
Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Su Qingbai is powerless. “I have nothing special to do with him.” At least there is no.

Su Shi turned and said, “I still go to Grandpa.”

“Wait…” Su Qingbai gritted his teeth and looked at Su Shi.

Su Shi looked at him.

“I have no other relationship with him than a friend… but you have to see him, I will take you there.”

The next day, Su Shi got up with Su Qingbai early in the morning.

With a hoe, Su Shi stood at the door and saw Su Qingbai pulling the board car.

“Let’s go, little uncle.”

Su Qingbai glanced at him. “What are you worried about?” After stopping, he stopped and stopped at their door.

Su Shi swallowed his head. “Uncle, let’s go, you can’t hide.”

“Who said that I want to hide?” Even if she thought so, Su Qingbai still refused to admit it. “I have to wait for people to read.”

This is true.

In the first few days, Su Ni’s legs gradually got better, and she insisted on carrying a reciting dish to go to the county. Su Qingbai couldn’t bear to see it, so she took the dish together for Su Ni, and she repaid her before she repaid herself. s help.

Yesterday and the day before yesterday, Su Ni’s mother went to see her as a relative, and she did not let her out.

After two days, Su Ni went to the county to sell vegetables as before. Su Qingbai estimated that the marriage may not be discussed.

When I met Su Ni, Su Shi was uncomfortable. He pulled Su Qingbai aside. “Little uncle, how can there be a girl?”

Su Qingbai ignored his uncomfortableness and took Su Shi and said to Su Ni: “This is my nephew, and your peers, bigger than you, be your brother.”

Su Ni’s daughter’s family was a little embarrassed. Through the moonlight, she looked at the tall, handsome Su Shi, and then quickly lowered her head and whispered the voice brother.

Su Shi is uncomfortable.

Su Qingbai introduced Su Ni to Su Shi.

After greeting, Su Qingbo saw her legs twitching on the back of Su Ni’s back and said, “Hurry up, put your dish first.”

When the voice fell, Su Qingbai saw his nephew put a **** that had just been smashed into his hand, and he was very enthusiastic to take over the back of the little girl.

Su Ni was busy whispering thank you.

However, Su Qingbo quite understands his nephew. Although Su Ni is not particularly good-looking, it is also a beauty in this city.

Along the way, Su Shi spoke to Su Qingbai. It was very gentle. She also grabbed the scooter on Su Qingbai’s hand. She said, “You are short, you are not strong, or I am coming.”

Su Qingbai listened to his face and put a half-headed sputum that Su Shi had just placed on his hand into his mouth. At the end, he also clap his hands and said: “There is a saliva on the skull.”

Although Su Qingbai did not want to admit it, it turned out that Su Qingbai was indeed taller than him, and he was stronger than him. I arrived early.

Su Shi met Jiang Wei, and looked at him with suspicion. Didn’t the uncle ventilate the person? So the talent did not come.

Su Qingbai certainly knows what he thinks. He is helpless. “Don’t look at me. I really don’t know why he didn’t come. Maybe it’s something. Besides, people have nothing to do with me. How can there be so much leisure time? I sell vegetables?”

Su Shi didn’t believe it, “I will come tomorrow.”

Then Su Shi sent Su Ni to the place where she often set up the stalls, and the people never came back.

At this time, Su Qingbai couldn’t see the idea of ​​this kid, but he couldn’t help it. It’s really filial. When he saw the little girl, he left the uncle.

Su Qingbai was depressed, and he saw that Jiang Wei was late to eat.

Jiang Wei handed him the food. “How come today so early?”

Su Qingbai nodded. “My sister sent me… Hey, how is the breakfast today different, not the buns?”

Jiang Yan smiled and handed the water to him, and his eyes were tender and able to kill people. “I am afraid that if you are tired of eating buns, you will do it yourself.”

Xu is Su Shi’s words affecting Su Qingbai, Su Qingbai is very sensitive to the contact of the two at this moment, he slammed the water that Jiang Wei handed to his mouth, his face red.

Jiang Yan took a sip of the place where he drank water, while pinching his face. “How is the face so red?”

Su Qingbai had something in her heart. For a moment, I didn’t know how to answer it. I didn’t talk, and I was holding breakfast for a while, to cover up my uncomfortable readings.

Jiang Wei did not care, but he felt that Su Qingbai’s face was tender and tender, and he couldn’t help but pinch it.

Su Shi sent Su Ni in the past. He thought that the man who didn’t come today didn’t come back to Su Qingbai. The excuse was idle and nothing to help Su Ni sell the food.

When he helped Su Ni to collect the booth, and then came to Su Qingbai, he saw Jiang Wei on the side of Su Qingbai, and the eyes brushed up.

Su Shi even ignored Su Ni for a moment. In his eyes, there was only Jiang Yi, thinking about how to test him later.

When he slowly approached, suddenly a man dressed up in a servant rushed over. “Sure enough, swearing, you really hooked the man outside.” This is what he said to Su Ni.

Only the next moment, he rushed up to fight Su Qingbai.

Jiang Wei’s first reaction came over, and he stumbled many of his servants and fell to the ground. He spent some effort to restrain him.

Looking at the stick he was holding in his hand, Su was worried.

“Hey, you dare to carry me to hook up other men.” This is what he said to Su Qingbai and Su Ni.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I don’t care about you, don’t bother me any more.”

It turned out that this man was Chen Da, the servant of the county, and Su Ni was selling vegetables here. Chen Da, who was inspected, looked at it.

Su Ni did not want to, after Su Ni’s mother heard about the incident, she quickly asked her daughter to find her husband’s family, but they were all mixed up by Chen Da.

It was also this time that Su Ni was inconvenient because of her feet. Su Qingbai took care of her a little. She was in the eyes of Chen Dazhen, and hated it in her heart. Today, she saw Su Ni and came to Su Qingbai. He finally couldn’t hold back.

Speaking of the original committee, Su Ni finally yelled, “I’m sorry.” She not only apologized for this matter, but she also used Su Qingbai to escape Chen Da, on the day of her ankle.

She knew that she was not kind, but it was really nowhere to go.

Su Qingbai frowned, and felt that this was a little difficult. This person is a servant, and I am afraid that it is a little troublesome. But he can’t help but look at Su Ni.

Jiang Yan’s eyes were dark, and he thought of what he saw after seeing Su Qingbai, and then looked back at Su Qingbai, but found that although Su Qingbai was screaming, it did not seem to be because of the affection of Su Ni, and suddenly let go of his heart.

In the end, Su Qingbai let Jiang Wei put the people away. After all, the other party is a servant. He is a grass-rooted person with a sin. At the beginning of each month, they still have to go to the door to report to the family. It is not good to offend this person.

When he left, Chen Da said, “This is my site. I am there. I will see who will buy your dishes in the future.”

Su Ni is even more embarrassed.

A few people have some troubles.

“My family is nearby, it is better to go to my house to rest and rest.” Jiang Wei invited several people.

Although Chen Da was interrupted in the middle, Su Shi did not forget the business affairs of today. He heard the past and rushed to promise him before Su Qingbo refused.

When I got home, I opened the door. Jiang Wei took the scooter in the hands of Su Qingbai and then said softly: “I will go and put the car first. You should entertain them first, give them a cup of tea, tea, you know, Put it in the old place, I will come later.”

A pair of two people look like a day.

Su Shi’s eyes squinted at Su Qingbai.

Su Qingbai’s scalp is numb, he wants to cry, is Chiang Kai-shek really not intentional? Ming knows that Su Shi is his nephew, but also in the face of Su Shi, said so embarrassed.

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