Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 68: Royal Blue Naval Sword

Harvard decided to go check out the shipwreck for treasure because frankly the Quest seemed impossible! How was he supposed to find a hidden water army without any clues?

'I guess I should be glad there is no time limit,' Harvard walked passed a few Ghost Adventurers that seemed to be looking for treasure underwater. Since Ghost Adventurer's didn't have to worry about gasping for air, or drowning, many did quests from NPCs that roamed in outposts under the sea.

A beautiful female was waiting right by the shipwreck when he arrived. There were roughly 20 ships that had been split apart, but he wasn't surprised a Quest was made out of it!

"Excuse me, do you happen to know anything about the Monsoon Kraken?" Harvard asked the NPC, but she appeared to be mute. She was wearing a white dress with black stockings and a pretty button nose with the pretty blonde hair sort of floating over her head. She looked like a beautiful underwater angel except for the large sword on her back. "I'm assuming since you're an NPC and you're underwater, you might know something!"

[New Quest Received]

[Recover the Royal Blue Sword of the Navy!]

[Reward: 100,000,000 experience]

[Mission Difficulty: B-]

'What's with the huge reward? Isn't the treasure from the shipwreck?' Harvard sighed and shook his head. "Ugh, I'm guessing I shouldn't go over there. Maybe, maybe one of those Ghost Adventurer's knows something.'

Harvard looked over and saw three women digging for treasure in front of a mountain. They appeared to be trying to increase their underwater foraging skill and were digging up various types of algi, and seaweed in order to complete some asinine quest.

However, he immediately figured they probably knew something valuable about the Quest. People who dedicated themselves to any alternative profession normally noticed small sporadic details.

"Excuse me," Harvard smiled, "This is silly, but have you seen a water army?"

"Ugh, of course not," The girl laughed, and shook her head. "Why? Are we in danger you strong warrior. Mmm, you want to give us some Lograms, though, and we can help you find it?"

"Maybe?" Harvard wondered immediately why it seemed the three girls just laid eye on the most handsome specimen in the planet, which didn't exactly make sense since they were underwater. Could they even really see him. "Ugh, but what's with the stares?"

"We-we love men that are willing to risk their lives to level up!"

"Take all three of us! We'll give you a service discount!" The two girls who were best friends with the blonde haired one in the center. They all seemed unbelievably impressed and thrilled that Harvard had approached them, bu what Harvard didn't understand was that he was one of the perhaps 100,000,000 Ghost Adventurers that even bothered to level up through dangerous quests.

The other 1,000,000,000 Ghost Adventurers chose to do Quests that required little to no fighting. The Ocean was a surprisingly popular place right now and many players had gravitated towards here because even if Central Continent got attacked, the ocean would be left alone. Then, once the Monsoon Kraken built his kingdom, they could just go there and get quests from the new dynasty!

But Harvard really inspired them to try and show off their amazing bodies because he was already over level 40! Anela, and her two sisters had a good eye for men that might require their services, and were willing to do just about anything for over 100,000 Lograms each! Even going into Harvard's bed and playing a game with him wasn't off the table! Of course, that was only if Harvard didn't die because of the Water Kraken.

"Hmmm, I got an idea. Hey Everyone down here! I have 100,000,000 Lograms I just got for completing a dungeon! I'll pay each of you 5,000 Lograms for looking for the Water Army! However, you must tell your friends! The person who finds the water army will get 5,000,000 Lograms!"

To many people, 1,000,000 Lograms would be enough to settle down and undoubtedly this immediately caused a major ruckus.

"OMG! I don't know what a water army is, but get the fudge out of my way!"

"My mother died over a dollar!" Another Ghost Adventurer screamed! "I'll kill you all if you get in my way!"

"Screw your mother! Daddy's going to find that water army!" Another ghost adventurer that used to be the best friend of that ghost adventurer darted off. As for the three women, they had already long gone to Harvard's side.

'I hope they don't mind I lied about the Lograms, I'm broke, hahaha!'

