Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 99: Evaporate The Weather!

'You-you bastard! Evaporate!' Harvard used Evaporate one more time before his body started to tremble. He had to get rid of the water now! It was like the greatest enemy he ever faced, and it kept rushing towards his feet!

After five more minutes, he finally got it down to one inch of water in front of him that seemed almost pathetic compared to the amount of water that was there before. This should be good enough for his Water Army to not have to worry about swimming monsters right? 'I-I can't even feel my legs anymore hahaha!' "Guys, did I do a good job?" Harvard turn around and said, "Look, your white clothes are dry now. I-I can't even see the lining of your bras."

"You-you're going to faint according to my healing meter." A healing meter was what told different healing classes that someone needed to be healed. It had one yellow bar that meant how much energy a player had and a vitality bar which was green and told how much vitality they had before they died a horrible death! "Harvard, you need to stop now!" Granny screamed, and rushed over and hugged Harvard with all her might. "I-I take it back! You're an impressive man! You remind me of my grandson in my other life! Back then, he died in a war! I don't want you to die to!"

"Thank you, but I'm just going to take a nap now," Harvard smiled and saw Tricky running over to him. She was wearing a black short skirt and black clothing. She-she always wore white today? Was she already mourning his death or something or was it just the weather? "Tricky, if I don't wake up until a few minutes after the battle starts, can you lead the army for me? The Underwater Bandit King should be here with the army in just a moment."

"Sure," Tilly wiped a droplet of rain off her face and smiled before she and May Tape kissed him on each of his cheeks. "Good job, Harvard. You'll be very impressed by your benevolence stat when you wake up. Hehe, thanks for lowering the level of water. We'll take care of the Monsoon Kraken for you. Promise."


The Monsoon Kraken's quickly started to leave Village 100 and make their way to Central City.

This was his final garrison of troops that he was escorting personally to the battlefield. After all, he didn't want Candy Kid, Lollypop Girl, Dasota, Grave Man, or any of his strongest warriors to get assassinated, or distracted on the way to the battlefield.

With the rain falling down above him, he smiled and opened up his mouth before ten lasers shot out and killed some running Ghost Adventurers. Their guts rained in the air, and he just didn't care! This was it, the day he was finally waiting for was about to arrive.

"Candy Kid, Lollypop Girl… I expect you to to fight Hamlord." Glenny's hundred and ten eyes turned serious as he looked down at his strongest fighters. "We will have no choice but to start our fight at 11:58 AM. IF my calculations are right, if we can make it to 12:05 their side will instantly be destroyed!"

"Grave Man! You are your strongest from 11:58 AM - 12:04 PM! You will have the advantage! And remember, if any of you betray me, those anklets around your body will explode, and you'll die with it, hahaha!"

"I'm going to do what you asked as long as you can find my sister,' Candy Kid grinded his fist into a ball and bit his lips. He was wearing black pants today and a white shirt and tie! He looked like a grown up today, and he was going to act like one for his family! "I don't care if I have to kill Hamlord! However, he's not going to be the only strong enemy there."

"Indeed, I'll take care of Great Styles." Grave Man cracked his knuckles. His muscles were so large that he seemed like a walking mountain. His thighs were thicker and even more muscular then his arms and even his white hair seemed to be sharp like armor! "At 11:58, I'll be able to pull strength from the army around me! My Allied Strength Drain Class will show it's advantage!"

"Hmmm, I expect good things. This world, even if it gets destroyed, must be a message to King Yama! That everyone deserves an equal shot at things! We will use today to show her that you can't forget about your family! No matter how far removed someone is!"

"Hoorah!" The soldiers screamed behind the Monsoon Kraken as he marched forward with his countless large legs and then destroyed another few dozen Ghost Adventurers with his steam breath! It was so hot, they almost melted before his laser killed them, yet everyone seemed so excited. 

"Yes, my soldiers, get excited! In just a few hours, this continent will be covered with water. Wait, this is strange. What happened to the water level? It's only 3 inches deep! It should be at least two feet deep."

"That must be Hamlord," Candy Kid said with a smile. "He's probably got a new skill again. Why? Are you scared of him or something?"

"A little bit of fear is a lot better than none at all," the Monsoon Kraken looked disgusted when he came across a dry patch of land. He blasted it away and then slammed the ground several times to try and get rid of his anger! How dare he make it rain for 20 days and someone single handedly destroy it! Whomever did that, had to be taken care of immediately! Yet could he show that to others? No, he had to be calm and collected! "Ugh, whatever, we'll be floating in a sea of bones in no time! Hahahaha! Just you wait Harvard! Whatever you're doing right now, I promise in an hour, you'll be doing nothing at all!"

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