
02- Betrayed

Cadel heard a maniacal laughter coming from Geoffrey and a cold trickle of sweat slid slowly down his neck. "What the hell did you do," asked Cadel trying to keep his voice strong and steady. 

"Oh me? I simply activated the artifact like you wanted, just maybe not in the way you wanted." 

"What the hell does that mean," Cadel's fear starting to be replaced by anger.

"We can all see our statuses; it provides us with information about our strengths, weaknesses, skills, magic, titles, and a many other assortment of things. However, the these we can see, we can change or have a modicum of power to change. We can work out and improve our stats, we can study and learned magic, though you need an affinity, and apart from you everyone has one. What this item does is allows one whomever is in control of it to change their "character sheet" and anyone's whose blood it has collected. Do you understand what I am saying? Race, sex, affinities, age, lifespan. I am almost recreate the both of us!" 

Geoffrey was panting and out of breath as he wove this fantastical description of how the item worked. Cadel paled but responded resolutely. 

"I don't believe you. That's absolutely ridiculous and what would you even change?? You're a grand magus for God's sake!" 

"It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. You'll soon find out anyway."

With a wave of his hands two giant golden screens appeared in front of Geoffrey, his mouth hung open. Describing without seeing first hand had hardly done it any justice, the power at his fingertips was immense and he was getting drunk on it. He turned to Cadel, "Can you see this?"

Cadel who could not move one iota had to reply verbally, "No I cant."

"Interesting, very interesting. Well let's start by fixing my page." Geoffrey began to copy down all of Cadel's stats and added 2 to each one, he wanted to make sure he was better than the hero in every way. From there he copied his abilities, proficiencies and even altered some of his own talents and magical affinities as well. He changed his name, age, and lifespan. He wrote twenty on the character sheet and made sure his lifespan, albeit survival, was 500 years.  He tried to make it immortality by putting a sideways eight down, but the artifact wasn't able to do it.

"Even an artifact of this magnitude has its limits...shame," Geoffrey said to no one in particular. He changed almost everything about himself from his height and muscle mass to increasing his penis size. It took him a couple hours to do everything he wanted and Cadel was forced to stand there and watch unable to see anything. There was only one final change he wanted to make.

"Huh...why can't I change my class to hero? Error? Bullshit there's no...ah. I see, there can't be two hero classes. Well that's ok I was just about to get yours done anyway," Geoffrey said scatterbrained.

Cadel couldn't see what he was doing, he could only pick up on a few words here and there like "lets him this race," and "Oh so it works like this," and "Well I guess I can allow this." He spent an equal amount of time doing Cadel's sheet as his own and for the final touch he gave himself the hero class now that Cadel's was removed. Geoffrey was a megalomaniac and wanted to revel in the power he held over Cadel. 

"Aren't you curious about what I changed," he taunted Cadel.

Cadel, unable to do anything, relented to the provocation but there was no longer any fire to his voice, "What did you do?"

"Well I removed everything I could. See I think killing you would be too boring and since you gave me this opportunity to start over I decided to do the same for you. You're going to return to ten years of age since I wasnt able to give you a class, all your skills, blessings, and stat bonuses are gone. You're stats couldn't go down to zero you'll be able to check where they're at later. I wasnt able to change any of your mental stats unfortunately; so your wisdom, intelligence, and will power are all the same as they were but I increased your charisma quite a bit. What's the point of all this power if I can't have fun with it? I want to see you fall, fall so hard that you get dizzy before thinking of taking revenge. Ive changed your race to a celestial with an angel subrace because itll mean you fell farther. I've set up a trial for you of the sorts and since I can't select your class for you I gave you...attributes and selected skills and abilities that will, probably, heavily influence the class you get. Once I locked in all your conditions at the ten year old milestone, I locked it in and determine how you'd grow. Oh how I had fun making you so make sure you enjoy it too ya?"

Before Cadel could get another word out to clear up the confusion, Geoffrey pressed "Apply Changes?" He frowned as another screen popped up in that was upsetting but nothing he was able to do about it.

[This is a one time use item. Are you sure you want to apply these changes? Y/N]

Without hesitation he pressed yes. The changes were immediate; Geoffrey grew taller, he started to grow muscles hard as stone, the loose skin on his body was pulled taut once again, his hair darkened, and still had his now dark beard tucked into his belt but these changes were not noticed by Cadel just yet. He himself was experiencing enormous amounts of discomfort. His body was shrinking, muscles deflating, his hair was turning silver, his eyes turned green, his skin both smoothed out and softened, his nails had a sheen to them and grew slightly pass the tips of his fingers, and his member was retreating into itself. To his sheer horror it didn't just get smaller, it disappeared entirely and by the time it was done, it was replaced by a slit. He screamed, only it wasn't his deep masculine voice or even the voice of a ten year old boy, it was that of a girl's. All the armor she had been wearing fell off her tiny frame, she went from 6'5" man to a 4'8" child. 

'To think the hero C...C.. I can't remember my name?? That bastard named me Vixen??!' 

She began to cry, she couldn't remember the last time she had ever cried. Through her tears she asked the one question she couldn't figure out, "Why? Why did you do this to me?"

"I wanted power, you were squandering yours. Married with all the gifts you were given, COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR MAGICAL TALENT! You're a child and a fool who didn't deserve it."

"You did all this for jealousy???"

He created some clothes no better than rags out of magic and tossed them to her. 

"Take these, I have no interest in seeing a lil girl naked. I have some loose ends to take care of before I can start enjoying this new life of mine. Where did you live again? That's right the capital city Runeford. Well since I wont want you going there anytime soon, how bout we start you off to the far west the nice river city Haulsten named after the first Duke. " 

Without waiting for a reply, a large magic circle glowed from underneath Vixen, and in a blink, she was gone. 

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