representatives from all factions, each one bringing their unique perspective and needs to the table. Arthur, the King, sat with his family—Lasui and Sasari, his daughter and son—each of them keenly aware of the weight of the decisions to be made. This meeting was more than just a gathering; it was about solidifying alliances and navigating the complexities of uniting such diverse groups under a common cause. The establishment of a new branch of the Church of Teachings, one that would elevate Luyira as the Crimson Goddess and the Savior’s consort, was on the agenda.

On the demi-human side, the representatives included Leonidas, the lion Chieftain, his mate Chimara, Brayan the wolf, Georgina the hawk harpy, Nerisse the reptile, Buzan the cat, and Osuna the bear. They had been working tirelessly to integrate the lizardmen into their society, leveraging their newfound ability to communicate thanks to Cirdan, the high elf who had been collaborating with them since the previous night. His curiosity and eagerness to learn about our world’s technology was palpable, as he tirelessly questioned everything from firearms to vehicles.

“Cirdan, your interest in our technology is noted,” Arthur said, addressing the elf with a respectful nod. “While we are open to sharing knowledge, it’s important that we maintain a balance. Our technologies are powerful, but they also pose certain risks if misused.”

Cirdan bowed slightly, his long silver hair brushing against his shoulders as he responded. “We understand, King Arthur. There is much our societies can learn from one another. While we possess technology in our world, it is far more entwined with magic. The Golems you use are fascinating, though they seem to consume energy more rapidly than the mana cores we use for our constructs.”

Jessica, ever practical, added, “Magic is a new concept for our society. We’re still learning its nuances, but hearing about your millennia of experience with it makes us realize just how much we have yet to uncover about what we’re dealing with.”

Ryhard, the centaur leader of the displaced mythical beings, chimed in. “From our perspective, your ‘magic’ operates similarly to ours, but without mana, which is strange yet functional. This primordial soup you’ve found is beyond any alchemical potion we have. Mana potions were rare and incredibly costly, but you say simple food can replenish your forces? We’d like to keep our reserves of the soup for emergencies, if that’s acceptable.”

Arthur nodded, understanding the value they placed on this resource. “Destroyer, our technological expert, prefers to keep the soup in its pure state for now, until we fully understand how to use it for the good of all. We will share the benefits, of course, in a way that serves both our peoples.”

Ryhard smiled slightly, a gesture of goodwill. “That is agreeable. We know our knowledge is limited here, and our friendship is still young. We appreciate your openness.”

Arthur returned the smile, his eyes reflecting the cautious optimism of a ruler. “I hope that as our trust grows, so too will our cooperation. In my many years of rule, I never imagined meeting beings like you, who in our world, are the stuff of legends.”

Jessica nodded in agreement. “There is much we can share, and if we can find a balance, there is no reason we cannot coexist peacefully. Each of our societies has something unique to offer.”

Leonidas, who had been listening attentively, shifted the conversation. “I agree with the sentiment of unity. We demi-humans have endured long struggles in the Arid Zones, and it is only through cooperation with King Arthur’s kingdom that we have found a new way forward. However, I’d like to address a specific matter now—the integration of the lizardmen. With us today are Ahmeja, who Aido met earlier, and her leader, Greju.”

Ahmeja and Greju, the two lizardmen representatives, stood at the back of the room, their postures tense. Recently, it had been discovered that their species hailed from Asxlas, a moon of Eño, where most of the environment was swampland—a fact that only added to the complexity of integrating them into our world.

I turned my attention to them, sensing the unease in their stance. “Please, tell us more about your situation in your world, and what you need here. Start with your daily life and what you know about your arrival.”

Greju stepped forward, speaking in a deep, deliberate tone. “Permission to speak to the elders of this world. My name is Greju, son of Radjilla, Leader by honor in battle of the Claws of Saju tribe. We seek to be assimilated into the ranks of the Great Leonidas, Chieftain of the Demi-humans. If allowed, I have a request on behalf of my people.”

Leonidas nodded solemnly. “The request is granted, Greju. You may speak.”

Greju took a breath, his eyes scanning the room as if measuring the weight of his words. “Our world, Asxlas, is harsh. Swamps cover most of the land, and resources are scarce. We have lived for generations under the shadow of beings who come from the sky, whom we know as invaders. They claim our lands and deem us primitive. We are not without our own knowledge, but our technology is crude compared to theirs. We came here not by choice but by a rift, a disruption. We are drifters in a world not our own.”

Ahmeja, standing beside him, added softly, “Our people are resilient, but we have never encountered beings like you who are willing to offer us a place among them. We do not understand magic, only what we build with our hands. But we are willing to learn, to adapt.”

Leonidas listened, nodding thoughtfully. “You are welcome to join our ranks, but understand that it will not be easy. Integration requires effort from both sides. Your skills, your knowledge, will be valued, but you must also respect the ways of our society.”

