Evolving infinitely from ground zero

Chapter 164 - 164: 131, Catwoman

Chapter 164: 131, Catwoman

Shanhai University, president’s office.

Yuan Dongzhi sat in her chair, engaged in a video call with a trusted confidant from her family.

“Miss, in recent times, Origin Land No. 36 has been unusually peaceful, without disturbances for several months in a row. We don’t know whether the other side has given up on this channel or is scheming some major plan.”

On the computer screen, a short-haired woman with a valiant appearance was reporting to Yuan Dongzhi about the situation in Source Land No. 36.

Yuan Dongzhi nodded and asked, “How is Qianxue faring in the Origin Land lately? Is she adapting well?”

“Very well. She’s growing incredibly fast and is about to evolve to the Advanced Second Rank.”

“Hmm, she’s evolving faster than I expected.”

“Miss, just who is Qianxue? Why is her physique so special, so extraordinary that she doesn’t even seem like a person from Earth, as if we’re two different species.”

“Don’t ask about things you shouldn’t.”

“Yes, I’m sorry, Miss. It was thoughtless of me,” apologized the woman on the video, somewhat flustered.

Yuan Dongzhi said nothing more but remarked lightly, “Alright, I have a student duel to watch here, so I won’t talk any longer. You go ahead with your tasks.”

After speaking, she ended the video call and switched to the surveillance from the sports hall to watch the forthcoming duel.

It was the duel between the 9th ranked Mechanically Modified Human and the 8th ranked Genetic Integrator.

After spending some time watching the duel and seeing the Mechanically Modified Human emerge as the victor, Yuan Dongzhi couldn’t help feeling a bit surprised.

The Mechanism Group was stronger than she had imagined.

The adaptability of mechanical modifications held more advantage.

Regrettably, no matter how formidable mechanical modifications are, their limitations are still too great. They can only protect one’s home on Earth and cannot enter the Origin Land.

Once in the Origin Land, all electronic mechanical devices would malfunction, and even the most formidable Mechanically Modified Humans would be reduced to a bunch of scrap metal.


After watching the duel, Lin Zichen and Shen Qinghan left the sports hall shortly after.

One headed to the research institute to learn the Blood Tempering Technique.

The other went back to the dorm to train her strength.

Though they lived together, they each had their schedules, and their lives were no longer synchronized as before starting university.

Time passed quickly.

A few days later.

Friday afternoon after school.

Both packed their school bags and took a Didi ride home from the dorm.

The school was close to home, about an hour’s drive, and the hired car stopped at their house.

Zhang Wanxin was waiting outside the door early on.

Upon seeing them get out of the car, she greeted them with a beaming smile, telling them that she had made some snacks and squeezed some juice, and urged them to come inside and try them.

In the evening.

The two families gathered for dinner.

At the table, Shen Qinghan turned into a storyteller, vividly describing Lin Zichen’s performance during the initiation trial at the start of school.

He talked about how Lin Zichen knocked out top provincial scholars with his fists and even overpowered Genetic Integrators, astonishing the school’s leadership.

The parents from both families knew early on that Lin Zichen had become the new king, but this was their first time hearing the details.

Listening to Shen Qinghan’s narration, all four were greatly astounded.

Among them, Lin Yansheng teased, “Son, you’re not one of those legendary Heretics, are you?”

Many experts have conjectured that if there are Exotic Beasts in this world, there should be Heretics too, but this theory has yet to be proven.

Zhang Wanxin gave him an unamused glance: “Our son came from my belly, how could he be a Heretic?”

Lin Yansheng laughed it off, “I was just praising how amazing our son is.”

Hearing the conversation filled with family warmth, Lin Zichen smiled.

Later, he spoke to his parents about the issue of the resettlement housing.

He mentioned that as he became more famous, he would likely be targeted by the Heretical Sect. For safety reasons, he wanted his parents to move into the school.

Lin Yansheng and Zhang Wanxin, both freelance novelists, agreed without a second thought since writing was the same no matter where they lived, saying they were ready to move anytime.

Upon hearing this, Shen Qinghan also suggested that Shen Jianye and Xu Meng should move into Shanhai University.

She mentioned the workload, saying that the students in the inner campus of Shanhai University still needed to take cultural elective courses, and they could arrange for her parents to teach these courses at the school.

Shen Jianye and Xu Meng liked the idea and said they would move to Shanhai University once they completed the handover work with their current school.

