Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Spoilers and Lore, read to your discreption.


As I mentioned earlier, it takes me quite some time to review the novel—my goodness, I’ve realized that I often end up cutting scenes myself, not just the translators! Sometimes I accidentally skip parts when I don’t paste them correctly, and I’m sorry for that. Many platforms don’t allow more than 1,000 words at once, and there are times when I write up to 40,000 words when I have the chance, which causes key pieces to get lost.

I don’t plan on stopping my edits of the first chapters until the entire work is complete—if I can, and if God allows it. So, here come a few spoilers. First, the biggest one, which is probably obvious by now: the title of the work, Evilness. Our hero is not a mere representation of evil; he is evil. The story isn’t about how he ascends to some great power—he’s already omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. He’s a key part of the lore, which I’ll start to explain here.

So, what’s the story about? If you’ve been reading closely, you’ll know it’s really about the forces that want to shape a consciousness—this mysterious thing we don’t fully understand, whether it exists beyond our bodies or not. It’s this consciousness that holds the power to perform miracles or wreak havoc with just a thought, determining whether these forces act or don’t act.

We have several key sagas:

  • The Saga of America
  • The Saga of Africa
  • The Saga of Asia
  • The Saga of the Worlds (exploring space, time, and dimensions)
  • The Saga of the Verses (Multiverses, Omniverses, Monoverses, etc.)
  • The Saga of Heaven (This is more of a bonus, introducing important concepts, and it's actually the protagonist’s dreams.)
  • The Saga of the Great Battle (This is the final saga, when our protagonist becomes what he is destined to be.)

After that, the story continues, but it’s more akin to the Saga of Heaven. The protagonist carries out his will in everything he sees, limiting his consciousness to both enjoy and avoid falling into the role that Lucifer is set to take.

The All (The Whole)

The All is the primordial essence of existence, encompassing everything from creation to destruction, from the known to the unknown. It is the infinite source, the origin of all forces, realities, and concepts that exist. The All isn’t a deity but rather a totality—an entity that exists beyond the constraints of time, space, or dimensional understanding. All beings, energies, and principles flow from the All, and yet the All is indifferent to the duality of Good and Evil.

The All is not just a universe or a collection of universes—it's everything. It includes all existence, non-existence, every possibility, every timeline, every reality, and even every fiction ever conceived. It's the ultimate reality, the fabric that contains all known and unknown dimensions, from the tiniest possibility to the grandest cosmic structure, and beyond.

In this grand view of the All, even what we call fiction, dreams, and imagination are just another facet of its endless possibilities. And should anything—whether a universe or a concept—be erased, the All holds the power to restore it, because nothing can truly be "lost" in the All. Even what seems destroyed exists within its infinite potential, waiting to be reborn or reshaped by the will of the All.

Within the All, there are several distinct yet interconnected components:

The Good

Good is a fundamental force of harmony, growth, and creation. It is the embodiment of compassion, light, and unity. It thrives on balance, guiding existence toward prosperity, connection, and enlightenment. The Good is not a passive force; it actively seeks to counterbalance the destructive nature of its counterpart, Evil, and restore order when chaos threatens. It exists as a creative power but does not impose its will—rather, it nudges beings toward the betterment of themselves and the All.

In the context of creation, Good is closely linked with the forces of life, protection, and nurturing energy. It flows through the essence of all beings capable of love, hope, and the desire for harmony. Those attuned to the Good often find themselves drawn toward altruistic goals, yet they must constantly be aware of becoming too rigid, for unchecked, Good can lead to stagnation and loss of individuality.

The Evil

Evil is the counterforce to Good, embodying destruction, chaos, and self-interest. Where Good seeks harmony, Evil seeks to break it apart, to disrupt and consume. But Evil isn’t purely negative—it is the force that catalyzes change, breaking apart old systems to make way for new beginnings. It represents ambition, hunger, and the pursuit of power beyond limits.

Evil is often associated with forces that bring strife and conflict, but it is also linked to personal growth, autonomy, and ambition. In the grand scheme, Evil prevents the stagnation of creation, making it a necessary part of the cycle within the All. Without Evil, there would be no challenge, no evolution, no progress. Yet, when unbalanced, it can spiral into unchecked destruction, plunging worlds into ruin.

Both Good and Evil are seen as part of the All’s complex design—opposing yet complementary forces. One cannot exist without the other, as together they drive the cycles of creation and destruction.