Greju bowed his head respectfully. “We will do what is necessary. Our people have endured much, and we only seek a chance to prove ourselves.”

The mood in the command hall was tense but hopeful as Greju continued to explain the needs and origins of his people, the Thal’sharr. “We need food, clean water, and medicine,” he said with a heavy tone. “But we also offer our knowledge in herbs and how to establish a village. On Asxlas, there are several races of lizardmen, as you call us, though we refer to ourselves as Thal’sharr. We can breed, but it’s not allowed unless it forms an alliance between tribes. Otherwise, it brings conflict and division.”

Nerisse, the reptilian demi-human, nodded in understanding. “So your people also face challenges with this.”

Greju looked at her with a mixture of admiration and regret. “Nerisse, you are strong and beautiful. It is a shame we cannot form an alliance through marriage. I once had six wives, but only one survived the raid on what you call a nest. Resources like this,” he gestured toward the monitors and more equipment of the room, “are rare in our home. We have plenty of plants, clean water, and food. We live in harmony with our environment, respecting the will of the Great Spirit.”

Frenia, curious, asked, “So you have a deity watching over you as well?”

Greju nodded solemnly. “The Great Will protects the Thal’sharr. But we have suffered invasions from beings who come from the sky. They are not like you—none of you share their appearance. They have tentacle-like hair, fangs that extend beyond their mouths, and they are cruel. They hunt our best warriors for sport. If we refuse to participate, they threaten to wipe out our tribes with their advanced weapons, like the ones you use.”

Aido leaned forward, intrigued. “What would you say is the closest appearance they resemble in our world?”

Greju thought for a moment before answering, “Mutated beasts. The bipedal ones with deformed human features.”

Frenia, recalling the beasts they had fought, clarified, “You mean the Rank 2 humanoid beasts, the ones that look like twisted versions of animals or people?”

Greju nodded. “Exactly. They have four fingers instead of five, fire weapons, and ships that fly in the sky made of metal. Our world lacks metal, so we struggle to defend ourselves. If we can deplete their resources and win against their hunters, they leave us alone, granting peace to our tribes temporarily.”

Sasari frowned, his expression one of disgust. “Those sound like monsters to me.”

Lasui crossed her arms, shaking her head. “Or worse, demons who exploit others for their own gain.”

Ryhard, who was attentively listening, didn’t dismiss any of the Thal’sharr’s claims. He was clearly a seasoned leader, carefully considering every piece of information. It made sense that he was chosen to represent his people, even though they came from different species.

Destroyer, analyzing the details, chimed in. “From what we’ve heard, it seems their world is resource-poor but rich in life. The invaders likely see it as a playground rather than a place to establish any sort of equality.”

Alidia followed up, addressing Greju and Ahmeja. “And magic? Do your people have any understanding of it?”

Ahmeja, stepping forward, spoke softly but confidently. “I am a Zhori’kal, a spiritual guide in training. We understand magic as the acts of the Great Will, but none of our stories tell of wielding it ourselves. My role involves knowledge of herbs, treatments for injuries, and sharing the traditions of our people. Mana, as you call it, is unfamiliar to us. We have songs and chants to lift spirits, but no magic like yours.”

Arthur listened carefully, noting the parallels between their cultures. “It sounds like your ancestors may have shared similarities with ours, but with reptilian roots instead of mammalian.”

Destroyer added, “It’s intriguing to wonder how your civilization might have evolved with more resources available.”

Arthur nodded, summarizing the numbers. “In total, your people amount to about 538 individuals. Combined with Ryhard’s group, our allied count is roughly 1,341.”

Alidia sighed, her concern evident. “It’s not a large number, especially considering most aren’t combat-ready. While many lizardmen are warriors, their strength isn’t far beyond that of a civilian. Ryhard’s group has a handful of members capable of facing a Rank C hunter, with only a few strong enough to handle Rank S threats.”

Frenia, ever optimistic, smiled. “It’s okay. As long as they’re not enemies, any ally is welcome, right Mary?”

Mary nodded, her voice filled with warmth. “I agree. It’s wonderful to meet good people outside our walls. I’ve always dreamed of finding more allies instead of constantly battling those beasts. Even the beast Frenia brought back seems… oddly cute.”

Frenia laughed, nodding. “Right? He just stares blankly, tongue hanging out. Isn’t he adorable?”

Arthur, caught off guard, raised an eyebrow. “Wait, that wolf is actually a mutated beast?”

Frenia grinned sheepishly. “Yeah, he’s from Ryhard’s nest. I couldn’t leave him behind after we locked eyes. He’s harmless.”

