Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 76: Exclusively No Longer Enemies

Snow Lilly and Dasota could no longer be called enemies.

They had gone to a carnival together with May Tape and road a few rollercoasters together. Afterwards, they went into a haunted house and got chained together. Yet, it seemed to Snow Lilly that a certain spark had ignited between her and Dasota.

Dasota kept looking into Snow Lilly's eyes, and every once in a while attempted to touch her lips. Yet she could tell that she was conflicted. However, Snow Lilly saw this as a huge opportunity. If she told Dasota she used to be a guy, maybe they could be together!

"So, there is a hotel I'm staying at Dasota, would you like to go there with me? I-I have a present for you."

"I got to go," Dasota smiled and looked into Snow Lilly's eyes. The two girls beautiful orbs seemed to glisten while May Tape walked a little bit behind them. She-she felt a little strange seeing these two women's hand constantly touching against each other. It was almost like they were falling in love. There was no way she couldn't do everything in her power to make it happen!

'If Snow Lilly gets Dasota to fall in love with her, then the Monsoon Kraken will lose its weaker half! On the day of the large battle, in 10 days, we might even be able to have Dasota on our side! I-I know just the thing to do!'

Snow Lilly and Dasota leaned into each other, and both of them smiled before they laughed while their lips almost touched. However, the next moment, an explosion shot into the background! Right at the damn wrong time!

"It's my bouldercrabs. They probably thought I got kidnapped," Dasota kissed Snow Lilly's forehead. "I'll see you two girls later," She then kissed May Tape's forehead. "Thank you-thank you for letting me spend time with you."

"I'll think about you every night! Even if its wet out!" Snow Lilly smiled before Dasota turned and then jumped into the distance. May Tape couldn't believe it! What a lost opportunity! They lost the chance of getting Dasota on their team.

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" May Tape leaned into Snow Lilly's beautiful eyes and examined them. "You-you're trying to make her fall in love with you. Hmmm, on the day of the battle, you're going to have some work to do."

"I-I feel like I saw heaven," Snow Lilly smiled while her mouth twitched. "I-I can't believe she's so confident to just jump in the air with a dress on. Wow, I wonder if I should do that?"

"Please don't," May Tape turned and saw a gigantic boulder crab rushing down the street of Central City. "Now come on! We have to protect the city! Let's go! We can focus on that woman later!"

May Tape nodded her head and then hopped off her foot and then activated Midnight Slash. The next moment, the bouldercrab got cut in half, its body parts raining down on the street, as a snicker came out of her mouth.

"Hmm, Harvard won't be the only one getting stronger. I-I-I'll prove to you all I'm useful to! Every single one of you prepare to watch my rise to greatness!"

"May Tape!" Great Style rushed towards the Candy Shop with his hand in the air, a tear falling down the side of his face. "I have terrible news! Candy Kid has been taken by the Monsoon Kraken, and it's all my damn fault!"


Harvard alighted from the train in Central City with a hop in his step.

Tricky had declined for them to go to a private room, but she had a way with words. Almost everything that the Monsoon Kraken had asked her to build had been described to him. Luckily, when she was feeling good, she let almost any secret out of her lips.

Just from a simple back massage, she told him about the secret dungeon he planned on putting just outside of Central City with dozens of trap doors to suck in Ghost Adventurers. He also heard about the World Boss Summoning Circles he planned on using, and the thousand bamboo spear traps. 

'She really is too innocent to be named Tricky. I don't get it, how can such an innocent women design such terrifying dungeons?'

'I've met a lot of people, but never one this open with what she wants. She-she also seems rich beyond my wildest imagination. I wonder if she's someone's daughter? And if so, what kind of gorgeous man could have made such a beautiful woman?"

"My-my father.. My father was the best Dungeon Designer there ever was," Tricky smiled while the sun caused her hair to glisten. "He-he was known as the Ultimate Dungeon Maker. He designed almost all the S rank Dungeons in Central Continent. Some say, that without him, this planet wouldn't have been chosen by King Yama."

"King Yama… " Tricky continued with tears falling down her eyes. "King Yama chose 1500 worlds to participate in the Universe Extention Pack, but there were originally 15,000. She destroyed 13,500 words and just left this and the others remaining. When I was a child, I looked up and saw all the worlds explode that had been around ours. Of course, my father wasn't there. He was probably with a young woman, showing her how to build a dungeon… And He NEVER came to my birthday parties! He was always with some damn young girl! But that's not the point! This world might get destroyed too if we don't overcome the Monsoon Kraken! I- I heard that Ghost Adventurers are what King Yama will use to determine which worlds get destroyed! However, it's for that reason, that I must make them lose! In order to pay my father back, for all he did to me!"

"Ah, that has to be the weirdest motivation I ever heard," Harvard wiped a trail of sweat off his head. He looked forward and saw a few villagers running to greet him with pitchfork and knives. "Oh yeah, I forgot my infamy is still at 26,000 and my Benevolence is at 5,999. Wait, are they going to attack me? What did I do?"

Harvard watched the angry mob get closer and closer to him while Tricky fell onto her knees and started to weep. She-she just got emotional so fast… What the hell happened? She was fine like 5 seconds ago!

"My father… He-he left a gigantic hole in my heart, and every single day I look for a man or a woman to fill it or some evil plot to accomplish to ruin his acheivements! You two… Do you think it's wrong that I'm trying to ruin my father's footsteps! Is it wrong that I like both men and women? Is it wrong that I just wanted to be told what to do sometimes! Because my father never told me to do anything, not even go to sleep at night and I stayed up late because of him! That damn bastard!"

"It's okay," Harvard laughed before a pitch fork got thrown at him. "Haha, however, Hot Yummy. Why don't you take her to meet whomever she's supposed to meet. I-I have another issue to attend to."

"Oh, right. All NPCs hate you, don't they?" Harvard dodged a three year old tossing a candy cane and a pony trying to kick him in the face while a young girl tossed an apple at him. "Haha, I guess your infamy is too high for your benevolence to matter. Okay, we'll see you later!"

"Die!" A four year old jumped at Harvard before he activated Stealth and rushed away into the woods. 

[+1 Infamy]

[+20 Infamy!]

He wanted to cry! He did so much to get up his benevolence, but it wasn't enough! Jumping over the bush, he activated Double stealth and disappeared into the distance. Not a single NPC saw where he went, but he sure found out fast he wasn't welcome.

An effigy of him, with his head off, was being burned by a bunch of women in bathing suits! He had to kill the Monsoon Kraken soon, or the entire continent might hate him!

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