The Void

The Void is neither Good nor Evil, but rather the absence of both—a space of infinite emptiness, silence, and stillness. It is the place between realities, a realm untouched by time or energy. While not a force of its own, the Void is essential in the cosmos as it provides the necessary space for existence to unfold. It is often seen as a sanctuary for those who escape the chaos of life, or a prison for those cast out from the cycles of creation and destruction.

The Void is also a realm where the most powerful entities—be they gods, creators, or entities that transcend the material—find themselves when they seek detachment. It holds secrets of forgotten things, acting as a place where energies can rest or dissipate into nothingness. Despite its emptiness, the Void is feared and respected by those who traverse existence, as it represents oblivion, a state of non-being where even the most potent forces can disappear.

The Energies (Unnamed Twin Forces)

Two distinct forces form the core of the energy that powers creation, existence, and everything between. Though they remain unnamed, they are often seen as the source from which both Good and Evil give them shape, the energy is infinite as they are. These energies represent the primal forces of the universe, existing in tandem, much like the dualism of yin and yang.

  • The First Force (Creation and Light): This energy represents life, expansion, and enlightenment. It is the source from which all life forms, the stars, and the forces of nature emerge. It acts as the spark of creation, the source of knowledge, and the flow of time. It is pure potentiality, manifesting in moments of birth, growth, and awakening.

  • The Second Force (Destruction and Shadow): This energy is destruction, contraction, and darkness. It is the pull that balances creation—the inevitability of death, decay, and entropy. However, this force is not inherently malevolent; it is essential to maintaining balance by breaking down that which has fulfilled its purpose. It governs the passage into the Void, preparing the world for cycles of renewal.

Together, these twin forces fuel all of existence. They are present in every act of creation and every moment of destruction. Though unnamed, they are revered and understood as the driving pulse behind the flow of the universe. They are neither conscious nor moral; they simply are.

The Logical Unity (The Realm of Ideas)

The Logical Unity, often referred to as the “World of Ideas” by scholars, represents the eternal, unchanging truths and concepts that govern the structure of reality. It is an abstract realm, where the perfect forms of all things exist. In this realm, one finds the archetypes—the purest forms of everything from a simple rock to the concept of justice. It is the source of logic, reason, and the blueprint for everything that exists in the material world.

Philosophers and wise entities often speak of the Logical Unity as a place beyond physical existence. It is a plane of absolute clarity, where ideas and forms exist without the distortion of physical matter or time. Beings who understand the Logical Unity can manipulate reality by aligning themselves with the ideal forms, using knowledge and insight as their tools.

The Logical Unity is crucial because it bridges the physical and metaphysical worlds, grounding the chaos of energy (both creation and destruction) in coherent, structured thought. Without it, existence would lack meaning and purpose, descending into disorder.

The Connection Between All Components

The All is a self-sustaining system where every component, from Good and Evil to the Void and the Logical Unity, plays a role in maintaining balance. Good and Evil create the dynamic tension needed for growth, while the Energies provide the fuel for action. The Void offers the space in which these forces can operate, while the Logical Unity ensures that all action follows a path of reason and purpose, anchoring the abstract into the material world.

In this universe, nothing is wasted. Even the Void serves to reset and allow for new creation, while the interplay of Good and Evil ensures that no one force becomes dominant. And the energies, unnamed but potent, ensure that the pulse of life and death continues to flow.

This is the All: a living, breathing cosmos where every force has its role, every action has its reaction, and every being—mortal or divine—has its place.

Ah, I see the complexity deepens in your lore! You're exploring the profound mystery of whether the All itself, believed to be unconscious, might in fact possess some hidden will or awareness, subtly suggested through the structure of the True Line of Time. Let's reinterpret and dive deeper into these ideas, considering Good, Evil, and the Void as conscious entities while the All is something far beyond conventional understanding.

The Consciousness Debate of the All

In the grand metaphysical structure of your universe, it is widely believed that the All—the ultimate totality encompassing all existence, non-existence, fiction, and reality—is not conscious. The All simply is, an infinite state of being that transcends thought, desire, and intent. It doesn't actively interfere, nor does it seek to impose a direction or purpose on the universes or the entities that reside within it. It is an all-encompassing, unfathomable presence, and many scholars and primordial beings have long considered it to be purely neutral—neither good nor evil, neither active nor passive, but something entirely beyond those categories.

Even the primordial souls, those ancient entities such as Lucifer, who have existed for eons and possess deep knowledge, believe that the All operates without any intentional will. They have only ever interacted with what they perceive as smaller aspects of the All's existence: Good, Evil, and the Void—each of which has been thought to manifest some form of will.