Destroyer interjected with a factual tone. “It came from the last production batch. It should survive about a year unless we find a way to sustain it. It’s fortunate this discussion came up but is something to discuss after Greju request.”

Arthur sighed, turning the conversation back to the matter at hand. “Regarding the settlement of Greju’s tribe, I believe we are all in agreement. They may establish themselves with the demi-humans, but weapons and certain tools will be restricted for now. They are our guests, but we must also ensure the safety and mutual trust of our community.”

Everyone in the room nodded in agreement, including Greju and Ahmeja, who seemed to understand the need for caution.

Mary stepped forward, addressing the room. “Now, regarding compatibility, I’ve conducted several tests. I can confirm that the Thal’sharr and Ryhard’s group are not genetically compatible with our demi-humans. Their genetic structures are distinct, and natural procreation between our species is impossible without significant assistance. This also applies to the dragons; their differences are not just in size but also in fundamental biology. Even those who resemble our demi-humans, like the feline species, are essentially true animals with advanced features, whereas demi-humans are fundamentally human with animal traits.”

Alidia nodded thoughtfully, her hands clasped before her as she addressed the room. “This is valuable information. It means that while we can coexist, there will be limits to our integration. But this also presents an opportunity for our societies to grow stronger through cooperation rather than through blending.”

Ryhard, who had been listening intently, spoke up. “We don’t see this as a barrier. We’ve always valued our unique traits. Coexisting with you all is more than enough. Our main concern is maintaining the resources we need to survive, particularly the primordial soup.”

Mary continued, “Regarding the dragons we have in captivity—they differ greatly from those in Ryhard’s group. They lack complex thought and behave more like animals. I’ve confirmed that their mental capacities do not allow for abstract thinking, unlike Ryhard’s people, who demonstrate clear cognitive abilities and reasoning.”

Ryhard nodded. “That’s correct. Our dragons are intelligent, able to think and reason. But if these dragons you speak of are more like beasts, then they pose a different kind of challenge.”

Arthur leaned forward, his expression serious. “This was something I wanted to discuss in a more private setting, but since the topic has come up, we should address it, continue with the discoveries of Aido and Destroyer. Destroyer’s findings in the nest confirm a significant point: demi-humans are fundamentally human.”

Destroyer’s voice, calm and precise, echoed in the room. “The genetic data supports this conclusion. The Dome City of Maryland records indicate that humans desired to become demi-humans during their time, though the exact era is uncertain—likely pre-Celestial Judgement. However, our demi-humans are far more advanced genetically and physically, suggesting a significant event or intervention that separated them from humans, but also explain the compatibility in inbreed even with complex characteristic, a Demi human avian can inbreed with a Feline, a bear,canine, and human like, the baby would have a characteristic but not a blend, if a Feline and a Avian breed, the infant would either be a Avian or a Feline features demi human, because the characteristic seem to be secondary, that also explain hairless cubs, which it seem to be on purpose too, they looks more human like, but the characteristic are not a blend, but a remain feature.”

Rina: “So, I am a a mix or a third state?”

Destroyer: “A Third, you can give birth to a Demi human with fur, feathers or any type, even possible a total human, it is complex, but it depends of the parnert and yourself.”

Arthur nodded and then looked directly at me. “There are gaps in the historical records, but they suggest a loss of trust between humans and demi-humans. And Destroyer, remember when we found that record? You asked about the divergence.”

I was taken aback by the sudden focus on me, but I listened closely to what Arthur and Destroyer were saying. The room fell silent; everyone was on edge, their ears practically pointed up to catch every word of this revelation.

Destroyer continued, “It appears that humans were genetically downgraded. Those with the most advanced genetics are what we now call Nobles. Even they show signs of tampering. According to the nest data, the average lifespan was once at least 420 years.”

A collective gasp filled the room. Everyone exchanged shocked looks, struggling to wrap their heads around what this meant.

“What? Are you serious?” Frenia exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief. “We thought 40 years was a lot! So humans were meant to live up to 420 years? It makes me wonder how long a dragon or an elf can live.”

Cirdan nodded thoughtfully. “Elves, in optimal conditions, can live beyond 800 years. And as for dragons, their lifespans are often measured in millennia.”

Greju chimed in, revealing a surprising detail about his own people. “I am considered young among my people at 29 years old.”

Mary smiled warmly at him. “You do look young, comparable to a 25-year-old human, so you people usually reach ages beyond 60 years old. Regardless, we’re glad to have you here.”

Jessica: “For us, the people should reach at least that age, but beasts continuous attacks make it the lifespan of 30 years old, until now.”

Arthur regarded Mary with a smile. "

Mary has witnessed at least 54 generations of kings," he remarked.

Mary playfully nudged Arthur. "Oh, come on Arthur, you're making me sound ancient."

Frenia chuckled and reclined in her seat. "You were awake even before me, sister. I've only been around for half of that."

