
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Lou Jingyu is the fiancee he ordered for him.

For this fiancee, he did not put it in his heart, just thinking, his father let him swear, he was stunned.

Unexpectedly, when he didn’t know, in the capital, such a tearful and embarrassing love story spread.

The female building of the ritual Shangshu is quiet and unique, and it is pleasing to the Yue Wang.

——About this point, Su Qingbai is not convinced. You must know that when the king was young, he went to the border to seal the land. He has not returned for many years. From time to time, he also repelled the small enemy forces and provoked I don’t like his emperor even more. Love and affection? Where is that time?

– In fact, the fact is that Lou Jingyu often listens to his father’s news of his cousin, secretly admiring his heart, threatening that he is not married to the king, who knows that the pass is the two of them. For this rumor, Lou Jingyu is also guilty, but later thought, the father is the only cousin of his cousin, when there is no Su Qingbai blocked, his father said, but also afraid that the cousin will refuse to himself?

The king of the king has been away from Beijing for many years, and he is one of the most impolite in the princes. He and Lou Jingyu are cousins.

Lou Jingyu said that the non-Yue Wang does not marry the reads; It’s a storm in the city, and it’s a suicide for the sake of marriage.

For a time, the Yue Wang and the talented Lou Jingyu became a bitter life, and Su Qingbai was a villain who was awesome and robbed the women.

God knows that at that time, Su Qingbai was soaked in the casino all day, and he was still stunted at the age of fourteen. How can he be interested in robbing her?

Su Qingbai was very wronged. Before he had a marriage contract with Lou Jingyu, he was only a small dude in Beijing.

After the marriage contract with Lou Jingyu, the people passed on and passed on, and it was passed down. He became a villain in the capital, who was deceiving, eating, drinking, betting, bullying, and ruining the marriage.

What’s more, some people wrote their stories into the textbook. Lou Jingyu and Yue Wang had a lover, and he was sent by the author to be an eunuch.

In fact, this fraternity is Lou Jingyu, and she did not say that she was asking for it. Lou Jingyu was still older than him. He did not even abandon it.

This he can also care, after all, is a gossip about unrelated people, but after he let go, the story passed to him but the taste has changed.

During that time, when I encountered a bad relationship, I would ask him if I met him. Su Qingbai, I heard that your fiancee has put on a green hat for you?

Green hat…

This is something that men can’t bear.

He told him to bully the male tyrant, Su Qingbai endured, he thought that it was not a good person, although not rumored to be abhorrent, but he still has self-knowledge, he has not done many good things since he grew up.

But the green hat can’t stand it.

The green hat, the more the king Jiang Yi gave him a green hat.

At this moment, someone who had already arrived in the capital city had a sneeze, and then smiled back. It wasn’t the little thing that wanted to be.

Thinking of the night, Jiang’s chest burst into a few points of desire, and that day’s intentions were concealed. In the case of such an intimate little guy, I was so enthusiastic. I don’t know if he and I can’t remember what he said, why haven’t come to him yet.

Not to mention the urgency of Jiang Yuzheng and other Su Qingbai, although Su Qingbai knew that Jiang Wei was mostly innocent, but he couldn’t be too big. He hated Jiang Yi and Lou Jingyu who had given him a green hat.

Things got out of trouble, and Su Lingchuan originally wanted to cancel the marriage contract. Su Qingbai suddenly did not agree. He is such a person, preferring to be embarrassed by himself, and not willing to be the culprit.

Lou Jingyu is not willing to marry him. He can understand, but after his father’s foot has been fixed on the front door, you can even make a noise and ruin the reputation of your life.

Su Qingbai made up his mind and refused to let the matter be so easily revealed.

However, … Su Qingbai snorted, he did not have time to do anything, their family was exiled, the marriage contract was lifted.

As Su Qingbai expected, it is true that the surrounding praises are all over the place. The exaggeration is that Lou Jingyu does not care about the beasts before Su Qingbai, but also to see him off. It’s really broad-minded and affectionate!

In this regard, Lou Jingyu humbly smiled and said to the surrounding: “Where is it? Things have passed, and the little girl can’t hold it.”

Su Qingbai’s grievances were stunned and finally resisted.

Looking at this group of people, he simply did not feel mad at the end, ignored these hypocritical people, and called the groom to pick up the whip.

Su Lingchuan also knows his son’s grievances, can be rude to the feelings, or blame those people, and swears: “My son was spoiled by me, really…”

After a few visits, Su Lingchuan drove to catch up with Su Qingbai.

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