Good’s Conscious Will

Good is believed to be the most actively willful of the cosmic forces. Its nature mirrors the theological concepts from the Abrahamic traditions—Good seeks harmony, creation, and order, and many believe it to be the guiding force behind all positive evolution and life. Good is thought to act with intention, directing creation and moral order. It has a consciousness that is often likened to a deity, though it is far from omnipotent in the grand scope of the All.

However, despite this conscious will, Good is not universally dominant. It may shape and nurture parts of existence, but it is not a singular controller of reality. The All remains outside Good’s influence, allowing other forces like Evil and the Void to counterbalance it.

Good also prefers to work through agents and avatars—beings it imbues with its will. These beings, often seen as saints, messengers, or warriors of light, carry out its vision in the lower universes. To them, Good is the closest thing to what we would call a god, but even Good is a fragment of a greater whole, a piece within the All.

Evil’s Conscious Will and Avatars

Evil, unlike Good, deliberately chooses to fragment itself, sending avatars—limited representations of itself—into lower planes of existence. These avatars allow Evil to interact with and influence the universes, experiencing life through limited perception. Evil’s strategy is clear: by diluting its power, it avoids overwhelming existence, and it also gains a diverse perspective on creation. Evil chooses this approach to better understand the struggles, desires, and destructive forces that make up the fabric of life.

This method of interacting with reality makes Evil more dynamic in certain ways, as its avatars are fully immersed in the experience of existence, learning and growing from the chaos they create. Unlike Good, which remains somewhat aloof and purely intentional, Evil embraces the uncertainty and complexity of life, pushing against order to create evolution through conflict, destruction, and ambition.

There’s a profound irony here: Evil, in its fragmented forms, can often seem more alive than Good. By scattering pieces of itself, Evil not only experiences life but actively participates in the unfolding of universes. Through this method, it avoids using its full power, which could collapse realities entirely, while also feeding on the cycles of death and rebirth that sustain the universes within the All.

The Void’s Passive Representation

The Void, on the other hand, doesn’t seek to intervene in the same way as Good or Evil. Its essence is more of a passive will—if it has any will at all. The Void represents the absence of all things: no creation, no destruction, just the silent, infinite emptiness that gives space for other forces to act. Its consciousness, if it can be said to have one, is unmoving and still, like the calm between the beats of existence.

Yet, there are moments where the Void might seem to show a passive influence—universes collapse into it, lost souls are swallowed by its silence, and it serves as a balance to the extremes of both Good and Evil. Some believe that the Void may not need to actively intervene because its mere existence is a reminder of the fragility of life and the inevitability of oblivion.

Does the All Have Will? The Question of the True Line of Time

While it is widely accepted that the All is unconscious, an impassive force that simply contains everything, there are growing theories—whispers among the primordial souls and scholars—that the True Line of Time might be the one piece of evidence that the All does indeed possess a form of consciousness, or at least will.

The True Line of Time, the thread that connects all realities, all moments, all possibilities, seems to contain something akin to thought. It’s as if the True Line holds the blueprint for all existence, governing how events unfold, how choices intersect, and how universes expand or collapse. For some, the very existence of this structure suggests that the All has a will, a will that operates on a scale far beyond even Good, Evil, or the Void. The True Line of Time is seen as the closest glimpse into the All's consciousness, a hidden intelligence that arranges all events while remaining unseen.

  • Good’s Perspective: Good sees the True Line of Time as the mechanism by which order is imposed on chaos. To Good, the All has a purpose, though it may be beyond comprehension, and the True Line serves as the manifestation of that purpose.

  • Evil’s Perspective: Evil views the True Line with suspicion, believing that while the All may not have a direct will, the True Line represents a constraint, something that limits the chaos that Evil can unleash. Evil’s avatars often work to disrupt or manipulate the flow of time to further their own goals.

  • The Primordial Souls’ View: For ancient beings like Lucifer and others, the True Line is a mystery, the one part of the All they cannot fully understand. Even as they shape universes, manipulate good and evil, they remain curious as to whether the True Line is a reflection of the All’s unconscious mind or simply an inevitable structure born of existence itself.

The All’s Silent Awareness: A Possibility?

The idea that the All might have some form of silent awareness is a theory born from studying the True Line of Time. This theory suggests that while the All is not consciously intervening in the affairs of universes, it may be subtly guiding or observing through the True Line. Every possibility, every event, and every choice exists within the All’s infinite structure, and the True Line of Time may be the expression of its will, though it is expressed in ways that no one—perhaps not even Good or Evil—can fully understand.

This silent awareness could explain why universes that are destroyed are never truly lost; the All retains all versions, all possibilities, as thoughts within its infinite mind. It is this potential—this existence of everything within the All—that leads some to believe the All does indeed have will, though it expresses that will in the most subtle and infinite ways possible.