Arthur shook his head. "No, Frenia, you were around before the first Titan Beast fell. There weren't even kings back then."

Frenia looked surprised. "Really? Wow." She tried to calculate her age but seemed unable to remember.

Leonidas, scratching his mane, commented, "I only know of three kings, can't even recall their names. Mary, you must be quite old."

Mary crossed her arms, grinning. "I assure you, I am still young."

Rina joked, "Share your secrets of eternal youth with us, Mary!"

Ninaies added, "I doubt any of us can do what she does."

Destroyer took the floor again, his tone shifting to a more analytical one. “Ehem lets continue in the topic, in our society, Nobles should ideally live up to 800 years, but the nest data suggests that someone tampered with their genetics. If my own memory serves, we once had the technology to extend lifespans even further. This is why the primordial soup is invaluable—it’s the key material to enhance humanity and demi-humans alike, perhaps even for our new guests.”

Greju’s eyes gleamed with determination. “I agree. We must grow stronger, not to become oppressors like the invaders, but to protect our people and ensure our survival.”

Pondering the possibilities, I couldn’t help but ask, “Do you mean to elevate yourselves to the level of a Retter Messiah?”

Destroyer responded calmly, “That’s beyond reach even through extraordinary means. However, improving the quality of life for everyone is within our grasp. As for becoming a Retter Messiah, that’s impossible. Retter Messiahs are born, not made. My origins and functions are unique, evolving with my user, Aido. I am more advanced than other Aural Quantum Nanotechnology armors, because he is my user it is the only part I can recall at the moment. People can get close to the capabilities of a Retter Messiah, but all past attempts have failed fatally. Records indicate that the transformation process in the Dome City had a success rate of 80%, but it was brutal—many died from the pain alone. The result seem to be close to what we witness, even powerful by their numbers and power, Demi humans as Leonidas are far superior.”

Arthur raised his hand, signaling a moment of reflection. “I would prefer if this information remained within this room for now. The last thing we need is public hysteria over unrealistic expectations.”

Ryhard nodded solemnly. “I concur. This sounds reminiscent of the Night of Chaotic Mana in our history.”

Cirdan elaborated, “That night, a group of fanatics attempted to create a god resembling Cemina, resulting in a chaotic being that threatened our world. It was called the Evil God, though it was no deity. A thousand heroes were needed to slay it—a dark chapter in our history.”

My eyes widened. “Seriously?”

Luyira, ever confident, grinned. “No worries, if something like that shows up, I’ll smash it to oblivion!”

Lasui, intrigued but cautious, asked, “Chaotic gods, huh? We don’t have anything like that, do we?”

Arthur sighed deeply. “Perhaps we do, or perhaps we don’t. Let’s just hope your statement holds true, Luyira.”

The discussion progressed smoothly, with everyone showing a genuine willingness to understand and accommodate each other’s needs. The demi-humans were eager to expand their society by incorporating the lizardmen, and Ryhard’s group was keen to learn more about our technology while offering their magical insights.

As we wrapped up, a sense of accomplishment settled over the room. For the first time in a while, there was a feeling that perhaps, just perhaps, we were building something sustainable in this world.

Ryhard turned to me as the meeting concluded, his expression a mix of gratitude and determination. “Thank you, Aido. Your support has been invaluable. I hope this is the beginning of a long and prosperous alliance.”

I nodded, feeling the weight of his words. “We’re all in this together. This world has thrown us all into chaos, but if we stand united, I believe we can carve out a place for all of us.”

The meeting in the command hall continued after a recess. Today, we weren’t conquering any nests, but the scouts had been working tirelessly to find anomalies and assess the current situation of the nests—wondering if others had been taken over or altered. The atmosphere was charged with the importance of the discussions at hand, and Arthur’s children, Lasui and Sasari, took their seats beside him, prepared to address the assembly.

Both of them had witnessed Luyira’s incredible display of power—power that defied the natural laws of the world they knew. Luyira had once brought down a beast as large as a mountain, reducing a horde of over 20,000 mutant creatures, each the size of a man, to nothing more than specks in a matter of minutes. Her actions had not only saved an entire city but also rescued 20,000 of the 30,000 soldiers who came to battle. She had healed countless wounds, regrown limbs, and breathed life into a community that had lost so much.

For Lasui and Sasari, the sight of such divinity in action was awe-inspiring. It went beyond the healing arts of Saint Mary, the Retter Messiah known for her miracles. Luyira’s power seemed boundless and immediate, her abilities surpassing anything they had ever imagined. While Mary’s reputation as the "Saint" was rooted in millennia of legendary acts, Luyira's sudden, overwhelming display of strength left an indelible mark on the hearts of those she saved.

