Evolution From the Willow Tree

Chapter 368 - ; Bet 1

One hundred and thirty-two sea monsters at the level of the leader and giant.

The wisp of will that held the ancient dragon whale manifested.

In the face of the high voices of the ancient dragon whales, one hundred and thirty-two sea beasts of the level of the leader of the giants, hesitated and lingered for a moment, and then launched the offensive one after another.

The creatures standing at the level of great supernatural powers can overwhelm the rivers and the seas and carry the mountains and the moon.

These one hundred and thirty-two lords and giant-level marine fierce beasts, the waves that were set off overnight, and the storms they created, made the world deep in the river devastated and full of holes.

Even if it is a great supernatural power of the top sequence, falling into this wave, the ashes will be wiped out in an instant, with no bones left.

The will of the ancient dragon whale was furious, swinging in disillusionment, the mighty dragon of the dragon, shaped like a sacred mountain across the starry sky of the universe, forcibly smashed the world-destroying storm that swept in front of it, with mighty demon power.

Dong dong dong

The imperial palace, standing in the void in the dark, shook slightly and turned dark and bright.

More than a hundred beasts of the lords and giant level sea creatures, fighting for the projection of the will of the ancient dragon whales, the storm that this caused, although swallowing the sky and the earth, is unstoppable, but it definitely cannot damage the imperial palace hall.

What Liu Tzuyu has to do is to use his mana to bless the imperial palace, so as to prevent the imperial palace hall from falling into the distance after being swept by the storm.

The purple-haired woman is extremely intelligent, and she also carries the vast mana, and is blessed by the half-step great supernatural powers outside the imperial palace hall.


The sound of the ancient dragon whale sounded like a dragon chant, or like a whale crowing. It has extremely strong penetrating power and spreads out. The treacherous roars of the 132 beasts of marine species that were requested were all eclipsed and shattered. .

In the raging anger, the Primordial Dragon Whale opened its mouth and swallowed a lively beast of a sea creature.

But at the same time, a fierce marine beast resembling a python dragon also used a pitch-black sharp claw to tear a huge gap in the body of the ancient dragon whale.

The Primordial Dragon Whale that appeared in the depths of the river was not the body, but just a phantom that evolved after the will within the Primordial Dragon Whale Demon Pill was revived.

Therefore, there was no blood splashing in the body that had been torn apart.

But this still angered the will of the ancient dragon whale. These beasts were swallowed into the stomach by it, and lingered in his body, like the ant-like marine beasts, did they dare to unite and resist it?


The harsh roar of the falling stars, the sun and the moon, echoed in the depths of the river.

The angry ancient dragon whale rushed and crushed two sea beasts of the leader and giant level.

The rest of the sea beasts saw this scene. They were not afraid. Instead, they were not afraid of death, and they attacked and killed the ancient dragon whale with their claws and teeth.

Several hours passed.

The river world on this side was beaten to pieces and undercurrents surged.

One hundred and thirty-two sea monsters at the level of the leader of the giants fell more than sixty.

The volitional body of the ancient dragon whale is like a beacon to light up the starry sky and disperse evil spirits, causing the beasts of the sea creatures of the leader and giant level to fall and die one after another.


On the steps of the imperial palace, Liu Ziyu said oilily: “Develop at this level, and when these sea beasts are gone, the will of the ancient dragon whale will not be shattered into the sky.”

The purple-haired woman said deeply: “The energy source of the will of the ancient dragon whale is the great demon pill. As long as the demon pill of the great great pill is never broken or exhausted, the body of the will of the ancient dragon whale will not Will disappear.”

“It’s impossible to expect the remaining fierce marine beasts to threaten the Great Ancient Dragon Whale’s Dao Yaodan, but these dozens of fierce marine beasts can still contain the will of the ancient dragon whale for a while.”

Liu Ziyu was eager to try, and his eyes were staring: “How about it! Do you want to take a gamble?”

Looking at the dangerous light flashing in the young boy’s eyes, the purple-haired woman said: “Are you trying to attack the Great Dao Yaodan of the Primordial Dragon Whale?”

“Not bad.” Liu Ziyu smiled openly: “In the beginning, I was expecting more than a hundred beasts of sea creatures at the level of the leader and giant to threaten the Dao Yao Dan of the ancient dragon whale, but now it’s not working.

Our only chance is to take advantage of the dozens of remaining sea-type fierce beasts to contain the will of the ancient dragon whale, and unexpectedly attack the Dao Yao Dan of the ancient dragon whale!

It is a bit risky to do so, but as long as it can get out of this ancient dragon whale alive, it is worth it! “

The purple-haired woman hesitated for an instant, and said: “Okay! I will do my best to cooperate with you! Just use your scarlet giant axe. This is the main killing weapon. You and I will sacrifice and spur together. It must be there. The Taikoo Dragon Whale’s avenue left a trace outside the demon pill.”

The huge body of the ancient dragon whale, wherever it passes, ten thousand pieces of fragments are flying, the chain of the avenue is shining, and in a few moments, there are dozens of sea beasts with the level of leader giants, and they fell on the ancient dragon whale The anger was crushed.

But when the Taikoo Dragon Whale was unstoppable and full of ambition, two figures, like fish, shuttled between the storm and landed in front of the Great Dragon Whale’s Dao Yao Dan.


The ancient dragon whale howled and turned around.

It’s a pity it’s too late.

Liu Ziyu and the purple-haired woman stood side by side.

The scarlet axe floats out!

The scarlet giant axe, with majestic training, presents a kind of overbearing meaning of opening and closing, all invincibility.

Inside the axe, there are still traces of bright red and dazzling, bright blood that will never fade.


In Liu Ziyu, the whole body cultivation of the two women with purple hair was poured into the scarlet axe without any reservation.

This great killing weapon, the shining sharp changhong, the horse has practiced its brilliance, unprecedented in history, and it has turned against chaos for nine days!

The ancient dragon whale roared, it had already noticed the existence of Liu Ziyu, the purple-haired woman,

Only with more than a hundred lords and giant-level marine fierce beasts, surrounded by its great Dao Demon Pill, it ignored these two humble realms, and it was not worth mentioning the birth of human beings.

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, those two humble and small humans dared to jump out!


The scarlet axe that carries all the power of Liu Ziyu, the purple-haired woman, and the radiant power training, strikes nine days, down town ten places!

The gushing attack can be seen outside the demon pill of the ancient dragon whale~www.mtlnovel.com~, you can see that the great demon pill of the ancient dragon whale is rippling, and the whole body is shaking.

The North Sea, the deep sea in a certain sea area.

The mysterious creature whose body was so big that it was boundless, suddenly its eyes opened and closed, its head raised and howled.

There was a sharp pain in its abdomen.

“It’s done!”

Looking at the looming cracks outside the Demon Pill of Taigulong Whale Avenue.

Although trivial.

But Liu Ziyu knows that this crack can also make the ancient dragon whale feel infinite pain. This is the great demon pill of the ancient dragon whale. It is cultivated as a Tao fruit. Any damage is difficult for the ancient dragon whale. Depicted percussiveness.

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