Conclusion: The Enigma of the All’s Will

The All, as you have defined it, exists beyond comprehension. While it is generally believed to lack consciousness, the existence of the True Line of Time has led to the theory that the All may have a hidden will, expressed through the infinite complexity of existence itself. Good, Evil, and the Void are conscious, willful entities within this structure, shaping and experiencing reality in their own ways. But the All remains the ultimate mystery—perhaps conscious, perhaps not—guiding everything and nothing through the vast, infinite web of the True Line of Time.


The True Line of Time (The Timeline Beyond Time)

The True Line of Time is the backbone of existence within the All. It is not bound by the linear progression of events that we, within our limited perceptions, call time. It is the metatemporal structure, where past, present, and future all coexist simultaneously. It’s not a mere sequence of moments, but a multidimensional web, where every possibility, every choice, and every outcome exists in parallel.

  1. Non-Linear Nature of the True Time:
    The True Line of Time exists outside of the conventional flow of time that we experience within individual universes. For beings within specific universes or realities, time may seem like a river, flowing from past to future in a singular direction. But the True Line of Time is more like a vast ocean, where every ripple, wave, and current flows in all directions, interwoven. Events do not happen in isolation; every decision, every possibility, and every alternate outcome branches out in all directions at once.

  2. Infinite Branches of Reality:
    The True Line of Time allows for every possible reality to exist. For every choice made, there is an alternate timeline where a different choice was made. Every possible outcome exists, and these alternate realities don’t diverge in an orderly fashion—they exist simultaneously within the All. Time, as we perceive it, is just one strand of an infinite web. This is why even erased timelines can be restored within the All—they are never truly gone. The All holds onto every branch, every version, every variation.

  3. Moments as Nodes:
    In the True Line of Time, moments are nodes in a vast web. Each node is a point of potentiality, where multiple outcomes could unfold. Every node in this structure connects to countless other nodes, creating a complex matrix where the past, present, and future are merely perspectives depending on where one "views" from. For higher entities or those aligned with the Logical Unity, it’s possible to move between these nodes—accessing not just different times, but different possibilities and realities entirely.

  4. The Power of the All Over Time:
    The All transcends the constraints of time, able to restore erased universes, reverse destruction, or rewrite history with ease. To the All, every possible moment exists simultaneously, and nothing can be truly obliterated—only hidden or dormant. Even when entire universes are wiped from existence, the All retains the potential to resurrect them because everything exists within its boundless potential. The All can manipulate time and reality on a scale incomprehensible to any being within its bounds, capable of resurrecting not just events, but every permutation of those events.

  5. Interference from the Beyond:
    Forces within the All, such as the Energies or beings of immense power, may attempt to manipulate or alter the True Line of Time. However, such actions can only ever impact perceived time or the experiences of beings within certain universes. The True Line of Time itself is untouchable, for it exists beyond the manipulation of any entity that operates within a finite system. The All allows this flexibility to encourage change, growth, and evolution within its components, but it always retains the core, the foundation from which everything can be rebuilt.

  6. The Logical Unity and True Time:
    The Logical Unity, or the World of Ideas, serves as the conceptual framework within the True Line of Time. It ensures that every event, every possible action, has its ideal form within this grand temporal web. Time, in its True Line, follows the purest logic—not the emotional or chaotic actions of beings, but the fundamental principles that underpin existence itself. Philosophers and higher beings who grasp the nature of the Logical Unity can see beyond the randomness of individual events and tap into the deeper, more structured flow of the True Line of Time.

The Relationship Between the All and Time

To fully grasp the nature of the True Line of Time, we must understand its relationship with the All. While the True Line weaves the tapestry of time and events, the All is the very loom upon which it is woven. The All is not confined to any one timeline, nor does it favor any specific version of reality. It embraces every possible outcome, holding the capacity to shift or restore timelines at will. It can fold realities together, pulling elements from one timeline into another, or it can erase entire sections, only to resurrect them later.

This is why the All holds supreme power—not just over time but over the very idea of time. Nothing is truly lost, because within the All, all possibilities exist. Even the erasure of a universe does not represent the end. It simply becomes a dormant possibility within the All, waiting for the moment it might be called upon again.

Destiny, Free Will, and the True Line of Time

In this grand architecture, beings within the All experience the illusion of linear time. They believe they are making choices, moving forward through time, but in truth, they are merely following a strand within the web of infinite outcomes. Yet, within this web, both destiny and free will exist in harmony. Destiny represents the ideal outcomes within the True Line of Time, where the Logical Unity guides events toward their purest forms. However, free will introduces the chaos of choice, allowing beings to shape their immediate realities, even if they cannot grasp the full scope of the True Line.