Among those deeply moved by her actions was Michi, a demi-human whose past in the arid zones had been marred by loss and suffering. He had lost countless loved ones to starvation and the brutal attacks of mutant beasts. For the first time in his life, his desperate prayers had been answered—not just by anyone, but by a being who wielded true divine power. From that moment on, Michi became a fervent believer in Luyira, his devotion so strong that he couldn’t tolerate any doubt or criticism against her, especially from other demi-humans who had only seen her destructive side. Unlike Michi, they hadn’t experienced her saving grace firsthand.

Arthur addressed the room, his voice carrying the weight of his authority and experience. "I know those present here have their own beliefs and traditions, and we are not going to impose anything on anyone. We value freedom of religion."

Leonidas nodded. "Demi-humans don’t usually believe in anything—we’ve been too busy surviving to consider such things. Still, I myself share the feeling of a greater will."

Greju, the lizardman leader, added, "We are loyal to the Great Will, but respect your beliefs. And I can speak for all my people."

Ryhard spoke next, his tone respectful yet firm. "We know that Cemina is not the only god out there, but she is our mother and protector. We share the feeling of the others: respect, but loyalty remains with her."

Arthur continued, “In the empire, we believe in the One God, who has sent his Savior to protect the just and punish the wicked. Our teachings are not strict commands; they are more like guidelines—suggestions rather than laws. The Church of Teachings is the main and largest, where Saint Mary usually resides in the capital. She has been there for millennia now, participating with the nobles and royalty. To me, she’s like family. She started as an aunt, then a sister, and now she feels more like a niece, even though she still looks like a young woman.”

Mary chuckled, waving her hand dismissively. “Are you calling me old, Arthur? You treat me like I’m still a teenager, like Sasari and Lasui.”

A few in the room nodded in agreement, even Frenia, who grinned mischievously.

“Even you, Frenia?” Mary asked with mock indignation.

Frenia laughed. “Hey, I’m in the same boat with you this time. But yeah, you’re more like our spoiled child.”

Arthur smiled warmly. “But since the battle with the Armadantoise, many soldiers, and even a lot of our citizens, have started seeing Luyira as a goddess, perhaps even more than the traditional beliefs. She is present with us, actively protecting and healing—saving thousands of lives. Soldiers started calling her the Crimson Goddess, and now she’s known as the Crimson Goddess, Savior of the Just, and Punisher of the Wicked. In part, it’s due to my own children’s influence.”

Lasui and Sasari looked slightly embarrassed but also proud. Their admiration for Luyira was clear, and the sentiment was echoed by many in the room.

Luyira, who had been silent throughout, clung to me, clearly uncomfortable with all the attention. “For complicated things, that’s why you all and Destroyer are here. I just want to focus on Aido,” she murmured, her grip on my arm tightening.

Ryhard and the other representatives listened respectfully, their expressions reflecting a mix of intrigue and contemplation. Even the lizardmen pair, Ahmeja and Greju, seemed to grasp the gravity of the discussions, although their understanding of divinity differed greatly. For them, beings from the sky were invaders, not protectors, and it was clear they viewed all of this through a lens shaped by their own struggles for survival.

As the meeting continued, it became evident that our worldviews were diverse, yet there was a growing sense of unity—a shared goal of coexistence and mutual respect, despite the vast differences that defined our histories and beliefs

Luyira, however, remained indifferent to her newfound status. She clung to me as she often did, her attention fixated solely on me. The idea of being worshiped, of having followers who looked to her for guidance, made her uncomfortable. To Luyira, every moment spent as an idol to the masses was a moment stolen from her time with me. The adulation of others was more of a burden than a blessing.

Arthur, Alidia, and Mary, on the other hand, saw an opportunity to inspire hope in their people. They believed that by acknowledging Luyira’s actions in a measured way, they could lift the spirits of the city’s residents without falling into the traps of fanaticism.

Alidia voiced her thoughts cautiously, “We need to be careful with how we proceed. We can’t let this devolve into blind worship. Luyira’s powers are a gift, but we need to channel that belief into something constructive.”

Mary nodded, her serene demeanor ever-present. “Luyira’s actions have shown us what’s possible, but it’s important to remember that with great power comes great responsibility. We must guide our people wisely, not let them become consumed by reverence.”

Luyira, clearly irritated by the direction of the conversation, tightened her grip on my arm. “For complicated stuff like this, there’s Destroyer, and you guys. I just want to be with Aido. I didn’t do any of it for the worship.”

Ryhard and the others, including a pair of lizardmen standing at the edge of the room, listened quietly. The lizardmen were still trying to grasp the concept of divine beings; their understanding of the world was deeply rooted in technology rather than magic. To them, beings who descended from the skies were invaders, not saviors. As far as they were concerned, this was yet another example of a powerful entity making a claim on lands that didn’t belong to them, similar to the invaders they had known on Asxlas, their swampy home moon of Eño.