Harvard had high level legendary armor, so he figured they'd believe him. However, he didn't expect 10,000 people would start searching. That already was 500,000,000 Lograms.

'I-I have a feeling this will go well.'

[+100 Benevolence]

[+200 Benevolence.]

'Heh, people are even getting happy at the idea of getting paid!' Harvard smiled and decided to go take a tour of the shipwreck now that the entire ocean was buzzing about his new fake quest. If NPCs could give fake quests, he could also give fake quests, right? I mean, it was just word of mouth and everyone just took him seriously.

He smiled and walked into the center of the shipwreck where a few sharkranger monsters were currently wandering about. Underwater it was kind of like on land in that monsters spawned in certain areas. However, unlike on land, these monsters tended to be much smarter and had fins where as humans only had arms. They obviously were faster than nearly ever Ghost Adventurer, so many had a certain pride in that they wouldn't even bother to attack them.

'Annoying, that sharkranger is blocking the entrance to that ship. He looks strong.'


[Level 45]

[Reputation: When he opens his mouth, he can fire 10 arrows at a time]

[System information: Whatever is in the ship is probably pretty spectacular.]

'I guess daddy has to kill you,' Harvard activated Ultimate Stealth, Ultimate Poison Blade, an underwater song that was available, and equipped his slime conqueror's upgraded blades. He forgot he never looked at them, but now wasn't the time to bother with their stats. Most likely, it was only a minor improvement since his last upgrade.

'Hmph, Ultimate Magnificent Throwing Dagger should be enough to take him out,' Harvard skulked over to the Shark Ranger's positon and got behind a rock. The Sharkranger had a really long snout and looked like a walking shark on two legs with a waterproof tunic. Frankly, when Harvard saw the tunic he instantly thought about those three girls, there was something oddly familiar about them.

'I swear I had a client in my last life that looked like one of them.'

Harvard started reminiscing about about the one girl he dated because she felt bad about not being able to pay him for presiding over his case and saving her father from an evil crime lord. Of course, that girl clearly wasn't her, but he remembered how much he liked her. It's a shame her father and her got killed in a shoot out.

'IF she never died, I would've never gotten a new girlfirend, and probably wouldn't be in this new expanded universe, doing cool things like this!'

Harvard tossed his magnificent ultimate throwing dagger forward and expected it to hit the head of the Sharkranger.

A second later, however, the Sharkranger opened its mouth and swallowed the dagger like it was a strange fish. A second later, the Sharkranger's eyes turned purple and it fell over instantly. Harvard was confused. Did it not realize the dagger he threw was poisoned?

[Sharkranger has been killed]

[+100,000 experience]

[Underwater Tunic has dropped (Level 45)!]

'Great,' Harvard looked at the current time. 'I guess Sharkranger's don't do well with poison. So much pride and such a pitiful death,'

Harvard put the tunic in his inventory and then walked inside the wrecked navy ship. It's large hull had been fractured with tons of artillery floating about, but for the most part the only valuable thing he noticed that would be worth anything was the seaweed.

'Really a waste of time coming here. I was expecting a golden army,'

Harvard walked up to the seaweed and moved it before he saw a small golden snake shivering underneath it. It had several scars on its face and looked like it had just gone through world war 3. At the same time, when it saw Harvard it instantly smiled. It felt like it's savior had arrived.

'I'll be nice to this one!' Harvard smiled and took out his evolution cage, and tucked the golden genie inside. 'However, how did it get so hurt? It looks like it had been chased for days!'

Harvard smiled and looked outside the ship only to see that the coast was completely clear. What the hell had been attacking this golden genie snake? Didn't they know it was probably one of the last alive!

"Help! Help!" A voice appeared and broke Harvard from his reverie! We found a level 30 monster guarding this piece of seaweed! Mister High level man! Can you help us!"

The blonde lady from earlier beckoned for Harvard, and he smiled. He just found a golden genie snake, and everything was looking up! "Sure, I'll help you! Take me to where this seaweed is! I'll slay that monster for you pronto! Besides, maybesomething good will happen!

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