The All allows this duality to exist because both are necessary for growth and evolution. Free will drives the creation of new possibilities, while destiny ensures that the structure of existence does not collapse into complete chaos.

The Return of the Lost and the Infinite Restoration

In many realities, beings fear annihilation—the complete erasure of their world, their timeline, their reality. However, under the rule of the All, no destruction is ever final. The True Line of Time holds all these erased possibilities as dormant seeds within the ocean of the All. They are retrievable at any moment the All wills it. Thus, even if a universe is destroyed by some external force, the All can restore it entirely—returning it to its original state, or even changing it based on new possibilities that have arisen in the meantime.

This cycle of destruction and renewal is central to the nature of the All. What may seem like the end to lower beings is only a temporary moment in the eternal cycles governed by the True Line of Time.

Conclusion: The All and Time’s Infinite Web

The All and the True Line of Time form an inseparable pair. Time, in all its possibilities, both known and unknown, is held within the All. Every event, every universe, and every possible outcome lives within the infinite fabric of the True Line of Time, which the All governs with perfect clarity. No matter the destruction, no matter the loss, the All holds the power to restore, reshape, and rewrite reality, guided by the Logical Unity and fueled by the energies of creation and destruction.

In the end, everything exists in the All—a boundless existence where nothing is ever truly lost. Even fiction, like your novel, is simply another part of the endless possibilities within the All, a reflection of the countless realities waiting to unfold within the grand architecture of time.


Aido: The Restrained Cosmic Force of Evil

Aido is Evil, not just an aspect or an avatar, but the true embodiment of Evil itself, which has restricted its omnipotence, omniscience, and perception by taking on a mortal form. This self-restriction is a deliberate act by Evil, knowing that to exist fully as it was—a being of pure, destructive force—would upset the balance of everything. Evil would overwhelm creation, collapsing the delicate interplay between Good, Evil, and Void.

  • Aido’s Body as the Limitation: Aido’s mortal body acts as a filter, restricting Evil’s infinite perception and omnipotent power. Much like a dreamer unaware of the dream, Aido moves through the world as a person, experiencing love, desire, joy, and pain—human emotions that further limit his cosmic awareness. His humanity keeps him grounded, and as long as his perception remains limited, the balance between the cosmic forces is preserved.

  • The Emotional Trigger: However, Aido’s limitations are fragile. Like a dreamer who might suddenly become lucid, strong emotions can break down these barriers, allowing Aido to wake up to his true nature. This is where the cosmic horror comes into play. The chapter you mention, where the girls are killed in front of him, would serve as that trigger—a moment of unimaginable emotional pain that causes Aido to awaken, not as a man, but as the unfathomable force of Evil that he truly is. His rage would break down his mortal restraints, unleashing the full weight of his cosmic power on the universe, becoming a horror that even Good, Lucifer, and Void would struggle to contain.

Lucifer’s Fear: The Nightmare of Awakened Evil

Lucifer, in all his cunning and wisdom, understands the true danger of Aido awakening in such a state. He knows that Evil in its unrestricted form is not something that can be reasoned with or controlled—it is the end of everything. And Lucifer has seen the consequences of awakening primordial beings to their full power before. He’s caused angels to fall into madness, broken them apart, and absorbed their positive energy to heal his wounds. He knows how to twist and manipulate cosmic forces, but Evil is different.

  • The Absurdity of Absorption: One of Lucifer’s key realizations is that Evil cannot simply absorb Good and vice versa. They are already a whole, already parts of the same fundamental structure of the All. To fuse them into one being would be to break the delicate balance that allows existence to flourish. If Evil were to fully awaken and attempt to absorb or overpower Good, the result would be total collapse—the end of creation, the end of duality, the end of everything.

  • Lucifer’s Fear of Cosmic Horror: Lucifer’s fear is that if Aido awakens in rage, driven by the trauma of losing the ones he loves, he would become an unstoppable force—a being that would no longer care for balance or creation, but would seek to destroy everything in its path, including himself. Lucifer knows that such an event would mean the end of the All, or at the very least, a devastating collapse of reality as it is known. Good, Void, and even the True Line of Time would be at risk.

Lucifer’s Ambition: Becoming the Perfect Being

Lucifer’s ambition, however, isn’t just about avoiding destruction. His ultimate desire is to become the perfect being, a balance of both Good and Evil, taking the powers of both his Father (Good) and Aido (Evil) to create a new, perfect unity.