Ryhard glanced between the demi-humans, the representatives of Arthur’s kingdom, and the other mythical beings present. His gaze lingered on Luyira, whose presence had initially sparked this entire conversation about divinity and leadership. He could see the tension in her body language, the way she clung to me as if to make a silent statement: her loyalty lay not with the masses, but with me alone.

“Whether she’s a goddess or not,” Ryhard said, breaking the silence, “what matters is what she chooses to do with that power. In my world, we have seen countless beings with great strength, but it is the intention behind that strength that defines them.”

Arthur nodded in agreement. “Exactly. Our priority is to build trust and a sense of security. The people look to us—and to you all now—to protect them and give them hope. If Luyira’s power can be a part of that, then we must guide it carefully.”

Greju, standing tall with his scaled skin glistening under the dim light of the command hall, shifted uncomfortably. “We don’t understand what magic is, but we know technology. Those who came from the skies—those we called invaders—had advanced technology, far beyond ours. We see similarities here, but we know you are not the same. You don’t claim our lands or call us primitive.”

Luyira’s ears twitched as she listened, her grip on me loosening just slightly. She looked at the lizardman and then back at me, her gaze softening. “I don’t need people praying to me,” she said quietly, more to herself than to anyone else. “I just want us all to be safe. That’s all.”

Alidia placed a gentle hand on Luyira’s shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. “We know, Luyira. And that’s why we’ll handle this carefully. You don’t have to take on this burden alone. We’re all here to make sure this doesn’t get out of hand.”

Michi, who had been listening intently, spoke up, his voice earnest. “I just want to thank you, Luyira. You answered my prayers when no one else did. That’s why I believe in you. Not because of your power, but because you cared enough to save us. We just want people to feel the same—the safety of being in your care and protection, to understand you are special and to be cherished. We know you are only one, but that one has done more than the supposed omnipresent beings that are always silent.”

Luyira glanced at Michi, her expression softening even further. She nodded, a small, appreciative smile forming on her lips. “Thank you, Michi. But remember, it’s not just me. It’s all of us working together.”

As the meeting continued, a consensus was reached: a team of builders equipped with mechas and androids would be dispatched to both Ryhard's group and the lizardmen, now known as the Thal’sharr, to assist in establishing proper refuges around their respective nests. The Thal’sharr, in a show of solidarity and gratitude, agreed to protect the area around their nest alongside Ryhard’s group. Their combined efforts would ensure that the territory remained secure while they adjusted to their new environment.

Cirdan, the high elf, decided to remain in Star City to immerse himself in the local culture and technology. He was particularly interested in learning how to teach his communication spell—a skill that could bridge many gaps between the different groups. In a reciprocal gesture, Ryhard agreed to send some of his elves to accompany Greju’s people and others to the city to assist Cirdan, fostering a deeper exchange of knowledge and culture.

The decision was made to postpone further nest conquests for a few days to establish stable communication and coordination with the newly allied groups. Scouts would continue their surveillance, ensuring that no threats emerged unnoticed. Fortunately, some of Ryhard’s dragons had agreed to assist in these operations, protecting the demi-humans like Georgina the hawk harpy. Their formidable presence would be a powerful deterrent against any potential threats, as taking down a dragon was no easy feat.

However, when Rina and Nina eagerly inquired about magic that could grant them the ability to fly, their excitement was quickly dampened. Ryhard’s group, despite their vast knowledge of magic, had no spells capable of flight. This news left the two girls visibly disappointed.

Once the formalities and strategic discussions were wrapped up, the atmosphere lightened considerably. The group decided it was time for some well-deserved relaxation and fun. Aido, surrounded by Luyira, Mary, Rina, Ninaies, and the rest of the girls, found himself swept up in their playful energy. The rest of the team, including Sakura, Carlos, Francisco, Lizzie, Arthur, Jessica, Lasui, Marceline, Sasari, and Javier, joined in as well.

Destroyer, keep on a vigilant guardian behavior, subtly monitored the group, ensuring everyone’s safety while allowing Aido to enjoy this brief respite. The challenges and threats of their world were never far away, but for now, they could all take a collective breath and indulge in a moment of camaraderie.

Laughter and light-hearted banter filled the air as they set up a small area for games and entertainment. Sakura clung to Luyira, vying for her attention while Carlos rolled his eyes with a knowing smile. Rina, with her usual exuberance, pulled Ninaies into a dance, twirling her around to the beat of an old tune that Javier played on a salvaged instrument.

Lasui and Sasari sing with their heart fill with joy and hope, occasionally exchanging amused glances at their father Arthur, who was being playfully pestered by Jessica and Marceline. Meanwhile, Mary and Alidia took turns teasing Aido, who simply grinned and took it all in stride, the weight of leadership momentarily lifted from his shoulders.

