
04- Skills and Training

Vixen was sprawled out and the young man walked off the pitch. Lance looked over at the elf captain, "See Lucien sir, the woman is weak, a waste of your time."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. That young girl fights like a beast, but there are some irregularities between how she holds a weapon and how she uses her body. She used everything she could to win that fight including the sun. Some of her strategies we haven't even taught to our own squires."

Lance nodded his head but said no more he knew better than to argue with the captain, "Everyone that's fought go rest on the edge of the pitch. Once everyone has fought we'll have everyone line up like before."

Vixen and the boy went off to the side and sat down. The boy looked at her before whispering, "I'm Phillip. Sorry I couldn't take it easy on you. I don't mean that as an insult in anyway, you're an amazing fighter I was not able to afford the luxury of taking it easy on you."

"I appreciate the nice sentiment, but the result was obvious." 

Over the course of the next series of fights the boy next to her started trying to guess the outcomes of each fight. Some he got right, but he was mostly wrong. Vixen on the otherhand, silently played the game too except she was right most of the time, after all she had far more battle experience than he did.

It took the rest of the day for the mock battles to end, and when the last one finished they all lined up like they did at the beginning. The way the participants were chosen to be a squire was simple. They would go down the list of names and if any of the knights were impressed they'd choose them. If more than one knight chose the same child, the child got to pick. There were plenty of children that did not get chosen also, those who weren't were forced to go home and try another year. 

"Vixen," Lance announced as she rose to her feet, "those interested please come forward."

At first she was worried that no one would, but then the elf she had met five days past came forth with his hand raised. No one else had their hand up. Elated, she was finally able to relax. 

Once everyone had left the pitch, the elf walked up to her and she immediately got to a knee and put her head down. Her manners had to change slightly now that she was his official squire. He addressed her politely but stern.

"My name is Lucien, captain of the Haulsten knights and you, Vixen are now my first squire. As such, you'll need to look the part. Follow me." He walked off and Vixen followed close behind. They walked through the courtyard and into the knight's barracks. There was a huge table of food and an audible grumble echoed into the room.

"Sit and eat your full, I will wait for you here." Lucien said as he sat down in a comfy chair and opened the paper.

Vixen did not need telling twice, she ate with gusto the first proper meal in a long time. Once she was done Lucien led her to another room where he poured his mana into these brightly colored red stones. These firestones heated the bath that sat on top of them.

"Once you're done in here put these on," Lucien instructed putting down leather pants, a black jerkin, and fencing boots.  He also put down a nightgown. "You'll have two pairs and must be washed weekly. If you go through that door are some cots for you to sleep in, tomorrow we start your training in full."

Vixen nodded her understanding and was quite thankful to be given what she needed to survive. 

Her growth was explosive over the next few years, she had quickly learned that she would have to change the way she fought. No longer could she just over power her opponent. She may be strong but her speed and agility were much better than her strength she knew she'd have to focus on being faster and chipping away at harder to kill enemies than devastating blows. Lucien was also able to help her learn some magic. He did not have an innate affinity like she had, but enough of it to teach her a few things. From the radiant side she had learned protection circle which warded off evil creatures. She also learned cleanse which was a self targeted spells for getting rid of curses. She tried immediately but because what happened to her wasn't a curse it did nothing. Lastly, she had learned an offensive skill called Spear of Judgment. It's a powerful spell that's thrown from one's hand except the speed it travels at is astonishing. She wanted to learn some magic from the holy attribute since it was a tier higher than radiant magic , but Lucien wasnt able to help her with that. She also got a swordsmanship ability and was currently debating whether or not to incorporate a shield or work on mastering dual wielding, which if she was being honest, was more keen on the latter. She also learned a sensing techniques utilizing mana to help detect hidden enemies. 

No matter how her skills and abilities grew, it paled in comparison to what was happening to her physically. The first couple years were normal only growing in height, but once she turned thirteen two annoyances sprouted. The first her cycle started which made her regulating her already chaotic emotions more difficult, the second her bust. Geoffrey had to have done this as he set up her "attributes". At thirteen she had a C cup and from their it only got worse. At fifteen she had a DDD cup and she could feel her hips widening. Her lips filled out and she looked like she was starting to pack on muscle, finally, from all her arduous training. At 17 it seemed her breasts had finally stopped growing but sported a J cup. She trained exceptionally hard to make sure she could fight at full capacity without them getting in the way, and while it took a while the results bared fruit. Another more unusual feautre to her development was that she never grew hair on her legs, arms, under arms, or crotch. She thought she was starting to understand Geoffreys perverse nature a little bit better. 

Her awakening was within the week and she decided she wanted to do something she has never done before, pierce her ears, put on makeup and color coordinate her clothes. 

'What's happening to me,' she thought after looking at herself in the mirror. She was wearing very tight leather pants that had a metal plate on the thigh and metal shin guards. She replaced her black jerkin with a smooth fabric to lessen the friction on the metal plates that protected her chest. She wore a leather piece that came off her shoulders and hid her cleavage. She was dressed to impress, now that her cloths were decided on she was officially ready for the awakening ceremony. 

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