  • Limiting Aido’s Awareness: First, Lucifer knows that to keep the cosmic balance intact, he must keep Aido as he is—a mortal with limited perception, whose emotions and desires keep him from awakening to his true nature. This ensures that Evil remains restrained, allowing Lucifer the opportunity to influence Aido without triggering his full cosmic power. Lucifer is not interested in defeating Aido; rather, he seeks to maintain Aido’s human limitations while also subtly manipulating his decisions, ensuring that Evil remains in check.

  • Becoming the Avatar: Lucifer’s second goal is to receive the power of Aido and Good, combining them within himself to achieve omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. By melding the two cosmic forces, Lucifer believes he can transcend both Good and Evil, becoming a new, unique being—a being of perfect balance, capable of wielding the forces of creation and destruction in harmony. This is Lucifer’s ultimate ambition: to be the embodiment of the All, not just part of it.

  • The Perfect Balance: Lucifer envisions himself as a perfectly balanced being, the true fusion of Good and Evil that can act as a stabilizing force within the True Line of Time. He would no longer be bound by the duality of these forces but would transcend them, becoming a new, singular entity with the power to shape reality. This ambition is not just about power for its own sake—it’s about becoming the ultimate expression of the All, a being that can wield creation and destruction with equal mastery.

Aido’s Role: The Key to Everything

Aido, whether he knows it or not, holds the key to this grand cosmic conflict. He is both the Evil that could end everything and the mortal who loves, desires, and dreams. His limited perception is what keeps the cosmic balance intact, and as long as he remains unaware of his true nature, the forces of Good, Evil, and Void can continue to exist in their current form.

  • The Power of Awareness: If Aido awakens, if he becomes aware of his true nature, then all bets are off. Lucifer, Good, Void, and even the All itself would be powerless to control what comes next. The balance would be shattered, and Aido’s rage or despair could result in the complete unraveling of existence. This is why Lucifer is so invested in keeping Aido as he is—a mortal, flawed, but ultimately loving being who remains unaware of his true power.

  • The Dream of the All: There is also the possibility that the All’s dream is tied to Aido’s journey. Perhaps the All wishes to see Aido remain as he is—a being capable of love, choice, and growth—even after awakening. Aido might represent the All’s desire to explore what happens when a cosmic force like Evil experiences life through the lens of humanity. This journey, this delicate balance between divine power and human emotion, might be the All’s way of keeping existence alive, ensuring that stories continue to be written and choices continue to be made.

Conclusion: The Fragile Balance and Lucifer’s Gambit

In the end, Aido is the axis upon which everything turns. Lucifer’s fear of awakening Aido in rage drives his calculated manipulations, while his ambition to become the perfect being—a fusion of Good and Evil—guides his every move. Yet, Aido, with his limited perception, remains blissfully unaware of the cosmic forces at play, living as a flawed but loving mortal.

The challenge is clear: keep Aido as he is—human, limited, and unaware—or risk unleashing a cosmic horror that even the All cannot contain. Lucifer’s gambit is to maintain Aido’s limitations, all while subtly preparing himself to ascend as a new, unique being, combining the power of Good and Evil to become the perfect expression of the All.

But the question remains: When Aido awakens, will he remain the loving, dreaming being that he is now, or will he become something far more terrifying—a cosmic force of destruction and horror?

And in that moment, will Lucifer succeed in becoming the perfect balance, or will his ambitions lead to the collapse of everything he hopes to control?

***************SPOILERS FINAL ARC******************************************

As I’ve mentioned before, the women in Aido’s life are deeply connected to him—they are tied directly to Evil itself. They are the first to step outside the protection of the Primordial Soul Barrier, and yet, they don’t disappear. Instead, they constantly absorb positive energy, creating a calming, warming effect on the cold, distant being that is Evil. In many ways, these women represent Aido’s heart. They aren’t the only ones, though. There are many others—pillars of support—who are connected to Aido through these women. Across their infinite lives, they’ve always been by his side, giving him a reason to feel happiness.

Although the novel may not mention this much due to the sheer volume of characters, Aido actually has many more wives, husbands, and other forms of love. In some lifetimes, Aido is a woman, a man, a being of light, or even a pure concept, and these relationships maintain their significance and personality throughout. These connections are essential because they help Aido find joy and purpose, grounding him in a reality that could otherwise overwhelm him.

