
Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Originally thought that the little jade buckle is no more than two or three, but I did not expect…

Su Qingbai’s heart is complicated. He knows that he should not take the money. At the moment, the housework will be trimmed and trimmed, and there will be little money left. For the home without any input, it will not last long.

This silver, he really needs it.

Big deal… I will return him later.


Taking off the gown, Su Lingchuan took out the rags that I didn’t know where to come from, and he gathered everyone again.

“Now the family has this one hundred and two silver, can guarantee the food and clothing for the next period of time, but we can’t sit on the mountain and empty readings.” Su Lingchuan, began to say something right, “I want to open a few plots to the home.”

The land on the border is the most worthless. The harvest is not to be said. At any time, it may be invaded by the Lin* team, which has a poorer land. A bad luck is that there is no grain.

Reclamation of land.

Su Qingbai just started listening, no special feeling. From small to large, he hasn’t done much work yet. The only thing he’s tired of is the nights in the casino, and someone’s bed. At first, he didn’t know much about his work.

Until his son gave him a shovel.

Su Lingchuan used to be used to this kind of life. The two big brothers of the Su family had learned enough to strengthen their body and exercise better.

Su Qingbai and Su Shi were completely dying, especially Su Qingbai. When he mentioned the hoe, he smashed it twice. The white and tender palms made a blisters. His hand hurts a lot. For a long time, he didn’t do much work.

After a small piece of Su Lingchuan, he turned back and Su Qingbai was still honed in the small place, thinking that he was lazy.

Su Lingchuan wanted to change the stinking problem on his son very early, but he was always busy with the state affairs. Today, the time is right. Su Lingchuan took off his shoes and went up to pick up the cypress.

Fortunately, although Su Qingbai’s hand was bubbling, his legs were still good, and he was chased by his old man for a long time in the wasteland.

In the end, Su Qingbai pitifully showed his son the bubble in his hand. Su Lingchuan did not slap him a meal. He only took a few feet and taught him a few words.

Followed by his old man, Su Qingbai patted his ass

Earth, heart glad, but fortunately his father just kick his kicks, he did not beat up, hurt.

I don’t want to, Su Lingchuan took a few men and squatted back to the hoe. On the road, I bumped into a small tree with thick arms. I suddenly stopped, picked up my **** and cut it down. I used it to cut a ruler that night. The one used in the capital is much thicker.

Su Qingbai glanced at him, he cut it casually, and the thorn on it was not polished.

That night, Su Qingbai was very embarrassed.

When I got home at night, Su Qingbai discovered that he was not alone. The big brother Su Qingyang and the nephew Su Shi also blistered. He could not help but be ashamed.

The next day, he did not cry again.

Just one day, the blisters on the hands of Su Qingbai went down, and the palms began to have a thick layer of scorpions.

Su Lingchuan caressed and looked at the little son in the field with satisfaction.

In these few days, Su Qingbai followed the family of several men and went out late, and even Su Sui, who had not been waiting for him, never gave him another face.

This morning, the Suningchuan people said: “We have just started to plant the land, and we should not do too much. We will work harder today to fight for ten acres and start planting tomorrow.”

The family walked happily into the field. Although everyone was getting used to it, it was still too tiring. When the father said that today is the last day, everyone will be more and more energetic, just looking forward to opening ten early. Mu, rest early.

Su Qingbai also worked hard.

At noon, the women of the Su family came to give them food. Su Qingbai grabbed the two hoes and stuffed them into his mouth.

Mrs. Su looked at Su Qingbai to eat, and wiped the sweat from Su Qingbai. She was very distressed. “Where did the cypresses have done these things, how many days have they been exhausted?”

Su Qingbai only has a strong hoe.

Su Dazhao also smiled and said: “Yeah, recently the little uncle has grown a lot.”

“Yes, yeah reads;!” Su Shi smiled and looked at Su Qingbai. “Oh, it is not a long man.”

Su Qingbai immediately put down his **** and took a clod to throw Su Shi.

In the Su family, Su Qingbai is the shortest one, especially in recent months, he has not grown up, and his own nephew is getting taller and taller than himself, and Su Qingbai’s heart is not good.

When Su Shi saw Su Qingbai’s action, he immediately avoided it.

Su Qingbai was angry. He turned his head and turned to Su Qingyang. “Big brother, Su Shi is so disrespectful and respectful, you will teach him well.”

Su Qing Yang snorted and smiled, not intervening, while eating and watching his son and brother.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, Su Qingbai, the little dwarf, did not catch up with Su Shi for a long time.

Su Qingbai gasped and gasped, pointing at Su Shi. “You stand and see that I don’t teach you well, so that you know how to respect your elders.”

Su Shi didn’t take it seriously, and laughed at him.

The next moment, the angry Su Qingbai suddenly rushed toward him, and then … planted to the ground.

Su Shi thought that Su Qingbai was swindling him, and he circled around him. He didn’t dare to approach. “Uncle, you are not stunned and I will not be fooled.”

For a long while, Su Qingbai had no words. Su Shi’s heart was close to him. He didn’t want to. When he approached him, he was shocked and pointed at Su Qingbai. “Not good, the little uncle is bleeding.”


Woke up again, Su Qingbai was on the bandit at home, he slowly woke up and found that only one person, the body is also uncomfortable.

Struggling to the ground, Su Qingbai opened the curtains and walked out of the bedroom, and found a group of people are blocking his Laozi, and Laozi seems to be angry. I don’t know what it is for.

Su Qingbai stood by the door frame and asked, “What are you doing?”

Su Lingchuan met Su Qingbai, and the anger suddenly could not be restrained. He picked up the ruler and rushed to the front of Su Qingbai. He was facing the **** of Su Qingbai. Hey, it was a few rulers.

Su Qingbai was beaten and hurriedly jumped. He found a hiding place to hide. This was a grievance. “Hey, why are you hitting me?”

He was so embarrassed these days, even he himself was surprised, he even wanted to beat him?

Su Lingchuan was pulled by Mrs. Su, and he angered at Su Qingbai. “Why are you hitting you? You have done something to lose yourself. You don’t know?”

After a long while, Su Qingbai was stunned by his mother. He looked down and was pregnant. He was pregnant and almost made a small birth.

Su Qingbai was there.

“No, no, no.” Su Qingbo suddenly jumped. “I am a man, how can I get pregnant.”

This action scared everyone, and Mrs. Su rushed to help him.

Su Qingbai took Mrs. Su’s sleeve and he cried. “Mom, I don’t want it, don’t want it.” How can he have children? No.

“Mother, kill it, knock him out.” Su Qingbai took Mrs. Su’s sleeve and prayed.

And Mrs. Su is really crying. “Green cypress, you obey, listen well.”

Abortion is a great injury to women, let alone Su Qingbai is a man, a man who has not had an example.

Mrs. Su, including the entire Su family, did not dare to try. It is no worse than the capital, whether it is a doctor or a medicinal material.

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