In the background, the mechas and androids continued their work, their mechanical movements a stark contrast to the lively, organic joy of the group. For a brief time, amidst the machinery and looming responsibilities, they were just people—sharing stories, making memories, and finding solace in the bonds they had forged.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the encampment, it was clear that despite the trials ahead, they were not just allies in war but a family—united by more than just a common cause, but by the connections they had built along the way.

As Ryhard made his way back to the newly assigned settlement, a few of the centaurs under his command approached him with concerned expressions. Their steps, usually sure and steady, were hesitant as they moved through this unfamiliar world. One of them, a younger warrior, finally spoke up.

"Captain, we don’t have many of our kind left. Is it true... we are drifters now?" His voice held a note of unease, as if speaking the truth would make it all the more real.

Ryhard paused, looking at the centaurs around him. The weight of their situation was heavy, and the question wasn’t one he could answer lightly. He sighed, then nodded. "It seems so. We’re guests now... on a planet called Earth. It resembles our world, but there are differences. My body feels the same weight here; my strength hasn’t diminished. But the mana—the magic we rely on—it's inexistent in this place. We are inferior here, in ways that I didn’t expect."

The centaurs exchanged uneasy glances before one of the older ones, his voice gruff but measured, asked, "How are we inferior, Captain?"

Ryhard’s eyes darkened as he recalled the beings he had encountered. "The ones they call hunters—especially the ones escorting us back—they’re known as Rank C hunters. They are considered... common here. And yet, even I would struggle against one of them. They do not have many at this rank, which is a small mercy. But in that meeting, I saw beings far beyond my grasp. Demi-humans with the strength to bring down elder dragons—not alone, but in numbers. The weakest among them are stronger than one of our own, even if they look similar to us."

A ripple of discomfort passed through the group. One of the centaurs, voice low, asked, "What is our plan, Captain?"

Ryhard turned to face them fully, his tone resolute. "We must learn. We must adapt. The people here may look humanoid, but they are far more than they appear. We need to understand this world, its rules, its people. We are refugees—strangers in this land—but we are alive. Survival comes first. We’ll watch, we’ll listen, and we’ll ensure we understand the threats we face." He paused, his voice growing quieter, almost reflective. "Then there’s the matter of the one they call the Retter Messiah. I cannot measure their power... but from what I’ve heard, they’re stronger than elder dragons, stronger than any epic being we’ve ever encountered."

This caused a stir among the centaurs. The young warrior from before, brows furrowed in confusion, asked, "They’re like the gods of Cemina?"

Ryhard shook his head. "No. They don’t call themselves gods. Not like Cemina, no. But their presence is... overwhelming. Especially the one called Mary. Her power radiates from her in a way that is unmistakable. But in the meeting, I heard them say another was the strongest—one called Luyira. She clings to a boy they call the Savior, and I could tell from a glance that I could take him in combat. He’s just a boy. But the power surrounding him... that is where the danger lies."

"Savior? Like a summoned hero?" one centaur asked, his voice cautious.

"Yes," Ryhard said slowly. "But there was no summoning. These beings didn’t come from our world, and it seems their title is well-earned. His true power seems to come from a living armor called Destroyer." Ryhard’s face grew grim as he continued. "Destroyer’s voice... it was wise and commanding. Aido, the boy they call Savior, seemed central to everything. Everyone paid attention to him. And this is what worries me most—this concept of ‘Celestial Judgment.’ A skill that can judge someone’s evil and... execute them. Aido can wield it. And if what I’ve gathered is true, not even someone like Luyira can escape his control."

Shock rippled through the group, and one centaur, voice barely a whisper, asked, "What does that mean for us, Captain? For our survival?"

Ryhard’s face hardened. "It means we tread carefully. We learn how to appease Aido—or avoid him if necessary. Luyira, the strongest among them, seems bound to him out of love or obsession. She clings to him, but I think it’s more than just affection. If even she cannot break free from him, we have no chance of resisting. We need to ensure that neither he nor the beings around him ever turn their ire on us."

Another centaur, visibly shaken, spoke up. "Are the beasts in this place a threat to us?"

Ryhard took a deep breath. "According to Destroyer, the beasts won’t be a problem in our immediate area, but they’re dangerous nonetheless. That’s why the golems are coming with us—to build defenses, a wall to protect us. We have to be ready for anything."

As they continued on, another warrior spoke up, breaking the silence. "In the worst case, we’ll grow our home here. But we’re not many, Captain. If we’re to bring children into this world... there’s a risk of inbreeding."