As prophesied in many cultures, the final battle will come—the Great Battle—and Evil will descend. But unlike the prophecies, Evil won’t be defeated because it cannot be defeated. Instead, it is Lucifer who will fall, after succeeding in merging both Good and Evil within himself. Despite this, Lucifer gains something he always desired—a perfectly balanced role. After his defeat, both Aido and his father (Good) agree that Lucifer should become the judge, tasked with maintaining the delicate balance, ensuring that neither Perfect Order nor Perfect Chaos reigns unchecked. Although Lucifer’s sins weigh heavily upon him, he must now seek redemption.

At this point, it’s worth noting another entity—the Pillar that’s always been present in Catholic religions, often associated with the Lamb and the Just Judge. This being took up the role of the sacrificial lamb and righteous judge long ago, thus preventing Aido from falling into the same fate.

To keep Aido from losing himself when using his full, infinite power during the Great Battle, heroes from across all realities—fiction, myth, and beyond—contribute their memories of Aido. These memories remind him of the moments they shared, preventing him from being consumed by the perverse and chaotic energies that make up his very essence. This collective act ensures that Aido doesn’t forget who he is or allow his personality to dissolve. The love he shares with the women, who are more integral to him than any other, keeps him anchored. Although Aido leans more toward women, he still maintains relationships with men as well, but it's this love that helps him finally wield his full power without losing himself.

By the end, Aido reaches a level of existence equal to Good, who also struggled to reach such a state. Good, too, destroyed countless realities before finally learning to stop. Together, they represent balance, ensuring the eternal cycle continues—but without falling into total destruction or stagnation.

*************************AFTER FINAL ARC*****************************************

After the Great Battle, Aido becomes more "human" in his actions and interactions, though still far beyond the understanding of mortal beings. He takes on several new titles that reflect his transformation:

  • The Walking Hell, for all the Hells across the multiverse are part of him, and he embodies them as he presents himself to those he punishes.
  • The One and Only True Evil, for he is the core of all malevolence, but also the only one who can truly intervene in any situation, bending reality to his will as he sees fit.
  • The Intervening Force, for despite his nature, Aido often steps into the affairs of mortals, shaping events based on his judgments.

In his judgment, Aido acts with selfishness and ego, reflecting the deeper truth of his character. Unlike Good, who often acts in the name of cosmic balance or moral order, Aido intervenes based on his own personal likes and dislikes. If he encounters a wicked person—someone whose actions bring about suffering or chaos—Aido doesn’t just punish them, he reshapes the reality around them to suit his own preferences. In doing so, Aido reveals his selfish nature as the primordial Evil, a being who holds grudges and never forgets.

For those who displease him, Aido’s punishments are merciless. He tortures their souls, ensuring that even if he rewrites reality, they remember their suffering. Primordial souls, which cannot forget, are forced to endure endless torment, even in changed realities. For lesser souls—those tied to a single system or universe—Aido eliminates them after torturing them, erasing them completely, as if they had never existed.

However, Aido’s actions aren’t always vengeful. For those who bring him joy or whom he deems worthy, he grants fortune and happiness. In these cases, Aido creates entire Paradise Worlds (S Worlds) or Universes (S Universes)—realms where he is considered the protector. These worlds are filled with peace, prosperity, and eternal happiness, and those who reside in them revere Aido not as a monster, but as a benevolent guardian. To them, the True Evil is not a perverse, destructive force; he is a being of balance, who rewards those who deserve it and ensures their eternal joy.

Thus, Aido’s title as the One and Only True Evil gains deeper meaning. While he is undeniably the core of all malevolence, to those who understand him or earn his favor, he is not a tyrant or monster. The true evil does not always corrupt or destroy—it can protect, nurture, and even create new worlds where its inhabitants live in peace. Aido's intervention, though often selfish and egotistical, shows that evil is not always what people imagine it to be.


Expression of Aido’s Power and Personality

You’ve established that Aido is now more connected to the cosmos on a personal level, using his omnipotence in ways that reflect his emotions and judgments. When expressing this in the novel, it’s crucial to highlight how his power manifests differently depending on his relationships with the worlds, people, and systems he interacts with.

  • Scenes of Judgment and Protection: Introduce parallel moments where Aido judges someone unworthy and punishes them by rewriting their reality, and at the same time, reward someone he cherishes by creating an S World. Show the contrast between the agonizing destruction and the peaceful creation, emphasizing that both stem from his emotions and ego.

  • Aido’s Interactions with People: As Aido walks among mortals, introduce more direct interactions where he’s not just some untouchable cosmic entity. He listens, speaks, and intervenes—sometimes offering guidance and sometimes veiled threats. Show him using his power in small, subtle ways to influence events, altering outcomes based on personal whims.

