Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 89: Evaporate Activate!

"Candy Kid. I find it odd that you came here to assassinate me at 11:59:30 AM. It will probably be 12 PM by the time we finish this conversation." Harvard sighed and studied Candy Kid's clothing.

He normally never wore pants, but today he had on a pair of shorts that had small dinosaurs on the side of them and a regular white t-shirt with black stripes. What could have made him grow up so fast? 

Harvard walked up to Candy Kid, and looked into his eyes. He was crying a lot, and the room was already full of water! He-he had to get him to stop crying, but what should he say?

"It's okay. It's okay if you're here to assassinate me. I still care about you, Smokey," Harvard gently brushed Candy Kid's brown hair out of his eyes and smiled. "Now, come on. As your father, tell me. What could the Monsoon Kraken have done that would make you want to assassinate me."

"He-he found my sister in the ocean. She-she's in trouble, and-and if I don't kill you. If I don't kill you, Wah! He's going to not tell me where she is."

"She-she's just a small cloud right now, and if she stays under water too long she's going to die! I-I have to kill you! I have to kill you in order to save her."

[Current time is 12 PM]

[Magnificent Daylight Ruler has been activated.]

[You've equipped all Magnificent Daylight Ruler equipment but are still missing the shoulder pads, and cape.]

[Agility has increased by 600 percent, damage has increased by 400 percent!]

'Ugh, what inconvenient timing.' Harvard gently padded Smokey on the head. "Listen, I promise that wherever your sister is, she's most likely safe. I mean, King Yama isn't mean! She wouldn't just spawn a cloud of haze under the ocean where you wouldn't be able to reach it!"

"I-I thought the same as you, back when I was an innocent little boy," Candy Kid gently shoved Harvard back, so lightly that even a feather wouldn't have been harmed. "Now prepare! Prepare for me to attack you! Wah! I-I'm going to beat you father at your strongest!"


Candy Kid punched at Harvard with all his might, but just to the right off his face. The next moment, his leg flashed and all the strength in the world seemed to strike Harvard's dagger.

Harvard watched in surprise while his dagger literally fell into Candy kid's arm. Who was this kid kidding?! He clearly didn't want to hurt him.

"Ah! You stabbed me! I-I must flee! I'll be back to assassinate you again!"

"Take the candy," Harvard sighed and pointed at the bag. "And be safe. I promise. I promise we'll save all your family members."

"There are one of them in every part of the continent." Smokey picked up the bag and wiped off his tears. "Hmph, and don't think this means I lost! I'll be back to steal more candy!"


Harvard watched the rain fall down when he walked into the center of Central City.

He realized that he'd yet to try and use evaporate. He figured it might be a pretty useful skill to stop his infamy from reaching 30,000. Once it passed that point, he was pretty sure no matter how much benevolence he had, it would be pointless.

He smiled, and waved to the few NPCs throwing cans and other objects at him. Occasionally, they ran out of objects to throw, and began to throw Lograms. He reached down and picked one up before a woman in a swimsuit dived under the water with a sword. She was clearly heading towards his location, but like a shark, it didn't matter until she attacked.

"Evaporate!" Harvard screamed, holding out his hand. "Come on, Evaporate!"

[Skill requires amount of Vitality to be allocated. Would you like to allocate 1000 Vitality out of your 10,500 Vitality?]

"Sure, 1000 Evaporate!" Harvard held out his hand, expecting only a small pond to appear around him. However, instead of what he expected, his body started to smoke before a large beam of light seemed to appear around him.

The next moment, a large explosion seemed to rip through Central City before all the water seemed to shoot into the air. Almost like an impossibly strong bomb attacked, the water instantly evaporated. 

In awe, Howard looked up and noticed that a hole had pierced the clouds above. Though it only lasted for a second, he couldn't help but smile. A lady, with a swimsuit on, was kneeling in front of him. she looked like she'd been trying to swim towards him and attack him underwater, but because the water evaporated she got stuck in an awkward position. Nonetheless, for a second, the rain stopped! All the water in the town square was gone now! 

He-he had truly mastered a useful skill!

Of course, the next moment, it started raining again and the townsquare immediately got filled with water, but it was a start! The sign of a victory just around the corner!

[Benevolence + 20]

[Benevolence + 50]

Harvard laughed proudly and walked to another part of town and did the same thing again and again and again! In just an hour, he earned back over 1000 Benevolence, and only got 1200 Infamy! He-he was finally making a dent in what he thought was an impossible task!

"Harvard, we have bad news," Tilly ran over to Harvard and grabbed his hand. "Tricky has started construction on her side of the battlefield, and… and it's really really terrifying. I-I never knew the power of a subclass until I saw her leaning down and taking charge of the battlefield. You-you know how some girls lean down and its a good thing? Well, this is a terrifying thing! She just finished building an outdoor spike cannon! Are you listening Harvard?"

"I think I over did it with the evaporate, sorry." Harvard said, shaking off the strange feeling in his gut. "Now, what are you worried about. We have Grinning Sword doing a quest to become an ultimate battlefield designer and dungeon master and May Tape doing another quest to become a battlefield designer. Why are you worried? I'm sure it will all work out."

"Just come. We-we can see her in the window from my hotel room," Tilly blushed and grabbed Harvard's hand. Her bleach blonde hair shimmered behind her while she smiled and pulled him close. "It-it's almost 11:59, and it's the perfect time to see me in the hotel room! Trust me! It's important you come quickly!"

"I guess I have no choice. Let's go," Harvard grabbed her hand, and took a deep breath. "Just two more days until the battle. I can't wait to show the Monsoon Kraken who is his boss!"

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