Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 81: Magic Tank

[Great Sundering Rock Monster has been absorbed inside the Evolution Cage]

[You've learned the skill, Evaporate!]

[Causes all the water around you or approaching you to evaporate at an exchange rate of 1 Vitality for ten cubic meter of water evaporated! To evaporate an entire lake is possible, but you'd need to use 10,000 Vitality!]

[It is also recommended that all women around you when this skill activate wear swimsuits. This skill has the added effect of making the area around you extremely hot. Some women may not be able to take the heat, and will take off their armors in exchange for more flattering apparel!]

'Hmmm, this is just what I needed' Hamlord nodded his head and looked at the current time. It was already 12:01! This was serious! He had to hurry and get to the second boss on the 150th staircase!

"Guys, look over here!" Harvest King said, "There is a secret passage! Guys, we should check it out! Maybe it will get us down to the bottom floor faster!"

"HELL NO!" May Tape, Snow Lilly, and Great Stlyes screamed. "Last time you did that, we almost all died!"

"Hmph, but this one has a golden sign in front of it," Harvest King sighed and looked over at a treasure chest. "Wait, guys, you didn't open this treasure chest either. Mind if I open it."

'Step away from that treasure chest," Harvard shook his head, "I already saw that treasure chest, and it's placement is weird. Harvest King, you need to learn to study your surroundings! Someday, you might get us all killed."

"I-I had a problem in my last life gambling," Harvest King smiled before he opened the chest. "Sorry, but I can't not do it! I have to do it!"

"No!" Harvard tried to stop Harvest King from opening the treasure chest, but by the time he made it to him, it was already too late. Harvest King smiled and pulled out a large silver shield that seemed to have a large smiley face on it. Everyone was shocked, for once, Harvest King hadn't almost gotten them killed.

"Guys, you're not going to believe it! This shield is a cursed artifact! Should I equip it! I already equipped it!"

"He-he's not joining us in the next dungeon raid we do," Tilly sighed and opened the door for Harvard, "Now let's go! Let's hurry to the next boss! Harvard, it's your turn this time, I don't want to be disappointed in you. In fact, I'm expecting big things from you tonight. You see, at 12:00 AM, I also have a powerful ability. Hehe, what do you say you and May Tape come over and find out what it is?"

"Oh, that's our wrestling time, sure!" May Tape smiled and ignored Harvest King's screams, "Yes, there's also a new television show that Silvia is producing! I can't wait to watch it!"


At the bottom of the Great Sealed Dungeon,

A man in front of dozens of television was laughing. He saw the Monsoon Kraken's army invading on one screen, and Harvest King on another screen, and Tilly's breasts on another screen.

This was definitely a good day. His worst creations were finally getting their time to shine! 

He especially focused on the shield that Harvest King had in his hands, and nodded his head. It was called the Shield of Weightlessness. It turned defense into intelligence! It was all for one reason! One of his greatest dreams was to always have a tank that used magic! He smiled! Harvest King, some day, might become the greatest tank in all of Central Continent! That's if he didn't die first from going crazy when he realized none of his skills used wisdom! 

Fortunately, the shield had four skills imbued inside of it, Magic Defender, Great Magic Shield, Magic Defender's Defense, and Call of the Mighty! Unfortunately, the side effects of the Shield of Weightlessness were unknown. Regardless, this was an amazing day for Tricky's father, Trinister! In these 20 daring invaders heading towards the final boss room on the final floor, there was definitely one who deserved to become an heir to his subclass!

'I'm expecting great things from you, Hamlord,' Trinister ate a piece of broccoli and smiled while a woman came over and sat on his lap before sticking a grape into his mouth. "You may not believe this, but I helped design the dungeon where you fought those toads in, hahahaha! Now, time to release the Dragon-headed Pharoah Moths! Time to see true despair enter into your eyes!'


Harvard wanted to cry after reaching level 51.

For weeks, because of the Monsoon Kraken's army, he hadn't really been able to level up. Yet, now, a group of Dragon-headed Pharoah Moths attacked him. Though they caused a lot of damage if you let them land on your body, they were rather easy to kill.

They only had to be touched once in order to explode. Fortunately, by the time it was 12:03, they had cleared all the Dragon-head ed Pharoah Moths and made it to the next boss.

'I only have three minutes to attack it with Magnificent Noon Ruler still activated. Guys, this is serious. This next boss looks even harder than the last boss.'

"This dungeon is a joke." Tilly's breasts started to deflate while she blushed from Harvard looking at her chest. "What? You want to touch them or something? Go ahead! Take me into a treasure room and check them out! I-I don't care!"

"She-she's rather forward about what she wants," Snow Lilly put her arm around Harvard, causing Tilly to instantly drop her head in shame. "Brother, what should we do against this boss?"

Harvard looked up at the boss, and nodded his head before a thousand plans began to formulate in his mind. This boss was called the Great Slam Magician. He was guessing since it was a magician, it was best to try and attack it up close.

'Harvest King, you tank it,' Harvard looked back and saw Harvest King floating off the ground. 'Damn it! Stop crying Harvest King! You're the one who picked up that shield! Didn't I tell you? Didn't I tell you to not open that chest!"

"My life… has no more meaning," Harvest King wanted to hit himself in the head. "All my skills are useless except my get aggro skill! Ah! What am I supposed to do?!"

"You're still our tank," Harvard smiled, "Now let's get in there, and destroy that boss!" Harvard activated Ultimate Stealth, Double Stealth, and then smokescreen. "Now let's do this! Make smart decisions! Beautiful woman with a shield, help Harvest King! Everyone else! Max DPS! This thing must be killed as fast as possible! It definitely has AOE attacks!"

"I'm loving you as a leader," May Tape kissed Harvard on the cheek. "Hehe, however, I've gotten stronger Harvard, can't wait to wrestle you later,"

"Thanks May Tape, but let's be serious," Harvard looked at the gigantic ten headed monster in front of him with sixteen wands in fifteen arms and sighed. "This boss. This has to be the hardest boss we ever faced."

"Well then, let���s take it out," May Tape smiled, "We're the best unnamed guild in the entire continent! We can do this!"

"Hmph, I agree! Now attack!" Harvard smiled, "Let's slaughter him!"

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