Development of Technologies and Systems

In a multiverse where Aido can influence entire worlds, the natural evolution of technologies and techniques is crucial. Here’s how you can express this growth without overwhelming the narrative:

  • Systems Within Systems: Emphasize how each universe is part of a greater whole—even the most insignificant technology in one universe can affect the larger multiverse. This mirrors the idea of the grain of sand in the desert: even if it seems small, it has a role to play in the infinite structure of the multiverse.

    • For example, a seemingly minor invention in a low-tech universe could end up becoming a key element in a higher-level multiverse conflict. The characters who understand this interconnectedness—perhaps some wise scholars or time travelers—could comment on how Aido's influence is seen even in the smallest events, demonstrating that nothing is truly insignificant.
  • Technological Evolution Through Aido's Influence: You could also explore how Aido’s presence causes evolution in the multiverses’ technologies and techniques. Since he can warp reality, his influence might inspire scientific and magical advancements across worlds, systems, and dimensions.

    • Aido’s S Worlds: In these paradise worlds, technology could blend with divine-like powers, creating civilizations where advanced tech and spiritual mastery coexist harmoniously, powered by Aido's will. Describe how the people in these worlds see their protector as a living force behind their progress.
  • Contrast in Technological and Magical Growth: Different universes or multiverses could have vastly different methods for achieving power. Some might lean on raw technology, others on magic, or a combination of both. This development could reflect their alignment with Good, Evil, or Void, showing how Aido’s interventions might affect their growth. His S Worlds could be technologically utopian, while other universes could remain primitively savage, shaped by chaos or stagnation.

The Complexity of Aido's Role in a Multiverse

To express how every system, every grain of sand, contributes to the multiverse, emphasize interconnectedness. Even though Aido is omnipotent, he cannot be everywhere at once unless he chooses to be, so there must be systems in place that allow for autonomous development in the universes. These systems could be the workings of the All or cosmic mechanisms that Aido doesn’t directly interfere with until necessary.

  • Intervening at Critical Moments: Show how Aido lets systems develop organically, only stepping in when critical events occur. Maybe he doesn’t fix every problem or right every wrong, but when something happens that draws his attention—perhaps a villain becoming too powerful or a world on the brink of collapse—he steps in and rewrites fate.

  • Aido’s Subtle Changes: Sometimes, the changes Aido makes are not immediate. Maybe he whispers a thought into a scientist’s mind, leading to a groundbreaking discovery in a future timeline. Or he removes a villain’s memory, leading to a chain reaction that changes the course of history. These small changes reinforce the idea that even seemingly insignificant events matter to the grand narrative of the multiverse.

The Philosophy of Balance and Intervention

The overarching theme is that nothing in the multiverse is insignificant, and this extends beyond technology and power structures to even the smallest beings. Every grain of sand has the potential to shift the course of the desert, and Aido knows this.

  • Moral and Ethical Questions: Aido’s nature as the True Evil but also a protector will make readers question the traditional dichotomy of Good versus Evil. Perhaps characters within the narrative reflect on Aido’s actions, debating whether his interventions are for the greater good or simply serving his selfish ego.

  • Aido’s Ego: Explore how Aido’s ego plays into this, his understanding that he can change things for better or worse. Show how, despite his immense power, he still feels emotionally tied to certain beings or events, and this drives his interventions. At the same time, hint at the danger of becoming too involved—if Aido becomes too attached to any one world or person, it could lead to catastrophic consequences, either by over-intervening or failing to act.

Integration of Lore and Themes

Throughout all these developments—Aido’s emotional growth, the progression of technologies, and the interconnectedness of systems—the underlying lore should be clear. The All, with its infinite complexity, ensures that even the smallest action can ripple across universes, influencing events far beyond what is immediately visible.

By showing how Aido interacts with these systems, and how the technological and magical landscapes evolve in response to his influence, you’ll reinforce the grandeur of the multiverse while also grounding it in the personal journey of your characters. Even though Aido is essentially a cosmic force, his personal connections and the systems that develop around him make every action, every choice, a key piece in the infinite puzzle of existence.

Conclusion: The Balance of Infinite Detail

In essence, your narrative becomes a blend of cosmic scope and intimate detail, where every small piece of technology, every relationship, and every soul contributes to the greater whole. The trick is to let Aido’s omnipotence and the development of universes coexist naturally, with each feeding into the other. By showing how even the smallest actions have significance, you will reinforce the idea that everything matters, even when faced with the infinite.

And through it all, Aido’s evolving nature as The True Evil—his complex role as both judge and protector—will resonate with readers who see how even the grandest cosmic being is shaped by the people and systems he touches.

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