The time approached 10 o’clock at night.

Lin Zichen opened the school app to check the task details of the Catwoman mission he had accepted.

Target code name: Cat Woman, Juicer, Collector of the Stick, Master of Disguise.

Target strength: Biological Level Sixth Order, extremely fast speed.

Behavioral characteristics: Often found seducing men in the red-light districts of Shanhai City, leading them to secluded areas for intimate affairs, then brutally murdering them afterward, severing their lineage and collecting their appendages.

Precautions: The target is skilled in disguise and highly cunning, adept at using various drugs.

Other content: Omited…

Looking at the mission details above, Lin Zichen finally understood why this mission had been hanging for so long without being completed.

The location was too vague, and the enemy too cunning; indeed, it was difficult to catch.

However, these were not problems for Lin Zichen.

With the effects of “Sky Eye” and “Danger Perception” biometric attributes, he could thoroughly search every red-light district in Shanhai City.

As long as he searched carefully enough, there was a good chance of finding the target.

10:10 p.m.

Lin Zichen made a special effort with his hairstyle and slightly altered his appearance to avoid being recognized as the second-highest scorer from Nanjiang Province on the college entrance examination, to avoid drawing unnecessary attention.

Lying to his parents that he was going to bed early, he instead climbed out the window from the second floor, leaped down, and took a taxi to the nearest red-light district to continue his systematic search.

Upon arriving at the destination.

He used “Sky Eye” to scan every individual within sight, not sparing either men or women because the target could use disguise techniques.

With “Danger Perception,” he detected each individual’s biological level within range, focusing on people whose biological level was Sixth Order.

“This guy’s eyes are terrifying.”

“What is he doing?”

“He’s so handsome, but his gaze is a bit unsettling.”

Everyone scanned by Sky Eye felt as if they were mice being watched by an eagle, causing an inexplicable anxiety.

Several women thought Lin Zichen was handsome and wanted to approach him, but they were frightened and backed away by his Sky Eye.

“Kid, who are you glaring at!”

A burly man felt offended by Lin Zichen’s gaze and walked over with an unfriendly face to pick a fight.

Lin Zichen didn’t waste words with the man, simply unleashing his biological pressure to stun him, then turning to leave the red-light district for the next one.

This red-light district had already been searched once, and there was no sign of the suspicious target.

As for the possibility that the target might have shown up just as he left, resulting in a perfect miss.

That was certainly possible, but unavoidable; he could only hope that he was luckier and wouldn’t be so unlucky.

However, his luck seemed quite average tonight.

Throughout the rest of the night.

Lin Zichen systematically searched 10 red-light districts in a row, and didn’t encounter a single suspect.

And by this time, it was four in the morning.

Seeing it was so late, he had no choice but to go home to sleep, planning to continue his search the following night.

The next night.

Lin Zichen arrived on time at the red-light district and began his systematic search just like the night before.

After searching several red-light districts in succession, he found nothing.

Just as he was preparing to head to the next red-light district.

He encountered an acquaintance.

It was Ma Xiwei from the genius class.

By Ma Xiwei’s side, a man and a woman accompanied her.

The couple appeared to be in their twenties and were both Seventh Order in biological level, likely senior students from Shanhai University who came specially to accompany Ma Xiwei on the Cat Woman mission.

“How unlucky!”

Ma Xiwei also saw Lin Zichen, giving him not a hint of a friendly face, pulled a sulky expression, snorted coldly, and turned to leave with the two people beside her.

Once they were far from Lin Zichen, she stopped immediately and said to the two beside her, “Lin Zichen has also taken on the Cat Woman mission, and he must be here to find her as well. We have to find her before he does, to make his effort fruitless.”

“Leave it to me,” said the young man among them with confidence. “I have the gene of a demon hound fused with me, my sense of smell is extremely sensitive, and I can certainly find Cat Woman before he does.”

Just as he said this, the young man’s expression subtly changed.

He instinctively sniffed the air, then with a look of delight said, “I smell Cat Woman, she’s right inside that bar across the street!”

Upon hearing this, Ma Xiwei immediately became excited, “Then let’s go catch Cat Woman quickly. Later, we should bring Cat Woman in front of Lin Zichen and infuriate him!”

She had been holding a grudge about Lin Zichen swelling her face during the school trials and was eager to anger him—if possible, to disgust him utterly.

Quickly, the three of them rushed to the bar across the street to capture Cat Woman.

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