Ryhard nodded, his thoughts heavy. "It’s a real concern. But I overheard something... Saint Mary is said to have lifted a curse on Leonidas, and they plan to have a child soon. She can remove curses. It gives me hope that our future children won’t be burdened by such things. Still, I agree, I’d prefer that only those unrelated by blood produce offspring to avoid complications."

Another centaur, older and wiser, nodded thoughtfully. "At least in our generation, it won’t be a problem. Only the dragons are truly blood-related, and the rest of us are from different origins."

"That’s true," Ryhard said with some relief. "It’s one less worry, for now. But we must stay vigilant. We’re close to our new home."

As they neared their destination, the landscape shifted. Their new home—a former nest of mutated beasts—came into view. Mythical beings who already inhabited the area greeted them, and the air buzzed with curiosity. Some among the new arrivals asked about Ryhard, others were curious about the centaurs’ ways. Slowly, conversations began to flow, as they exchanged stories of their cultures, each side learning about the other’s history and ways of life.

For now, they were guests in this strange world, but Ryhard knew they had to prepare for the long haul. Survival here would be a delicate balance of strength, diplomacy, and adaptability. And as the Centaurs settled into their new home, Ryhard couldn’t shake the sense that the hardest battles were yet to come.

In the dim chamber, shadows danced across the faces of the assembled figures. Their expressions, though obscured by the flickering light, were twisted in contemplation, each one pondering their next move in the grand game they had set in motion.

"They came from another planet within the same realm, mhm," one mused, leaning forward, tapping their fingers together rhythmically.

Another figure, draped in dark robes, nodded. "It seems they are summoned, as they’ve mentioned. I’d wager it’s the doing of those in Alpha Centauri. They have the knowledge, but not the power. Something must’ve happened to force their hand."

A dry chuckle echoed through the room. "Well, at least we can use the races that lean toward chaos to forge bonds with our ‘hero.’ If they prove disobedient or become a nuisance, we can always wipe them out."

The air hummed with agreement, as another figure spoke with a sly smile curling on their lips. "I suppose it’s time to prepare for the intervention of our four heavenly demons."

"But," a voice interrupted, low and knowing, "you said she’d run to his side the moment she sees him."

A pause, followed by a slow, satisfied grin. "That’s the plan, but not now. Let him conquer the continent first. Once he’s tasted victory, give him a surprise. Have her appear as an enemy—someone who does terrible things, wreaks havoc, but secretly desires to be by his side. Watch how he reacts to that."

The room buzzed with amusement, another laugh cutting through the air. "That will be fun. And in the process, we can make him kill more evil beings."

"It’s like cultivating a fragile monster, isn’t it?" a voice said with an almost gleeful malice. "Ohh, I want to play with the monster."

The speaker was met with a cautionary tone. "Be careful. Those who think they control power often drown in it, believing the power is their own. They end up consumed, swallowed whole by the very thing they sought to master."

A dark figure leaned forward, voice heavy with curiosity. "I’m certain the girl in the hero’s party is already walking that path. She clings to him, infatuated."

"Heh, let's see how that unfolds. What if the hero desires a harem? Would she burn with jealousy?"

Another figure laughed, more sinister than before. "She’s already jealous. But it seems she’s willing to tolerate it, doesn’t she? He’s egotistical in that way—he can lay with several women, but none of them are allowed other lovers. And they accept it."

"It’s not surprising," a voice mused with cold wisdom. "A great man often has that effect. Kings hide behind the excuse of producing heirs, but they only create conflict, not love. The boy, though, is different. He loves sincerely, but also demands submission. It’s pure, in a way—selfish and possessive—but the women in his life seem to crave it." A pause, then an amused chuckle. "Perhaps we could be like that too."

"No," came the sharp reply. "I don’t want to cling to love. Nor do I seek heirs. They’d try to take what’s ours rather than help us."

The one who had spoken of kings and heirs chuckled darkly. "Hahaha, I’ve had many heirs. That’s why they call me the Lord of Flies. The secret is simple—never create an equal, and all will be well."

The tension in the room shifted, the air growing heavier with unspoken plans and darker thoughts. "Well then," one said, their tone final, "let’s call the four and deal with these visitors from the chaotic races. Leave alone those who are neutral or like the boy’s group. We must keep him ignorant for now. Let him believe the world is simple—good and evil, white and black."

There was a nod of agreement around the chamber.

"He’s naive," another added, their tone thoughtful. "Simple-minded, selfish, yes, but he cares about his party. He’s like a child. Let him be for now. Let him grow. His heart is good, and he is kind to the weak. That’s why we can shape him. Mold him to our side."

The room fell into silence as they each considered the implications of their plan. A hero, unaware of the forces shaping his destiny, driven by love, ambition, and a fragile sense of justice. And surrounding him, powers far older and darker than he could comprehend, waiting to pull the strings when the time was right.

"Time," one whispered. "It is only question of time."

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