Evolving infinitely from ground zero

Chapter 152 - 152 : 121, Overwhelming


A loud crashing sound echoed.

Ma Xiwei, the only Genetic Integrator among the freshmen, made a dazzling entrance under the watchful eyes of the audience.

She was beautiful, with a slender and curvy figure, and adorable animal ears.

Because of her animal-eared appearance, she was extremely popular among the male freshmen and was the dream girl of many.

“Sister Wei is so cool!”

“Sister Wei, smash Lin Zichen, show him the real level of the genius class!”

“Chen bro, the regular class is counting on you!”

“Lin Zichen, don’t go easy just because she’s pretty, you must crush her with all your might!”

“Chen bro, you must win!”

As soon as Ma Xiwei appeared, the freshmen from the genius class began to cheer for her, their sense of collective class honor was extremely strong.

Seeing the genius class cheering, the freshmen from the regular class also shouted tirelessly, cheering for Lin Zichen.

Due to the large number of people, the cheers of the regular class freshmen overwhelmed one wave after another, quickly drowning out the cheers from the genius class.

Hearing the shouts of the regular class freshmen.

Feeling the support for Lin Zichen from everyone.

Shen Qinghan, who was in the genius class camp, couldn’t hold back and also shouted:

“Xiao Chen, come on!”

Her voice was crisp and sweet, pleasant to the ear.

However, this voice was quite out of place in the genius class camp.

Many people turned their heads to look at Shen Qinghan when they heard her shout.

Realizing her shout was inappropriate, she instinctively covered her mouth with her hand, bowed her head, and silently moved to the side, reducing her presence.

She thought to herself that she must be more cautious in her words and actions in the future.

On the Martial Stage.

Lin Zichen and Ma Xiwei paid no attention to the shouting coming from beneath the stage and were sizing each other up.

Ma Xiwei was on high alert, staring intently at Lin Zichen.

Meanwhile, Lin Zichen was calmly observing Ma Xiwei, carefully studying this sole Genetic Integrator among all the new students.

He had seen countless Genetic Integrators on screen and in books from a very young age.

But this was his first time observing one so closely in person.

As for the Ratmen from the Rat God Cult previously, every encounter had been a life and death crisis, leaving no chance for careful observation.


Suddenly, a sound of breaking air rang out!

Ma Xiwei, who had just been staring warily at Lin Zichen, instantly turned into a blur and shot towards him like lightning.

Unlike the previous top scorers who would still boast their physical test data before fighting.

She was ruthless and not verbose, choosing to strike directly.

Such speed…

Is this the boost from the Shadow Night Cat’s attributes?

As Lin Zichen marveled, he slightly shifted his body and easily dodged Ma Xiwei’s kick.

She was dodged so effortlessly?

Missing her strike, Ma Xiwei was shocked and her face began to express doubts about life.

Having integrated with the Shadow Night Cat’s gene, her speed had already reached the level of a Common Tier Five.

Yet, Lin Zichen could easily dodge her kick.

The gap in strength between them… was too vast!

With that thought, Ma Xiwei immediately distanced herself from Lin Zichen.

She knew well that she was currently no threat to Lin Zichen.

Continuing the attack would be meaningless.

“I have no chance of beating you now.”

“Give me half a minute to fully activate the Shadow Night Cat gene in my body, then we can compete,”

“If you attack me during this period, then it would be a disgraceful victory, showing no martial virtue.”

After morally binding him, Ma Xiwei, who had retreated to the edge of the Martial Stage, suddenly looked more ferocious as she activated the Shadow Night Cat gene inside her body.

Soon, the characteristics of the Shadow Night Cat on her body became increasingly apparent at a visible rate.

Her animal ears gradually grew larger, fine cat whiskers grew around her mouth, and her eyes progressively became wilder and more oppressive.

Her overall appearance shifted from a cute girl with animal ears to a wild and ferocious beast.

As the Shadow Night Cat gene inside her body continued to activate.

The biological pressure emanating from Ma Xiwei slowly increased from the level of a Common Tier Five gatekeeper to a relatively high level of a Common Tier Five.

“Lin Zichen, don’t let her power up, strike now!”

Some of the regular class freshmen became anxious and shouted toward Lin Zichen on the stage, fearing he might mess up by showing off.

Lin Zichen ignored the shouting from below and observed Ma Xiwei as she activated the Shadow Night Cat gene.

This was a rare opportunity to observe, one that could provide insights into the characteristics of those who had integrated the Shadow Night Cat gene.

