Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 71: Some Secrets Should Never Be Unmasked

One hour later,

Harvard had been beaten for 30 minutes straight, and didn't get any stretchier. In fact, he was pretty certain he just got beaten because the man was upset at Hamlord! He finally got his arms unwinded from his body, and looked down at his hands! His fingers seemed so supple! Maybe it did do something!"

"For the next lesson, we will put you around a tree, and then beat you," The Snake Genie pointed at a large tree where three women were currently smiling and waving to him. "We will wrap you around those three women so they can beat you in places I can't reach! They are my daughters, however, feel free to wrap yourself around their bodies until you can't stop stretching! Then, then we'll all kick your ass!"

"I'm only doing this because Kart95 needs me!"

Harvard blushed when he looked at the women. They were nothing like the golden genie, and had silver dresses on their bodies with silver hair and pale skin. Who did he make them with, a silver genie? He snickered, and slowly started to wrap himselves around thier bodies, making sure to say hi to each one.

"Hey, please don't wrap too hard around my bust."

"Sorry, I'm new at this," Harvard instead wrapped his hands around one girls bellybutton and continued until he accidentally felt something soft which turned out to be a hip. A few minutes later, he was all wrapped around the three girls. Everything besides the important parts he could feel. It made him blush. Being stretchy with women had its perks! Unfortunately, he had yet to learn how to stretch anything besides his torso and his hands! Thus, it was the right time to try his legs!

"Hohoho! Girls, shower him with love! He can't escape now!" The golden genie laughed with a happy smile. "This fudging man isn't getting away! The only man besides me that has the power of the genie snakes is in a tree with my three snake like daughters! Doesn't he know anything about snakes! They wrestle by rubbing bodies!"

"What-what's happening!" Harvard felt violated in so many ways. "Please! Someone help me! I don't know what they're doing, but it feels too good! Save me!"


[You have three new children on the way!]

[Your semi-permanent Morph is about to wear off!]

Harvard sighed and found himself finally down from the tree. A large bouldercrab approached him and he was so mad that the two of them made eye contact and it just ran away.

"Hmph, I can only stretch 1000 feet now with my arms and body together! It's still not enough! There has to be something I can do!"

"Excuse me! Mister I just violated!" One of the three sisters blushed and jumped down from the tree. She had black hair that coiled around her body and a cute dress on with a blue bowtie that made her look like a sexy schoolgirl. With her black eyes, she also looked extremely ravishing, but Harvard didn't want to look at her. He really had just been violated by the three girls in numerous ways! He might blush if he looked. She continued, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry about taking advantage of you. However, if you stay tonight for training, I can make you even stretchier! I know a secret even my father doesn't know! However, that's only if your willing to stay?"

"Can I wear a mask?" Harvard sighed and realized he had like one minute left. "Is it okay? I don't want you to see me. I'll look different in a few minutes."

"Sure, Snakelord!" Harvard's fake name he made up. "It will just take a minute!"


Two days later,

95 cities remained in Central Continent, but the Monsoon Kraken's army was making tremendous progress. A large standoff had happened near Village 100.

Candy Kid was fighting his hardest with Great Styles and May Tape while Harvard was busy practicing a skill on a bed with three beautiful girls. When he was finished, he was certain that he could now stretch over 2800 feet! Nothing could stop him from being using golden seal on those damn Krakens!

"You're impressive, Snakelord," The three girls giggled, "However, if we're really done wrestling, would you like to do something else more fun?"

"I got to help destroy the Monsoon Kraken's army," Harvard cleared his throat and wiped some sweat off his head. "I-I will be back though. To visit my children!"

"We knew you'd say that, so we got you a gift," The three girls took out a golden chest and gave it to Harvard. "Open this chest when you are in danger, and you'll be very surprised. We promise. Even if Hamlord appears and tries to kill you, Snakelord, this treasure will stop him!"

"I-I appreciate it," Harvard gulped and looked outside. "Now, girls. If I happened to be Hamlord what would you do?"

"Kill you!"

"Slaughter you!" The girls got angry, but then smiled. "However, we know you're just a nice man. Who's scared to show his face because he's so handsome. Now, get out of here, and do your duty!"

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