Missing this would be a loss.

As for Ma Xiwei becoming stronger… even if she became stronger, she would still be kicked out of the competition in due time.

On the second-floor corridor.

The school leaders, witnessing the change in Ma Xiwei on the Martial Stage, all showed surprised expressions.

“President Ma, your daughter’s integration with the Shadow Night Cat gene has already reached this deep. Her talent for Genetic Fusion is too high,” one remarked.

“A genius, more of a genius than we imagined!” another exclaimed.

“It’s just that she’s a top scholar from Capital City. In terms of talent, she exceeds the top scholars from other provinces,” another added.

Several school leaders complimented Ma Zhenhe, using praise for his daughter as a way to curry favor with him.

Ma Zhenhe did not respond, just furrowed his brows slightly.

His daughter, Ma Xiwei, had only recently integrated with the Shadow Night Cat gene, and her body had not fully adapted yet.

Too much activation of the Shadow Night Cat gene would cause a certain degree of backlash damage to her body.

If nothing unexpected happened, she would probably have to lie in bed to recover for the next half month.

Sighing to himself, Ma Zhenhe thought, “This child hasn’t changed at all; she’s still as competitive as when she was little…”

Just then, Liu Chuanwu spoke, “President Ma, your daughter is overexerting her body. If she can win the Newcomer King title it might be worth it, but if she can’t, it will be a loss for nothing.”

Ma Zhenhe retorted, “Ha, overstressing her body is still better than your Pureblood Human Path. At least when in danger, she can temporarily boost her strength to turn the tide. Your useless Pureblood Human Path can’t overexert even if you wanted to.”

This was indeed the truth.

Liu Chuanwu, knowing that the Pureblood Human Path had no advantage in this regard, fell silent.

On the Martial Stage.

Ma Xiwei had activated all of the Shadow Night Cat genes within her, emitting a bio-pressure that almost reached a Common Sixth Order.

“Lin Zichen, you’re too arrogant,” she stated.

“You just watched me activate the Shadow Night Cat gene in my body, watched me grow continuously stronger.”

“Now, you will pay the price for your arrogance just now.”

Ma Xiwei looked towards Lin Zichen with more oppressive eyes, speaking in a cold voice.

At the end of her words, only a buzzing sound was heard!

Ma Xiwei’s calves powered up, and in a Blink Step, she flashed in front of Lin Zichen, lifting her long right leg towards his head.

Facing this fierce kick, Lin Zichen’s expressions remained unchanged as he effortlessly dodged to the side, just as easily as before.

Ma Xiwei’s expression changed, unable to believe she still couldn’t hit him. How could this be?!

With this shock, she went all out the next second, not holding back in her attacks on Lin Zichen.

Side kicks, whip legs, sweep legs…

Charging punches, hook punches, straight punches…

Knee strikes, elbow strikes, flying kicks…

Ma Xiwei unleashed all her strength and speed, using every leg and arm technique she knew in a frenzied assault on Lin Zichen.

Still, the result was the same; Lin Zichen dodged them all.

The freshmen below and the multitude of school leaders on the second-floor corridor were all shocked and incredulous at this display.

Ma Xiwei had become so much stronger but still couldn’t touch Lin Zichen?

What exactly was going on with Lin Zichen?

Among them, Liu Chuanwu was also very surprised.

He was confident Lin Zichen could claim the Newcomer King, thanks to Lin Zichen having completed a Tempering Skin procedure that significantly increased his physical defense. In combat, that meant he could wear down his opponents with his strong resistance.

But his opponent couldn’t even touch Lin Zichen!

The speed Lin Zichen now displayed was excessively strong!

At the same time, Yuan Dongzhi slightly furrowed her brows.

She had originally thought Lin Zichen was just an ordinary provincial second-place scholar, and didn’t pay much attention to him.

But now, the physical strength Lin Zichen demonstrated was not at the level of an ordinary provincial runner-up.

Was it the benefit brought by the Pure Blood Human Path?

Thinking this, Yuan Dongzhi looked towards Liu Chuanwu who was not far away.

Then, seeing Liu Chuanwu and the others also showing surprise, she furrowed her brow even tighter.

It wasn’t the enhancement of the Pure Blood Human Path.

This was Lin Zichen’s own strength, completely unrelated to his joining Tianren Pavilion.

At that moment, Yuan Dongzhi realized that Lin Zichen must be harboring a secret.

Shen Qinghan and Lin Zichen, this pair of childhood sweethearts, both seemed suspicious.

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